Your IP :
From 8.0.6 onwards, please visit the comment on the github releases for the changes made.
8.0.5 2017-04-28
* Fix the munmap not calling issue by relocated the fclose file handler to the bottom of function
8.0.4 2017-02-27
* Merged enhancements from Peter Bieringer <>
8.0.3 2016-08-26
* Fixed IPv4 mapped address issue
8.0.2 2016-07-12
* Fixes on IPv4 mapped address lookup
8.0.1 2016-07-01
* Improve the IPv6 query by removing additional parsing call
8.0.0 2016-06-21
* Add code to lookup for index section which available in new BIN format
7.0.2 2015-08-11
* Replace "bigint" by "Math::BigInt" in data/ (contributed by Peter Bieringer <>)
7.0.1 2015-04-16
* Support API version return
* IP2Location_api_version_num
* IP2Location_api_version_string
7.0.0 2014-08-01
* Support IPv6
* Remove IMath Library
* Bug fix in IP2Location_get_elevation()
6.0.0 2013-08-23
* Support IP2Location_open_mem() for FILE/CACHE/SHARED Memory
* Support IP2Location_close() for FILE/CACHE
* Support IP2Location_delete_shm() for SHARED Memory
5.0.0 2013-04-16
* Support IP2Location DB21, DB22, DB23 and DB24
* New function IP2Location_get_elevation()
* New function IP2Location_get_usagetype()
4.0.2 2011-01-26
* Add compilation steps in MacOS
4.0.1 2010-10-22
* Minor bug fixes to avoid Warning during compilation
4.0.0 2010-08-11
* Support DB19 and DB20
* New function IP2Location_get_mcc()
* New function IP2Location_get_mnc()
* New function IP2Location_get_mobilebrand()
3.0.0 2008-08-12
* Support DB15, DB16, DB17 and DB18
* New function IP2Location_get_iddcode()
* New function IP2Location_get_areacode()
* New function IP2Location_get_weatherstationcode()
* New function IP2Location_get_weatherstationname()
2.1.4 2007-04-18
* Fix uint32_t size in Windows
2.1.3 2007-03-01
* Support IMath Library
2.1.2 2007-02-15
* Support MPI Library
2.1.1 2006-11-15
* Support Windows Compilation
2.1.0 2006-10-20
* Support IP2Location DB11, DB12, DB13 and DB14
* New function IP2Location_get_timezone()
* New function IP2Location_get_netspeed()
2.0.0 2006-10-20
* Support IP2Location IPv6
1.0.0 2005-10-07
* Initial release
* New function IP2Location_open()
* New function IP2Location_close()
* New function IP2Location_get_country_short()
* New function IP2Location_get_country_long()
* New function IP2Location_get_region()
* New function IP2Location_get_city()
* New function IP2Location_get_isp()
* New function IP2Location_get_latitude()
* New function IP2Location_get_longitude()
* New function IP2Location_get_domain()
* New function IP2Location_get_zipcode()
* New function IP2Location_get_all()
* New function IP2Location_get_record()
* New function IP2Location_free_record()
* New structure IP2LocationRecord