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<p>Housekeeping job agency near me  Our Team of Rec ruit ers has extensive * NOTE - the agency is temporarily closed, due to re-open Spring 2025* HELPING YOUR HOME TO RUN SMOOTHLY.  Day shift +2.  View all our Housekeeping vacancies now with new jobs added daily! Position Title: Executive Housekeeper.  Atlanta, GA 30342 .  Menu.  We match people to work in Hotels, Resorts, Banquet Halls, Colleges &amp; Universities, Event Spaces, Medical We found 1,557 housekeeper jobs in Canada on Job Bank.  Top 8 Housekeeping Agencies near you.  Register With Us; Account Benefits; Account FAQ; Dashboard / Sign In; Service Disclaimers; Career Focused Articles; For Employers.  Sign in.  Featured.  SEEK.  Aya Cleaning Solutions LLC.  Housekeeper – Domestic Bliss Appointments Limited is a Residential Household Staff Agency who provide exclusive, bespoke, sound advice and guidance before, during and after the recruitment process.  Los Angeles, CA 90012. com, so find someone perfect to clean your home today! Hire Verified Maid, Nanny, Cook, Driver,Caregiver anywhere in India for 24hrs, or part time work on Helper4U.  Laundry Attendant.  18586 Sellin.  Schedule: On-Call.  The Graham Agency has many clients looking for after school Nannies / Babysitters - please register your interest now and call 07956437249-Top Rates Paid! The Graham Agency, the boutique domestic agency, is pleased to announce the 60,299 Housekeeping &#187; jobs available on Indeed. in.  Sort by: relevance - date.  Monday to Friday +4.  JOB hotel housekeeping agency near me jobs.  Confidential.  House Cleaner/ Housekeeping.  Housekeeping jobs in Tampa, FL.  Housekeeping Team Leader / Checker.  Trusted &amp; Screened Crew. 118 Jobs f&#252;r Housekeeping in Deutschland.  28 days paid holiday, rising to 33 days with long service.  I have experience as a housekeeper, cook, and caregiver for elderly people.  Home; For Candidates.  Learn Janitorial Staff We are leaders in finding and managing qualified janitorial and cleaning teams.  View similar jobs with this employer.  We strive to bring professionalism to an industry filled with misconceptions and exploitation, and to a large part, we have succeeded in that.  $15 - $18 an hour. 146 Stellenangebote auf Indeed.  Thumbtack; Home Remodeling; Housekeeping Agencies.  Employer Active 5 days ago.  Housekeeping Supervisor. 0.  Housekeeping job in Lisbon. 44 per hour; Contract; Full time; To ensure that the standard of cleanliness within the organisation is implemented and maintained, ensuring a clean environment for patient care in accordance with the National Standards for Healthcare Cleanliness 2021.  The Attendant is responsible for washing, drying, and View similar jobs with this Housekeeping jobs in Cleveland, OH. com und starten Sie Ihre Karriere mit nur einem Klick.  The job postings found are for all Home support workers, housekeepers and related occupations (NOC 65310).  Skip to content.  Find out more.  Hiring multiple candidates.  New.  View all our Housekeeping vacancies now with new jobs added daily! 123 housekeeping jobs in All Auckland.  We provide FREE registration for all kinds of domestic work and cleaning jobs to jobseekers looking for either temporary work or permanent placement in homes and offices in and around our service areas.  Post a Free Profile.  Daily operational management of the housekeeping team.  How do I find a housekeeper or cleaner near me in Montreal, QC? NannyServices.  Find your ideal job at Jobstreet with 1502 Housekeeping jobs found in Philippines.  View all our Housekeeping vacancies now with new jobs added daily!.  Randolphs is a well-established employment agency and employment business which recruits high-calibre service staff for private households &amp; estates, family offices and hospitality &amp; events.  Replenishes used cleaning material; stocks cart with.  Easily apply.  APPLICANTS EXECUTIVE HOUSEHOLD STAFFING CAREGIVERS NANNIES ABOUT FEES. L.  Services.  If your family is looking to hire a qualified housekeeper, consider working with a housekeeper agency like Pavillion Agency Inc.  PHP 17,000 a month.  Employer Active 3 days ago.  This role is essential in ensuring a welcoming atmosphere for guests and staff alike.  Choose your own hours.  This is a Full time job.  If you're looking for reliable cleaning work which works around you, part time housekeeping jobs.  Done. .  Anais Senior Recruitment Consultant.  The cost of hiring a housekeeper near you in Hollywood, FL on average costs $19.  CONTACT BLOG.  Duties are often housekeeping job hiring.  Inspect classrooms, offices, restrooms, corridors, and common areas regularly to ensure high standards of We know you've been searching for that perfect fit, but other agencies, online services, and word-of-mouth inquiries have led you nowhere.  3,000+ jobs.  Our goal is to make sure your experience is seamless and enjoyable, while working with our agency.  3h.  A private housekeeper’s services and responsibilities can be vast and encompassing depending on the needs of the family or home.  Every weekend.  Eva Senior Recruitment Consultant.  Shift and schedule.  Whether you’re looking for part-time work or full-time hours, we can help facilitate your needs.  Housekeeper.  Employers / Post Job.  Find a House Cleaning Job Today! Housekeeper.  A housekeeper is responsible for the smooth running and daily management of all household cleaning and maintenance duties.  Cape Ads; Results for Housekeeping &amp; Cleaning jobs in Western Cape in Western Cape.  If you aim to employ professional staff to maintain your home to the standard you deserve and want to smooth the way to long term trouble-free staff recruitment , this service will save you My name is Tatiana.  Apply to Housekeeper/laundry, Housekeeper, Laundry Attendant and more! Find your ideal job at SEEK with 123 Housekeeping jobs found in All Auckland.  Maumee, OH 43537.  REGISTER WITH HSS HERE ⁠ housekeeper jobs ⁠ retail jobs ⁠ room attendant jobs ⁠ night fill jobs ⁠ dishwasher jobs; 70 jobs.  With regular cleaners already in place your duties will revolve around laundry duties, (washing, folding and putting away), keeping the house, yard and family car As a leading housekeeper agency, we provide a transparent breakdown of recruitment agency costs, offering families a clear understanding of the process involved.  Explore similar work like Housekeeper, Cleaner, Childcare Provider jobs to help you secure your next role! Skip to main content Home.  20 hours per week. co.  Active daily communication with hotel mamagement and the team.  Full-time.  Employer Active 7 days ago.  Services Offered Child Care Services Cook Services Disabled Care Candidate must live near or around Midrand.  We’re looking for energetic, reliable individuals who love housekeeping, deep ⁠ housekeeper jobs ⁠ retail jobs ⁠ room attendant jobs ⁠ night fill jobs ⁠ dishwasher jobs; 114 jobs.  Traverse City, MI 49684.  Lucie.  Employer Active 13 days ago. Whether you require a private chef, butler, nanny, Find hundreds of local housekeeper jobs Create a free profile and apply for jobs that fit your schedule and pay Live-in &amp; Live-out Get hired in 24h Housekeeper jobs near me | Full-time &amp; Part-time Premier Domestic Staffing Agency that provides private household staff placement of highly qualified Director of Residences, Estate Managers, Household Managers, Personal Assistants, Family Assistants, Housekeepers, Nannies, Butlers, Chefs and other private home staffing services across the US.  Dringend gesucht.  8 hour shift +3.  401k plan with a match.  Match made every 3 minutes on Care.  Walk-in interviews for UEMS SOLUTIONS will be conducted at the Jobs &amp; Skills Discovery Fest 2025 held at Find 27 Housekeeping job openings in Dublin, County Dublin on Indeed.  Oslo.  I am a PSW certificate holder looking for a caregiver job or housekeeper position Feb 21, 2025 - Find affordable housekeepers near you (Starting at $19.  $16 an hour.  Qualifications: A housekeeping Jobs in Berlin.  5,000+ jobs.  Jetzt Housekeeping finden: Durchsuchen Sie 1.  Sophie.  In addition, 85% of new team members said they felt welcome when they started.  Company reviews.  $18.  View similar jobs with this employer .  Fine male, female helpers and even Couple for your household chores.  Housekeeping Aide - Northland Heights.  Looking for a reliable housekeeper? How does it work? You create a free job offer to search for the right domestic help and describe what kind of help you need.  Salt River.  Pasig &amp;nbsp; Full job description.  Pittsburgh, PA 15237.  Please Whatsapp Only on 063 267 0715.  I'm willing to provide Canadian references.  Their team often has strong relationships with jobs organizations, schools and other 60,934 Housekeeping jobs available on Indeed.  4d.  Does cleaning and making things neat and tidy bring you joy? Well, we have the job for you! Join us in making our facilities sparkly clean! Hiring Industrial 19 Feb 19 Part-time Housekeeper/Manager for family home in Bellevue Hill - PPLM A family of 5 including 3 school aged children, is seeking a great housekeeper to keep their lovely home in Bellevue tidy and organised. 8 (34) Great value.  The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care 3.  Hamister Group, LLC 3.  Childcare; Tutoring; Elderlycare; Housekeeping; Petcare; Housekeeping Services.  Anzeige &#183; &#196;hnliche Convenient access to job seekers looking for housekeeper jobs.  Hi everyone!,am a lady aged 30 years,who&amp;#39;s looking for domestic job,lam a hard working, trustworthy and reliable worker,l have good experience also l can work with or without supervision,am honest agency for housekeeper jobs.  &amp;nbsp; Pasig. com Title: Housekeeping/Janitor.  Other cost factors can include your location and what level of cleaning you want.  Malaysia.  Join the team.  IFS 3.  20 to 40 hours per week.  Looking for a Regular Housekeeper in Oslo We are looking for a regular Cleaning / Housekeeping Jobs.  at Lewis Leisure Pty Limited.  Housekeepers | Mercure Hotel Rouse Hill.  4,000+ jobs.  Hire Today; How We Work; Employee All Maids is a FREE domestic worker recruitment, placement, and outsourcing agency in Ekurhuleni (East Rand), Johannesburg and Midvaal.  Sortieren nach: Relevanz - Datum &gt; 50 Jobs.  Mehrere neue Mitarbeiter gesucht.  Hotel Housekeeping room attendant.  Within a few hours, domestic Wir, die Adecco Personaldienstleistungen GmbH, vermitteln Arbeitspl&#228;tze zwischen Arbeitgebern und Bewerbern.  Modify my search.  This is a Casual/Vacation job.  Job Hotline: (646) 794-8600.  Housekeeping Team Leader , Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3NH.  Hong Kong.  Pay information not provided.  $20 - $28 an hour .  Plus Fevrier UG - Unicorn Hospitality Group.  Job Summary: Supervise and manage the daily housekeeping operations to ensure the college remains clean and well-maintained.  Full-time hours Monday – Friday (no evenings or As one of the most respected Household Staffing agencies internationally, we genuinely strive to simplify our client’s life.  professional housekeeper agency near me jobs.  No agency fees.  60 hires on Thumbtack; 4 similar jobs done near you; Rahul D.  Housekeeping, Housekeeper.  Bright &amp; Beautiful Housekeeping 3.  Private Housekeeper Agency: Services &amp; Job Positions.  classification: Hospitality Hello! My name is Sera and I am a professional housekeeper in Toronto, Ontario.  View similar Find experienced maids, hire housemaids, servant maid agencies near your location and get home maid agency charges, contact addresses, phone numbers, ratings, reviews and Sulekha score instantly to your mobile.  subClassification: Housekeeping Housekeeping.  Malls and Shopping centers.  Carla &amp; Briss House Cleaning.  Employer Active 10 days ago.  Neu. 000 Jobs.  says, &quot;Carla and Briss did an amazing job cleaning our Housekeeping jobs in Toledo, OH. C.  And public/employee rest rooms.  View all our Housekeeping vacancies now with new jobs added daily! 453 housekeeping jobs in New Zealand.  A private housekeeper’s tasks are also dependent on additional staff members as they work together on projects or specialize in specific areas within the home.  Engaging Pavillion to conduct a housekeeper search on your family’s behalf means that you’ll have peace of mind, be introduced to the most qualified housekeepers in the industry, and never be Experience world-class household staffing with Morgan &amp; Mallet, the leading agency dedicated to connecting you with highly skilled and trusted domestic professionals.  It’s common to turn to Job Seekers; Fees &amp; Salaries; Our Candidates; Business Opportunities; Contact us; Blogs; 0.  Employer Active 6 days ago. 44 to &#163;11.  The Cleaning Authority - Atlanta 3.  Sort by: Latest Jobs .  I have Housekeeper.  1 new update.  See more profiles near you.  That being said, how often you require housekeeping services, how large your house is, and the type of cleaning duties you need help with can all impact what you’ll spend.  $21 - $35 an hour.  Housekeeper, Maids and Housekeeping Cleaners.  Two Ladies &amp; A Bucket 4.  Having been successfully running since 1997, and having placed thousands of domestic workers in all aspects of domestic work, we pride ourselves in being the top domestic agency in the country.  Childcare; Tutoring; Elderlycare; Housekeeping; Petcare; Search.  Melbourne VIC.  Whether your housekeeping needs be ad hoc, short-term or long-term, live-in or live-out, we are committed to finding the right solution for you.  Weekends as needed +2.  Honolulu, HI 96813.  PKW-F&#252;hrerschein w&#228;re von Vorteil.  at Pegasus Apart'Hotel.  The Graham Agency has many clients looking for after school Nannies / Babysitters - please register your interest now and call 07956437249-Top Rates Paid! The Graham Agency, the boutique domestic agency, is pleased to announce the availability of exceptional, first class candidates.  1 .  ⭐️ Professional House Cleaner / Housekeeper / Maid ⭐ .  Duties: - Perform general home cleaning tasks such as Feb 21, 2025 - Find affordable house cleaning services near you, starting at $20.  Clean and sanitize the entire condo, including bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchen, and living areas.  This is a featured job.  Easy Scheduling.  Delhi.  You will also be able to search through our list of posted housekeeper vacancies, and apply to whichever ones apply to you.  New offer. 3.  Google Our expert team at housekeeping agency specializes in finding the best housekeepers to meet your specific needs.  My rates are $30.  Computer and mobile access put the full capabilities of Find your ideal job at SEEK with 453 Housekeeping jobs found in New Zealand.  Joseph's Degree &amp; PG College For Women,Tolichowki.  Apply to Housekeeper, Environmental Services Aide, Cleaner and more! housekeeping jobs in Los Angeles, CA.  Childcare; Tutoring; Elderlycare; Housekeeping; Petcare ; Housekeeping Services.  A housekeeper's duties may include: Cleaning, 4,251 Housekeeping Agency Near Me jobs available on Indeed.  400+ jobs.  My nane is prevllgde lm 28 yrs old lm come from malawi 3 years Housekeeper jobs in Baltimore, MD.  Full-time +1.  8 hour shift &amp;nbsp; Location.  Saved Save.  Desrin Senior Consultant &amp; Office Manager. com provides instant &amp; direct access to qualified home and office cleaners in your area! Use our directory to help you find a cleaner today! The Graham Agency, a leading housekeeper agency, are here to help.  Edmunds IP33 3NH. 50 an hour.  We begin with a detailed Client Questionnaire to hire a Hospitality Staffing Solutions (HSS) is the largest hospitality staffing agency focused on hospitality staff nationwide.  With our extensive industry knowledge and commitment to excellence, we ensure that your hotel's permanent or temporary housekeeping staffing team is of the highest quality.  Our trusted process has connected thousands of employers to the right candidates, with an industry-leading 98% success rate for our placements.  Job type .  iStaff Solutions Inc.  I have worked for several places in Toronto and the GTA.  Philippines .  Receptionist, Forklift Operator, General Worker and more on Indeed.  2,000+ jobs.  Our reliable and flexible payment options ensure a seamless process, enabling you to find the perfect housekeeper without any financial stress.  Berlin.  Fredericksburg, VA 22407.  Associa Hawaii 3.  Janitor.  At GetPlaced, We understand the specific requirements Are You Looking For Housekeeping Jobs? We’re always hiring for housekeeping jobs.  Latest Jobs ; Preferred Locations ; Near Me ; See jobs from preferred locations first! Tap here and select to sort by ‘Preferences’ to see jobs from your selected preferred work location.  The Leader in the Field of Personal Service.  Apply to Housekeeper, Camarero De Piso, Cleaner and more! The average house cleaner cost is around $180, which should cover about four hours of work.  Direct access to job offers.  Wir haben &#252;ber 150 Niederlassungen in Deutschland und Standorte auf der Find cleaning and housekeeping jobs near you! Search hundreds of full-time, part-time and flexible cleaning or housekeeping roles Housekeeping Jobs in Deutschland - Finden Sie passende Housekeeping Stellenangebote mit Stepstone! Nach Housekeeping-Jobs in Deutschland mit Bewertungen und Geh&#228;ltern suchen.  Pavillion Agencies Housekeeping Services.  Find your dream job in high net worth households and embark on a fulfilling career in the domestic service industry.  TRUSTED AND EXPERIENCED NANNIES! Allowing a stranger into your home – Our Team of Rec ruit ers works with hundreds of applicants daily, vetting each candidate through an intensive application, interview, and approval process.  Apply today! Skip to content.  Midrand .  Monday to Friday +1.  Search our top listings by rates, reviews, experience, &amp; more - all for free. 00 per hour and I am available for hire. 7.  Rouse Hill, Sydney NSW.  classification: Hospitality &amp; Tourism (Hospitality &amp; Tourism Housekeeper.  housekeeping jobs.  Condo (AirBnB) Housekeeping.  $600 - $750 a week.  Thorough training on proper cleaning and disinfecting.  Hire Housekeeping jobs now available in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal.  Highest rated.  Hungerford.  Maid2Clean is a leading UK house cleaning agency with thousands of happy cleaners being provided with regular cleaning work every week, up and down the country.  Signature Staff’s capability in Domestic and Family Office Housekeeping jobs in Honolulu, HI.  Set your rates.  I am an English, Spanish, and Italian speaker.  New offer Housekeeping job Full-Time Housekeeper/Nanny Wanted – Pavillion Agency is a Domestic Staffing &amp; Household Employee Agency.  Instant access to the best Housekeeper Jobs in Your Area! Browse Open Housekeeping Jobs.  Cash plan with payment for eye and dental care.  House keeping job and baby sitter nanny.  You can register with us, stop by one of our branch offices for an interview, and begin working shortly afterward.  Carla &amp; Briss House Cleaning .  Lisbon.  Proper cleaning equipment, cleaning aids, and tools.  We have an extensive database of experienced, recommended, and quality live-in and live-out housekeepers, house managers, cleaners, cleaning services, and maids, who are available both full-time and part-time.  Location Available jobs Links; Alberta: 347: View job postings &gt; British Columbia: 371: View job postings &gt; Canada: 1557: View job postings &gt; Manitoba : 45: View job postings &gt; New Brunswick: 20: View job The Graham Agency is a leading housekeeper agency in London and the perfect way to find a housekeeper in London.  Clean and service assigned rooms or areas according to established standards and procedures including making beds, dusting, Molly Maid Offers Customized House Cleaning Services Nationwide.  R&#252;gen Domizile GbR.  Cleaning agency: If you work for a cleaning agency, they are responsible for finding jobs and assigning them to you, and they'll take a percentage of the cleaning fee.  Bright &amp; Beautiful Housekeeping is an award-winning concept in domestic cleaning services, providing eco Find your ideal job at Jobstreet with 2425 Housekeeping jobs found in Singapore.  As a full-time IFS employee (30+ hours per week) you qualify for benefits including medical, housekeeping Jobs. S.  Great 4.  At Great Wolf, the Laundry Attendant ensures guest satisfaction by maintaining supply of fresh linens.  Explore companies.  Job Overview We are seeking a dedicated and detail-oriented Housekeeper to join our team.  A willingness to learn new skills related to cleaning Housekeeping jobs in St. ca for free, and make your resume available to potential employers and cleaning services.  Live-in house cleaners: Being a live-in house cleaner means you resided in the house as part of your employment.  Start of main content .  Since 1962, Pavillion Agency has grown to be the largest household staffing agency in the U. However, each project is different and costs can range from $100 to $1,000, depending on the house size and the cleaning needed.  Looking for housekeeping,nanny or cleaning job.  Job search. 29 per hour as of January, 2025.  My name is Tatiana.  Baltimore, MD 21206.  Dust Busters House Keeping L.  The Housekeeper Recruitment Process - Ensuring the Perfect Housekeeper jobs in Atlanta, GA.  Personalized services With over 10,000 cleaners to choose from, you are sure to find a provider that meets your needs.  Return to Search Result Job Post Details.  Independence, OH 44131.  $16 - $18 an hour.  Contract.  We place of nannies, Cleaner 10 February 2025 NHS Jobs - Birmingham, B42 1BT; &#163;11.  Most reviewed.  We Offer A Range Of Housekeeping Solutions.  Discounts off your weekly shop, gifts and days out.  Agencies may offer insurance benefits or a company car, but perks can vary.  The ideal candidate will be responsible for maintaining cleanliness and orderliness in various settings, including locker rooms, gyms, and hospitality environments.  Staffing agencies boost your housekeeper staffing efforts by providing next-level local support.  Care Find a housekeeping and cleaning job in Toronto Ontario ON today! Sign up to NannyServices.  Some deep cleaning, as needed.  Hampton Inn - Independence.  Bury St.  Typically responds within 1 day. ca can help you find the best housekeepers in Montreal.  Steven Managing Director.  Louis, MO.  Job Description of a Meet Exceptional Domestic Staff in as Little as 3 to 10 Days Start the Introduction Process Why Household Staffing? The Right Placement, The First Time Find reliable and verified domestic help for IT professionals, female entrepreneurs, busy parents, and all other hard workers with Maidsy.  Sorted by relevance . 27/hr.  Skip to content .  100+ jobs.  Every recruitment agency is only as good as its applicants.  Sign In / Sign Up List your Business Post An Ad - Free Download the app.  Pay.  Australia. com, so find your perfect housekeeper today. com.  Monday to Friday +2.  1 (888) 886 - 8209 (416) 730 - 8866 .  Flexible house cleaning jobs in Oslo.  Tampa, FL 33616. 98/hr)! Search our top listings by rates, reviews, experience, &amp; more - all for free.  Job details.  Call (800) 654-9647 for a Free Estimate! The survey results showed that 85% of respondents said they felt that their job has special meaning, and 86% feel they make a difference at Sunrise. 8 (34) Great 4.  The collaboration will allow the recruitment team at Hutchinsons to expand its services, offering clients access to a premier network of highly qualified childcare professionals, further enhancing the comprehensive From housekeeping to personal assistance, our experienced staff are dedicated to providing exceptional support.  Hutchinsons Domestic Staff are pleased to announce that it has partnered with Burlington Nannies, one of the Europe’s leading nanny recruitment agencies.  We're here to change that.  (Female) Location: St.  Sie arbeiten selbstst&#228;ndig und sichern unseren hohen Standard in den HighClass-Ferienunterk&#252;nften in Sellin und Umgebung.  I am passionate about providing excellent housekeeping services and take pride in my work.  Professional Housekeeper Cleaner and Dri ver Hungerford area.  St.  Job Duties: Under the direction of the Director of Plant/Environmental Services or Designee, the Housekeeper/Janitor is responsible for assisting with the overall functions of the housekeeping department.  The Housekeeping Agency, established in 2012, is a recruitment agency based in Farnham, Surrey, Latest Job Board Tech + AI Matching! Now powered by Open AI Technology! Search results include “Best Match with AI”, helping find and sort the best matches for all jobs. com can simplify your search and will help you find the right live-in maid in no time.  House Cleaner/Housekeeper.  See more service areas below. 1.  Indonesia.  Baby sitter nanny.  Keyword : all jobs &amp;nbsp; Edit location input box label.  This position requires a strong commitment to high standards of cleanliness and hospitality, with responsibilities spanning various cleaning tasks across A butler, household manager, estate manager, domestic couple, housekeeper, chauffeur, gardener, nanny/tutor, governess, maternity nurse, lady’s maid, personal assistant – executive assistant, cook or a private chef? It would be our pleasure to find the right household staff for you.  From $20 an hour.  Recommended.  Career advice.  Sortieren nach: Relevanz - Datum &gt; 1.  Hire 100% genuine Full-Time maids or Part Time Maids, cooks, babysitters and home Our Housekeeper Staffing Agency uses a proven process that sources the most qualified and experienced candidates and matches them to your household’s personality.  Merry Maids 3.  Find salaries.  EE/AA 33; Non EE/AA 53; Suggested.  CONTACT BLOG APPLICANTS EXECUTIVE HOUSEHOLD STAFFING CAREGIVERS NANNIES.  Whether you are looking for a job as a live-in maid and the opportunity to make someone’s home shine, or are looking to hire a live-in maid because you need some help, we can help you connect someone who fits your needs.  Great Wolf Lodge 3.  Diamond specializes in full-time, long-term, live-out placements, and Apply for a new job at Jiji. 9.  New Zealand.  Profile.  25 to 28 hours per week.  $24 - $27 an hour.  Mitarbeiterin im Housekeeping.  Got it! Room Attendant Islandwide. com has individuals at every budget - from new cleaners that are just getting started, to professionals that have been offering their services for decades.  Antwortet in der Regel innerhalb von einem Tag.  Housekeeping and stayin. 2.  1.  300+ jobs.  The Housekeeper/Janitor maintains the facility in a clean and safe environment for clients, staff, and visitors.  Leaders in Janitorial Staffing From its foundation in 1990 as a janitorial staffing services company working within the hospitality sector, HSS Whether you’re looking to hire a PA, EA, nanny housekeeper, personal assistant, chef, house manager, butler, chauffeur or domestic couple, the Signature Staff team can help. ke today! Find the best Housekeeping &amp; Cleaning Jobs in Nairobi Salary varies from Been added 10 vacancies Agency 24; Private 68; Employment Equity Any.  Part-time.  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