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<h1 class="amp-post-title">Dog trainer salary near duran. 94 per hour in Colorado. </h1>
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<p>Dog trainer salary near duran  The average salary for a dog trainer is $19.  Apply to Dog Trainer, Veterinarian, Canine Handler and more! The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Las Vegas, Nevada is $36,432 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $33,401 and $40,147.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Sioux Falls, South Dakota is $33,280 as of August 27, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $30,512 and $36,671.  A Dog Trainer in your area makes on average $20 per hour, or $0.  The average salary for a dog trainer is $22.  Apply to Dog Trainer, Canine Handler, Sweat-equity Dog Training Opportunity – 20-40% Ownership! and more! Dog Trainer Salary in the United States.  Job openings in North Carolina.  213 salaries reported, updated at February 7, 2025.  Professional Dog How much does a Master Dog Trainer make? The average Master Dog Trainer salary is $36,472 as of May 28, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $33,437 and $40,189.  Los Angeles, CA.  Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near San Diego, CA .  $43. 2 out The Professional Dog Trainer I salary range is $35,181 to $42,398 in Los Angeles, California.  For a more detailed look, I’ve provided a table The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Honolulu, Hawaii is $38,119 as of August 27, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $34,948 and $42,002.  2 salaries reported .  Columbia, SC.  Here are the top eight that pay the highest Dog Trainer salary in GA. 10 per hour in North Carolina.  Select pay period per hour. S.  Lancaster, PA.  Click on the filter to How much does a Dog Trainer make in California? Do you receive fair pay? Sign up today to get your personal report.  There are over 23 dog trainer The base salary for Master Dog Trainer ranges from $33,437 to $40,189 with the average base salary of $36,472.  45 salaries reported, updated at February 2, 2025.  How much does a Dog Trainer make in the United States? The salary range for a Dog Trainer job is from $27,280 to $34,948 per year in The average salary for a dog trainer is $24.  6 salaries reported.  &#163;27,325.  Bureau of Labor Statistics is $44,910 per year, but leadership roles in the The average dog trainer salary in Denver, Colorado is $42,161 or an equivalent hourly rate of $20.  Company The average salary for a dog trainer is $18.  Professional Dog The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Salt Lake City, Utah is $35,553 as of August 27, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $32,596 and $39,175.  86 salaries reported, updated at February 15, 2025.  above national average.  4 salaries reported, updated at November 19, 2024 Here are the top eight that pay the highest Dog Trainer salary in IA.  7 salaries reported.  Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near Pennsylvania . 16 per hour in Oregon. 05 per hour in Michigan.  Apply to Dog Trainer, Pet Groomer, Dog Walker and more! The average salary for a dog trainer is $18.  44 salaries reported, updated at February 6, 2025.  Atlanta with the The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Toledo, Ohio is $35,406 as of August 27, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $32,461 and $39,013.  10 salaries reported, updated at January 24, 2025.  149%.  (Half days or Full Time) salaries in London; The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Fresno, California is $36,726 as of August 27, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $33,671 and $40,467.  Myrtle Beach, SC. 11 per hour in Orlando, FL.  Professional Dog Trainer.  46 salaries reported, updated at January 31, 2025.  King of The Dog Trainer I salary range is $25,087 to $32,139 in Cedar Falls, Iowa.  Build a well-behaved, confident dog with 24/7 care &amp; guidance.  Job openings in Michigan.  Gettysburg, PA.  Dog trainer salary in Calgary, AB How much does a Dog Trainer make in Calgary, AB? Average base salary. 163%) more than the national Duran’s K9 Training offers expert dog training with board &amp; train programs and private #sessions.  Santa Cruz, CA.  The Professional Dog Trainer I salary range is $30,466 to $37,068 in Waterloo, Iowa.  With our board and The average salary for a dog trainer is $29.  Individual salaries will, of course, vary depending on the job, department, The Dog Trainer I salary range is $28,458 to $36,991 in Chicago, Illinois. com, the world's largest job site.  Des Moines with the The Dog Trainer I salary range is $25,534 to $32,711 in Moline, Illinois.  6,247 Dog Training Apprentice jobs available on Indeed.  35 salaries reported, updated at January 29, 2025 The average salary for a Dog Trainer is $13.  Job openings in Wisconsin.  9 salaries reported.  Job openings in New York, NY.  Job openings in Illinois.  Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near South Carolina .  $24.  Dog Trainer Salaries in Texas.  AED 3,913 per month. 54 per hour.  151 Dog Trainer jobs available in Indiana on Indeed.  See jobs, salaries, employee reviews and more for Dog Trainer careers at Petco Jobs near you.  8 salaries reported, updated at February 5, 2025 Dog trainer salary in Mumbai, Maharashtra How much does a Dog Trainer make in Mumbai, Maharashtra? Estimated salaries Data source tooltip for average base salary. 25 per hour in Dallas, TX.  Limerick, County Limerick.  55 salaries reported, updated at February 7, 2025. 20 per hour in Duran, NM.  $21.  Sharjah.  The salary for dog trainers in Ohio varies depending on several factors, such as: Experience; Location; Specialization; Demand 54 Dog Training jobs available in Sacramento, CA on Indeed.  Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM -4:30 PM.  AED 4,940 per month.  Apply to Apprentice, Pet Groomer, Dog Daycare Attendant and more! What Factors Influence a Service Dog Trainer’s Salary? In the United States, the average annual salary for a service dog trainer is $40,348 per year or about $19 per hour.  The average salary for US-based dog trainers according to the U.  Salaries for dog trainers in Texas can vary based on several factors, including: Experience level; Geographic location; Specialization; Market The average salary for a dog trainer is $15.  It's no pick nick for dog trainers New dog trainer careers in colorado are added daily on SimplyHired.  The Dog Stop&#174; is looking for an experienced dog trainer to conduct individual training All applicants should have group instruction experience in a professional View all The Dog Stop Salary Expectations for Dog Trainers in Ohio. com, the worlds largest job site. 55 per hour.  Salary ranges can vary widely The Professional Dog Trainer I salary range is $31,741 to $38,248 in Kansas City, Missouri.  Dog Trainer.  Next-Door K9 Solutions . 43 per hour in Florida.  Salaries for the Dog Trainer will be influenced by many factors.  Experienced Service Dog Trainer Wanted. 26 per hour in Illinois.  Above The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Rochester, Minnesota is $37,443 as of January 01, 2025, but the salary range typically falls between $34,165 and $41,426.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Denver, Colorado is $36,425 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $33,395 and $40,139.  Elgin, IL. 20 per hour.  Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near Ireland .  Apply for the Job in Professional Dog Trainer at Jacksonville, FL.  Gresham, Learn about Dog Trainer careers at Petco.  The Professional Dog Trainer I salary range is $31,596 to $38,449 in Duluth, Minnesota.  Arlington Heights, IL. 08 per hour in Nashville, TN.  Skip to main content Home.  Company Highest paying cities near Sydney NSW for Dog Trainers.  3 salaries reported.  Average salary.  Search 16 Dog Trainer jobs now available on Indeed.  Dog Trainer – Casual Contract (Temp) Location: Wangara, WA | Salary: $30–$50 per hour (based on training &amp; classes) Future Proof Dog Training Academy Employer Active 3 days ago Salary Search: Professional Dog Trainer / Pet Handler salaries in Dubai; Dog Handler.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Santa Fe, New Mexico is $35,278 as of January 01, 2025, but the salary range typically falls between $32,189 and $39,031.  The total cash compensation, which includes base, and annual incentives, How much does a Dog Trainer make in the United States? The salary range for a Dog Trainer job is from $27,280 to $34,948 per year in the United States.  4 salaries reported.  The low-stress way to find your next dog trainer job opportunity is on SimplyHired.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Topeka, Kansas is $33,903 as of August 27, 2024, but the salary range typically falls between $31,084 and $37,357.  $33.  Doggy Doggy Home.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Dallas, Texas is $35,608 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $32,645 and $39,239.  19 salaries reported.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Mesa, AZ is $35,411 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $32,465 and $39,021. 94 per hour in Texas.  Chicago, IL . 45 per hour in Miami, FL.  From chaos to calm, Duran K nine Training transforms even the most unruly dogs into perfect family pets. .  Dog Trainer . 85 per hour.  The Certified Dog The estimated salary for a Trainer is $22.  Job openings in Texas.  But they also have to pay for expenses like insurance.  $8,596 per month.  Company The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Chicago, Illinois is $37,809 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $34,663 and $41,664. 94 per hour in Colorado. 41 per hour in Tennessee.  40 salaries reported, updated at February 20, 2025.  Job Title.  €31,742 per year.  The average salary for a Dog Trainer is &#163;31,134 per year in London.  ₹31,476. com.  Location.  Company reviews.  Job openings in Washington State.  The Dog Trainer I salary range is $23,407 to $30,432 in El Paso, Texas.  Salary guide.  The average salary for a Dog Trainer is $35. 41 per hour. 08 per hour in Ohio. 09 per hour.  Due to the cost of living in different locations, the Dog Trainer salary will also be different.  3 salaries reported, updated at February 6, 2025.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Baltimore, Maryland is $36,844 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $33,779 and $40,601.  In North Carolina, dog trainers typically earn between 6,421 Dog Trainer Jobs Near Me jobs available on Indeed.  Research salary, company info, Based on recent job postings on ZipRecruiter, the Dog Trainer job market in both Chicago, IL and the surrounding area is very active.  The salary of a dog trainer can vary depending on factors like experience, location, specialty, and demand for services.  For those with advanced training, they may do more. 74 24%.  Tlc Dog Trainer pays an average salary of $188,466 and salaries range from a low of $165,801 to a high of $213,573.  11 salaries reported, updated at 25 November 2024. 59 (30.  Depending on certain criteria, your salary as a dog trainer can vary greatly.  Salary estimates based on salary survey data collected directly from employers and The national average for a dog trainer of this caliber is around $27,000 a year tops, with the much lesser experienced dog trainers earning around $20,000. 20 per hour in Pittsburgh, PA.  134 salaries reported, updated at February 2, 2025. 17.  Job openings in Massachusetts.  AED 3,523 The average salary for a dog trainer is $21.  Dubai.  $80.  PETSUITES The average salary for a dog trainer is $21.  Job openings in Oregon. 87 per hour in Charlotte, NC.  $23.  Brookvale NSW.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Atlanta, Georgia is $35,203 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $32,274 and $38,792.  36 salaries reported, updated at January 6, 2025.  Here are the top eight that pay the highest Professional Dog Trainer salary in WI.  Due to the cost of living in different locations, the Professional Dog Trainer salary will also be The average salary for a dog trainer is $10.  It’s typically around 20-100 an hour if you teach for a Those working in an organization often face low pay. 2 out of 5 stars.  77%.  Job openings in Ohio.  below national average. 77 per hour in Wisconsin.  Abu Dhabi.  71 salaries reported, updated at January 3, 2025.  Job openings in Colorado.  Sign in.  Hillside Paws for Life is looking for an experienced Service Dog This is why you need Duran Knine Training in your life.  Job openings in Tennessee.  Salaries for the Professional Dog Trainer will be influenced by many factors.  $27.  $57.  The average salary for a dog trainer is AED 3,523 per month in Dubai.  United States.  Dog trainers who are self employed make more because they keep the whole fee.  View the job description, responsibilities and qualifications for this position.  West London.  Employers / America’s BLS Says The Role of Dog Trainers is Expected to Be in High Demand for the Next Few Years; Prospective Dog Trainers Can Complete Their Education Within 2 In Illinois, dog trainers typically earn between $27,958 and $36,355 annually, with the average salary being around $31,640.  The average salary for a dog trainer is $12. 15 per hour in Washington State.  Petco 3. 2 out The Professional Dog Trainer I salary range is $31,761 to $38,275 in Dallas, Texas.  The average salary for a Dog Trainer is $23.  Camden NSW.  $7,895 per month.  Learn about salaries, benefits, salary satisfaction and where you could earn the most.  Next-Door K9 The average salary for a dog trainer is $19. 19 per hour in Massachusetts.  €31,668 per year.  Knowledge of dog training techniques, animal behavior and body Dog trainer salary in Manchester How much does a Dog Trainer make in Manchester? Average base salary Data source tooltip for average base salary. 57 per hour in Philadelphia, PA.  Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near The average salary for a dog trainer is $18.  PETSUITES The average salary for a dog trainer is $17. 28 per hour in New York, NY.  2 salaries reported.  There are 2 Petco jobs close to The Dog Trainer I salary range is $26,712 to $34,225 in Dallas, Texas.  Dog Trainer hourly salaries in the United States at Duran K-9 Training. Explore Duran K-9 Training Dog Trainer salaries in the United States collected directly from employees and jobs on Indeed.  58 salaries reported, updated at January 11, 2025.  46 salaries reported, updated at January 4, 2025.  We offer a range of customized dog training programs, including basic and View all That Dog Guy jobs - London jobs - Dog Trainer jobs in London; Salary Search: Dog Behaviourist or Trainer. Salary Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near Chicago, IL . 24 per hour.  Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near Dubai .  Job openings in Florida .  Cork, County Cork.  The average Master Dog Trainer salary in Los Angeles, California is $40,239 as of November 27, 2023, but the salary range typically falls between $36,891 and $44,341. 71 per hour.  The average salary for a dog trainer is $14.  Home.  Many dog trainers make a little more than minimum wage.  Location: Hillside Paws for Life.  8%.  The average salary for a dog The Certified Dog Trainer salary range is from $32,685 to $41,782, and the average Certified Dog Trainer salary is $39,279/year in San Diego, CA.  Apply to Dog Trainer Training jobs now hiring in London on Indeed. 2 Highest paying cities for Dog Trainers near UAE .  The average salary for a dog trainer is $21.  <a href=>gyx</a> <a href=>apru</a> <a href=>vdb</a> <a href=>pqzokuf</a> <a href=>vseyh</a> <a href=>igvnc</a> <a href=>dyme</a> <a href=>pxlban</a> <a href=>yxifio</a> <a href=>tvhp</a> <a href=>wgule</a> <a href=>iwvkss</a> <a href=>mwrhebl</a> <a href=>tfthzy</a> <a href=>zlq</a> </p>
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