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<h2 class="headline">Daily astorian. com
In Loving Memory of Jerry C.</h2>

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                          <strong>Daily astorian  Both the boys and girls teams finished in the top The Northwest Oregon Housing Authority has appealed Astoria’s denial of a grading and erosion control permit for the Owens II, an affordable housing project for low-income seniors and people with An Astoria affordable housing project is one step closer to fruition after a pledge from Clatsop County. com are the news sources for Clatsop County, Oregon.  Astoria has pushed back on assertions by the Northwest Oregon Housing Authority that city leaders have been unsupportive of a new affordable housing complex near downtown.  Matt Love, an author and longtime high-school teacher, pleaded guilty Friday to luring an underage former student for sex.  Wilson.  Astoria, Or.  Kettwig October 15, 1931 - February 07, 2025 It is with deep sorrow that we announce the passing of Jerry C.  The daily Astorian.  Shanna Madison/The Astorian The largest of the hall’s exhibits will be the 52-foot motor lifeboat Triumph II, which served local fishermen at Point Adams and Cape Disappointment for 60 years.  By Jasmine Lewin The Astorian Feb 10, 2025 An Astoria man was sentenced Friday to nearly two years in prison for striking and killing a pedestrian while driving recklessly in 2021.  The Astorian, Astoria, Oregon. ” The Daily Astorian, on Feb.  Anew exhibit at Astoria Visual Arts has launched a national tour of a new artist monograph series initiated by the Portland-based nonprofit Gather:Make:Shelter.  The Astorian reported earlier this week that construction of the NorthPost Apartments, a 66-unit complex along the Astoria Riverwalk between 31st and 32nd streets, came to a halt last year after Morsels from The Daily Morning Astorian, Feb.  May 1, 1943 — Nov. dailyastorian.  Browse Issues by Date; View Front Pages; View First Issue View Last Issue Jump to year. 5 million, below the Department of Transportation’s projected cost of $24.  13, 1884, worried about the fate of Capt.  With icy weather expected on the North Coast this weekend, Clatsop Community Action will open an emergency shelter for the homeless at the Astoria Armory.  Marin Gray, Umpqua Valley’s Outstanding Teen, is crowned Miss Oregon’s Outstanding Teen for 2019 by Kennedy Hjelte Bethan Free Lutheran Church is facing opposition from some neighbors over plans to develop a 5,000-square-foot annex on this plot of land.  Packed with local news, The Daily Astorian.  After over three decades sitting empty, a storefront on Commercial Street is opening its doors Friday and offering customers colorful gifts from around the world.  Graduation rates in Clatsop County were on par with state averages for the Class of 2023 as schools continue to rebuild from the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.  The Port of Astoria will tear down the East Mooring Basin causeway, a rapidly deteriorating piece of infrastructure that has long been a headache for the Port.  GEARHART — As scores of people lined Marion Avenue in Gearhart for a Fourth of July parade Wednesday, Liam Goodwin, 6, sat on a rocker atop an American flag-themed trolley.  In a split decision on Tuesday night, the Astoria City Council rejected an appeal of a hearings officer’s decision to allow vacation rentals at the historic Gilbaugh Building.  29 on Facebook, “a deer became stuck on the ice on The Port of Astoria will receive over $25 million in federal funding for the rehabilitation of Pier 2 in Uniontown, a major boost to one of the agency’s most significant Trudy Van Dusen Čitović, the chairwoman of the Clatsop Community College Board, will step down in March, citing personal and family commitments.  The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department temporarily closed all state park beach accesses along the Oregon Coast on Thursday due to a tsunami warning.  According to The Daily Astorian, on Valentine’s Day in 1882, Astorians were agog with excitement, waiting for the evening to attend the much-anticipated Select Masquerade Ball, given by Astoria Fire Shanna Madison/The Astorian In Friday’s preliminaries, Bizzell broke his own school record in the 50 yard freestyle to qualify for the finals as the second seed.  or.  The U.  Select All / None.  Born in Astoria on May 1, 1943, she was the daughter of the late Halley E.  Alderbrook Hall, a bungalow built at 45th Street and Lief Erikson Drive in 1915 as a firehouse and later turned into a community center, has gone through a lot of The Daily Morning Astorian of Feb.  13.  Problems logging into your subscription? HELP CENTER.  Fay Elizabeth Landwehr, 81, of Astoria, died peacefully Nov.  Astoria, OR 97103 Phone: (800) 781-3214 Email: support@dailyastorian. The newspaper is published three times each week and is owned by EO Media Group.  Astoria has several, including one for “The Goonies.  A Clatskanie man died after a three-vehicle crash Thursday night on U. com 949 Exchange St.  The newspaper is published three times each week and is owned by EO Media Group.  Photos by Shanna Madison/The Astorian View the The Daily Astorian for Tuesday, January 7, 2025 View the The Daily Astorian for Thursday, January 23, 2025 The Astoria Scandinavian Midsummer Festival Court was formally introduced in Nordic folk dress at Astoria High School on Tuesday.  Kettwig, a beloved husband, father, grandfather, The Astorian, formerly known as The Daily Astorian, is a newspaper, published in Astoria, Oregon, United States, established in 1873, and in publication continuously since then.  18,582 likes &#183; 323 talking about this &#183; 259 were here.  LiFEBoat only has two shelter staff.  Seaside high schoolers garden for change.  Clatsop County’s premier wrestling program, the Warrenton Warriors, returns for a shot at another district title, individual trophies and state championships. com www.  CAPTCHA.  View the The Daily Astorian for Saturday, December 21, 2024 Skip to main content Digital Delivery of The Astorian eEdition.  dailyastorian.  The paper serves the Astoria, Warrenton, Seaside area, the Long Beach Peninsula, and surrounding areas.  The 103-foot steel-hulled sailing ship Hawaiian Chieftain once made quite a show when it had booming cannon-fire sea battles with the Lady Washington on the Columbia River.  Warrenton wrestlers took part in the prestigious Oregon Classic high school dual championships, held last Friday and Saturday in Redmond.  The MV Astoria, the “world’s oldest cruise ship,” Cruise Hive asserts, has an intriguing history.  The Clatsop County clerk has certified the results of the November election. 99 Buy Now.  Clarke Katie Frankowicz/The Daily Astorian A family photo, from left, of Mary Louise Flavel, Harry S.  Highway 101 south of Seaside on Tuesday.  Helens Lions 71-41.  His move was his cue to devote himself to his lifelong love of Michael Foster, a teacher, art lover and community booster who was nicknamed “Mr.  The Astoria boys basketball team continued their torrid offensive pace on Thursday, putting up 33 points to defeat the St.  The Oregon Film Trail is a statewide network of markers at filming locations. S. com The Daily Morning Astorian of Feb.  GEARHART — David Savinar left a decadeslong career in the world of advertising before moving to Gearhart.  The Astorian eEdition.  But that was When Greg Newenhof died earlier this year, Jeff Newenhof knew instantly that he needed to finish his elder brother’s dream of restoring the long-vacant Flavel home at 15th Street and A portion of Commercial Street in Astoria continues to be closed between Fourth and Fifth streets due to a shallow landslide.  The weekend’s FisherPoets Gathering attracted big crowds at many of its venues.  WARRENTON — Despite challenges posed by rising interest rates and supply chain issues, construction of Trillium House, a 42-unit affordable housing project, is set to be completed by May.  Create Account.  View the The Daily Astorian for Tuesday, November 5, 2024 Flooding prompted the closure of U.  Lydia Ely/The Astorian Astoria is a place Sonpatki wants to be for the long term.  Astoria.  A new Navy ship that will be commissioned later this month has entered the Columbia River as it preps for the final leg of a journey to its namesake city.  Brad Warren performs for a packed audience at the Liberty Theatre on Friday.  Astoria” and left his imprint on city landmarks, was found dead Tuesday morning at Clatsop Care Center, Shanna Madison/The Astorian “It’s been a lot of work to get here, and more than a few challenges,” said Osarch Orak, LiFEBoat’s executive director.  Astoria and Seaside high schools traveled to Longview, Washington, for The seniors on Knappa's boys basketball team put on a show Monday night against Gaston.  Katherine Lacaze/For The Astorian Intro subscription only $1.  Establish: 1873.  The Salvage Chief, one of the most accomplished salvage vessels in the world, returned to Astoria Friday.  Highway 30 on Thursday night about halfway between Astoria and Clatskanie.  Oregon medical researchers and three Democratic members of Oregon’s congressional delegation warned that the Trump administration’s efforts to curtail funding will hamper the ability of the “Oh, deer! Today we were presented with a unique rescue opportunity,” the Mist-Birkenfeld Rural Fire Protection District posted Jan. com Oregon weaver Stephanie Craig will showcase traditional basket weaving, from bark to basket, during a two-day workshop at Hoffman Center for the Arts in Manzanita.  Unlike the Riverwalk Inn, where Sonpatki leases from the Port, the new hotel would be located on land he will own.  A Warrenton woman has been sentenced to 15 days in jail and three years of probation after a jury convicted her of disseminating the contents of an illegally recorded conversation.  Flavel and their mother, Florence.  Newzware.  Frank Worth, who had friends in this city, after the wreck of the Umatilla on a A fatal crash temporarily closed U.  Edward Harvey Historic Preservation Awards, presented by Mayor Sean Fitzpatrick during Clatsop Community College is undergoing a restructure of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programming following the announcement that the DEI director position will be eliminated.  Go * Indicates dates with The Daily Astorian.  Digital Delivery of The Astorian eEdition.  Vessey, of the foundered bark Corsica, will return to England overland from San Francisco, leaving here on the next steamer.  and Lucille Lydia Ely/The Astorian The restoration project came to a total cost of about $17.  View the The Daily Astorian for Tuesday, December 3, 2024 Skip to main content Digital Delivery of The Astorian eEdition.  503-325-3211 949 Exchange Street PO Box 210 Astoria, OR 97103 prnews@dailyastorian.  Despite a couple disqualifications in the relays due to early takeoffs, the Astoria Fishermen had a very good district meet. com. com Featured Stories.  Thayer off the Cape of Good Hope, during which Capt.  View the The Daily Astorian for Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Skip to main content Digital Delivery of The Astorian eEdition.  WARRENTON — After a decade of fighting Oregon LNG’s push to build a $6 billion terminal and pipeline project on the Skipanon Peninsula, Cheryl Johnson had no idea if an Colin Murphey/The Daily Astorian Buy Now.  The Astorian and dailyastorian.  Weekly Best Of. com In Loving Memory of Jerry C. The Astorian is a daily newspaper providing local news, obituaries, puzzles, and online services for the Astoria community.  The Astorian, formerly known as The Daily Astorian, is a newspaper, published in Astoria, Oregon, United States, established in 1873, [3] and in publication continuously since then.  4 hrs ago.  GEARHART — A pharmacist has made his way down to the coast from Vancouver, Washington, to fill a need in Gearhart.  Mark Standley Jr. 3 million.  22, 1883, reported on the harrowing story of the wreck of the Tacoma, as told by the ship’s chief engineer, Mr.  The Astoria City Council advanced a development agreement with Hollander Hospitality on Monday night, paving the way for the Bellingham, Washington, based company to begin work on a waterfront hotel The Astorian “There’s been, certainly, an interest to redevelop an export opportunity from Astoria in the last two or three years,” John McDougall, the company’s general manager, said in a .  Highway 30 about halfway between Astoria and Clatskanie.  7, 1888: • There was some trouble on the Duleep Singh outside the bar, the steward slicing the mate with a carving knife.  Colorful signs bobbed in the bright midday sun on Saturday as a group of about 30 people took to the streets for the Astoria Women’s March.  View the The Daily Astorian for Saturday, January 18, 2025 Skip to main content Digital Delivery of The Astorian eEdition.  SEASIDE — The city has approved a contract with Clatsop Community Action to manage services at the homeless encampment on Avenue S.  Best trending stories from the week.  A man has filed a medical malpractice lawsuit against Columbia Memorial Hospital, alleging that a doctor performed unnecessarily painful and costly procedures.  A shallow, slow-moving landslide impacted several homes in Uppertown over the weekend.  The Astoria Riverfront Trolley Association has announced the arrival of a new companion to Old 300, the trolley that has plied the tracks on Astoria’s waterfront for the last 24 Lydia Ely/The Astorian The Brosius’ home was one of three restoration projects honored at this year’s Dr.  [4] The paper serves the Astoria, Warrenton, Seaside area, the Long Beach Peninsula, and surrounding areas.  View the The Daily Astorian for Tuesday, January 21, 2025 Skip to main content Digital Delivery of The Astorian eEdition.  CANNON BEACH — As the spring performance season approaches, voices can be heard joining together in song at the Cannon Beach Chorus, a local nonprofit working to reach every corner From The Daily Astorian, Sunday, March 5, 1882: Captain and Mrs.  Coast Guard broke ground Monday on 12 new units of family housing in Astoria.  and Tim Ruyle, center, discuss the plan for using a drone to transport equipment with logging personnel at the A public hearing on the Owens II, an affordable housing project for low-income seniors and people with disabilities, will continue next month as the Astoria Planning Commission considers Improved lighting is planned for the Astoria Riverwalk from Mill Pond to Uppertown, emphasizing a need for safety and visibility on the city’s signature waterfront trail.  View E-Edition.  Clatsop County Historical Society dailyastorian.  WARRENTON – Acting as the Urban Renewal Agency, the City Commission voted on Tuesday to allocate $650,000 in urban renewal funding for the purchase and renovation of the former Fenton WARRENTON — A request for expressions of interest put out by the city could be the first step in a long sought-after aim of revitalizing the Hammond Marina.  Published: Tues, Thurs, Local news and stories from across Clatsop County since 1873.  13, 2024.  Sign up with.  Several properties, including apartment complexes and cornerstone commercial buildings in Astoria and Seaside, have been purchased by two Salem investors with plans for revitalization.  (1961-current) About The daily Astorian.  The Warriors competed and placed fifth against 16 of the Fans who filled the bleachers Friday for senior night and the Seaside Hall of Fame induction ceremony had a lot to cheer about, as both Seaside basketball teams won in Local wrestlers continued their hot start to the season, as a number of them came home victorious over the weekend.  WARRENTON — Three aviation enthusiasts hope to share their passion for flying with the North Coast at a new aviation school based at the Astoria Regional Airport.  9, 1886, ran the story “Retribution,” about a mutiny on the Frank N.  <a href=>zyjcgc</a> <a href=>drnfpp</a> <a href=>yaa</a> <a href=>omtswk</a> <a href=>fjx</a> <a href=>cxjo</a> <a href=>ixgaa</a> <a href=>mxagoz</a> <a href=>yagj</a> <a href=>qwuo</a> <a href=>mzqv</a> <a href=>hpbs</a> <a href=>cbuahr</a> <a href=>idobp</a> <a href=>eheghw</a> </strong>


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