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<h1 class="cm-entry-title">Arriva group</h1>
<div class="cm-below-entry-meta"><span class="cm-post-date"><svg class="cm-icon cm-icon--calendar-fill" xmlns="" viewbox="0 0 24 24"><path d="M21.1 .6-.4 1-1 1-1s1 .4 1 1-1s1 .4 1 0 2.8 1.3 2.8 0-1 .4-1 1v7c0 1.5 1.3 2.8 2.8 0 "></path></svg>Arriva group. In this way, every day the group operates a What we stand for Our values are at the heart of Arriva . Arriva is one of the largest providers of passenger transport in Europe, employing more than 35,000 people and delivering more than 1. Our local teams running our bus and rail businesses are all focused on delivering services that are modern, safe and reliable with a shared goal to encourage modal shift to mass transport to help create a more sustainable future. Northern Rail is one of the largest service providers to the north of England, the largest train service outside of London, and through this franchise with Arriva, will see over £1bn of Az Arriva Group új tulajdonossal tekint a fenntartható jövőbe. A strategic framework that is our enduring anchor. The Arriva Management Board sets Arriva’s strategy and direction and is responsible for the overall success of the Arriva Group’s businesses. EASY BOOKING - Search and book your journey on many Arriva Croatia lines in Croatia and surrounding countries. the Arriva group’s values, strategy and culture were all aligned, and that the Arriva group continued to me et the needs of its customers, clients and society as a whole. It is an opportunity for Arriva to recommit to working alongside passenger transport authorities to deliver essential transport links and build a more sustainable future for our colleagues Delivering for and on behalf of our clients Arriva Group | 55,061 followers on LinkedIn. Bistrica, Sl. 5 billion passenger journeys across 10 European countries. Shaped by our people, our values guide our ways of working and help us achieve our business-critical mission to be the leading passenger transport partner across Europe and realise our vision to help shape a future where passenger transport is the best choice. 5 billion passenger journeys across 10 European countries each year. Deutsche Bahn (DB), Germany’s national rail provider, has agreed to sell its international subsidiary Arriva Group to US-based infrastructure asset management company I Squared Capital. The Management Board of Arriva, as well as the DB Group Tax Team, are informed of developments in relation to any significant tax risks on an ongoing basis. We’re a leading public transport operator in 10 European countries. Arriva Group Safety team. He stated, “Closing this transaction marks an important milestone and an exciting new chapter for Arriva. 10. Tel: +44 (0)191 520 4000 E-mail: enquiries@arriva. Our vision to help shape a future where passenger transport is the best choice has sustainability ambitions at its core. Arriva customers can now use the new Arriva Click IT app to book bus journeys through their smartphones. Link to Connecting communities page. in the Netherlands. The experience of the DB group, a world leader in mobility, infrastructure, logistics and communications, has been key in the consolidation of Arriva in the European market. The app draws from Arriva Group’s history of innovation across Europe. | Arriva is the leading passenger transport operator in Europe, employing around Arriva Group placed first hydrogen bus order in the Netherlands in 2021 with a fleet of nine buses brought into passenger service in 2023. Arriva is a business run by people, for people, delivering high quality services to our customers & clients and shaping a future where passenger transport is considered the best way to travel. Arriva Ltd. Group Arriva drives also international lines to Italy and Croatia and offers to their passengers daily safe and comfortable mobility Arriva provides around 1. co. The acquisition, first announced in October 2023, encompasses all of Arriva’s businesses across 11 countries. That is why contributing to a more sustainable future is at the heart of our vision to ‘help shape a future where passenger transport is the best choice’ and is central to our strategy that drives our day-to-day decision-making. Oct 19, 2023 · Deutsche Bahn has agreed a deal to sell its international transport business Arriva Group to Miami-based infrastructure investor I Squared Capital, the companies said on Thursday. The deal marks a new chapter for Arriva, which aims to grow and decarbonise its operations across 11 countries. uk Arriva in Slovenia employs 950 people and operates with 550 vehicles in almost all major cities in Slovenia (Ljubljana, Maribor, Kranj, Koper, Novo mesto, Ptuj, Piran, Il. We connect people to all the things that are important to them – safely, reliably, and sustainably. Oct 12, 2023 · In 2022, Arriva’s annual sales rose 3. Initially focused on the sale of motorcycles, it relaunched shortly after the Second World War by Tom Cowie. Whether you work at Arhus in the Netherlands, Madrid in Spain, or Liverpool in the UK, once you join Arriva you become part of a group-wide team with all the opportunities for networking and connecting that brings. Link to Careers page Careers. Bikesharing v Žiline a Nitre. Registered No: 347103. 1. Link to homepage Base site logo. Although Arriva is a pan-European transport group, we’re still a local company at heart in the markets where we operate. The app-based mobility service has been developed by Arriva Italy in collaboration with ioki. Arriva group. 5 billion passenger journeys a year across the UK and mainland Europe. The Arriva Group has three core business units: UK Bus, UK Trains and Mainland Europe. invoices (in line with Arriva group’s policies) and a clear process in the event of any invoice dispute. Colleagues. At Arriva group, a Director of Corporate & Social Oct 19, 2023 · BERLIN & LONDON, October 19, 2023--Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) and I Squared Capital have signed an agreement for the sale of the whole of Arriva Group, including all of its operating businesses across Open and close mobile menu. Arriva group Arriva is a leading provider of passenger transport across Europe, employing around 35. As part of Project Revitalise, the Arriva group embarked on a review of its vision, mission, purpose and strategic plan, which also included a review of the organisational In competitive tenders, the Arriva Group wins thanks to the proposed quality and price. The Arriva group operates locally managed businesses across the UK and mainland Europe, providing predominantly bus and train services, but also coach, tram, water bus, bike-sharing, and on-demand transport services. In August 2017, Autotrans group became a part of Arriva group. Bistrica, Portorož). 5bn. Across Arriva we have a set of minimum occupational safety, business continuity, engineering safety and environmental protection standards that are relevant across all our countries and transport modes. Develop fleet strategies with 10 European countries – 12,800 buses, 565 trains. Registered Office: Arriva Ltd Admiral Way Doxford International Business Park Sunderland SR3 3XP UK. The company was originally established on October 24, 1938 as T Cowie Ltd. uk Oct 19, 2023 · About Arriva Group. Any tax risks identified are evaluated and managed by the Arriva Tax Team working with the business divisions, the Arriva Group CFO and the Arriva Group Chief Accounting Officer. 35,500. Jun 3, 2024 · Mike Cooper, Arriva Group CEO, said: “Closing this transaction marks an important milestone and an exciting new chapter for Arriva. 2bn, according to Deutsche Bahn’s annual report, accounting for 7. Arriva connects people and communities safely, reliably and sustainably in 10 countries across the UK and Europe. As you would expect in any international business, we offer a diverse range of opportunities from operations and finance to HR, IT and sustainability, and to business leadership roles. We have around 35,500 colleagues working in towns and cities across Europe, doing many different jobs from driving and engineering to finance The Arriva group operates locally managed businesses across the UK and mainland Europe, providing predominantly bus and train services, but also coach, tram, water bus, bike-sharing, and on-demand transport services. 2 billion passenger journeys across 14 European countries each year. 500 people and delivering around 1. Jun 3, 2024 · Arriva Group, a leading European passenger transport provider, completes its acquisition by I Squared Capital, a global infrastructure investor. Download Arriva Croatia free app for your smartphone and get an extra discount when booking tickets! Download for iPhone; Download for Android; Benefits of using our mobile app. Jun 3, 2020 · In April 2016, Arriva Rail North, a subsidiary of Arriva Group, began operating Northern Rail train services following a successful bid in December 2015. Arriva is committed to the communities that it serves. Our vision drives us as a business to find ways to make using passenger transport the more attractive and convenient way to go about our daily lives with less congestion on our roads and better air quality. You can also buy bus tickets online in Arriva web shop! Link to Arriva UK's Gender Pay page. 6 per cent year on year to €4. At Arriva, we aspire to become the leading passenger transport partner across Europe, and we have a vision to make passenger transport the best choice so that we can play our role in shaping a more sustainable future. Use Arriva Croatia app and get a discount. I Squared is known for the development of investment platforms in infrastructure projects where it starts small and grows big. We are part of Deutsche Bahn (DB), one of the world’s leading passenger and logistics companies. Learn more about Arriva's history, strategy, business and approach. Jun 3, 2024 · Mike Cooper, Arriva Group CEO, welcomed the news and said: “Closing this transaction marks an important milestone and an exciting new chapter for Arriva. Véget ért az Arriva felvásárlási folyamata, immár az I Squared az Arriva Csoport új tulajdonosa. Book even At Arriva, we are focused on creating things we can be proud of, which support the success of the business, and which deliver benefits for our passengers, clients, our communities, and the environment. Registered in England. Jun 4, 2024 · Mike Cooper, CEO of Arriva Group, expressed enthusiasm about the completion of the transaction, describing it as a significant milestone and a promising new phase for the company. We can offer opportunities in a wide range of careers and locations. The company believes that prompt payment of invoices is key to facilitating a good relationship with suppliers. Each Board member has accountability for their respective business units or functions, ensuring that people throughout Arriva are connected to our strategy, purpose, mission, vision, and values. Arriva is a portfolio company of I Squared Capital - a leading independent global infrastructure investor with over $38 billion in assets under management. Jun 3, 2024 · Monday June 3, 2024: Arriva Group (“Arriva”), a leading provider of passenger transport across Europe, is pleased to announce the completion of its acquisition by I Squared Capital (“I Squared”), a leading independent global infrastructure investment manager. We do much more than get people from A to B; we partner with the private and public sector, as well as with third-party organisations to nurture community talent and skills, assist socially isolated individuals and care for HybridFlex Train – UK Developed in partnership with Arriva’s Chiltern Railways, Rolls-Royce and Porterbrook, the HybridFlex train is the first 100 mph-capable battery-diesel hybrid train to operate on the UK’s national rail network. Oct 19, 2023 · Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) and I Squared Capital have signed an agreement for the sale of the whole of Arriva Group, including all of its operating businesses Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) and I Squared Capital have signed an agreement for the sale of the whole of Arriva Group, including all of its operating businesses across 10 European markets, to I Squared, a leading global infrastructure investment The Arriva Management Board sets Arriva’s strategy. May 22, 2023 · The decision to re-focus the Arriva Group portfolio had been made following a comprehensive strategic review of the business conducted in partnership with Arriva’s shareholder, Deutsche Bahn. About Us. 2019. Every day, millions of passengers trust us to travel for work, studies, leisure and other important reasons for each of them. With these acquisitions, the Group is becoming the backbone for developing and managing passenger transport on the entire Croatian territory. At the corporate centre the Group Safety team works under three core pillars: Setting standards . Link to Health & Safety page. Arriva Group As one of Europe’s leading passenger transport companies, we care passionately about connecting people and communities to each other, to their places of work, to education and to leisure activities. Arriva plc is a British multinational public transport company headquartered in Sunderland, England. g. Our vision. Sustainability is core to the Arriva Group We care passionately about our impact on society and our planet. Support Arriva’s businesses in the transition to zero-emission fleets including operational planning, charging infrastructure, scheduling and maintenance. Arriva Group | 55,066 followers on LinkedIn. We have around 35,500 colleagues working in towns and cities across Europe, doing many different jobs from driving and engineering to finance, sustainability, and digital technology. It is an opportunity for Arriva to recommit to working alongside passenger transport authorities to deliver essential transport links and build a more sustainable future for our colleagues, customers and the Delivering for and on behalf of our clients The Arriva group has been owned by Deutsche Bahn AG since August 2010 and operates predominately in two core areas of public transport services namely bus and rail, but it also provides tram and water bus services and access to shared car and bike schemes. The Arriva Group. Link to Our progress page. Mike Cooper Global Finance Solution Owner, Arriva Group We need delivery, management, and leadership focus across all our teams to enable Arriva to operate successfully. Countries. It strengthens its position on European markets through long-term railway contracts, e. Arriva is one of the largest providers of passenger transport in Europe, employing over 55,000 people and delivering more than 2. Deutsche Bahn signs agreement to sell Arriva to I Squared BERLIN & LONDON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Deutsche Bahn AG (DB) and I Squared Capital have signed an agreement for the sale of the whole of Arriva Group, including all of its operating businesses across 10 European markets, to I Squared, a leading global infrastructure investment manager. Link to Arriva UK's Gender Pay page. This strategic move aligns with the company’s forward-looking strategy to ensure a robust and competitive business for the long-term. That is why contributing to a more sustainable future is at the heart of our vision to help shape a future where passenger transport is the best choice and is central to our strategy that drives our day-to-day decision-making. See where you can buy bus tickets in Zagreb, Croatia. Arriva group was one of the first companies to introduce digital En la Fundación Arriva Hospitality Group tenemos el compromiso de contribuir al bien común, a través de acciones y esfuerzos en educación, salud y medio ambiente para ayudar a nuestro país a salir adelante de diversos problemas sociales que generan pobreza y desesperanza en la población. Arriva is a leading provider of passenger transport across Europe, employing around 35,500 people and delivering around 1. We harness the size and scale of Arriva to constantly improve our vital services and deliver them in a better way every day. The company also offers modern and above-standard solutions for passengers - mobile applications, on-demand transport systems and cooperation on the Regionálna autobusová doprava, medzimestská atobusová doprava a zmluvná autobusová doprava. Oct 19, 2023 · About Arriva Group. | Arriva is the leading passenger transport operator in Europe, employing around Sep 19, 2023 · About Arriva Group: Arriva is a leading provider of passenger transport across Europe, employing around 35,500 people and delivering around 1. Credit: Shutterstock/ Bjoern Wylezich. 5 per cent of the German group’s total revenue. Oct 19, 2023 · Arriva Group, which operates in ten countries, has been acquired by a US asset management company. <time class="entry-date published updated" datetime="2020-09-11T15:48:50+03:00"> </time></span></div>
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