Your IP :
For an updated list of bugs, see
The following list is not up to date:
Known bugs:
+ implement test for the upgrading bug in bsub()
* NaN handling in comparisons slightly broken. See also [perl #33106].
* General:
+ BigInt can not the IEEE '-0'. Currently there are no plans to add this. If
you need it, please bug the author(s) about it.
* BigFloat:
+ comparing (<=> or == or !=) a BigFloat to a BigInt don't work yet
+ new is first running the entire number trough _split, then again the parts
to construct BigInts. Could be a bit more optimized.
+ fdiv() using F (fallback) mode does not work properly in all cases of
local (aka $x's or $y's) A or P settings. Not definite test case yet, but
it might calculate not enough digits to satisfy the rounding needs.
* BigInt:
+ exponent on input is limited to a Perl int (bigger numbers won't fit
into your memory, anyway - use BigFloat)
+ doesn't have a mode akin to 'use integer;', e.g. it always emulates Perl
(this is solved partially by use bigint ;)
+ Handling of undef arguments is somewhat broken (no proper warnings)
+ eval('use...') and use Math::BigInt qw/:constant/ fail on Perl prior 5.6.0
This is likely an Exporter bug, and causes Math::BigInt to eval require on
earlier Perls when loading the core math lib. Thus the loading can fail
under older Perls on filesystems that can not cope with the
'Math/BigInt/'-style filenames.
Mixing of classes does not always work like expected. "use bignum;",
"use bigint;" and "use bigrat;" should solve this problem for most cases.
Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!
Tels <>