Your IP :
* 2016-09-22: version 1.37
- added initial test suite
- testing using travis-ci (
- removed IP pool-detection code for --lookup-by-net, because it matched
also the naming of some big hosters like facebook (#32, Michal Petrucha,
Andrew Ayer, Jon Sailor)
- fix early logging of errors and warnings to syslog
- simplified IP matching code
- added support for IPv6 whitelists with netmask
- add network-range based whitelist for Office 365 (Holger Stember)
- updated whitelist
* 2015-09-01: version 1.36
- improved support for IPv6 addresses: new --ipv4cidr and --ipv6cidr options
for proper subnetting of IPv6 (Håvard Moen, BenediktS)
- updated whitelist
- user-settable unix socket permission: --socketmode (Teubel György)
- init script fixes (Sacha Ott)
* 2014-06-11: version 1.35
- use just 'postgrey' as process name, instead of '/usr/sbin/postgrey', because
Linux tools are limited to 15 characters (#5)
- Make postgrey work with Perl 5.18 (Yasuhiro KIMURA, #4)
- updated whitelist
* 2011-05-04: version 1.34
- gracefully handle future timestamps in the database (Andreas Hoedle)
- replaced obsolete Digest::SHA1 with Digest::SHA (Salvatore Bonaccorso)
- updated whitelist
* 2010-05-04: version 1.33
- fix warning with IPv6 address (Edwin Kremer)
- added --x-greylist-header option (Guido Leisker)
- contrib/postgrey.init: new LSB-compliant init script by Adrian von Bidder
- contrib/postgreyreport: fix POD error (Christian Perrier)
- contrib/postgreyreport: added --tab and --show_time options (Leonard den
- updated whitelist
* 2008-07-22: version 1.32
- fixed recipients whitelisting (David Carrel)
- added --syslog-facility option (Peter Rabbitson)
- add support for BATV (Edwin Groothuis)
- updated whitelist
* 2007-09-06: version 1.31
- support CIDR-style addresses in the client whitelist (Claudio Strizzolo)
- improve logging of unresolveable hosts (Adrian von Bidder, Heiko
- updated whitelist
- fix unix socket permission issues (Martin F Krafft, Adrian von Bidder,
Leos Bitto, Debian bug #376910)
- fix regexps for matching hosts in whitelists (Antonello Nocchi)
- do maintenance after the current request and not before (Clifton Royston)
* 2007-08-02: version 1.30
- implemented --listen-queue-size option (you usually don't need to set it
except for big sites).
- small fix to the 'native' syslogging implemented in 1.29
* 2007-07-23: version 1.29
- workaround for a possible crash with Sys::Syslog < 0.15 when syslog
messages were generated during syslog file rotation
- use the 'native' logging socket with Sys::Syslog >= 0.15 (Philipp Koller)
* 2007-06-21: version 1.28
- improved logging (postgrey is now more verbose, use the new --quiet
option if that bothers you)
- improved Exim support (see Debian bug #380257)
- workaround for a bug in Exchange dealing with temporary failures
(use DSN code 4.2.0 instead of the default 4.7.1)
- added 'policy-test' script for testing postgrey's performance or pre-seeding
the database
- fix logging of delayed, unresolveable clients in syslog (Andreas Metzler)
- more descriptive error message on DB failure (Adrian von Bidder)
- updated whitelist
- new homepage:
* 2006-07-17: version 1.27
- fix socket permissions with Net::Server >= 0.94 (Leos Bitto)
* 2006-07-12: version 1.26
- added support for Exim (Guy Antony Halse)
- greatly improve cleanup speed with explicit transactions (Maeda Atusi)
* 2006-06-29: version 1.25
- updated whitelist
- bugfix: --privacy was not working
- change default greylist-text not to include the number of
seconds left, since it seems that spammers are misusing it.
- added --hostname option (Maarten de Vries)
* 2006-01-16: version 1.24
- updated whitelist with many new entries (Vito Robar)
- added --privacy option (Micah Anderson)
- don't use DB_TXN_NOSYNC to workaround an apparent bug in Berkeley-DB
(Nick Moffitt)
- fix use of unitialized value (Bjoern A. Zeeb)
- Use 'permit_mynetworks' in the documentation (Keith Lofstrom)
* 2005-11-23: version 1.23
- fix compatibility with Berkeley-DB < 4.1
- fix crash in the database-cleanup routine (Vito Robar)
- updated whitelist
- don't be pedantic about wrong reverse-dns entries: it doesn't really help
and it could affect legitimate mail servers (Andreas Hoedle)
* 2005-11-11: version 1.22
- compatibility for log() of Net::Server 0.88
- don't enter triplets for auto-whitelisted clients (reduce size of main db)
- updated whitelist
- replace log() with mylog() so that we don't need to worry about
format-string problems again
- add support for IPv6 in whitelists (Adrian Knoth)
- the --dbdir option was not working because of taint-mode (Sven Mueller)
- allow comments on the same line (Nigel Gorry)
* 2005-04-14: version 1.21
Security: this release fixes a remotely exploitable DoS vulnerability
- fix crash with '%' in sender addresses (Stefan Schmidt)
- fix other users of unchecked strings with syslog/printf (Peter Bieringer)
- run in tainted mode -T (Peter Bieringer)
(version 1.19 and 1.20 were released on the same day with the above fixes)
* 2005-03-07: version 1.18
- correctly set the locale to C so that no internationalized 8bit-text
is put in the headers (Bernhard Weisshuhn)
- syslog delays (when a X-Greylist header is added)
- bugfix: sometimes the retry-window was not properly enforced
- bugfix: argument parsing in postgreyreport (MJH)
- include the recipient-domain in the default --greylist-text so
that the concerned mail-server can be determined and a contact-address
can be given on the help page
- better documentation for --greylist-text
- just warn if DB_AUTO_COMMIT is not available because an older berkeley-db
is used (Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder)
* 2004-12-14: version 1.17
- added --auto-whitelist-clients option (Andreas Hoedle)
it is turned on by default, to disable it specify
- removed "transition code" of version 1.14
- command-line as process name instead of just 'perl' (Pierre Thierry)
- add option --group or set group to 'nogroup' (Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal'
von Bidder)
* 2004-09-08: version 1.16
- increase max-time to 35, so that monthly newsletter are not
greylisted (Stephen Gildea)
- set LC_ALL=C so that no localized text is output at the SMTP level
(Michal Trojnara)
- add a "help" URL to the Greylisted for ... message (Steve Traugott)
- updated whitelist
* 2004-08-18: version 1.15
- fixed --retry-window with hours (Tom Baker)
- update postgreyreport to version 1.14.2 (Tom Baker)
- update whitelist
* 2004-07-12: version 1.14
- lookup-by-subnet is default. "transition code" has been implemented, so that
also a lookup with the unstripped IP will be tried. That way you shouldn't
loose any data from the database when moving to version 1.14. Use
--lookup-by-host for the old behaviour. All "address pool" entries are
removed from the whitelist...
- loosen "IP in reverse name" test (Matt Egan)
- changed default --max-age to 30, since the db should shrink a lot
because of the --retry-window functionality (you might want to
db_dump/db_load your db to make it really shrink on disk)
- another Perl 5.8.0 workaround
- implemented --greylist-text (Tom Baker)
- replaced X-Postgrey header with a X-Greylist header which is more similar
to what greylist-milter does (Stephen Gildea)
- implemented --greylist-action (Stephen Gildea)
- updated postgreyreport (Tom Baker)
- update whitelist
* 2004-07-05: version 1.13
- strip sender address extension (everything after '+'), so that more
VERP addresses are substituted to a unique string.
(Stephane Bortzmeyer, Santiago Vila)
- update whitelist
- allow more than one --whitelist-xy option (Xavier Le Vourch)
- implemented --retry-window (Tom Baker)
- reload whitelists on HUP
- add postmaster and abuse to recipients whitelist
- add X-Postgrey header to delayed mails
* 2004-07-02: version 1.12
- support IPs in the postgrey_whitelist_clients file (Tom Baker)
- new version of postgreyreport (Tom Baker)
- update whitelist
- workaround Perl 5.8.0 bug (Matt Egan)
* 2004-06-29: version 1.11
- support for regular expressions in whitelists
- update whitelist (Duncan Hill)
* 2004-06-26: version 1.10
- fix syntax error in code for --lookup-by-subnet (Matt Egan)
* 2004-06-25: version 1.9
- case-insensitive whitelists
- fix permissions of --unix socket (Arnaud Launay)
* 2004-06-24: version 1.8
- postfix-style syntax for whitelists
- add .0 on --lookup-by-subnet (Tom Baker)
* 2004-06-24: version 1.7
- bugfix: wrong syslog call ('warn' instead of 'warning')
- update whitelist
- allow input with cr-lf lines for testing (Tom Baker)
- implemented --lookup-by-subnet (Tom Baker)
- use 'unix' syslog socket on non-solaris platforms (Matt Egan)
- implemented whitelist support from postgrey itself (instead of using
postfix restrictions: easier to setup)
- included contrib/postgrey-report by Tom Baker
* 2004-06-11: version 1.6
- rewritten verp substitution code
- when doing keys maintenance: report about how many keys there where before
and after.
- update whitelist
* 2004-06-03: version 1.5
- default delay is now 300 seconds instead of 600 (received reports of
mailers that try again the first time after 8 minutes and it doesn't seem
to matter right now for filtering spam: they never come again)
- report in the log the real time that is left, after which the triplet will
be accepted
- traverse the database for cleaning old entries only during the night
and only once per day
- more efficient traversal of database for cleaning (Matthew Reimer)
- fix syslogging of warnings and fatal errors
* 2004-05-24: version 1.4
- log removal was not working (need to call txn_checkpoint first)
* 2004-05-22: version 1.3
- PID file generation with --pidfile (Ralf Engelschall)
- fix opening of unix socket (Ralf Engelschall)
* 2004-05-21: version 1.2
- create files readable only by the user (umask 077)
- logging bugfixes
- compatibility with older Berkeley DBs (3.x should work)
* 2004-05-21: version 1.1
- use log_archive method every hour instead of DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE
- cosmetic fixes (Ralf Hildebrandt)
* 2004-05-20: version 1.0
- initial public release
Note: The names in braces do usually give credit where the idea comes from
and not who did implement it (which is mostly me)