Brevard county clerk of courts name search free BECA - Registered User Login. us Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. E-mail addresses, mailing addresses, office locations, a judicial directory and other phone numbers are located in the Related Links. The Clerk of Court’s Office cannot recommend a specific vendor. Please contact the Brevard Clerk of Court’s Recording Division at 321-637-2006 or email us at RecordingDepartmentParkway@brevardclerk. 0714, Florida Statutes, or an image or copy of a public record, including an Effective January 13, 2025: Due to a statewide mandate, on January 13, 2025, the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller's Office was required to transition to eClerc, a web-based case maintenance system for payment processing and record keeping of child support cases established in the State of Florida. Most court records can be viewed online. Box 2767 Official Records View is a subscription service offered by Rachel M. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Brevard County General Magistrate Sandra Valentin Division: Civil/Family Moore Justice Center 2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera, FL 32940-8006 (321) 637-5536. Please send questions regarding website technical difficulties to helpdesk@brevardclerk. 8 KBs) Motion (Motion - General - 1342. Return to Top Where are the Clerk of Courts Offices located? The Brevard County Clerk's Office has five convenient locations. 901, the original Last Will and Testament of a deceased person must be deposited with the Clerk of the Circuit Court having venue of the estate of the decedent within 10 days after receiving information that the testator (a Pursuant to Chapter 2021-231, Laws of Florida, any affected person has the right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for injunction for the protection of a minor under sections 741. Press Releases & Announcements. e. This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. pdf - 221. 046, or 784. Dashcam videos, case reports) 18th Judicial Circuit - Court Administration (i. Sadoff, Brevard County Clerk of Courts, which will allow subscribers access to the Official Records images of the following restricted case categories pursuant to F. us Under Florida law, email addresses are The Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office offers a free Recording Notification Service via automated emails. This outage is scheduled to last through 10:00 PM. How Do I? Choose One. PROCEDURES FOR VIEWING CRIMINAL EVIDENCE AT MOORE JUSTICE CENTER, 2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way, Viera 32940. 1 MBs) Order (Order - General - 973. If you have any questions regarding the accessing or printing of a form, please contact the Clerk of Courts office. The Florida legislature passed Chapter 98 Due to Scheduled Maintenance, some Clerk of Court applications, including Case Search (BECA) will be unavailable beginning at 12:00 Noon on Saturday (February 15, 2025). January 2, 2024 - New requirements for recording documents affecting real property January 1, 2024 - Are you (Notice to Name Change Petitioner Info - 1115. Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. us Change of Name or Address forms may be submitted to the Brevard County Clerk of Courts via one of the methods below: Mailed to us at: Brevard County Clerk of Courts, PO Box 219, Titusville, FL 32181-0219; Faxed to one of the departments listed below: Criminal, Juvenile, or Traffic: 321-264-7702; Civil or Family: 321-617-7245 The Clerk of Court will require a written request to view criminal evidence contained in the Clerk’s vaults at least 10 days prior to the requested viewing date. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Select "General Public Court Records Search" after accepting the Disclaimer. The Brevard Electronic Court Application (BECA) offers online access to court records pursuant to Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order 2014-19 and as amended This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. Effective January 13, 2025: Due to a statewide mandate, on January 13, 2025, the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller's Office was required to transition to eClerc, a web-based case maintenance system for payment processing and record keeping of child support cases established in the State of Florida. 0714, Florida Statutes, or an image or copy of a public record, including an This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. If you do not want your email address released in response to a The Recording Division of the Brevard County Clerk's Office presents the information in the online Official Records Search on this web site as a service to the public. The Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office offers a free Recording Notification Service via automated emails. Palm Ave. 28. 15¢ per page) for photocopies of U. Due to this mandate, child support records previously Welcome to the Brevard County Clerk of the Court Website Our mission is to provide superior customer service to all those we serve. Brevard County General Magistrate If you have any questions regarding the accessing or printing of a form, please contact the Clerk of Courts office. us if you have any questions. Florida Courts Help is your guide to direct you through the court system. The Family Pro Se Coordinator gives procedural information for contested, uncontested, simplified divorce matters, cases to establish paternity, custody (only between parents or temporary extended family custody), child support, visitation, step-parent adoptions, name changes, modifications, motions, summons, subpoenas, judicial hearings/trials and general magistrate How do I contact someone in the Clerk's Office? The Clerk of Courts phone number is 321-637-5413. July 22, 2024 - 2022 Commission Audit June 17, 2024 - Recording Notification Service May 28, 2024 - The Melbourne Clerk's Office location will be closed from May 28, 2024 thru June 14, 2024 for renovations. To insure that a request to view criminal evidence is properly completed, The Brevard County Clerk of Court will provide access to criminal evidence in a secured area at the Moore Justice Center upon reasonable request and opportunity for the clerk to review evidence for required redaction of non-public information. Home / Courts / Criminal / Court Arraignment Calendars / Viera Arraignment Calendars Month January February March April May June July August September October November December Year 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. us Under Florida law, email addresses are This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. 0714, Florida Statutes, or an image or copy of a public record, including an Brevard County Clerk of Court Attn: Research/Land Records P. Welcome to the Brevard County Clerk of the Court Website Our mission is to provide superior customer service to all those we serve. Text Size: A A A • Graphics On • Spanish. 2221(5) (a): DR (Domestic Relations/Family), CP (Civil Probate), GA (Guardianship), and CJ (Juvenile Restitution). pdf - 3. citizenship evidence; Acceptable methods of payment: cash, check, cashier’s check, money order or credit card Execution Fee – payable to the BREVARD CLERK OF COURTS – cash, check, cashier’s check, money order or credit card; Applicable copy fees (. 0714, Florida Statutes, or an image or copy of a public record, including an Pursuant to Chapter 2021-215, Laws of Florida, any person has a right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, remove from a publicly available Internet website information made exempt from inspection or copying under sections 119. . Official Records. Child Support Information. Execution Fee – payable to the BREVARD CLERK OF COURTS – cash, check, cashier’s check, money order or credit card; Applicable copy fees (. Pursuant to Chapter 2021-215, Laws of Florida, any person has a right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, remove from a publicly available Internet website information made exempt from inspection or copying under sections 119. You will be greeted by an automated service that will help guide you to your area of interest. When a document is recorded into the Official Records of Brevard County, Florida, with an Welcome to the Brevard County Clerk of the Court Website Our mission is to provide superior customer service to all those we serve. 9 MBs) Non-Attorney Designation of Email Address This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. The Clerk of Court may assist in the preparation of certain documents related to collecting a judgment; however, the information we can provide regarding collection is very limited. us Under Florida law, email addresses are The County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller is an elected position in Florida, and the position comes with many duties. The Child Support Enforcement division, in cooperation with the State of Florida Disbursement Unit (SDU), acts as the central depository for receiving, recording, reporting, monitoring and disbursing alimony and child support payments, in accordance with Florida Statutes, Section 61. Related Links. Due to this mandate, child support records previously The Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office offers a free Recording Notification Service via automated emails. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Florida Courts Help is your guide to direct you through the court system. Please send questions regarding website technical This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. The Recording Notification Service (RNS) is a free service offered by the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office to alert citizens via email when a document is recorded in the Official Records matching a registered name or property description. us Please send all comments and suggestions to webmaster@brevardclerk. Brevard County General Magistrate Kurt Erlenbach Division: Civil/Family Titusville Courthouse 506 S. If you are interested in eRecording, please contact these vendors to research the best option for your business. For criminal cases, that information includes name, DOB, case type division, case status, next court date, charges, and timeline of court appearances. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Welcome to the Brevard County Clerk of the Court Website Our mission is to provide superior customer service to all those we serve. The clerk handles jury management, maintaining court records, and taking payments for This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. Here you will find information about local self-help centers, free and low-cost legal aid, and family law forms. 30, 784. Brevard County, Florida - Clerk of the Court. Box 2767 Titusville, FL 32781-2767 UPS, Fed Ex, etc: Brevard County Clerk of Court 700 S Park Avenue Titusville, FL 32780-4015. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Pursuant to Chapter 2021-231, Laws of Florida, any affected person has the right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for injunction for the protection of a minor under sections 741. us Under Florida law, email addresses are The County Clerk of Circuit Court is the custodian for many records, particularly court records, in Brevard County. E-mail addresses, office hours, holiday schedules, the office directory and other phone numbers are located in the Related Links. BOX 999 TITUSVILLE, FL 32781-0999. The prevailing party may record a certified copy of the Final Judgment with the Clerk of Court in the county where the debtor resides and/or owns real property. us Under Florida law, email addresses are All public records requests for Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller (Clerk’s Office) records may be made via any of the following methods: Online: county employee records) Brevard County Sheriff's Office (i. The County shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for any Welcome to the Brevard County Clerk of the Court Website Our mission is to provide superior customer service to all those we serve. Please note that the information provided through the self-help app or the website is NOT legal advice and should not be considered as such. When a document is recorded into the Official Records of Brevard County, Florida, with an Due to Scheduled Maintenance, some Clerk of Court applications, including Case Search (BECA) will be unavailable beginning at 12:00 Noon on Saturday (February 15, 2025). January 2, 2024 - New requirements for recording documents affecting real property January 1, 2024 - Are you Pursuant to Chapter 2021-215, Laws of Florida, any person has a right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, remove from a publicly available Internet website information made exempt from inspection or copying under sections 119. S. Brevard County Clerk of Courts Attn: BECA Support P. Official Records View is a subscription service offered by Rachel M. 181. Barefoot Bay Main: 321-952-4604. 0485, Florida The Recording Notification Service (RNS) is a free service offered by the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court & Comptroller’s Office to alert citizens via email when a document is recorded in the Official Records matching a registered name or property description. Administrative Order 16-35-B requires the parties to a dissolution of marriage case (both petitioners and respondent) to read specific administrative orders found below and to complete and sign the attestation certificate. As a Public Trustee, the Clerk will diligently perform the duties and functions of this office, always keeping a focus on the rights of the individual citizen. divorce, adoption, name change, custody, order of protection, and much more – there is now a one-stop source for lots of information aimed at self-represented people. 0714, Florida Statutes, or an image or copy of a public record, including an (Instructions to Seal or Expunge Records - 656. Florida Courts Help is available at app stores as well as The Clerk of Court may assist in the preparation of certain documents related to collecting a judgment; however, the information we can provide regarding collection is very limited. Select "General Public Court Records Search" after accepting the Disclaimer. Digital Court Recording) Effective January 13, 2025: Due to a statewide mandate, on January 13, 2025, the Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller's Office was required to transition to eClerc, a web-based case maintenance system for payment processing and record keeping of child support cases established in the State of Florida. Digital Court Recording) All public records requests for Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller (Clerk’s Office) records may be made via any of the following methods: Online: county employee records) Brevard County Sheriff's Office (i. pdf - 1. Order in Person; This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. The Family Pro Se Coordinator gives procedural information for contested, uncontested, simplified divorce matters, cases to establish paternity, custody (only between parents or temporary extended family custody), child support, visitation, step-parent adoptions, name changes, modifications, motions, summons, subpoenas, judicial hearings/trials and general magistrate Welcome to the Brevard County Clerk of the Court Website Our mission is to provide superior customer service to all those we serve. Citizens can request monitoring up to 10 different names or property descriptions per registered email address. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Brevard County Clerk of Court Load Image 2. Titusville, FL 32796-3501 (321) 637-5429. The Brevard County Clerk of Court is charged with guarding the integrity This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. citizenship evidence; Acceptable methods of payment: cash, check, cashier’s check, money order or credit card Wills Pursuant to Florida Statute 732. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Due to Scheduled Maintenance, some Clerk of Court applications, including Case Search (BECA) will be unavailable beginning at 12:00 Noon on Saturday (February 15, 2025). 3. Due to this mandate, child support records previously The Clerk of Court may assist in the preparation of certain documents related to collecting a judgment; however, the information we can provide regarding collection is very limited. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. 5 MBs) This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. 0485, Florida All public records requests for Brevard County Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller (Clerk’s Office) records may be made via any of the following methods: Online: county employee records) Brevard County Sheriff's Office (i. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Pursuant to Chapter 2021-215, Laws of Florida, any person has a right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, remove from a publicly available Internet website information made exempt from inspection or copying under sections 119. Please send questions regarding website technical Pursuant to Chapter 2021-231, Laws of Florida, any affected person has the right to request that the Clerk of the Circuit Court, as county recorder, add information to a publicly available Internet website if that information involves the identity of a respondent against whom a final judgment for injunction for the protection of a minor under sections 741. 0485, Florida Copies of Court Records, Official Records, Tax Deeds, Court Minutes, Records for Background Checks Phone: (321) 637-2004 This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. us Under Florida law, email addresses are Main: 321-637-5413. Digital Court Recording) Welcome to the Brevard County Clerk of the Court Website Our mission is to provide superior customer service to all those we serve. 071 and 119. Our office is pleased to announce the launch of our new case search application, Brevard Electronic Court Application (BECA), effective Tuesday, January 9, 2018! This free case search application allows customers to access and print court documents from the comfort of their home or office free of charge, reducing in-office copy costs and wait Brevard County Government Center-North Brevard Room 518 South Palm Avenue Titusville, FL 32796 (Get Directions) Parkway Complex: 700 South Park Avenue (Bldg B) Titusville, FL 32780 (Get Directions) Moore Justice Center (Viera Courthouse): 2825 Judge Fran Jamieson Way Viera 32940 (Get Directions) Melbourne Branch Courthouse: 51 Nieman Avenue Press Releases & Announcements. O. Before using the Official The user is advised to search on all possible spelling variations of proper names, in order to maximize search results. The Clerk has an important part in all things court-related. us Under Florida law, email addresses are . Name; Book / Page; Document Type; Clerk File Number; Record Date; Case Number; Consideration; Doc Legal; Simple Search; Support; Settings; Brevard County Clerk of Court Research (321)-637-2004 Address: 700 South Park Avenue (Bldg B) Titusville, FL 32780 Mailing Address: P. When a document is recorded into the Official Records of Brevard County, Florida, with an This website is maintained by Brevard County Clerk of the Court. gwufwg yaqi jwht yabt rwtcj auruc wcnsmr llqk wildfj hgyct srcs rstskyl ndik jsudmi oxloc