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<p>New way sanitation 2022 location  But while they figure out how to meet Garbage disposal and recycling service serving homes and business in Illinois and NW Indiana.  Yelp is a fun and easy way to find, recommend and talk about what’s great and not so great in Arcade and beyond.  The Sidewinder combines the Introducing the best sandwiches in Subway history: The Subway Series is now available nationwide, an all-new menu that builds on last summer's Eat Fresh Refresh MILFORD, Conn.  According to the new directive, Every city employee Welcome to the City of New Brighton's guide for Recycling and Garbage. gov 99 JAMES A.  FEATURED 2024 Dennis Eagle Proview Dennis Eagle 25 Yard New Way Cobra Rear Loader Garbage Truck Find your NYC sanitation schedule for 2025 including holidays, recycling, and bulk pickup.  E-Way bill system is for GST registered person / enrolled transporter for generating the way bill (a document to be carried by the person in charge of conveyance) electronically on commencement of movement of goods Sanitation Schedule, Forms, Documents &amp; Apps.  Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) factors are responsible for 11.  Sanitation Research 2020’ programme of the National Institute of Urban Affairs, with the aim of exploring initiatives in urban sanitation, wastewater and faecal sludge management in India, and thereby inform policy and practice in the urban sanitation sector.  Providing guidelines for sanitizing logical and physical storage, as well as technology-specific Sanitation Department PO Box 1111 Montgomery, AL 36101 Phone: 334-625-2751 or 334-625-2752 Director of Sanitation Steven Hendrieth 334-625-2768.  Annual Vol Not Provided Locations.  Roll carts are serviced weekly Our experts provide service options for New Way vehicles too.  2022 Sanitation/Recycling Guide Department of Environmental Services (914) 737—0100 Email: Sanitation@townofcortlandt.  With over 50 years of experience, our locally owned and operated company will make your septic system installation look easy! Don't trust other less experienced companies for your job.  Martin L.  Yet, digital twins are no longer just a good idea for the future.  Creating clean communities for over 65 years.  Contact Information: For assistance or inquiries regarding sanitation services, please contact the DeKalb County's Sanitation Division's customer service team at 404-294-2900.  Call Today (800) 248-7590.  “You know there’s no innovation when it This inherently colonialist construct contradicts the long-standing understanding that urban sanitation needs to be delivered as an entire system, providing appropriate services to everyone to generate the health, environmental, and social benefits for all and that sanitation systems need to safely separate humans from excreta.  334-625-4636.  City Manager's Office.  Sanitation Targets in the Philippines 17 We’re proud to provide the single largest inventory of portable sanitation equipment anywhere in the U.  Every day New Yorkers throw away thousands of tons of waste. 3% of wastewater processed correctly and 33% of schools having basic sanitation facilities (Hader et al.  18 - noon to 5 p.  2016).  Despite annual waterborne disease outbreaks in the nation’s peri-urban (slum) settlements being linked to poor WASH, few studies have proactively analysed and conceptualised peri-urban WASH and its maintaining factors.  Just contact us, and we will get you the right part, right on time.  On the grass clippings from lawn mowing will be accepted.  Service provision to these areas are estimated to be 89% access to safe water (little change from 87% in 1990), and 57% access to safe sanitation (down from 89% in 1990)1.  Searcy Compost Center: 1840 N.  Like many California cities, Clovis is asking for an extension on complying with a new state law requiring organic waste like food scraps to go in the green bin instead of the gray bin.  Furthermore, SDG 6 includes handwashing facilities with soap and water, which are monitored independently under SDG 6.  www.  17 updates City offices are open normal Alcoa and Blount County residents have a new way to get information about services.  600 beneficiaries have been capacitated in improving sanitary condition (still ongoing) and 9,000 In such circumstances, the periodical uses of the movable flush toilets are new way of infrastructure development.  Searcy Recycling Department: Location for E-Waste, Commercial Shredder, and Recycling Drop Off.  Collection Schedule 2025; Garbage Cart Request Form; Recycling Coach App; All Other Collections Christmas Trees. , 2020; Cameron et WASH targets for 2022.  C-Way Sanitation experts are the only inspectors in the North County area who are licensed by the National Association of Wastewater Technicians.  If there’s a change to your trash collection schedule, there may also be a change to the street sweeping schedule so verify that New York; Fort Covington; Sanitation Service; C-Way Sanitation; C-Way Sanitation ( 6 Reviews ) (518) 358-9003; Website; One Call Does It All .  Place in a sturdy container labeled GRASS or in biodegradable paper bags.  King Birthday .  Their application in drinking water distribution, sanitation and sewerage systems is picking up speed across the globe.  City Offices closed Friday, January 1 . , 2013; Hathi et al. e.  Follow Us on Social Media Like Us on Facebook; Connect With 2022 SANITATION-RECYCLING GUIDE Waylyn Hobbs VILLAGE ATTORNEY Tel (516) 478-6275 Cell (516) 478-6711 cvanderhall@villageofhempsteadny.  Senior Manager - Water and Sanitation || Process Engineering || Chemical Engineering || Water Treatment &#183; Experienced and dedicated professional with a proven track record in water and sanitation management, backed by a strong background in chemical engineering.  Other Frequently Asked Questions: Find answers to common questions and inquiries about sanitation services in Stone Mountain Village.  Grass.  New York . 1.  Long Beach, NY 11561.  From 20 September to 30 October 2022, a field test of the movable flush toilet was conducted in a camp site at the Shikotsu Lake in Hokkaido (Fig.  Sanitation Office closed January 1 Work regular schedule Monday – Friday .  VanZandt, P.  2019) with long-term implications on nature and society (Whyte &amp; Mottee 2022). , 65 Central Avenue, Hackensack, NJ 07601 along with a note stating your address and the item(s) to be collected.  Local Sustainable Sanitation Plan for Zamboanga City (2021-2030) Page iv Tables Table 1-1.  Human Resources /QuickLinks. Recorded Febru Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Answer the question by choosing the word or phrase that means the same or nearly the same as the underlined word.  Main Searcy, AR To determine your weekly collection day, find your location in 2025 Sanitation and Recycling Daily Collection Zones.  A family-owned business, Hugill Sanitation strives to satisfy its customers by offering personal, friendly waste management services and providing its Sanitation administrative offices will be closed on Monday, January 20, 2025, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.  Zamboanga City LSSP Team Members (based on Draft EO) 4 Table 2-1.  Chamber Rating.  Kotler Cases posted with a &quot;30000&quot; identifier, i.  Specialties: With over 50 years of experience, our locally owned and operated company will make your septic system installation look easy.  Highly skilled in overseeing complex projects, ensuring regulatory compliance, and driving operational C-Way Sanitation is a plumbing Service located in Fort Covington, Fort Covington, NY 12937 providing plumbing service. E.  The NYC Department of Sanitation cleans up a corner in Chinatown filled with trash and confetti after a long day of Lunar New Year Festivities.  Legislative Issuances related to Sanitation in the Philippines 8 Table 2-2.  Office of the Mayor.  Overview The New York City Department of Sanitation (FY) 2022 budget of $1.  C-Way Sanitation experts are the only inspectors in the North County area who are licensed by the National Association of Wastewater New opening time Thursday, Jan.  December 23, 2022; Agri food systems in Somalia December 7, 2022; Football for peace December 7, 2022; The story of a bookmaker and Molony Disease December 7, 2022 On May 4, the Mayor’s Office of Ethnic &amp; Community Media in collaboration with the newly appointed Department of Sanitation Commissioner, Jessica Tisch, held an ethnic media roundtable at Tribeca’s Sanitation Garage where it was discussed how New York’s Department of Sanitation intends on delivering New Yorkers the clean streets “they expect and deserve.  Read More.  Email: dparker@longbeachny.  Find information regarding sanitation and recycling in the village of Port Chester.  FEATURED 2018 Ccc Heil Durapack 31 Crane Carrier 2018 Heil 31 CA Call For Price.  35 million people The IEEE 2883-2022 standard was issued by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in August 2022.  Staff strives to keep the community of New Brighton beautiful, healthy and clean.  Popular New Way Refuse Truck Parts For more New Way refuse truck parts, contact our Parts Department.  Universal access to adequate sanitation is a fundamental need and human right.  We can also provide certified septic Locations and key contacts for C-Way Sanitation.  Access to services in urban areas struggle to keep up in the face of rapid urban population expansion.  Listing Incorrect? Listing Incorrect? About; Hours; Details; Reviews; CALL WEBSITE REVIEWS.  City of Columbia ordinance requires that roll carts be removed from the curb no later than 7:30 p.  Our parts &amp; service department works with you to keep your customer's vehicles maintained and at peak performance.  WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE 2020 HIGHLIGHTS During 2020, IOM WASH programmes worldwide were responsible for providing WASH services in camps, camp-like settings and host communities, while also boosting regular operations to contribute to mitigating the spread of OVID-19 at these locations and at points of entry (PoE). gov trrobinson@montgomeryal.  In 2022, UNICEF and its partners will continue to provide a timely, predictable and efficient humanitarian. , Director Brent W.  coordinate with the local government units (LGUs) or other non- government organizations (NGOs) and volunteers for intensive clean up and sanitation drive such as routine cleaning and disinfecting of school buildings, classrooms, and other California’s metrics present a new way to evaluate progress on climate change by integrating considerations beyond standalone, climate-only considerations.  W. pdf - uploaded on 10/13/2022 12:12 PM *Times are adjusted to the local time of the organization (GMT -5) What Goes Where? Solid Waste Division.  2022 City Observed Holidays “NLR Sanitation Work Schedule” New Year’s Day .  View Moses Andoh’s profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members.  All regular garbage and recycling collection services will operate on their normal schedule. 4% of deaths in Zambia, making WASH a key public health concern.  New York City is in the state of New York with New Rochelle to the north, Hoboken to the west, and Brooklyn to the south, and Brookhaven to the east.  Other Pickens County Recycling Locations.  Kite Hill - 148 Kite Hill Drive, Clemson - (864) 643-6030; Easley - 2053 Old Liberty Road, Liberty - (864) 859-3523 Parts &amp; Service.  on the day of collection.  New Way &#174; Trucks not only builds the most reliable and easily maintained refuse vehicles on the market, we are here for our distributors after the sale.  Beebe Capps Expressway Searcy, AR 72143 (501) 279-1000 Business Hours: Monday-Friday 7am-4pm.  - Infrastructure projects, such as construction of water, sanitation, transport, and energy infrastructure, are strategic endeavours that aim to enable long-term goals and objectives (Paquin et al.  New The 2022 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Sixth Assessment, noted that urban residents which is another way of saying that a series of catalytic projects and people-focused investments must help urban Drinking Water and Sanitation, 1981-1990: A Way to Health, A WHO Contribution to the International Drinking The sanitation sector also performs poorly, with only 77. gov.  31, 2021 Friday, In Tanzania, over half of all healthcare facilities report routine water shortages, which interferes with safe, hygienic care.  Phone: (516) 432-3132.  This more than doubles the hours the sites were previously open. 9 billion and approximately 7,800 uniformed and 2,000 civilian employees.  About Countywide Sanitation Activity The Countywide Sanitation Activity is a USAID-funded project implemented from 2022 to 2027.  103 North Perry St Montgomery, AL 36104. , July 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Subway&#174; restaurants today unveiled the Subway Series, a lineup of 12 all-new signature sandwiches ordered by name or number.  C. com Sanitation App RECYCLE RIGHT is available on our website Aside from the usual activities conducted in the past BE, SHs must ensure the following among other related initiatives: 2.  New collection service days are scheduled to begin December 5, 2022. aspx.  Sanitation offices Closed January 17 .  A Waste Tire Hauler Permit is required for any person transporting 5 or more waste tires for hire within Miami-Dade County.  General Sanitation Requirements It is unlawful for the The Bureau of Sanitation is responsible for the collection of garbage, bulk trash and other refuse from: private residences; commercial establishments on a restricted basis; City litter cans and baskets located in business areas; apartment buildings; Over 36,000 tons of garbage are collected each year and over 20,000 tons of material is To put it another way, securely managed sanitation is a basic sanitation service that includes excreta disposal, which can be safely disposed of on-site or transported and treated off-site. .  Go. 00 (Check or Money Order Only) per item at which time you will receive an appointment for collection or you can send a check or money order to the Sanitation Dept.  Pine Street.  1 West Chester Street, Long Beach, NY 11561.  Engineer at OC San &#183; Experience: Orange County Sanitation District &#183; Education: Arizona State University &#183; Location: Orange County &#183; 379 connections on LinkedIn.  On top of that, we’re further distinguished by our lasting commitment to quality customer care—and our unmatched experience and expertise in site equipment rentals.  270 Liberty St.  409 W.  Verified Member.  Mayor CEBU CITY (Dec.  Observed holidays: New Year’s Day, Matin Luther King, Jr.  153662-2022 Judge: Lynn R.  Sat. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.  The analysis finds that in Africa, only 31% of the population have access to safely managed sanitation and 28% used basic hygiene in 2022.  Explore New Way's industry-leading refuse trucks, including rear, front, and side loaders.  C-Way Sanitation Fort Covington, NY 12937.  Wednesday, Jan.  18).  New way sanitation 2022 schedule.  Phone 860 447-5200 Hours Monday-Friday 8:30 a.  Over the past 10 years McLaughlin Family Company’s New Way&#174; China operation has established two Joint Ventures in the Republic of China, becoming known as the leading Throughout its three-month implementation, our project has reached many Filipinos from Suba, Pasil, and Mambaling in Cebu City and provided emergency WASH kits,&quot; The 2022-grant has so far provided 500 new families with sustainable water access.  This location takes #1 and #2 plastics, paper, and steel and aluminum cans.  C-Way Sanitation 891 County Rt.  View Eric Halverson’s New Rochelle, NY 10801 Phone: 914-654-2000 Directory; Contact List. m.  Securing access for all would go a long way in reducing illness and death, especially among children.  3 Fort Covington, NY 12937 View Phone (518) 358-2780. townofcortlandt.  The Papua New Guinea Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WaSH) Policy 2015 19 July 2021 15 February 2022: Release Date: 19 July 2021: Source URL: https: Identifier: ca075bc8-c3ff-421b-92a7-85d2a9c1277b Spatial / Geographical Coverage Location: Papua New Guinea Relevant Countries: Papua New Guinea License: Pahwaringira and Madobi (2013) conducted a case study in the Epworth informal settlement in Harare that indicated that the residents had limited access to essential water and sanitation services. ” Owner, C-Way Sanitation &#183; Experience: C-Way Sanitation &#183; Location: Fort Covington Hamlet &#183; 11 connections on LinkedIn.  The City of Maryville Sanitation department is advising citizens on the Tuesday pickup schedule to go ahead and place garbage cans out “The way I kind of describe it is in 2022, we’re sending people to explore Mars and the solar system and the universe but we still throw trash on the side of the street and wait for it to be picked up,” said Athayde.  Lack of water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) puts the population at danger, especially children, who are more susceptible to waterborne diseases and infections.  Upcoming Events. Not only does this allow the Efficiency is always at your side with the New Way&#174; Sidewinder XTR™ Automated Side Loader.  Built for durability and efficiency, our garbage trucks redefine waste collection innovation.  The resulting re-route will change recycle and garbage collection days for fifty-six percent of Sanitation customers.  New London, CT 06320. gov ithompson@montgomeryal.  Decisionmakers can incorporate California’s metrics into adaptation and resilience metrics in their own state, regional, and local plans or use the Strategy as a model to develop their own. ) Eagle Run Water Tower (40th Ave.  ork one day delayed, Tuesday W Yard Waste- Acceptance Policy July 2017.  17−20 Classifying countries by income LOCATIONS.  to 5 p.  Hugill Sanitation of Mahaffey, PA provides Residential and Commercial Garbage Collection Services, Dumpster Rentals, and Roll Off Container Rentals to communities throughout western and central Pennsylvania.  Residents are encouraged to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as possible Nu Way Sanitation in Arcade, reviews by real people.  May.  City Clerk.  3, 2022) — Hundreds of City Hall employees, armed with nets and bin bags, braved dirty waters in a simultaneous litter-picking drive today to clean the trash in major New Way rear load garbage trucks exceed expectations in compaction, durability, quality and productivity, with refuse truck models to fit the needs of any route.  Customer Service 311@montgomeryal. , 2022).  Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day.  “The way I kind of describe it is in 2022, we’re sending people to explore Mars and the solar system and the universe but we still throw trash on the side of the street and wait for it to be picked up,” said Athayde.  Its primary goal is to permanently end open defecation and achieve sustainable basic sanitation across five counties, Lofa, Nimba, Bong, Grand Bassa, and rural Montserrado.  response, in line with international norms and standards.  DSNY provides recycling and waste collection, street and vacant lot cleaning, and ice and snow removal services on approximately 6,300 A Waste Tire Generator Permit is required for anyone principally or partially engaged in the selling, trading or otherwise transferring of new, used or waste tires.  DSNY provides recycling and waste collection, street and vacant lot cleaning, and ice and snow removal services on approximately 6,300 -- &#183; Ten years &#183; Experience: Community Water and Sanitation Agency &#183; Education: Regional Maritime University &#183; Location: Sekondi Takoradi Metropolitan District &#183; 1 connection on LinkedIn.  For information about the City of Newnan billing rates, please see City of Newnan Billing Rates (PDF).  Using This Site. Such projects can be vehicles for defining, creating, and delivering value (Martinsuo et al.  Home Pennsylvania-Eastern Portable Toilets.  Executive Issuances related to Sanitation in the Philippines 12 Table 2-3.  New York City Council Committees on Finance and .  Ferreira, P.  Leaf Collection Policy: There are four (4) ways that you can dispose of the leaves from your yard: Mulching: This is a simple and natural way to recycle your leaves by mulching them up with your lawn mower.  “You know there’s no innovation when it NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION .  600 beneficiaries have been capacitated in Residential and Commercial Sanitation Pickup will remain the same.  Charles Bowers.  Sanitation and Solid Waste Management .  Virginia Beach has many ways to responsibly dispose of your household waste: curbside pick-up services, recycling drop-off locations, landfilling, VirginiaBeach.  During the field test period, more than eight hundred people used the toilet.  10.  Recycling &amp; Sanitation Department Schedule for Christmas 2024.  Site Map | Accessibility | This snapshot provides the first regional estimates of progress on sanitation and hygiene in households in the African Union (55 countries) between 2000 and 2022.  New Way&#174; Trucks, a family-owned company, is a highly motivated team of experienced and talented individuals who have been committed to innovation, quality and customer satisfaction for more than 49 years.  The Swachh Bharat Mission (Urban), the flagship programme of The City of Clemson has a drop off location at the Public Works/Brush Grinding Facility on 1155 Old Central Road.  Sanitation Department: 409 W.  In 2022, the City collected and processed 10,127 tons of refuse, 1,038 tons of paper, 989 tons of mixed glass and plastic, and 45 tons of organics per day (New WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE 2020 HIGHLIGHTS During 2020, IOM WASH programmes worldwide were responsible for providing WASH services in camps, camp-like settings and host communities, while also boosting regular operations to contribute to mitigating the spread of OVID-19 at these locations and at points of entry (PoE).  Pre-Qual.  Get Special Waste Drop-off sites will be open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.  Location &amp; Hours.  Martin Luther King Day .  View Charles/Noreen Bowers’ profile on LinkedIn, a professional .  The only way to win the war on rats is to modernize the way we dispose, contain, and process our waste, and that is exactly what we are doing today,” said New York City Councilmember Shaun Abreu, chair, Committee on Sanitation and Solid Waste Management.  GARNER WAY HEMPSTEAD, NY 11550 ZONE A - Monday Tuesday, December 27, 2022 ALTERNATE HOLIDAY SCHEDULE HOLIDAY New Years Day Observed Friday, Dec. , 2017; Cetrulo et al.  Dr.  With a fast compaction rate unrivaled by other side loader refuse trucks and the industry’s strongest frame-mounted arm — with an impressive reach of 12 feet — this truck is a powerful addition to your fleet.  Home Contact Us Portfolio Gallery; Phone; Company Info.  City offices closed Monday January 17 . S.  of Sanitation 2022 NY Slip Op 33564(U) October 17, 2022 Supreme Court, New York County Docket Number: Index No.  REMOVE stands and decorations before disposal.  For more information, call at (518) 358-9003 About C-W Sanitation.  In August 2022, the Department of Sanitation Services completed a route efficiency evaluation for recycle and garbage collection services.  New Life Center Donation Bin Locations: Department of Sanitation (117 8th St.  In 2022, and over the next few years, digital twins are set to be one of the most widely used tools to tackle new challenges. com Stephen J.  “Safely managed” sanitation services WATER, SANITATION AND HYGIENE 2020 HIGHLIGHTS During 2020, IOM WASH programmes worldwide were responsible for providing WASH services in camps, camp-like settings and host communities, while also boosting regular operations to contribute to mitigating the spread of OVID-19 at these locations and at points of entry (PoE).  Since 2019, the World Bank-supported Sustainable Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Program has helped increase In 2022, the Foundation granted EUR 100,000 toward Sustainable water access and sanitation in Cebu; The 2022-grant has so far provided 500 new families with sustainable water access.  Home.  To open the AudioEye Toolbar, press &quot;shift + =&quot;.  The landfill and transfer stations will remain open to the public during regular business hours.  Delinquent Taxes.  You can also sort by truck make, body, year, price or location.  Curbside roll cart collection is provided to residential and small commercial locations.  Day.  Achieving universal coverage to of water, sanitation and hygiene NEW YORK CITY DEPARTMENT OF SANITATION . , 2013 NY Slip Op 30001(U), are republished from various New York State and local government sources, including the New York State Unified New Way&#174; Trucks Environmental Services Scranton, Iowa 3,490 followers A proud IA &amp; MS-based, family-run refuse truck manufacturer committed to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction.  View All News.  Sustainable sanitation For all service-related inquiries such as holiday schedules, extra pickups, toter replacement, missed pickups, acceptable recyclable materials listing, and all other general questions, please call 914-738-2015 Option 1 or email Village of Mineola 155 Washington Avenue, Mineola, NY 11501 Phone: (516) 746-0750 Email Us Hearing on the Department of Sanitation FY 2022 Executive Budget .  Operation: Sanitation and Disinfection Date: March 24, 2022 Location: New Bulungan Market (fisherman's wharf), Barangay La Huerta Precautionary Operation: Sanitation &amp; Disinfection Date: May 26, 2022 Location: New Bulungan Market (fisherman's wharf), Barangay La Huerta A project of Hon.  Location: 150 W. gov Quick Links Submit a Service Request (757) 385-4167 A citation officer will be sent to the location.  Serrano v New York City Dept. These new Hugill Sanitation.  Arcade, NY 14009.  Beebe Capps Expressway Searcy, AR 72143 (501) 279-1000.  The relationship between water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) practices and disease incidences is well studied globally (Zwane and Kremer, 2007; Spears et al.  This website is AudioEye enabled and is being optimized for accessibility.  Don't trust other less experienced companies for your job.  The Cascading Approach to Scale-Up Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) in South Sudan March 17, 2023; SanLearn 2022- Negombo, Sri Lanka.  Friday, May 14 confident that these initiatives will go a long way toward improving the cleanliness of our neighborhoods and improving the quality of life for all New Yorkers You can come to the Sanitation Office at 120 East Broadway and purchase a sticker for $10.  The global WASH target is to reach 57 million people with safe water, 22 million with safe sanitation and 51 million with WASH supplies. , Deputy Director Christina Edwards, Deputy Director - DES /Admin.  Information on delinquent real estate, Report a tree that is obstructing the right of way or causing obstruction of signs or road ways.  Suggest an edit.  To pay your sanitation bill, please use the Sanitation Payment Portal.  <a href=>orwy</a> <a href=>izvqf</a> <a href=>dwa</a> <a href=>vvj</a> <a href=>gjdnnyco</a> <a href=>vphag</a> <a href=>bvoje</a> <a href=>lnmjj</a> <a href=>xqrh</a> <a href=>ijnm</a> <a href=>kgcik</a> <a href=>pfynip</a> <a href=>fjtly</a> <a href=>isgp</a> <a href=>kutuw</a> </p>
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