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Current File : //bin/fribidi

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Available character sets:
  * %-10s: %-25s%1s
fribidi %sinvalid screen width `%s'
CapRTL%-*s => %*sBase direction: %s%ld %d helpversionverbosedebugtestcharsetcharsetdesccaprtlshowinputnopadnobreakwidthboleolnomirrorreordernsmcleanwltrwrtlbasedirltovvtollevelsnovisualTry `%s --help' for more information.
Usage: fribidi [OPTION]... [FILE]...
A command line interface for the GNU FriBidi library.
Convert a logical string to visual.

  -h, --help            Display this information and exit
  -V, --version         Display version information and exit
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode, same as --basedir --ltov --vtol
                        --levels --changes
  -d, --debug           Output debug information
  -t, --test            Test GNU FriBidi, same as --clean --nobreak
                        --showinput --reordernsm --width %d
  -c, --charset CS      Specify character set, default is %s
      --charsetdesc CS  Show descriptions for character set CS and exit
      --caprtl          Old style: set character set to CapRTL
      --showinput       Output the input string too
      --nopad           Do not right justify RTL lines
      --nobreak         Do not break long lines
  -w, --width W         Screen width for padding, default is %d, but if
                        environment variable COLUMNS is defined, its value
                        will be used, --width overrides both of them.
  -B, --bol BOL         Output string BOL before the visual string
  -E, --eol EOL         Output string EOL after the visual string
      --rtl             Force base direction to RTL
      --ltr             Force base direction to LTR
      --wrtl            Set base direction to RTL if no strong character found
      --wltr            Set base direction to LTR if no strong character found
      --nomirror        Turn mirroring off, to do it later
      --reordernsm      Reorder NSM sequences to follow their base character
      --clean           Remove explicit format codes in visual string
                        output, currently does not affect other outputs
      --basedir         Output Base Direction
      --ltov            Output Logical to Visual position map
      --vtol            Output Visual to Logical position map
      --levels          Output Embedding Levels
      --novisual        Do not output the visual string, to be used with
                        --basedir, --ltov, --vtol, --levels, --changes
  All string indexes are zero based

  For each line of input, output something like this:
    [input-str` => '][BOL][[padding space]visual-str][EOL]
    [\n base-dir][\n ltov-map][\n vtol-map][\n levels][\n changes]
  X: Character set has descriptions, use --charsetdesc to see

Report bugs online at
libfribidi must be compiled with DEBUG option to enable
turn debug info on.
memory allocation failed for char_set!unrecognized character set `%s'
no description available for character set `%s'
Descriptions for character set %s:

%s%s: %s: no such file or directory
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