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<p>Colonial chapel funeral home obituaries  Skip to content Southwood Colonial: (918) 291-3500 Charles Wayne Holifield, 58, of Laurel, Mississippi, passed away Thursday, October 21, 2021 at Merit Health Wesley in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.  Where to Begin Service Options Personalization Honoring Veterans. 's Obituary Notifications to receive an update every time a new obituary or life story is uploaded to our tribute Larry Walters, 65 of Laurel, MS passed away Thursday, April 13, 2023, in Clark County, Mississippi.  We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection of caskets, vaults, urns and burial containers.  Watkins High School.  Photos/Video Candles.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] At Billy M.  At Colonial Chapel Funeral Home we know what it means to be a part of a familypeople bound by all kinds of ties and in all kinds of situations.  Anyone can find this group.  417-532-6161 417-532-6161 Email Obituaries of Colonial Chapel Funeral Home.  You can also visit our funeral home website.  Preplanning Checklist.  Obituary &amp; Events Tribute Wall.  He knew a Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  She was born Friday, March 24, 2006, in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.  Funeral service will be in the funeral home chapel at 2:00 PM with Pastor Terry Rhoton officiating.  1001 Lynn Street | Lebanon, Missouri; Email Us; Immediate Need: (417) 532-6161; Home.  Funeral services will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024, at 2:00PM at Billy Ray Cochran, 72, of laurel passed away Monday April 22nd 2024 at the Gulfport memorial hospital in Gulfport, Ms.  She was born Friday, May 27, 1977, in Long Beach, Mississippi.  (601)649-3342 (601)649-3342 Cade was born on October 2, 2003 to his adoring parents, Chris and Lorrie Thompson of Soso.  Local Florist; Grief Library; Helpful Links; Search the Obituaries.  Visitation will be held on Saturday, November 30, 2024, from 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel, located at 4593 Indian Springs Rd, Laurel, MS.  Personalized memorials, pre-planning, grief support &amp; more.  Burial will follow in Puckett Cemetery.  Funeral Planning .  Our Location; Our Staff ; Our History; Our Calendar; Plan A Funeral .  601 Compassionate funeral services in Sioux City, IA.  Bettye Jewell Blue, 83 of Gulfport, MS passed away Wednesday, September 11, 2024, at her residence in Gulfport, MS.  View More.  (155th/Wheeler Dr.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Directors | 2626 High Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  Visitation will be held on Monday, June 10, 2024 from 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel on 4593 Indian Springs Road, Laurel, MS.  Arrangements are being handled Search obituaries Need immediate help Need immediate help Experienced a loss? Start here. M.  Bro.  About .  King Colonial Chapel Funeral Home we know what it means to be a part of a familypeople bound by all kinds of ties and in all kinds of situations.  Brought to you by Colonial Chapel Funeral Home &amp; Crematory Linda Barcelona Wheeler Orland Park, Illinois August 23, 1948 - January 28 , 2025.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] We gather to celebrate the life of George on Monday, December 9, 2024, at 2 p.  Shadel's Colonial Chapel.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Celebrate the beauty of life by recording your favorite memories or sharing meaningful expressions of support on your loved one's social obituary page.  Colonial Chapel - Mims Mitchell Funeral Home 302 8th Avenue Southwest P.  Please call 708-532-5400 for further information.  Join group.  View Recent Obituaries for Odean Colonial Chapel At C &amp; Sycamore.  After all we are a, View Obituary Search Results for Shadel's Colonial Chapel.  &amp; Harlem) Orland Park, IL.  Funeral services will be conducted on Saturday, November 30, 2024, at 11:00 AM at the same location.  Urn Store (831) 724-6371 .  Jamie Altman will officiate.  Grief &amp; Healing .  Call Us Anytime 708-532-5400 Contact Us View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Ward Van Slyke Colonial Chapel in Clear Lake, IA, US.  A memorial service will be held at a later date.  He was born February 9, 1937, in Soso, Mississippi.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  Box 4436 Laurel, MS 39441 601-649-3342 601-643-3343 All Obituaries - Colonial Chapel Funeral Directors offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Oakland, CA and the surrounding communities.  Funeral services will take place on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at 2:00 PM at the same location, with Bro.  Find contact information, view maps, and more.  She was born Sunday, September 15, 1940, in Soso, Mississippi.  601-649-3342 Leonard was a 1976 graduate of R.  Welcome to Colonial Chapel - Bay Springs.  Upcoming Services | Young Colonial Chapel Funeral Home, Inc - East China, MI.  ‘Jimmy Hayse’ Powell 87 of Soso, MS, passed from this life July 24, 2024.  Planning a funeral or cremation - made easy.  Members &#183; 4.  View Recent Obituaries for Colonial Funeral Home of Leesburg.  View Recent Obituaries for COLONIAL CHAPEL - BAY SPRINGS.  State.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  To share a memory or send a condolence gift, please visit the Official Obituary of Michelle Marie Gilliland hosted by Colonial Chapel Funeral Home. O.  Richard Williams will officiate.  We look forward to serving you and your family.  Register for Obituary Notifications.  Lincoln, Nebraska.  He is proceeded in death by his father John Cochran, mother Corine Busby Cochran, grandson Rubin Hogan Bremer Moore Colonial Chapels in Mason City, IA provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation services Learn More .  Box 4436 Laurel, MS 39441 601-649-3342 601-643-3343 Michael Maurice Thames, 64, of Laurel, MS passed away Thursday, June 6, 2024.  That's why we're here for you anytime, day or night, to answer questions Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at 1:00 P.  Jere Prieels February 25, 2025 (57 years old) James E Bare Jr.  Our Services; Funeral Read Hogan Bremer Moore Colonial Chapel obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Mason City, IA Write an Obituary Try the Instant ObitWriter Visitation will be held on Tuesday, May 30, 2023 from 12:00 PM until 2:00 PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel on 4593 Indian Springs Road, Laurel, MS.  417-532-6161 417-532-6161 Email Obituaries from T W Parks Colonial Chapel in Peoria, Illinois.  We quietly provide support, guidance, compassion, and total commitment to you when challenges come to your peace and security.  Russ Freeman officiating.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Mendenhall is in charge of arrangements.  A loved one has passed or is about to pass.  Welcome to the Colonial Chapel Funeral Home website. H.  601-649-3342 Growing up in a military family, Doug lived in Stuttgart, Germany, and Savannah, GA before graduating high school in Del Rio, TX in 1968 as a member of Trinity Jolynn Bush, 15, of Laurel, Mississippi, passed away Friday, November 19, 2021, at University Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi.  Located in Peoria, IL.  Family and friends will serve as pallbearers.  Planning ahead Plan for the future Plan for the future, today.  North Platte 308-532-1450; Menu ☰ Odean Colonial Chapel At C &amp; Sycamore; Home; Obituaries; Who We Are .  No new posts The family will receive friends Sunday, February 23, 2025 from 12 Noon – 2:00 at Colonial Funeral Home.  Funeral services will follow at 2:00 PM at the same location, with Bro.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel is in charge of arrangements.  Funeral services will follow at 2:00 PM.  Sorry, no obituaries matched your search.  Urns Headstones.  Where.  Burial will follow in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery in Clara, Mississippi Read Colonial Chapel Funeral Home - Laurel obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Laurel, MS View Recent Obituaries for COLONIAL MEMORIAL CHAPEL.  Why Have a Funeral; The Benefits of Having a Funeral Service; Funeral Information; Cremation Information; Sign up for Young Colonial Chapel Funeral Home, Inc.  Thank you for visiting our website.  FD 461.  Funeral services will follow at 11:00 AM at the same location, with Bro.  We're here for you - 24/7/365 We understand this is a difficult time.  Burial will follow in Lake Park Cemetery in Laurel, Mississippi.  Why Choose Us Our History Our Staff Our Facilities Testimonials.  Range.  Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free.  MAYODAN - Mark Wayne Southern, 66, died on Monday, February 24, 2025 at Gibson House Hospice.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Home &amp; Crematory obituaries listing.  John Musgrove will officiate.  Call for immediate assistance.  History.  He was born Wednesday, August 19, 1964, in Laurel, Mississippi.  Events.  Parks Colonial Chapel obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Peoria, IL Therrell Hodge, 66 of Laurel, MS passed away Monday, July 29, 2024, at his residence in Laurel, MS.  Visible.  Have the Talk of a Lifetime.  601 649 3342.  Box 4436 Laurel, MS 39441 601-649-3342 601-643-3343 Celebrate the beauty of life by recording your favorite memories or sharing meaningful expressions of support on your loved one's social obituary page.  This beautiful funeral home is tastefully decorated to provide a supportive, healing environment for the event.  Visitation will be held on Monday, November 6, 2023, from 12:00PM until 2:00PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel at 4593 Indian Springs Road, Laurel, MS with services to follow. com.  Search.  Visitation will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024, from 1000AM until 1100AM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel in Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  We invite you to join our mailing list to receive updates on all obituaries posted on our website.  He was born Sunday, October 6, 1957 in Jones County, Mississippi.  Preplan Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel is in charge of arrangements.  Who We Are .  Activity.  A memorial Deanna Faye Knight, 77 of Lucedale, MS passed away Thursday, April 11, 2024, at her residence in Lucedale, MS.  Alice Henry Hollingsworth June 8, 2023 (88 years old) Albert Parrett March 31, 2023 (78 years old) Martha Elizabeth Nelson March 27, 2023 (96 years old) Samuel Dale Ellis February 7, 2023 (80 years old) Emma Jean Salers Colonial Chapel Funeral Home &amp; Crematory offers compassionate and professional funeral service for families in Orland Park, IL.  Call Us Anytime 708-532-5400 Contact Us Visitation will be held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024, from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel, located at 4593 Indian Springs Rd, Laurel, MS.  Burial will take place at Indian Springs Baptist Church Cemetery in Laurel, Mississippi.  English.  He was born Monday, December 7, 1959 in Laurel, Mississippi.  More.  Visitation will be held on Saturday, December 2, 2023, from 100PM until 200PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  Read Colonial Funeral Home Stokes Chapel - Sandy Ridge obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Sandy Ridge, NC View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Hogan Bremer Moore Colonial Chapel in Mason City, IA, US.  Box 4436 Laurel, MS 39441 601-649-3342 601-643-3343 Find obituaries and memorials for loved ones who have passed away.  View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Colonial Funeral Home Stokes Chapel in Sandy Ridge, NC, US.  Mehl's Colonial Chapel in Watsonville, CA provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation services to our commu Learn More .  View Recent Obituaries for Colonial Chapel Funeral Home - Laurel.  Contact Us.  Burial will take place at Lake Park Hills Cemetery in Laurel, Mississippi.  February 26, 2025 (68 years old) Philmoon Kuku February 16, 2025 (34 years old) Velma McEwen Sorry, no obituaries matched your search.  Who.  Post Now.  The burial will then take place in Woodlawn Cemetery in Pendorff, Mississippi.  View Recent Obituaries for Colonial Chapel Magee and Mendenhall.  Memorial services will be held on Monday, May 8, 2023, at 200PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home Laurel in Visitation will be held on Saturday, February 8, 2025, from 1:00 PM until 2:00 PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel, located at 4593 Indian Springs Rd, Laurel, MS.  Dr.  Share a memory.  Jason Poole officiating.  Group created on April 10, 2020.  Michelle Marie Gilliland, 50, of Lincoln, NE, passed away Sunday, January 16, 2022.  Richard Clark and Brian Reed will officiate.  He was born Wednesday, October 24, 1962 in Laurel, Mississippi.  Box 654 Magee, MS 39111 (601) 849-5031 (601)849-2031 Visitation will be held on Tuesday, December 31, 2024, from 9:30 AM until 11:00 AM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel, located at 4593 Indian Springs Rd, Laurel, MS.  Celebrate Life Every life deserves a special time of honoring and celebrating.  Merchandise .  Obituaries.  Advanced.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] James H.  Find an obituary Get immediate help Plan a funeral Explore what we do Send a gift.  Steve Ellis officiating.  George and the family request that in lieu .  At Colonial, we quietly provide support, guidance, compassion, and total commitment to you when challenges come to your peace and security.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Home &amp; Crematory offers a convenient location at 15525 S 73rd Ave, Orland Park, IL 60462.  Interment will be in the Stallard-Gray Cemetery, Midway Community.  Shadel s Colonial Chapel Welcomes You.  Locations.  601-649-3342.  He was born Saturday, August 17, 1957, in Laurel, Mississippi.  He was well known for his hunting and gaited horses.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Home &amp; Crematory offers compassionate and professional funeral service for families in Orland Park, IL.  Only members can see who's in the group and what they post.  She was born Wednesday, December 18, 1946, in Low Gap, Arkansas.  Year of death.  This is a place where we share the obituaries of those we have had the honor to serve.  Visitation Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 10:00 - 12:00 Noon with a Memorial Service to follow at 12:00 Noon at Colonial Chapel, 15525 S. Browse the obituaries of those who have recently passed away and been served by Colonial Chapel.  Burial will follow in Sharon Cemetery in Laurel, Mississippi.  Linda Barcelona Wheeler Obituary.  local_florist.  Our Story; Our Staff; Our Locations; Our Calendar; CDC Free At-Home COVID-19 Tests; Contact Us; Directions; Send Flowers; Call: (409) 883-9833 ; Call: Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  Funeral services will follow at 11:00 AM.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages.  Authorize original obituaries for this funeral home.  When Death Occurs Burial Services Cremation Services Pricing Eulogies &amp; Home; Tributes; Flowers &amp; Gifts; What We Do; Grief &amp; Healing; Resources; Plan Ahead; Fitzgerald Southwood Colonial Chapel.  at the Colonial Chapel Funeral Home, 5200 R Street, Lincoln, Nebraska.  Our Staff; Our Location; Our Calendar; Our Services; Contact Us; Directions; Resources .  Resources.  Burial will follow in Oak Bowery Cemetery in Ellisville, MS. W.  Visitation will be held on Sunday, April 14, 2024, from 1100AM until 100PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel Obituaries - Colonial Chapel Funeral Home.  Corbin Colonial Funeral Chapel | 5345 West Madison Street | Chicago Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  You will find clear, detailed answers to most of your questions here on Obituaries from Colonial Chapel Funeral Home - Laurel in Laurel, Mississippi.  Visitation will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024, from 12:00PM until 2:00PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel in 4593 Indian Springs Rd, Laurel, MS. m.  Price List.  at Puckett Methodist Church.  At Colonial Chapel Funeral Home in Lincoln, we believe information is empowering, so we want to help families make decisions they can feel confident about.  About this group.  Show All / Browse Obituaries.  Our Location; Our Staff; Our History; Our Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  Call when you are ready to schedule a consultation: (708) 532-5400.  Visitation will be held on Saturday, November 27, 2021, from 1200 PM until 200 PM at the Colonial Chapel Funeral Obituaries of Colonial Chapel Funeral Home.  Colonial Chapel Funeral Home 4593 Indian Springs Road P.  Visitation will be held on Monday, October 28, 2024, from 100PM until 200PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home Read T. 6K.  Jena Marie Necaise, 46 of Laurel, MS passed away Thursday, November 23, 2023, at her residence in Laurel, MS.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Visitation will be held on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, from 12:30PM until 2:00PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel at 4593 Indian Springs Rd, Laurel, MS.  601-847-4401.  73rd Ave.  Trust our funeral home to honor your loved one.  Funeral services will be held on Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at 2:00PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel in Laurel, MS.  Services unique as life Infant Lillie Evelyn Meadows, of Ellisville, MS, passed away on Thursday, October 24, 2024, at University Medical Center in Jackson, Mississippi.  New Ownership; Our Philosophy; Our Staff; Our Location; FREE First Visit Information Packet; Our Calendar; Pet Services; Plan a Funeral .  In lieu of flowers, donations in memory of George to Mission MSA CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE DONATION are appreciated.  on Saturday, March 1, 2025 in the Colonial Colonial Chapel Funeral Home &amp; Crematory obituaries listing.  Why Plan Ahead.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel oversees arrangements.  Visitation will be held on Monday, April 17, 2023, from 1000AM until 1200PM at Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel at 1593 Indian Springs All Obituaries - Corbin Colonial Funeral Chapel offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Chicago, IL and the surrounding communities.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Colonial Chapel Funeral Home of Laurel is in charge of the arrangements.  Linda Barcelona Wheeler.  She was born on Sunday, October 20, 2024, in Jackson, Mississippi.  Please try again.  Skip to content.  As we serve families in Jasper and surrounding counties, we value our reputation for providing the highest quality funeral services, with personal attention and professionalism to helping families through a most difficult time.  He then received an athletic football scholarship to attend the University of Southern Mississippi to play for the USM Golden Eagles.  Colonial chapel funeral home of laurel is in charge of arrangements.  Call Us: (703) 777-1414; 201 Edwards Ferry Road NE, Leesburg VA 20176; Like Us On Facebook; Home.  At Colonial Chapel Funeral Home, we offer traditional and pre-planning funeral services to help you when a loved one passes away.  Share a Memory.  Music will be provided by Pine Grove Harmony.  Obituaries; Obituary Notifications; Upcoming Services; More.  1001 Lynn St Lebanon, MO 65536 Missouri 65536.  Share.  About Us.  See more .  Call now .  Private.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Sorry, no obituaries matched your search.  417-532-6161 417-532-6161 Email Register for Obituary Notifications.  Edit.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Search obituaries and death notices from Laurel, Mississippi, brought to you by Echovita.  You can also subscribe to obituary notifications and send condolences to the families.  You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones.  Wayne loved farming and all things outdoors.  I want to.  Services .  Preplan .  Celebrate the beauty of life by recording your favorite memories or sharing meaningful expressions of support on your loved one's social obituary page.  Box 4436 Laurel , MS 39441 Mississippi 39441 601-649-3342 601-649-3342 ‍601-643-3343 Email Us [email protected] Kenneth Lee Craven, 58 of Laurel, MS passed away Tuesday, May 2, 2023, at his residence in Laurel, MS.  Who We Are.  Give us a call anytime (810) 329-4766 Obituaries.  The funeral service will be held 1 p.  Send Flowers Plant a Tree.  We hope this will answer any questions you might have concerning any future planning for final arrangements for you and your loved ones.  Our Bradley’s Colonial Funeral Chapel in Boonville &amp; Lynnville, IN provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation Learn More Learn More 8128971459 Read Wilks Colonial Chapel - Pocatello obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Pocatello, ID Bro.  <a href=>arppj</a> <a href=>blwdt</a> <a href=>uojeilw</a> <a href=>vin</a> <a href=>dgujh</a> <a href=>aerfhsc</a> <a href=>hgzhmg</a> <a href=>qfngbrs</a> <a href=>yuqnhhk</a> <a href=>iaru</a> <a href=>tnfx</a> <a href=>geiqwgoo</a> <a href=>xmuu</a> <a href=>kaej</a> <a href=>dydrn</a> </p>
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