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Revision history for Perl module Algorithm::Diff.
1.19_03 2014-11-25
- Fix documentation typos (RT 84981)
contributed by dsteinbrunner
- add -w and -i switches to (RT 69945)
contributed by Brian.Eschner
- Remove Algorithm::DiffOld from the index
The module is still distributed with Algorithm::Diff, but is not indexed on
CPAN because this is an ***UNAUTHORIZED*** release of Algorithm::DiffOld.
1.19_02 2006-07-31
- Fix typo in @EXPORT_OK (s/LCDidx/LCSidx/) (RT 8576)
- Use 'printf' in example code, not 'sprintf' nor 'sprint' (RT 16067)
- DiffOld wasn't passing extra arguments to compare routine (RT 20650)
1.19 2004-09-22
- Added OO interface.
- Based on Ned's v1.18 (unreleased)
1.13 Sun Mar 24 16:05:32 PST 2002
- sdiff and traverse_balanced added by Mike Schilli <>.
1.11 Thu Jul 12 12:52:18 PDT 2001
- Added A_FINISHED and B_FINISHED per docs
- Called user callback function from keygen properly
1.10 July 7 2000
- Uploaded to CPAN
- More optimizations
- Added Algorithm::DiffOld
- Fixed bug with binary search that was making diff output too big
1.06 Wed Jun 14 14:15:31 PDT 2000
- First CPAN version by NEDKONZ
- Added MJD's list info to README
1.05 Sun Jun 11 15:17:05 PDT 2000
- Changed version label string.
- Put MJD's PPT diff version into this distribution as
1.04 Added documentation.
1.03 Working version
1.01 First version by Ned Konz.
- Total re-write to cure problems with memory usage and speed.
Now takes only a few seconds and less than three megabytes
to compare two 4000-line files.
- Changed optional callback function reference from being equality
function to being key (hash) generation function.
0.59 Last version maintained by Mark-Jason Dominus