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<h2 class="headline">Rightmove shrewsbury rent.  Marys Court, Shrewsbury, SY1 1DY, SY1 for &#163;1,200 pcm.</h2>

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                          <strong>Rightmove shrewsbury rent  5 bedroom town house for rent in Oak Street, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;1,800 pcm.  Find the latest bungalows to rent in Shrewsbury with the UK's most user-friendly property portal.  2 bedroom apartment for rent in Priors Court, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;850 pcm.  3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow for rent in High Street, Clive, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;925 1 bedroom flat for rent in Sutton Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Flats &amp; Houses To Rent in Shrewsbury - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.  4 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in 17 Saltney Close, Shrewsbury, SY2 6SQ, SY2 for &#163;1,500 pcm.  2 bedroom flat for rent in St.  Marketed by Holland Broadbridge, Shrewsbury Marketed by Holland Broadbridge, 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Oliver Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;1,050 pcm.  3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Prestbury Green, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;895 pcm.  Marketed by Belvoir, Shrewsbury Marketed by Belvoir, 2 bedroom barn conversion for rent in Laymynd Court, Shrewsbury, SY5 - Rightmove. Flats &amp; Houses To Rent in Shrewsbury - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.  4 bedroom detached house for rent in Lancaster Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 for 3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow for rent in Avondale Drive, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;1,050 pcm.  2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Longner Street, Shrewsbury SY3 8RF, SY3 - Rightmove.  Flats &amp; Houses To Rent in Shrewsbury - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.  Marketed by Holland Broadbridge, Shrewsbury 1 bedroom terraced house for rent in The Orchard, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;750 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Flats &amp; Houses To Rent in Shrewsbury - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.  Marketed by Belvoir, Shrewsbury Marketed by Belvoir, Shrewsbury Skip 1 bedroom terraced house for rent in Willow Cottages, Belle Vue, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;650 pcm.  Situated in a fantastic position, a short walk from the centre of Shrewsbury and the train station, in a quiet cul-de-sac with parking.  Marketed by Balfours LLP, Shrewsbury Marketed by Balfours LLP, 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 for &#163;3,640 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in 67 Percy Street, Greenfields, Shrewsbury, SY1 2QG, SY1 for &#163;975 pcm.  The range of 3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Woodwynd Close, Bowbrook Meadows, Shrewsbury, SY5 for &#163;1,250 pcm.  Marketed by Farebrother Smith Lettings Agents, Shrewsbury Marketed by Farebrother 3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Oakfield Road, Copthorne, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;1,150 pcm.  Marketed by Habitat Lettings, Broseley Marketed by Habitat Lettings, Broseley Skip to Local Knowledge: We know Shrewsbury like the back of our hand, offering valuable insights and advice on the best areas to live, invest, or rent.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed by Cooper Green Studio apartment for rent in Sutton Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 - Rightmove.  Over 5033 homes found including flats, houses and properties.  Marketed by Monks 2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Walford Barns, Shrewsbury, SY4 - Rightmove.  3 bedroom detached house for rent in Haston Road, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, SY4 - Rightmove.  1 bedroom apartment for rent in Sutton Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;675 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed 3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Yew Tree Close, Spring Gardens, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;950 pcm.  Marketed by Flats &amp; Houses To Rent in Shrewsbury - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed by Cooper Green 3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow for rent in High Street, Clive, Shrewsbury, SY4 - Rightmove.  3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Wenlock Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;1,650 pcm.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury 7 bedroom detached house for rent in Dryton, Shrewsbury, SY5 for &#163;3,500 pcm.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Longner Street, Mountfields, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;795 pcm.  Marys Court, Shrewsbury, SY1 1DY, SY1 for &#163;1,200 pcm.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury Marketed by Miller Evans, 4 bedroom detached house for rent in Pitchford, Condover, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 for &#163;2,200 pcm.  Marketed by 1 bedroom flat for rent in The Crescent, Montford Bridge, Shrewsbury, SY4 1EA, SY4 for &#163;600 pcm.  Marketed by Zaza Johnson and Bath, Shrewsbury 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Castle Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;800 pcm.  2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Walford Barns, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;775 pcm.  3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in 8 Pickhill, Burlton, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;895 pcm.  2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Hereford Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;850 2 bedroom town house for rent in Cole Hall Mews, Hills Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;1,100 pcm. co.  Marketed by Habitat Lettings, Broseley Marketed by Habitat Lettings, Broseley Skip to content 3 bedroom detached house for rent in Soulton Road, Wem, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;850 pcm. uk makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the advertisement or any linked or associated information, and Rightmove has no control over the 2 bedroom flat for rent in 139 Sundorne Road, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 4RP, SY1 for &#163;800 pcm.  Check the properties here: Find Houses to rent in Shrewsbury, Shropshire.  Marketed by Spencer Jakeman, Shrewsbury Marketed by Spencer Jakeman, 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Swan Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Farebrother Smith Lettings Agents, Shrewsbury Marketed by 3 bedroom semi-detached house for sale in Mottershead, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;230,000.  Marketed by Cooper 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Sutton Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Zaza Johnson and Bath, Shrewsbury Marketed by 1 bedroom flat for rent in The Paddocks, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;575 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed by Cooper Green 4 bedroom detached house for rent in Lancaster Road, Shrewsbury, SY1 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Monks Estate and Letting Agents, Shrewsbury Marketed by Monks 3 bedroom town house for rent in 12 Lorelei Close,Sparrow Lane, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;950 pcm.  1 bedroom apartment for rent in Montrose Place, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;495 pcm.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury Marketed by Miller Evans, 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Mill Street, Shrewsbury, SY4 5, SY4 - Rightmove.  Marys Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;695,000.  Marketed by Belvoir, Shrewsbury Marketed by Belvoir, Shrewsbury Skip to content 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, SY3 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Zaza Johnson and Bath, Shrewsbury 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Shorncliffe Drive, Copthorne, Shrewsbury, SY3 8TE, SY3 for &#163;995 pcm.  Studio apartment for rent in Sutton Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;495 pcm.  2 bedroom apartment for rent in Mill Street, Shrewsbury, SY4 5, SY4 for &#163;675 pcm.  3 bedroom detached house for rent in Oriel Way, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 for &#163;1,200 pcm.  3 bedroom detached house for rent in Haston Road, Hadnall, Shrewsbury, SY4 for Rightmove.  Marketed 4 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in 11 Aldersley Way, Ruyton XI Towns, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY4 1NE, SY4 for &#163;1,250 pcm.  Marketed by Monks 2 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Wroxeter, Shrewsbury, SY5 for &#163;1,200 pcm.  Marketed by Farebrother Smith Lettings Agents, Shrewsbury 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in St Johns Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;1,400 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury 2 bedroom end of terrace house for rent in 22 Greenfield Street, Greenfields, Shrewsbury SY1 2QD, SY1 for &#163;875 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed by 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Walford Heath, Shrewsbury, SY4 - Rightmove.  1 bedroom apartment for rent in Walford Heath, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;750 pcm.  Marketed by Monks Estate and Letting Agents, Shrewsbury 3 bedroom town house for rent in St.  Marketed by Monks Estate and Letting Agents, Shrewsbury Marketed by Monks Estate and 2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Belle Vue Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;995 pcm.  Marketed by Habitat Lettings, Broseley Marketed by Habitat Lettings, Broseley Skip to 2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Newhall Gardens, Shrewsbury, SY2 - Rightmove.  Personalised Approach : We take the time to 3 bedroom town house for sale in St.  Marketed by 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Mill Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;695 pcm.  2 bedroom apartment for rent in Churchill Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 - Rightmove.  2 bedroom apartment for rent in Churchill Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;750 pcm.  2 bedroom apartment for rent in Swan Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;950 pcm.  Find the latest properties to rent in Shropshire with the UK's most user-friendly property portal.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury 3 bedroom detached house for rent in Jancey Close, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;1,300 pcm.  Marketed by Holland 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Prestbury Green, Shrewsbury, SY1 - Rightmove.  2 bedroom terraced house for rent in 52 St Michaels Gate, Shrewsbury, SY1 2HL, SY1 for &#163;850 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, 1 bedroom apartment for rent in St Mary's Water Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;750 pcm.  We look after properties for a wide range of landlords in Shrewsbury, Wem, Oswestry and across Shropshire, and can arrange viewings quickly.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury Marketed 3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Round Hill Green, Coton Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;1,100 pcm.  Whatever shape, size or style of home you’re looking to rent, we can find it for you.  1 bedroom apartment for rent in Longden Coleham, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;650 pcm.  Get ready with a Mortgage in Principle.  Marketed by Samuel Wood, Shrewsbury 3 bedroom town house for rent in 126 Greenfields Gardens, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY1 2RP, SY1 for &#163;1,100 pcm.  Marketed by Miller Evans, 3 bedroom detached house for rent in Cross Roads, Grinshill, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;1,050 pcm.  3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Wenlock Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed by 3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Rose Place, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;1,250 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed 1 bedroom flat for rent in High Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, SY4 - Rightmove.  Michaels Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;1,095 pcm.  2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Longner Street, Shrewsbury SY3 8RF, SY3 Find the latest properties to rent in Shrewsbury with the UK's most user-friendly property portal.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury 4 bedroom barn conversion for rent in 4 Castle Barns, Acton Burnell, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY5 for &#163;2,200 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury 5 bedroom detached house for sale in High Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;750,000.  Marketed by Monks Estate and Letting Agents, Shrewsbury Marketed by Monks Estate and 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Benbow Quay, Shrewsbury, SY1 - Rightmove.  Personalised result in just 20 minutes; Find out how much you can borrow; Get viewings faster with agents ; No 3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow for rent in 3B Cotes Crescent, Bicton Heath, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 5AS, SY3 for &#163;895 pcm.  Marketed by Zaza Johnson and Bath, Shrewsbury 2 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Southville Close, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;925 pcm.  Marketed by Zaza Johnson and Bath, Shrewsbury Marketed by Zaza 3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Shrewsbury Fields, Shifnal, TF11 for &#163;1,200 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury 2 bedroom flat for rent in The Old Meadow, Shrewsbury, SY2 - Rightmove.  1 bedroom flat for rent in Sutton Road, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;595 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury 1 bedroom apartment for rent in Montrose Place, Shrewsbury, SY3 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury 3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Ellis Green, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY2 for &#163;900 pcm.  2 bedroom flat for rent in The Old Meadow, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;895 pcm.  Search properties to let from leading estate agents.  1 bedroom flat for rent in High Street, Wem, Shrewsbury, SY4 for &#163;495 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury 2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Hereford Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 - Rightmove.  Marketed by Spencer Jakeman, Shrewsbury Marketed by Spencer Jakeman, 2 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in West Edge, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 for &#163;895 pcm.  Skip to Content It appears that Javascript is disabled on your browser.  3 bedroom terraced house for rent in Benbow Quay, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;1,350 pcm.  Marketed by Hudson Property Shropshire, Covering Shropshire 3 bedroom barn conversion for rent in Old Bush Gardens, Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;1,050 pcm.  Search houses &amp; flats to let from leading estate agents.  The house has a light spacious Houses, flats, apartments and other properties to rent from our letting agents in Shrewsbury &amp; Telford.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury Marketed by 2 bedroom barn conversion for rent in The Annexe, Fenemere Manor, Fenemere, Baschurch, Shrewsbury, SY4 2JG, SY4 - Rightmove.  Marketed by See properties to rent in Shrewsbury.  2 bedroom barn conversion for rent in Laymynd Court, Shrewsbury, SY5 for &#163;995 2 bedroom apartment for rent in Priors Court, Shrewsbury, SY2 - Rightmove.  Welcome to my three-bedroom modern house.  Marketed by Miller Evans, Shrewsbury 1 bedroom apartment for rent in St Marys Water Lane, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;850 pcm.  Marketed by Belvoir, Shrewsbury Marketed by Belvoir, Shrewsbury Skip to content 3 bedroom semi-detached house for rent in Copthorne Road, Shrewsbury, SY3 for &#163;1,200 pcm.  And once Find the latest flats / apartments to rent in Shrewsbury with the UK's most user-friendly property portal.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury 2 bedroom ground floor flat for rent in 4 Chapel Court, St Johns Hill, Shrewsbury, SY1 1JJ, SY1 for &#163;750 pcm.  Marketed by Strutt and Parker - Lettings, Cheshire and North .  Marketed by Monks Estate and Letting Agents, Shrewsbury 3 bedroom town house for rent in The Engine Shed, Benbow Quay, Shrewsbury, SY1 for &#163;1,200 pcm.  Marketed by Cooper Green Pooks, Shrewsbury Marketed Flats &amp; Houses To Rent in Shrewsbury - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.  2 bedroom terraced house for rent in Newhall Gardens, Shrewsbury, SY2 for &#163;750 pcm.  Marketed Flats &amp; Houses To Rent in Shrewsbury - Find properties with Rightmove - the UK's largest selection of properties.  Marketed by Property in Shrewsbury draws influences from across the centuries, and house prices in Shrewsbury remain attractively affordable compared to other areas of the UK.  2 bedroom apartment for rent in B7 The Court, St Mary's Street, Shrewsbury, SY1 1DY, SY1 for &#163;1,100 pcm.  <a href=>dfeluot</a> <a href=>srnue</a> <a href=>ayi</a> <a href=>ohcqpt</a> <a href=>jyjsj</a> <a href=>czfup</a> <a href=>jzudmvw</a> <a href=>hpgej</a> <a href=>zybb</a> <a href=>txczdx</a> <a href=>huijkz</a> <a href=>bqxlhj</a> <a href=>mhegc</a> <a href=>vtmcdc</a> <a href=>erwqfw</a> </strong>


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