Your IP :
This file contains all the changes and bugfixes from the original version of
BigInt/BigFloat to the rewritten one. For what has changed in the latest
version see NEW and for a complete list of changes see the file CHANGES.
+ It is subsequent faster than the original in many places
+ Use more than 16 bit at a time, greater BASELEN for 64 bit systems
+ overload for things like +=
+ special operations like binc()
+ many optimizations and shortcuts in normal operations
+ Can use Math::BigInt lib => 'name'; for Pari, GMP, Bit::Vector or others
+ regression test suite greatly enhanced to cover more problematic cases
+ added example scripts (,,
+ documentation fixed and greatly enhanced
+ BigInt is sub-classable with very little effort, see M::S or M::BF
+ subclasses of Math::BigInt know all the same methods, so that you can call
$x->some_method() without having to know which type of class $x is
+ added infinity handling
+ much better NaN handling
+ bstr() and stringify now drop the leading '+' (to make overloaded cmp work
as expected when cmp'aring to scalars and other objects (read: bugfix)
+ due to the dropping of '+' the string sort order has changed. It is now
compatible to the way perl sorts it's strings.
+ spaces are no longer allowed in a number (but may precede or follow it)
!! You can always make a subclass and change all these things quite easily !!
+ underscores are now valid between any two digits (in hex/binary input, too)
+ integers of the form 1E2, 1.23E2, 2.00 etc now valid for, too
+ hexadecimal numbers of the form 0xabcdefABCDEF0123456789
+ binary numbers of the form 0b01010101101000001000100101
+ octal numbers can be input via from_oct()
+ as_hex(), as_bin() and as_oct() for easier conversation between bases
bugs and buglets fixed over Mark's original:
+ 0**0 gave NaN instead of 1
+ -1**y gave -1 instead of +1 for even y
+ fsqrt() gave slightly wrong results (like for fsqrt(9))
+ +x/0 is now +inf, -x/0 is -inf (both were NaN), as well as other inf cases
+ mod/div for negative numbers were incompatible to Perl's way
+ added P. Prymmer's OS/390 '/1e5 vs *1e-5' patch w/o the performance snag
+ incorporated all the patches to the core modules by John Peacock
+ BigFloat::bxxx() works as well as BigFloat::fxxx()
+ Math::BigInt->new(10) / Math::BigFloat->new(2) returned NaN (ditto for
other subclasses of Math::BigInt)
+ $a = new Math::BigInt; creates now a +0, while "" still gives a NaN
This suppresses all warnings on undef arguments. Wether this is better...
+ import() would always use "Math::BigInt" and clash with Exporter
+ use Math::BigInt qw(bneg); $a = bneg('1234'); etc did not work at all
+ $x->xxx() now modifies $x in all cases of modifiers and actually returns
the same $x (e.g. not a plain scalar or a different reference). All
testing routines leave $x alone. bpow(), bmod(), fround(), ffround() etc
were broken in this regard.
accuracy and precision:
+ there is now support for both accuracy (significant digits) and precision
(fixed number of digits after decimal point), which by default is off
+ objects/numbers now can have a local accuracy/precision
internal fixes:
+ uses a blessed hash ref instead scalar ref (easier subclassable)
+ my instead of local
+ use strict and -w
+ s/$[/0/ (after all, $[ = 1; in main does not effect this package)
+ $# partially removed ($#y is scalar @y -1, $#$y is scalar @$y-1 - ugh!)
+ added LICENSE section and file
new stuff:
+ MBF: :constant works now
+ MBI: :constant picks up binary and hexadecimal constants
+ brsft()/blsft() also can do other bases than 2
+ bacmp (acmp), because needed for more efficient add()
+ bzero(), bnan(), bone(), binf()
+ binc(), bdec(), bfac()
+ is_zero(), is_nan(), is_one(), is_odd(), is_even(), is_inf(), is_int()
+ digit(), length(), copy()
+ as_number() (alias: as_int()), as_hex(), as_bin()
+ is_positive(), is_negative() (alias: is_pos() and is_neg())
+ mantissa(), exponent(), parts(), sign()
+ bgcd() accepts now lists, blcm() (also accepts lists)
+ flog()/blog() for overloading of log()
+ fexp()/bexp() for overloading of exp()
+ round(accuracy,precision,mode) round to accuracy/precision using mode
+ MBF: fpow(), fmod(), fdiv() in list context (Thanx J. Peacock)
+ fpow() can now handle non-integer arguments, like in fpow(2.1 ** 0.2)
+ MBI: bsqrt()
+ bmodpow(), bmodinv() (Thanx John Borwick)
+ bfloor(), bceil(), broot()
+ CORE cos()/sin()/exp()/atan2() now work when passed BigInts or BigFloats
Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!
Tels <>