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 1. POP3 (IMAP) before SMTP

     1. Are you sure you want this?

         1. Problems with POP-before-SMTP

         2. Advantages of POP-before-SMTP over SMTP AUTH


 3. DRAC

 4. SQL

     1. Example for postgresql, postfix

     2. Example for MySQL, postfix

 5. relay-ctrl

POP3 (IMAP) before SMTP

/sometimes also called SMTP-after-POP3 or SMTP-after-IMAP/

Are you sure you want this?

POP-before-SMTP is generally considered a kludge, originally invented to make
up for the lack of authentication in the original SMTP
[] specification for clients on dynamic IP
addresses.ESMTP [] resolved that
shortcoming long ago, and all modern mail clients and servers support it by
now. You should consider implementing ESMTP AUTH
[] in your mail transport/submission
agent, and using it in your clients, rather than using POP-before-SMTP. See
also <HowTo.PostfixAndDovecotSASL.txt> or <HowTo.EximAndDovecotSASL.txt>.

Problems with POP-before-SMTP

 * *Shared IP addresses* are in widespread use. You are opening your server not
   only to your user, but to anyone else who might be sharing the same IP
   address, other users, other computers in the same NAT. If you lose the
   connection, the next one who is assigned your IP also inherits your relay
   permit. This might include virus-infected spambot machines. Or consider a
   public wireless hotspot or an Internet cafe: both types of establishments
   are known to be frequented by spammers.
 * *Not properly implemented* in all mail clients: it only works right if the
   client checks for new mail immediately before attempting to send. And it can
   be very unsafe if longer timeouts are used, such that the user has time to
   write an email.
 * Probably others. <I> [RobMcGee.txt] ( <Rob McGee> [RobMcGee.txt]) just
   thought it was wrong to have a HOWTO page here without a warning about why
   /not/ to. Know what you are doing. If you are setting up a new mail service
   from scratch, by all means, do it right!

Advantages of POP-before-SMTP over SMTP AUTH

 * Likely to be relatively easier to implement in your mail submission agent.
   What's easier is a matter of opinion, and it varies, of course, but probably
   all MTA/MSA servers support some form of access lists without patching or
 * Simple non-technical instructions for users: /"Remember to check for new
   mail before you try to send mail."/

If you want to use (from
together with Dovecot, you can use this regular expression to match successful
POP3 and IMAP logins:

$pat = '^(... .. ..:..:..) \S+ (?:pop3|imap)-login: Login: .+

v1.0RC2 seems to need this format to work properly:

$pat = '^dovecot: (... .. ..:..:..) \S+ (?:pop3|imap)-login: Login: \S+ \S+ \S+

Note: This only works with IPv4, anyone who wants to fix it for IPv6, please do

worked for me on Fedora: <drak at>

$pat = '(?:pop3|imap)-login: (... .. ..:..:..) Info: Login: \S+

With v1.0 Alpha 4, the following pattern works:

$pat = '^(... .. ..:..:..) \S+ (?:dovecot: )?(?:imap|pop3)-login: Login: \S+
\S+ rip=(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)'

This works with RHEL 4.3 (at least until IPv6 really catches):

$pat = '(?:pop3|imap)-login: (... .. ..:..:..) Info: Login: \S+


The DRAC historical plugin for Dovecot 1.x, located here
[], doesn't work with Dovecot 2.x, since it
relies on the "IP" environment variable, not set anymore by Dovecot 2.x

a more recent version of this plugin is available here: DRAC Plugin for Dovecot
2.x []. The README file explains
how to compile it. Change the path to your Dovecot 2.x source code into the
Makefile to compile it.

DRAC runs as a separate daemon, maintaining a BerkeleyDB database of IPs that
have successfully authenticated via POP3 or IMAP, expiring them after 30
minutes. Installing it therefore requires that both your POP3/IMAP server and
your SMTP daemon (Postfix/Sendmail/qmail) be set up to support it.
DRAC-PLUGIN.c is a small C program, and accessing BerkeleyDB databases is
efficient so it works pretty well.

By following the instructions you will install a file in your
dovecot 'lib/' directories for IMAP and/or POP3 loadable modules.

To turn on the new DRAC plugin in dovecot, you must set up these lines in your
dovecot.conf. There is a separate section for ''protocol imap'' and another
under ''protocol pop3''; make sure you enable both.

  # Support for dynamically loadable modules
  mail_plugin_dir = /usr/lib/dovecot/imap # not mandatory
  mail_plugins = drac                            # provide a list of all
plugins you want to load here

Permissions note: the directory containing the file has to be
readable by ordinary users. Check your Dovecot error log for help.

To get DRAC working on your machine, download the main DRAC
[] daemon, edit the makefile as directed in
the instructions, and make and install it.  You will also want to ensure that
you register the rpcs by executing rpcgen.  See the Makefile for more details.


Advantage: you do not have a multi-megabyte Perl daemon reading your logs

Disadvantage: for each login you need the time and space to execute this script

 1. tell your MTA to look up IPs authorized to relay in an SQL table
 2. delete old IPs from the table regularly (cron job for example, or a
    modification to the script below)
 3. tell dovecot to update the SQL table upon successful login

Dovecot 1.0 (and probably 0.99) can update a SQL table with the script below.

/!\ *Note* that *you* must set up a script that deletes old IPs separately, and
*you* also must configure your MTA properly. The script *only* performs the
'update on successful login' step, which alone is insecure without expiring
older IPs!/Add your working examples to this section. This Wiki depends on your

# This script created 2005-08-21 by Lorens Kockum
# Released into the Public Domain
# Changes:
# 2006-06-06 Matthias Andree
#  - changed $* to "$@" for more robust argument quoting
# Action: when called by dovecot 1.0 as described below, updates an SQL table
# with logged-in IP and current time, and then executes the relevant process.
# Output: normally nothing
# dovecot.conf should be modified with these lines (where
# /usr/lib/dovecot/ represents this script):
# protocol pop3 {
#   mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/ /usr/lib/dovecot/pop3
# }
# protocol imap {
#   mail_executable = /usr/lib/dovecot/ /usr/lib/dovecot/imap
# }
# The HOME= lines are necessary to find $HOME/.my.cnf containing login info,
# because mail_executable is executed as root, but without a home directory.
# Of course this script must not be writable by anyone else than root.
    # drop out IPs from local networks that can relay anyway
    IP=`echo $IP | grep -v '^192\.168\.'`
    if [ -n "$IP" ]
        export HOME=/root/
        echo "replace into popbsmtp VALUES('$IP',now());" | mysql mail
        export HOME=/
) >> /var/log/dovecot3 2>&1
exec "$@"

Example for postgresql, postfix


    if [ -n "$IP" ]
        /usr/bin/psql -U popbsmtp -d popbsmtp -c "begin;update auth set
accessed=now() where host=substring('$IP' from 8);commit;insert into auth(host,
accessed) values(substring('$IP' from 8),now());"

) >> /var/log/dovecot3 2>&1
exec "$@"

The substring call was necessary because $IP has '::ffff:' or something like
that in front of the IP address on my system. The update followed by an insert,
with the update in a transaction is necessary to replicate mysql's REPLACE INTO
functionality. The INSERT will produce an error if the IP already exists but it
doesn't matter as the UPDATE will have committed by then.


smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
  check_client_access pgsql:/etc/postfix/
  check_policy_service unix:private/policy


hosts = localhost
user = username
password = secret
dbname = popbsmtp
query = SELECT 'OK' as result FROM auth WHERE host = '%s'


/usr/bin/psql -U popbsmtp -d popbsmtp -c "DELETE FROM auth WHERE (now() -
accessed)  > '30 minutes'::interval"

Example for MySQL, postfix

Note that you can use this even if pop/imap and smtp are not on the same host
as it is the case in my setup.

First you have to create a table (in this example named "popbsmtp") with 2

 * address (varchar 39, primary)
 * last_seen (datetime)

varchar size 39 is for IPv6 addresses.You should definitely consider adding
IPv6 support to your popbsmtp solution because postfix and dovecot do well with

/!\ *address field* must be *primary* for "REPLACE into" to work.


        if [ -n "$IP" ]
                echo "REPLACE INTO virtual_mail.popbsmtp (address,last_seen)
VALUES ('$IP', NOW( ))" \
                | mysql -u user -p secret -h host > /dev/null 2>&1
exec "$@"

mail_executable in dovecot.conf looks something like this:

mail_executable = /opt/ /usr/libexec/dovecot/imap

postfix map (/etc/postfix/

hosts = mysqlhost
user = user
password = secret
dbname = virtual_mail
query = SELECT 'OK' FROM popbsmtp WHERE last_seen >= DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 30
MINUTE) AND address = '%s'

In postfix add the following access map to your recipient restrictions
(/!\  *before* "reject_unauth_destination"):

check_client_access mysql:$config_directory/

The 30 minute relay access period is handled by the INTERVAL in DATE_SUB. So
it's safe anyway, but you should definitely run a cron job daily that deletes
older records. That's to keep the table clean and speed up lookups. You might
also need to run "OPTIMIZE TABLE" via the cron job to free up allocated space.


relay-ctrl [] consists of a few small programs
designed to fit in qmail-like command chains. The most important:

 * 'relay-ctrl-allow' runs after a successful POP/IMAP login, recording the
   client IP and timestamp
 * 'relay-ctrl-check' runs before the SMTP server, enabling relaying if the
   client IP has authenticated recently

'relay-ctrl-allow' expects to find the client IP in the environment as
'$TCPREMOTEIP'. Dovecot provides it as '$IP', so you'll need this tiny
'dovecot-settcpremoteip' wrapper script:

# Wrapper for relay-ctrl-allow that sets TCPREMOTEIP.
exec "$@"

Edit 'dovecot.conf' and set 'mail_executable' appropriately, e.g., for IMAP
(this is one long line):

mail_executable = /usr/local/bin/envdir /etc/relay-ctrl
/usr/local/bin/relay-ctrl-chdir /usr/local/bin/dovecot-settcpremoteip
/usr/local/bin/relay-ctrl-allow /usr/local/libexec/dovecot/imap

Restart Dovecot. Verify that your IMAP client still works. Verify that
relay-ctrl has recorded your client IP. Hook 'relay-ctrl-check' into your SMTP
service, as documented in the relay-ctrl README, and you're done.

(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)