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Current Path : /lib64/python2.7/ |
Current File : //lib64/python2.7/posixfile.pyo |
_Ofc @ sf d Z d d l Z e j d e d � d d d � � YZ d d d � Z d � Z d
Z d Z d Z d S(
s: Extended file operations available in POSIX.
f =, [mode, [bufsize]])
will create a new posixfile object
f = posixfile.fileopen(fileobject)
will create a posixfile object from a builtin file object
will return the original builtin file object
will return a new file object based on a new filedescriptor
will return a new file object based on the given filedescriptor
will turn on the associated flag (merge)
mode can contain the following characters:
(character representing a flag)
a append only flag
c close on exec flag
n no delay flag
s synchronization flag
! turn flags 'off' instead of default 'on'
= copy flags 'as is' instead of default 'merge'
? return a string in which the characters represent the flags
that are set
note: - the '!' and '=' modifiers are mutually exclusive.
- the '?' modifier will return the status of the flags after they
have been changed by other characters in the mode string
f.lock(mode [, len [, start [, whence]]])
will (un)lock a region
mode can contain the following characters:
(character representing type of lock)
u unlock
r read lock
w write lock
| wait until the lock can be granted
? return the first lock conflicting with the requested lock
or 'None' if there is no conflict. The lock returned is in the
format (mode, len, start, whence, pid) where mode is a
character representing the type of lock ('r' or 'w')
note: - the '?' modifier prevents a region from being locked; it is
query only
i����NsI The posixfile module is deprecated; fcntl.lockf() provides better lockingi t _posixfile_c B sh e Z d Z d d g Z d � Z d d d � Z d � Z d � Z d � Z d
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s; File wrapper class that provides extra POSIX file routines.t opent closedc C s= | j } d | j | j | j | j t t | � � d f S( Ns$ <%s posixfile '%s', mode '%s' at %s>i ( t _file_t statesR t namet modet hext id( t selft file( ( s! /usr/lib64/python2.7/posixfile.pyt __repr__C s t ri����c C s( d d l } | j | j | | | � � S( Ni����( t __builtin__t fileopenR ( R R R t bufsizeR
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startswitht getattrt
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