Your IP :
class CAjax
public static function Init()
// old version should be here because of compatibility
public static function GetComponentID($componentName, $componentTemplate, $additionalID)
$aTrace = Bitrix\Main\Diag\Helper::getBackTrace(0, DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS);
$trace_count = count($aTrace);
$trace_current = $trace_count - 1;
for ($i = 0; $i < $trace_count; $i++)
if (strtolower($aTrace[$i]['function']) == 'includecomponent' && (($c = strtolower($aTrace[$i]['class'])) == 'callmain' || $c == 'cmain'))
$trace_current = $i;
$sSrcFile = $aTrace[$trace_current]["file"];
$iSrcLine = intval($aTrace[$trace_current]["line"]);
if ($iSrcLine > 0 && $sSrcFile != '')
$session_string = $sSrcFile
. '|' . $iSrcLine
. '|' . $componentName
. '|' . ($componentTemplate ?: '.default')
. '|' . $additionalID
return md5($session_string);
return false;
public static function GetSession()
return $_REQUEST[BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID] ?? false;
public static function GetSessionParam($ajax_id = false)
if (!$ajax_id)
$ajax_id = CAjax::GetSession();
if ($ajax_id)
return BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID . '=' . $ajax_id;
return '';
public static function AddSessionParam($url, $ajax_id = false)
$url_anchor = mb_strstr($url, '#');
if ($url_anchor !== false)
$url = mb_substr($url, 0, -mb_strlen($url_anchor));
$url .= str_contains($url, '?') ? '&' : '?';
$url .= CAjax::GetSessionParam($ajax_id);
if (isset($_REQUEST['AJAX_CALL']))
$url .= '&AJAX_CALL=Y';
if ($url_anchor !== false)
$url .= $url_anchor;
return $url;
// $text = htmlspecialcharred
public static function GetLinkEx($real_url, $public_url, $text, $container_id, $additional = '')
if (!$public_url)
$public_url = $real_url;
return sprintf(
'<a href="%s" onclick="BX.ajax.insertToNode(\'%s\', \'%s\'); return false;" %s>%s</a>',
// $text - no htmlspecialchar
public static function GetLink($url, $text, $container_id, $additional = '')
return CAjax::GetLinkEx($url, false, htmlspecialcharsbx($text), htmlspecialcharsbx($container_id), $additional);
public static function GetForm($form_params, $container_id, $ajax_id, $bReplace = true, $bShadow = true)
static $rndGenerator = null;
if (!$rndGenerator)
$rndGenerator = new \Bitrix\Main\Type\RandomSequence("BX_AJAX");
$rnd = $rndGenerator->randString(6);
return '
<form ' . trim($form_params) . '><input type="hidden" name="' . BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID . '" id="' . BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID . '_' . $ajax_id . '_' . $rnd . '" value="' . $ajax_id . '" /><input type="hidden" name="AJAX_CALL" value="Y" /><script type="text/javascript">
function _processform_' . $rnd . '(){
if (BX(\'' . BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID . '_' . $ajax_id . '_' . $rnd . '\'))
var obForm = BX(\'' . BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID . '_' . $ajax_id . '_' . $rnd . '\').form;
BX.bind(obForm, \'submit\', function() {' . CAjax::GetFormEventValue($container_id, $bReplace, $bShadow, '"') . '});
BX.removeCustomEvent(\'onAjaxSuccess\', _processform_' . $rnd . ');
if (BX(\'' . BX_AJAX_PARAM_ID . '_' . $ajax_id . '_' . $rnd . '\'))
_processform_' . $rnd . '();
BX.addCustomEvent(\'onAjaxSuccess\', _processform_' . $rnd . ');
public static function ClearForm($form_params, $ajax_id = false)
$form_params = str_replace(CAjax::GetSessionParam($ajax_id), '', $form_params);
return '<form ' . trim($form_params) . '>';
public static function GetFormEvent($container_id)
return 'onsubmit="BX.ajax.submitComponentForm(this, \'' . htmlspecialcharsbx(CUtil::JSEscape($container_id)) . '\', true);"';
public static function GetFormEventValue($container_id, $bReplace = true, $bShadow = true, $event_delimiter = '\'')
$delimiter = $event_delimiter == '\'' ? '"' : '\'';
return 'BX.ajax.submitComponentForm(this, ' . $delimiter . CUtil::JSEscape($container_id) . $delimiter . ', true)';
//return 'jsAjaxUtil.'.($bReplace ? 'Insert' : 'Append').'FormDataToNode(this, '.$delimiter.$container_id.$delimiter.', '.($bShadow ? 'true' : 'false').')';
public static function encodeURI($str)
//$str = 'view'.$str;
return $str;
public static function decodeURI($str)
$pos = mb_strpos($str, 'view');
if ($pos !== 0)
return false;
$str = str_replace(["\r", "\n"], "", mb_substr($str, 4));
if (preg_match("'^(/bitrix/|http://|https://|ftp://)'i", $str))
return false;
return $str;