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<h1 class="amp-post-title">Alford funeral home obituaries. Klein Funeral Home - Champions | View Obituaries. </h1>
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<p>Alford funeral home obituaries Alford's Mortuary - South Bend IN The "Funeral Rule" was established in 1984 to ensure that all funeral homes, including Alford's Mortuary, provide customers with clear and accurate information about the products and Arrangements are under the direction of Wyman Roberts Funeral Home in San Augustine. Arrangements are by Lacy Funeral Home. His passing has left an irreplaceable v View Melvin Alford's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. com. in the chapel of Alford's Mortuary. Alford passed away Saturday, December 14th at her residence. Merle Alford, 77, of the Wilton Community passed away Sunday, April 14, 2024, at her home. , 58, of Flora, Illinois passed away Monday, January 6, 2025 at Clay County Hospital. He was born March 7, 1936, in Franklin, Texas to the late Boliver Alfred "Jack Alford, DanielSep 21, 1940 - Jan 3, 2025Daniel Lee Alford III, affectionately known as "Big Lee," passed away peacefully on January 3, 2025, at the age of 84. Benny Frank Alford of Pelican, Louisiana. Health System in Indianapolis, Indiana. Princess accepted Christ at an early age at Maranatha Church in South Bend, Indiana. Please join us in Loving, Sharing and Memorializing Bro. He was a member of the Masonic Obituary published on Legacy. 2/19/25, in Loutzenhiser-Randall Funeral Home and Cremation Services, 416 Liberty St. Mary Doris Alford on Friday, October 25, 2024. of Flora, Illinois, born in Vincennes, Indiana, who passed away on January 6, 2025 at the age of 58, will forever remain in the hearts of those touched by this precious presence in their lives. Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages. Lee Royce was a Our Staff - Alford's Mortuary offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving South Bend, IN and the surrounding communities. Lee Royce Alford, age 83 of Farmerville, LA, will be held at 1000 AM, Thursday, May 2, 2024 at First Baptist Church in Farmerville with Brother Kurt Auger officiating. Melvin also View The Obituary For Bro. Nancy Alford age, 69 went home to rest with her Heavenly Father on October 16, 2024. English. Sandra was born on December 28, 1947, in Tifton, Georgia. He was born December 16, 1966 in Fort Dodge, Iowa. 25, 2024. Find a Location. She is survived by sons, Jeffrey Alford and Jason Patrick Alford. Leave a sympathy message to the family Jerry Alford Obituary Funeral services for Jerry Wayne Alford, Sr, 70, of Leland will be at 2:00 p. She was a devoted mother and grandmother. Publish in a newspaper Walter "Wally" Alford, age 75, of Lawrenceville, GA (formerly of Buford) passed away Walter C. Bobby was born January 20, 1932, in Naples, Texas to Robert Turner Alford and Marguerite Hargiss Alford. m. at the Cowboy Church of Erath County with Werth Mayes officiating. Canton Funeral Home and Cemetery at Macedonia Memorial Park. Obituary. Brought to you by Oliver-Cheek Funeral Home Buddy Lee Alford Ashville, Ohio June 28, 1949 2025 from 6:00-8:00 pm at the Oliver-Cheek Funeral Home 420 W. He graduated from Diamond High School. Philip entered eternal rest on Thursday, August 22, 2024, in Stephenville, Texas. To their union two kids were born, a daughter Kelleda Williams and a son Karlos Ross Alford Obituary Ross Dean Alford was born in York, SC, on March 26, 1982. Share a Memory. David Michael Alford, age 73, a lifelong resident of the Joplin, Missouri area, passed on to be with the Lord on August 3, 2023, at his home. Obituary & Events Tribute Wall. co. Legacy's online obit database has obituaries, death notices, and funeral services for 140 people named John Alford from thousands of the largest funeral homes and newspapers in the world. Family and friends can send flowers and condolences in memory of the loved one. We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection of caskets, vaults, urns and burial containers. Alford's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Plant A Tree. To send flowers to the family or plant a tree in memory of Brenda , please visit our floral store . Services will be at Creative Arts Guild of Dalton Sunday, December 15 at 1pm. , 62 of South Bend departed this life on Wednesday, Nov. 1972 Lori S. Visitation. Obituary The memory of Alford Stewart Sr. Family and friends will be received in the funeral home on 2/19/25 from 2:00 PM until time Find local and national death notices, funeral notices, obituaries, in memoriams, acknowledgements and family announcements including birthdays, births, anniversaries and marriages at funeral-notices. October 18, 1960 - August 1, 2021, Chris Duane Alford passed away on August 1, 2021 in Marshall, Texas. March 15, 1945 — August 21, 2024 Upper Marlboro. 8:00 P. Linda Johnson Alford Obituary Linda Louise Johnson Alford, of Hamilton, Georgia moved to her new home in heaven on Thursday, February 29, 2024, at St. Alford, 75, of Girard, passed away Tuesday, December 20, 2022, at Deer Valley Ski Resort in Park City, UT. Plan a Funeral or Cremation. Thelma leaves behind a legacy remembered by family and friends. Please join us in Loving, Sharing and Memorializing Alford M. com by Flanigan Funeral Home & Crematory on Oct. Obituaries; Memorial Trees; Funeral Homes; Resources; Blog; Thelma Alford December 24, 1932 - December 28, 2024. , 81, of Onalaska, Texas, will be held Friday, July 23, 2021, from 100 to 300 p. We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection Obituaries; Memorial Trees; Funeral Homes; Resources; Blog; Brought to you by Oliver-Cheek Funeral Home Buddy Lee Alford Ashville, Ohio June 28, 1949 - December 27, 2024. W. The obituary was featured in The David Wesley Alford, 71, of Slidell, Louisiana, passed away on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, in Slidell. He enjoyed grilling and smocking meats. We invite family, friends, and those whose lives Zawondra touched, to attend her funeral service on Wednesday, December 27, 2023, at 2:00 pm EST at Alford's Mortuary, located at 1222 Napier Street, South Bend, Indiana, 46601. Monday, December 23rd, at Hillcrest Funeral Home Rev. D. Barham and Beulah J. She was born on July 15, 1940 to Hubert Allen Burkart and Alice Marie Johnson Burkart in Dewey, OK. Turman March 7, 1936 - August 25, 2024; In Loving Memory Alford M. Menu Close. She was preceded in death by her parents, John Joanne Cutrer Alford, 62, was born February 16, 1961 in McComb, Mississippi. She passed Cindy Alford Obituary Obituary For Cindy Alford Born in West Point, Georgia on April 3, 1933, to the late Bob and Lilly Spraggins. Main St. Terry is survived by his wife, Cindy Alford his children T Madden and Katarina Alford, Seth Alford's Mortuary obituaries and more. It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and cherish. and Elizabeth (McCray) Sanders a very precious gift a baby girl that they named Sandra Laverne Sanders. In 1973 he joined the United States Air Force. Alford was a resident of Walton County, Florida. With solemn hearts, we announce the passing of Tammy Lynn Alford of Rockdale, Texas, whose presence will be deeply missed, having departed on February 26, 2025 at the age of 57. Alford of Maxton, North Carolina, who passed away on January 28, 2025 at the age of 63, will forever remain in the hearts of those touched by this precious presence in their lives. In loving memory of Daniel Lee Alford III (Caldwell, Texas), who departed this world on January 3, 2025 at the age of 84. Mr. Send Flowers. A memorial service will be held at the funeral home at 6pm. She was born in Wake Co. He spent his childhood in school and church Bobby Alford, age 92, of Omaha, Texas, passed away Friday, July 26, 2024 at his home. Merle retired from Durham Public Schools and spent her entire career as Mitchell Davis Obituary Elder Mitchell Davis Obituary Elder Mitchell Davis "The Maestro" Elder Mitchell "Mickey" Davis was born on August 21, 1948, in South Bend, Indiana, to Deacon Jonathan Davis, Sr Sandra was taken to her heavenly home on Thursday May 25, 2023. Beall Funeral Home. Charles was born at home in Wichita County on Sept Nancy Alford Obituary Nancy Alice Alford of Covington, age 84, died Sunday, July 14, 2024 at the Brian Center Rehabilitation & Nursing Care facility. Need help planning a funeral? Contact us today and we’ll help you through the It is with deep sorrow and reverence that we announce the passing of Elder Donald Leroy Alford Jr. She departed this life on July 2, 2023 at her residence in Osyka, MS. Langeland Family Funeral Homes Burial and Cremation Services. Patricia "Patti" Alford, Dalton Ga. Alford Obituary. Funeral service for Mrs. 1954 Vernon 2020. Sossamon Funeral Home - Creedmoor 834 N Main Street Creedmoor, NC 27522 All Obituaries - Dafford Funeral Home offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Dunn, NC, Angier, NC and the surrounding communities. Brenda Alford, age 61, of San Augustine, Texas, passed away Friday, November 29, 2024, at her residence. Sympathy and Grief. Burial will follow at Hillcrest Memorial Gardens. Jamestown. 's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. In the soft embrace of remembrance, we recall the profound impact Bertha had on those she encountered along her journey. Alford was born July 29, 1939 in Colfax, Louisiana to parents, Joseph Cullen Alford, Sr. 27, 2024. When she was very young, the family relocated to South Bend James Roy Alford Obituary. Interment will follow in Antioch Cemetery under the direction of Farrar Funeral Home. Viewing. This Obituary published on Legacy. Bro. Frank was born, in Philadelphia, Mississippi on June 28, 1938, to the late Ethyl and Rube Alford. The memory of John L. Find contact information, view maps, and more on Tribute Archive Alford's Mortuary provides individualized funeral services designed to meet the needs of each family. Her memory will forever live on in the hearts of those who had the privilege of knowing her. Funeral Services will be held 200 P. Calling hours will be at The Miller Funeral Home on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 5pm to 6pm. We are sad to announce that on February 23, 2025 we had to say goodbye to Bertha Alford (Dunn, North Carolina). View Alford Sanes's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Sandra attended and graduated from Washington High School. David was born November 28, 1949, in Joplin, to Melvin and Jeanne Alford. , in the Cochran Funeral Home in Onalaska, Texas. Francis Hospital, Columbus, Georgia at the age of Terry Madden Alford, retired family man, and resident of Caldwell County, Texas passed away unexpectedly on April 24 th, 2020 at the age of 68 on the Alford river property near San Marcos, Texas. 1945 Alford Sanes 2024. You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones. Turman on this permanent online memorial. He passed away on September 12, 2024, at the age of 42. David was born October 25, 1952, in Magnolia, Mississippi, to John Wesley and Sara Alford. Funeral services for Mr. A private burial was conducted at Old Dominion Memorial Gardens. He was born on Saturday, April 1 Elder Donald L. He was 76 years old. View Vernon Alford Jr. Obituary published on Legacy. Benny Frank Alford on this permanent online memorial. March 7, 1936 - August 25, 2024. On Tuesday, September 14, 2021, God sent his angels to escort his child home to him. We welcome all family and close friends. It’s the best way to honor and preserve the memories of loved ones who have passed. He was a man of strength, hard work, and Services for Philip Alford III will be held on Saturday, October 5, 2024, at 2 p. Tammy Lynn Alford Obituary. Obituaries Garric Evert Alford - Search obituaries and death notices from Alford, Florida, brought to you by Echovita. Call. Nancy eventually made Stem, January 14, 1949 - January 13, 2024, Kenneth M Alford passed away on January 13, 2024 in Zachary, Louisiana. U. Share. Alford Stewart Sr. A celebration of Sherry's life will be held on Friday, April 12, 2024 at Alford’s Funeral Home with visitation starting at 1 pm & funeral services beginning at 2pm. Thelma Alford. Our staff of dedicated professionals is available to assist you in making your It is a time to share memories, receive condolences and say goodbye. He was born on July 13, 1984 in Houston, MS to James Glenn "Jimmy" Alford and Angie Hicks Eaton. Obituary For Mary D. Ursery. Funeral homes curate a final ceremony that provides space for guests to begin the journey through grief together. In loving memory of Thelma Alford of Hopedale, Illinois, who departed this world on December 28, 2024 at the age of 92. Alford Jr. Mrs. O. , who was called home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, November Browse recent obituaries posted by Alford's Mortuary, a funeral home in South Bend, Indiana. 18, 2024. James Alford Obituary James Blake Alford, 39, passed away at home on Sunday, March 31, 2024. Born in Wake County on February 1, 1939, she was the daughter of the late Calvin W. Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved James Roy Alford of Red Oak, Oklahoma, who passed away at the age of 80, on December 30, 2024. Alford Gadsden Memorial Funeral Home announces, with deepest sympathy, the passing of Mrs. Ross graduated from York Comprehensive High School and Winthrop U Donald Alford Obituary It is with deep sorrow and reverence that we announce the passing of Elder Donald Leroy Alford Jr. 28 2024 at her home with her 3 "babies" her precious pet cats and her son. The fam Charlie is survived by Libby and his brother, Lewis Alford of Wilmington, North Carolina. Burial will be in South Lawn Cemetery at a later date. Funeral arrangements are incomplete and Arritt View Curtis Alford's obituary, send flowers, find service dates, and sign the guestbook. Melvin A. John L. 622 South Burdick Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49007 Visitation for Joseph Cullen Alford, Jr. Alford Sanes. Alford of Lawrenceville, Georgia, born in Atlanta, Georgia, who passed away on October 24, 2024 at the age of 75, will forever remain in the hearts of those touched by this precious presence in their lives. View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Alford's Mortuary in South Bend, IN, US. uk Alford Funeral Home. With heavy hearts, we announce the death of Alford Looney of Mena, Arkansas, who passed away on January 29, 2025 at the age of 65. 1950 Melvin 2023. Visitation will be held on Sunday December 1, 2024, 5-7 P. Lenora Alford Obituary. Sunday, December 1, 2024, at Wyman Roberts Funeral Home, located at 316 W. com by Buie's Funeral Home on Oct. Wednesday, March 13, 2024, at Emmanuel Baptist Church. Box 1298 810 West Wilmington Street Burgaw, NC View The Obituary For Alford M. Send Flowers Plant a Tree. . It is with deep sorrow and reverence that we announce the passing of Elder Donald Leroy Alford Jr. uk View the latest obituaries of people who passed away and were served by Alford's Mortuary in South Bend, IN. Alford's Mortuary is proud to offer We Remember memorial pages. Send Funeral Flowers, find contact info, obituaries, funeral service info, etc. Visitation will begin at 1200 P. Joy Alford Obituary Joy Basinet Alford, 69, of Lexington, SC (formally Sumter, SC), passed away on January 22, 2025. Find contact information, view maps, and more. 28, 2024. Jon Russell officiating. Perry Barham. Family and friends are welcome to send flowers or leave their condolences on Alford Looney Obituary. Visitation will be held from 1:00 to 2:00 p. Joyce Alford Obituary Joyce Alma Alford April 19, 1933 – January 16, 2025 Joyce Alma Alford, 91, took her last breaths in her home with loved ones there by her side. 10685 E Cherokee Dr, Canton, GA 30115 Celebrate the life of Gerald Alford, leave a kind word or memory and get funeral service information care of Radney Funeral Home - Saraland. Linda was born on July 8, 1959, in Forrest City, Arkansas to Daisy Winborn and A. , PO Box 367, Galena, KS 66739. Klein Funeral Home - Champions | View Obituaries. She Alford Looney Obituary Alford "Lee" Looney, age 65, of Mena, Arkansas passed away on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at the Mena Regional Health System in Mena, Arkansas. Dunn Funeral Home and Cremation Services, INC | View Obituaries. She was preceded in death by her husband Hugh Dick Alford and her parents As we mourn her loss, we also celebrate her life, her achievements, and the love she shared with us all. A funeral service was held on Saturday, February 22nd 2025 at 2:00 PM at the First Baptist Church of McAlester (100 E Washington Ave, McAlester, OK 74501). She was born on February 22, 1955, in Bitburg, Germany, to Ruth (Card) Basinet and Mrs. M. FIND OBITUARIES AND SERVICES. passed away Nov. Columbia Street in San Augustine, Texas. Alford Turman Obituary Click Here To View Live Service Alford Martin Turman, 88, of Houston, passed away August 25, 2024. Bryce Hays officiating. com by Alford's Mortuary on Nov. We are sad to announce that on February 12, 2021, at the age of 95, Lenora Alford of Alexander City, Alabama passed away. Alford M. Joseph was born on August 19, 1947, to Robert and Verna (Kessinger) Alford in Springfield, IL Joe was a 1965 graduate of Girard High School, and a 1970 graduate of Western Illinois University where he received a degree in Agriculture Economics. t A Celebration of Life Service to honor his memory will be held Saturday, February 22, 2025, at Family Funeral Home in Crawfordville, Florida. to Joseph was preceded in death by his parents, Robert and Verna Alford. There will be a visitation from 5:00 p. Shortly after, she met and fell in love with Leel Williams. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page Search for all of today's most recent Alford Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Alford, Florida. Find contact info, funeral service info, and order funeral flowers online. , Thursday, November 14, 2024 under the direction of Rockett-Nettles Funeral Home, Coushatta, LA. , who was called home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, November 27, 2024. No children please. Funeral Home Ser Princess Dominique Alford was born to the union of Dr. She was born December 27, 1956 in DeFuniak Springs, Florida to Woodrow and Mary Rowland Godwin. Obituary Alford Stewart, Sr. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Simmons Family in her honor. A memorial service for Della Mae Alford will be held at 10 am, Saturday, September 18, 2021 at Downs Funeral Home. Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family. A-Ja Mu-Wafu Muhammad and Elizabelle (Alford) Miller on March 11, 1985, in Kalamazoo, Michigan. Nancy Barham Alford Nancy B. Sandra was Born October 19, 1953 to parents Walter Murray Jr and Lucille Scott. He was born November 26, 1966 in Vincennes Bertha Alford Obituary. View Garric Evert Alford's obituary, contribute to their memorial, see their funeral service details, and more. On December 28, 1947, God gave O. A Celebration of Life will follow on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at 5:00 pm at the Davis-Anderson Funeral Home, Girard, IL, with Rev. Ashville Daniel Lee Alford III Obituary. Benny was born April 17, 1937 in Sicily Island, LA Douglas Alford Obituary Funeral service for Mr. You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family. Sunday, December 08, 2024 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM. Douglas "Doug" Alford, age 82, of Hokes Bluff, will be 3 PM Friday at Glencoe-Hokes Bluff Funeral Home with Rev. Diane Alford Wikert 69 of Shelbyville died December 18, 2024. Jeff had battled a year of sickness and a 6-month Tonya Alford Obituary Tonya Zeneé Alford was born on May 5, 1969 to the late Annie Mae McQueen Alford and Willie Fred Alford in Lumberton, NC. Madeleen Margie Alford, age 65, passed away Wednesday, March 30, 2022. Please click here to view the Live Stream of the Funeral Alford Stewart Obituary Alford Stewart, Sr. Funeral services are set for 2:00 p. Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of Alford Looney to pay them a last tribute. Alford, 85, of Stem passed away peacefully Sunday, October 27, 2024, at Hock Family Pavilion in Durham, NC. He was a m Joseph L. Born in Granville County on March 16, 1947, she was the daughter of the late Ralph Coolidge Blackley and Ella Pearce Blackley. Alford Obituary The memory of Walter C. Daniel Lee leaves behind a legacy remembered by family and friends. Share Send Flowers. OBITUARY Gerald Edward Alford November 4, 1945 Please join us in Loving, Sharing and Memorializing Joan Barbara Alford on this permanent online memorial. All Obituaries - Alford's Mortuary offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving South Bend, IN and the surrounding communities. Russell Funeral Home 822 Carl Russell Avenue Winston-Salem, NC 27101 Linda Faye Taylor, 62, beloved mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, aunt, and cousin who resided in South Bend, Indiana was called home to be with the lord at 8:34 pm on Thursday, December 16, 2021, at I. Alford Sac City, Iowa Melvin Alford, 57, passed away September 4, 2024. Send With Love. Visitation will be held Saturday, February 25, 2023, from 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm at Davis-Anderson Funeral Home, Girard, IL. Sunday, Charles Knowles Alford Jr, 83, passed away peacefully at home surrounded by family and was welcomed into the Lord's arms on Sunday, October 6th, 2024. Alford 2025. Funeral Home Services for Nancy are being provided by Sossamon Funeral Home - Creedmoor. Turman. Melvin lived and worked in several towns throughout Iowa. Alford will be at 1:00 PM on Saturday, November 2, 2024 at Shiloh Baptist Church - 1037 Tuscaloosa Avenue - Gadsden, AL 35901. Nancy B. Bobby retired from Atlas Roofing where he was a supervisor. Saturday, December 14, 2024 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM. Thelma Alford Obituary. The family will receive family and friends from 2:00 Derfelt Funeral Home | (620) 783-1371 1116 Main St. View The Obituary For Alford M. Most recently in the Sac City area for Essensia. ‹ ‹ Return to Current Obituaries. Funeral Hom LAMYRION ALFORD Obituary LAMYRION EUGENE ALFORD, born on March 19, 2005, in Dallas, Texas, ventured into eternal rest on December 13, 2024, in his beloved city. Bruce Word will be officiating. Joan Barbara Alford February 6, 1941 - February 14, 2025; In Remembrance Dunn Funeral Home and Cremation Services, INC P. A celebration of a life well-lived with military honors will be 2:00 pm Wednesday, December 6 at Rader Funeral Home, 630 Roanoke Road Daleville with Pastor Gerri McDaniel officiating. She was raised in Rowland, NC and gave her life to Visitation was held on Friday, February 21st 2025 from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the Brumley-Mills Funeral Home (1410 E Carl Albert Pkwy, McAlester, OK 74501). Nancy Alford passed away on October 27, 2024 in Creedmoor, North Carolina. Share Obituary: Brought to you by Davis-Oswald Funeral Home Thelma Alford Tremont, Illinois December 24, 1932 - December 28, 2024. Publish in a newspaper Ms. Frank Jarvis Alford, 85, passed away on February 18, 2024. Jeffrey Alford Obituary Jeffrey Howard Alford, age 58, passed away peacefully, in his home, on January 27, 2025, surrounded by his wife and children. Contact Us. Find local and national death notices, funeral notices, obituaries, in memoriams, acknowledgements and family announcements including birthdays, births, anniversaries and marriages at funeral-notices. , who was called View Lori S. Print. 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