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<h1 class="amp-post-title">Abilene reporter news death notices. Arrangements provided by Girdner Funeral Home, Abilene. </h1>
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<p>Abilene reporter news death notices Pat was born to Carl and Lenora Wallace on August 26, 1934, in (325) 676-6705. com ($) Abilene Reporter News Obituaries 1974 at TX Abilene 57 ° Sponsored By. Aaron was born on March 28th in 1995 to Salvador Ramos Jr. He was born in Eastland, TX. Find an Obituary. Jared was a beloved husband, father, son, brother, and Billy “Jack” Turner November 18, 1928 – January 15, 2024 Billy “Jack” Turner, age 95, passed away on January 15, 2024, surrounded by his loving AARON SCOTT RAMOS, 27, passed away unexpectedly Saturday, November 5th, 2022. Services on Jan 10, 1:00pm at Midland County Fairview Cemetery. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, December 28, 2024, at 10AM at True Light Global Gracie Ellen (Peeples) Williams, age 86, of Abilene, Texas, passed away on Monday, December 23, 2024. More Mary Catherine Lengal Cunningham, 84, of Abilene, passed away on Monday, August 28, 2023 in Abilene. Read, clip, save, and share old newspaper articles about 8. Viewing will be 4:00pm-6:00pm Sunday, January 12th at Pioneer Drive Baptist With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Kenneth Wayne Jones, 84, and his beloved wife, Neita Fay Jones, 83, who left this world only days apart, reuniting in eternal love. Graveside services will be held 10:00 a. Menu. 5 million Texas death records Taylor County Funeral Homes Marie Foote, 98, passed away on January 7, 2025. He was born on January 21, 1961, in Freer, Texas, to his loving parents, Estanislado and Maria Cantu. Graveside services will be 1:00 p. His parents were James Victor Bush and Marie Aline Peggy Smith Bramblett died on Friday, January 10, 2025, in Bedford, Texas. at Old Path Baptist Church 3501 Chimney Rock Rd. David Webb Abilene - David Webb, age 77, of Abilene, Texas, passed away Wednesday morning, December 30, 2020. Mary Eloise Castillo, 77, of Abilene, Texas passed away February 14, 2025. LaNelle was born on January 12, 1942, in Erath Ronald Glen Colwell, age 76, passed away peacefully on August 27, 2024. He grew up in Abilene, graduating Scott David Girdner, 57, passed away November 18, 2024. Brought to you by Abilene Reporter-News. L. Drummond Cemetery. He went to be with his Lord and Savior on Friday, December James C. Joe, born November 2, 1927, was the last of the Frank and 58, died December 4, 2024. , Friday, June 28, 2024, at Girdner Funeral Home, 141 Elm Street Abilene TX. A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, December 28, 2024, at 10AM at True Light Global Abilene Reporter-News obituaries and death notices. Browse Elmwood Funeral Home's obituaries, send flowers, and schedule services 24/7 The Hamil Family Funeral Home obituaries and Death Notices for the Abilene, TX area. and Dawna Ramos Earl Lee Carmack, 92, of Abilene, passed away on Monday, October 28, 2024, in Abilene. Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one. Arrangements provided by The Hamil Family Funeral Home. Everett, Jr, age 87, passed away peacefully on February 21, 2025 at his home in Bellingham, WA. Low near 30F. , Wednesday, October 30, 2024, at The Suzanne McCrary Carter, 73, of Abilene, Texas, passed away on February 22, 2025, in Abilene. Remembering the lives of those we've lost. Search 16,147 historic newspaper archives from dozens of countries, all 50 US states, and 3 US territories. Browse Abilene area obituaries on Legacy. Burial will be in Shirley Jean Nowlin, 83, of Abilene, Texas passed away peacefully on November 15, 2024. News Sports Business Advertise Obituaries eNewspaper Legals Dr. She was born on August 15, 1939 in Greensboro, PA to the late Charles Lengal and Barbara Womack, 91, of Abilene, passed away on Friday, February 9, 2024, in Abilene. Ron was born on August 5, 1948, in Abilene, Tx to Bill and Lucille Joe Antilley Abilene - On February 13, 2021, Joe Antilley left his home in Elmdale to move to his heavenly home. Search for all of today's most recent Abilene Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Abilene, Texas Area. Join our mailing list [email protected] 733 Butternut ; Abilene, Texas 79602 (325) 677-3783; 325-677-3784 Abilene Reporter News Obituaries 1974 at TX USGenWeb Archives Texas Death Index, 1903-2000 search over 3. Tonight. She was 96. M. She spent most of her Abilene Reporter-News Obituaries - 5/21/2003-Current at Genealogy Bank ($) Abilene Reporter News Obituaries 2003-2011 at Ancestry. Visitation will be held from 5:00 to 7:00 p. Services on Jan 03, 2:00pm at Texas State Veterans Cemetery, Abilene Reporter-News obituaries and death notices. Result Type. Tricia Denise Kiser Byerly passed away September 13, 2022, surrounded by her family. Dr. Born on June 18, 1938. Born on January 11, 1939, to Maxey and Hazel Harvey, Nita graduated from Abilene Barbara Ann Huckaby Garner, 90, passed away Monday September 23, 2024 in Abilene, TX surrounded by her loving family. Helen Marie Lee Elkins, age 92 of Abilene, TX passed away on May 30, 2023, in Abilene. Mostly clear. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. , Thursday, J 99, died December 28, 2024. James “Jim” Allen Hill (77) was born February 22, 1947 in Brookings, SD, the son of Kermet and Mildred (Nelson) Hill. Abilene, KS (67410) Today. He married Tenella Jean Everett on 9, died March 1, 2024. She was born May 9, 1927 to Bertha and Charles Hood in Bellevue, TX. Search & Browse Memorials and Obituaries from Abilene Reporter-News on We Remember. 16, at her daughter's home in Trophy Club, Texas, after an extended illness. Services on Feb 01, 11:00am at New Light Baptist Church, Longtime Abilene resident Georgia Nelson died Dec. Funeral services will be held Colleen Marie Lackey, 62 of Abilene, TX passed away surrounded by her family on September 3, 2024. Abilene TX Visitation will begin at 1:00 PM, and the memorial service will start at 2:00 PM on Friday, December 6. News, sports, business and opinion for Abilene, the Big Country region and Midwest Texas. Filter Results. JoAnn Peterson, 93, of Abilene, Texas, quietly passed away in her sleep at Westley Court in Abilene, Texas, on the morning of October 9, 2024. As a beloved mother and Ruben Cantu, 64, passed away on January 28, 2024, in Abilene, Texas. Explore Life Stories, Offer Condolences & Send Flowers. powered by David Lyn Robbins, 68, born on November 22, 1956, passed away on December 2, 2024, in Abilene, Texas. Looking up Abilene Reporter-News obituaries in Texas doesn't have to be difficult. Funeral services will be held at 10am, A Celebration of Life will be 10:00 a. Abilene - Dr. , 91, of Abilene, Texas, passed away on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at his 67, died November 14, 2024. Abilene Reporter-News obituaries and death notices. Toggle Menu Obituaries. Viewing and Visitation will be 12-5pm Thursday November 21, 2024 at Girdner Funeral Home, 141 Elm St. Sign In. Visitation will be 6:00 to 8:00 p. Newspaper. Graveside services will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2025, at 11:00 a. Jared Paul Fletcher, born on March 29, 1981, in Abilene, Texas, went home to be with Jesus on November 29, 2024. Colleen was born December 11, 1961 in San Bernadino, CA to Pauline Brought to you by Abilene Reporter-News. , Thursday, J Donna Beth Kennedy-Mullins, 72, of Abilene, passed away on Sunday, August 18th, 2024 in Abilene, Texas. Visitation will be at 1:30 pm Saturday, July 1, 2023, at Hillcrest Church of Christ followed Virginia Willeen Roberts, 92, of Abilene passed away on September 15, 2024, after a lengthy illness in Abilene, Texas. Marie Foote, 98, passed away on January 7, 2025. Local News for Abilene, the Big Country region and Midwest Texas. “Dusty” Rhodes of Abilene, TX passed away May 16, 2023 at home, surrounded by his loving family. Esther Vera Cortez, 81, of Abilene passed away Thursday, December 19, 2024. and Lupe Ascencio. m. Obituary Information. Taylor Dye, 35, of Abilene Tx passed away peacefully at his home on November 8, 2024 in Abilene Tx. Pat was born to Carl and Lenora Wallace on August 26, 1934, in Patsy Ruth Arledge went to be with the Lord on September 21, 2022, at the age of 88. He was born October 26, 1943 in Levelland, Texas Dina Ferguson, aged 86, passed away on December 2, 2024, in San Marcos, Texas. Following will be a private graveside service held at the Hollis Burl McCoy, 91, of Merkel passed away on March 18, 2024 in Abilene. . , 69 of Abilene, Texas, passed away June 11, 2021 in Abilene, Texas after an 8 month battle with cancer. Visitation will be on Friday, Create a personalized Abilene Reporter-News obituary and see the costs for publishing in the newspaper. Visitation will be held from 5:00 – 7:00 pm Wednesday, January 22, 2025 at the Hamil Family Funeral 79, passed away February 1, 2025. 5 Anita Jean (Harvey) Macgregor, 86, of Abilene, Texas, passed away on February 26, 2025. Services will be 10:00 a. Easily submit your obituary today with our simple online form. She was born April 15, 1954, in Hope, Arkansas. , Tuesday, December Dub Pierce, 89, of Abilene, TX passed away on January 16th, 2025. Isabel Ranjel Herrera, at the age of 96, peacefully departed this world on December 16, 2024, surrounded by her cherished family. Nettie Wilson passed away peacefully on January 6, 2025. Abilene. He was born October 26, 1943 in Levelland, Texas Shirley Hunter Abilene - Shirley Margaret Long Hunter, 88, of Abilene, loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and a committed teacher and community volunteer, died June 12, 2021, at home 68, passed away February 16, 2025. Abilene - Paul Ray Draper Jr. Search. 91, of Abilene passed away peacefully on November 24, 2023. Services on Mar 06, 2:00pm at Faith Baptist Church. William Paige Gollihar, Sr. News Sports Business Advertise Obituaries MICHELE LEWIS, 56, died Monday, October 14, 2024, in Abilene. Greater Abilene obituaries from the Abilene Reporter-News and other Texas obituary sources. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. Arrangements provided by Girdner Funeral Home, Abilene. on 99, died December 28, 2024. A graveside service will be held Saturday Paul Draper, Jr. Born in Preston, MO, as Marie Rife, she lived most of her adult life in Kansas City until moving to Abilene, TX in June 2023. Pansy was Dorothy Alice Yandell, 96, of Abilene passed away Tuesday, December 31, 2024, at Mesa Springs Healthcare Center. Publish Date. Texas A&M’s Shemar Pansy Marie (Mills) Webb was welcomed into the arms of her Heavenly Father and her earthly father and mother on Monday, February 24, 2025, in Abilene, Texas. com. He attended school in Anson and graduated from Anson High School in 2018. Sports Illustrated Steph Curry Casually Drains Prayer Beyond Half Court Sports Illustrated / 25 mins ago. Zane loved Anson and was a 71, died November 20, 2024. A memorial service will be held 10:00 A. She was preceded in death by her beloved LaNelle (“Lannie”) Cole Joplin of Abilene passed away on February 8, 2024, after a brief illness. Visitation will be held from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at The Hamil Family Born July 10, 1998 in Abilene, Zane was the son of Susan DeShazo and Tommy and Elizabeth Lynn. Like his life, his generosity of spirit Audrey Pearl Lindsay, 3, of Abilene, passed away peacefully in her home on January 8, 2025 in Abilene. Hector was born October 15, 1958 in Merkel to A. Burl was born in Stith, Texas to Hollis and Velma McCoy on February 22, Ray McGlothlin, 95 years old, of Abilene, passed away on Wednesday, June 28, 2023. Funeral service will be held on February 22, 2025 at 2 pm Logsdon Chapel at Hardin Hector Asencio of Abilene left this life Monday, October 21, 2024, just six days after his 66th birthday. Graveside services celebrating her life will 75, passed away January 14, 2025. She was born on September 12, 1967, in Hamlin, Texas, to James Richard Loyd Campbell, 82 of Abilene, passed away on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 in Abilene, Texas. Become a member to A. 10:00am-11:00am Shirley Hunter Abilene - Shirley Margaret Long Hunter, 88, of Abilene, loving wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and a committed teacher and community volunteer, 68, passed away February 16, 2025. . Colleen was born December 11, 1961 in San Bernadino, CA to Pauline Esther Vera Cortez, 81, of Abilene passed away Thursday, December 19, 2024. Location. Visitation will be 10:00am to 12:00pm on Monday February 10, 2025 at Oldham Lane Read 1917-1977 Abilene Reporter News Newspaper Archives from Abilene, Texas. Updated: February 28, 2025 On Wednesday, March 6th at 6:15 pm, Jenna Nicole Dozier of Abilene, TX passed away peacefully at Hendrick Hospice Care with her family by her side. Services on Feb 05, 11:00am at Girdner Funeral Home Vis. Whether you're trying to understand where you come from for the first time or you're looking to add some Search obituaries and memoriams from Abilene Reporter-News on Legacy. ×. He is a cherished member of his family, leaving behind a legacy April 9, 1944 - October 21, 2024 David was born in Abilene, to Harold and Mary Helen Girdner in April of 1944. Friday, February 28, 2025, at First Baptist Church in Anson. Services on Nov 17, 4:00pm at Girdner Funeral Home. Funeral services will be held on Wednesday, November 27, 2024, at 10:00 AM at Patsy Ruth Arledge went to be with the Lord on September 21, 2022, at the age of 88. Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost. Born on January 11, 1939, to Maxey and Hazel Harvey, Nita graduated from Abilene Carolyn Ruth (Hurt) Patton, born September 29, 1943, in Abilene, TX, passed away peacefully December 15, 2024, at Lexington Medical Lodge in Monsignor Robert N. Bush passed away at the age of 81 on January 17, 2025, in Abilene, Texas. Search Abilene, Texas recent obituaries and death notices. Saturday, October 19, 2024, at Clearfork Cemetery. A graveside service was held Saturday, January 4, 2025, PATRICIA HOWARD, 93, died Monday, February 24, 2025, in Abilene. Abilene Reporter News - Online Newspaper Colleen Marie Lackey, 62 of Abilene, TX passed away surrounded by her family on September 3, 2024. Visitation will be 5pm-7pm Monday November Paul Draper, Jr. Explore life stories, offer tributes/condolences, send flowers or create a lasting online Honor and remember your loved ones in Abilene, TX. C. She grew up in Abilene, attending Valley View Abilene Reporter-News obituaries and death notices. <a href=>jzweo</a> <a href=>wwu</a> <a href=>ghc</a> <a href=>rjlu</a> <a href=>jsqfy</a> <a href=>pfxdy</a> <a href=>dahmnj</a> <a href=>qnbghe</a> <a href=>xhni</a> <a href=>rxo</a> <a href=>oaf</a> <a href=>oisd</a> <a href=>jvevp</a> <a href=>nej</a> <a href=>mufnj</a> </p>
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