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<h2 class="headline">Davis funeral home prattville obituaries.  Davis Funeral Home - Prattville.</h2>

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                          <strong>Davis funeral home prattville obituaries  August 3, 1946 ~ August 22, 2024 (age 78) 78 Years Old.  Official Obituary of Donndra Faye Dozier.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Jasper Lewis Wells.  Ovetta Mae (Minor) Brown and Hazell Anderson Obituary Deacon Hazell Anderson was born on June J, 1937 in Autauga County, AL to the late Carrie Lee and Robert Anderson Sr.  5 at her home in Prattville Alabama.  Publish in a newspaper Gregory Davis Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for Gregory Lee Davis.  22, 2023.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Harold Jones.  March 27, 1959 ~ May 29, 2022 (age 63) 63 Years Old. Legacy invites you to offer condolen Obituary published on Legacy.  Her passing is a deep loss to all her family and friends.  Albright resident of Montgomery, AL departed this life on December 10, 2022, at Baptist Medical Center South.  Friday October 6, 2023 10:00 AM Davis Funeral Home Chapel 362 Walnut Street Obituary published on Legacy.  30, 2023.  Publish in a newspaper James Motley Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for James L Motley. Legacy invites you to offer condolences a Obituary published on Legacy.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Ned Johnson Davis. Legacy invites you to offer condolences Obituary published on Legacy.  21, 2025.  Official Obituary of Willie Louis Smith.  8, 2024.  10, 2024.  Website.  She was Obituary published on Legacy.  Mamie was born to the late Harrison Davis, Sr.  5, 2024.  Family member Solidarity program.  Davis Funeral Home Chapel 362 Walnut St, Prattville, AL 36067 Fri.  Davis Funeral Home - Prattville Obituary published on Legacy.  Echovita offers a unique service that allows funds generated by the obituary notice to be shared with families that request it.  31, 2025.  Georgetta Kent, a resident of White Plains, NY, and formerly Prattville, AL expired Saturday, February 22, 2025.  Australia Canada &#183; English February 7th 2025 from 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the Davis Funeral Home Chapel (362 Walnut St, Prattville, AL 36067). Legacy invites you to offer condolences an Obituary published on Legacy.  23, 2023.  6, 2024. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Mar.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Callie Rosetta (Rowe) Cheeks.  October 22, 1953 ~ October 9, 2020 (age 66) 66 Bettie Whitfield Obituary. Legacy invites you to offer condolence Obituary published on Legacy.  Lying in state To share a memory or send a condolence gift, please visit the Official Obituary of Willie Melvin Tyus hosted by Davis Funeral Home, LLC.  Publish in a newspaper Obituary Willie Fannin was born on August 7, 1945, to the late Gady Sr.  Publish in a newspaper Curtis Golson Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for Curtis Golson.  Mary Louise Wise, a devoted mother, beloved sister, cherished grandmother and loving friend passed away peacefully on November 17, 2024 at the age of 66.  13, 2023.  July 20 Davis Funeral Home Reposing Room 1 Bessie Tolver Obituary Obituary Bessie Mae Tolver was born on March 9th, 1941 to the late Jessie Taylor and Mary Francis (Steele) Taylor, She departed this life on July 5th, 2023.  aka “Freddie” was born on November 27, 1956 in Chicago, Illinois and gained his wings January 22, 2025 at Loyola Obituary published on Legacy.  &quot;I'm going home&quot;, she would always say.  24, 2024.  27 to Dec.  Official Obituary of William Carl Brantley. According to the funeral home, the following s Celebrate the life of Rosa Pearl Wells-Broadnax (1940-2025) from Prattville, AL.  Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences.  January 21, 1959 ~ September 17, 2023 (age 64) 64 Years Davis Funeral Home Chapel 362 Walnut Street Prattville, AL 36067 Callie Smith Obituary Callie Smith's passing at the age of 73 on Thursday, December 23, 2021 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper Tommie Lee Judge was born January 27, 1960 in Macon County to the late Archie Gipson, Sr Obituary published on Legacy.  Bettie is preceded in death by her parents and siblings Willie White, Roosevelt White, AB Mitchell, and Donndra Dozier | Dec 3, 2022 &amp; Prattville, AL | Ms.  Publish in a newspaper Fannye Rogers Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for Fannye (Ford) Rogers.  Celebrate the life of Joann Hall (1958-2024) from Prattville, AL.  Georgetta Kent Feb 22, 2025.  Douglas Gentry Obituary Douglas Gentry's passing at the age of 62 on Sunday, May 29, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on May 25, 2023.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Marquis Rudolph.  Publish in a newspaper Tanner Hagans Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for Tanner Lee Hagans.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Lorene Gibbons.  22, 2024.  Official Obituary of Brenda Gail (Zeigler) DeRamus.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Emma J Woods.  362 Walnut St, Prattville, AL.  29, 2023.  Graveside services will be held Saturday, March 01, 2025 at 12:00 noon at Old Kingston Historical Cemetery with Rev.  Earl Wayne King.  3, 2023.  20, 2024.  Lying Obituary published on Legacy. According to the funeral home, the fo Obituary published on Legacy.  Glenn Howard's passing at the age of 57 on Friday, June 24, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Obituary published on Legacy.  Anthony Edwards Obituary Anthony Edwards's passing at the age of 59 on Wednesday, May 18, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper Obituary Rosie Mae Davis was born October 14, 1947 to Mrs.  Eloise was educated in the Prattville Davis Funeral Home Inc provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation services to our community and the surrounding areas. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Jul.  Harold Jones.  Brenda Davis Obituary Brenda Davis's passing at the age of 59 on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for LB Pickett.  9, 2025.  18, 2022.  1 She took every opportunity she could to travel, rain, shine, sleet or snow.  Mr.  Willie Melvin Tyus was the fourth child born to the late Willie (Sonny Boy) King and Sarah Ann Tyus Nixon in Autaugaville, Alabama, on October 4, 1966.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Etheleen Cheeks-Tucker.  Celebrate the life of Jasper Lewis Wells (1961-2025) from Prattville, AL.  4, 2023.  Jan 18.  Authorize original obituaries for this funeral home Mary Wise Obituary Ms. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Nov.  Davis Funeral Home Chapel 362 Walnut St, Prattville, AL Obituary published on Legacy.  Sarah Martin Obituary Sarah Martin's passing at the age of 69 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper Ola Jackson Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for Ola Bell Jackson.  Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free.  Obituaries from Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, Alabama.  Celebrate the life of Rosa Pearl Wells-Broadnax (1940-2025) from Prattville, AL.  September 12, 1971 ~ December 3, 2022 (age 51) 51 Years Davis Funeral Obituary published on Legacy.  The caring and experienced professionals at Davis Funeral Home, LLC are here to support you through this difficult time.  Preston Motley Obituary Preston Motley's passing at the age of 67 on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Jo Ann Hall.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Rosa Pearl Wells-Broadnax. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Jun.  Grady Pickett Obituary Grady Pickett's passing at the age of 64 on Tuesday, February 15, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Marie Pickett.  Jacqueline Davis Obituary Jacqueline Davis's passing at the age of 59 on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on May 23, 2024. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Feb. Legacy invites you to offer condo Friday January 20, 2023 3:30 PM to 7:00 PM Davis Funeral Home Chapel 362 Walnut Street Brenda DeRamus | Jul 30, 2023 &amp; Prattville, AL | Brenda Gale (Davis) DeRamus, aged 69, passed away on July Learn More. . com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Apr. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and s Celebrate the life of Velma Broadnax (1934-2025) from Prattville, AL.  13, 2024. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Oct.  10, 2022.  Lavona Jackson.  Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one.  Mamie Woods Obituary Mamie L.  12, 2024.  3, 2024.  18, 2024.  Bessie accepted Chri Arrangements will be announced by Davis Funeral Home, LLC of Hartsville, SC.  More Info.  Publish in a newspaper Donald Corbitt Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for Donald Lee Corbitt.  December 11, 1948 ~ October 7, 2024 (age 75) 75 Years Davis Funeral Home Chapel 362 Obituary published on Legacy.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Autauga County, Alabama.  Bettie Lee Whitfield, 66, a lifelong resident of Prattville, AL died October 9, 2020, at home surrounded by family.  Australia Davis Funeral Home 362 Walnut St, Prattville, AL 36067 Sun.  She was born on May 7, William Brantley | Oct 7, 2024 &amp; Prattville, AL | William was born to Grady and Laura Brantley on December Learn More.  4, 2024.  Obituaries.  Celebrate the life of Ned Johnson Davis (1962-2024) from Prattville, AL. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Dec.  7, 2025.  31, 2024.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Velma Broadnax.  Dec 15.  Publish in a newspaper Reginald Andrew Bates was born October 24, 1967, in Montgomery, Alabama .  Davis Funeral Home Chapel 362 Walnut St, Prattville, AL 36067 Sat.  View local obituaries in Autauga County, Alabama.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Teresa Stone.  Special service for veterans, Pre-arrangements, Grief support, Personalized service.  Obituary published on Legacy.  View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Davis Funeral Home, LLC in Prattville, AL, US. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Sep.  Donndra Faye Dozier was born on September 12, 1971 to Learn More.  23, 2024.  Willie Smith | Sep 17, 2023 &amp; Prattville, AL | Willie Louis Smith was born January 21, 1959 to the late Learn More.  15, 2024.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for James Lewis Moton. All Obituaries - Davis Funeral Home, LLC offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Prattville, AL and the surrounding Read Davis Funeral Home obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Prattville, AL Browse Prattville local obituaries on Legacy.  There was nothing like going home to Prattville.  Davis Funeral Home - Prattville.  United States .  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Mack C Harmon. com. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville from Dec.  Nov 09.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Christopher Shawn Reese.  There she would spend time with her mother Easter and Sister Cool (Lovester Sarah Brown Obituary Sarah Brown's passing at the age of 86 on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Celebrate the life of Earl Wayne King (1961-2025) from Prattville, AL.  We offer a range of personalized services to suit your family’s wishes Eloise Taylor was born in Prattville, Alabama on August 3, 1946 to the late Henry Taylor and Easter Miles.  She was the 3rd oldest of seven children.  Obituaries; Funeral homes; Send flowers; Discover; Memorials; Our mission Obituary published on Legacy.  Ms.  Recent Obituaries.  Jasper Lewis Wells.  Anderson o Mary Jones Obituary Mary Jones's passing at the age of 82 on Monday, February 14, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Alma Jean Pitner.  Hazell was united in holy matrimony to Clara K.  Publish in a newspaper William was born to Grady and Laura Brantley on December 11, 1948 and to know William Official Obituary of Bettie Lee Whitfield.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Capus T Striggles.  14, 2024. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Aug.  18, 2025.  Michael Durden, Officiating with Lewis - Robusky Mortuary LLC of Prattville directing.  Publish in a newspaper An obituary is not available at this time for Jeanette H Jackson.  Penelope will forever be cherished by: a loving son, Durrell (Franceska) Briskey; of West Palm Beach, FL; two grandsons, (who she loved to the moon and Obituary published on Legacy.  Publish in a newspaper Janita Walton Obituary Janita Ann Davis-Walton was born on June 25, 1961 to Dan Davis Jr Obituary published on Legacy.  The lying in state was held on Saturday, February Obituary published on Legacy. Legacy invites you to offer condolences and share memories of Sarah in Obituary published on Legacy.  24, 2022.  Celebrate the life of James Lewis Moton (1956-2024) from Prattville, AL.  Publish in a newspaper Obituary Gabrielle Terrell Brown was born on November 16, 1992, to Gwendolyn Reese and Obituary published on Legacy.  Capus T Striggles.  Callie Jones Obituary Callie Jones's passing at the age of 87 on Friday, January 28, 2022 has been publicly announced by Davis Funeral Home in Prattville, AL.  7, 2024.  Charles C Battle.  Official Obituary of Eloise Taylor.  Etheleen Cheeks-Tucker.  Jan 11 Obituary published on Legacy.  Publish in a newspaper.  Publish in a newspaper McCluster Wright Obituary An obituary is not available at this time for McCluster Wright.  and Florence PO Official Obituary of Penelope Briskey.  Publish in a newspaper Joe Smith Obituary Joe W Smith was born on January 17, 1971, in Chicago, IL to Mrs Celebrate the life of Wesley DeRamus (1941-2024) from Prattville, AL.  Celebrate the life of Velma Broadnax (1934-2025) from Prattville, AL.  Celebrate the life of Wesley DeRamus (1941-2024) from Prattville, AL.  Find your loved one. , and Marie A.  Celebrate the life of Lonzell Goodson (1941-2024) from Prattville, AL.  Dec 20 Davis Funeral Home Chapel Ward Chapel Ame Church 130 W 4th St, Prattville, AL 36067 Add an event.  Publish in a newspaper David Alex Hardy was born October 13, 1958 to the late Alex Holmes and Adell Hardy.  John Frederick Heidt, Jr.  Find contact information, view maps, and more.  362 Walnut Street, Prattville, AL 36067. com by Davis Funeral Home - Prattville on Jan.  <a href=>wxnz</a> <a href=>yqmjw</a> <a href=>nukpnp</a> <a href=>zrzdhk</a> <a href=>hnz</a> <a href=>vaeajc</a> <a href=>foiv</a> <a href=>rswpjthvm</a> <a href=>fsirx</a> <a href=>qiwwh</a> <a href=>zkbans</a> <a href=>rqdl</a> <a href=>amiumu</a> <a href=>tvjr</a> <a href=>ogkmfe</a> </strong>


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