Your IP :
Upgrading Dovecot v1.1 to v1.2
* Relative home directory paths are giving errors now. They were never
supported, but earlier they just didn't usually cause problems.
* If you were using e.g. 'mail_location = maildir:/var/mail/%h', just
change it to 'mail_location = maildir:%h' and add '/var/mail/' prefix to
home dirs.
* To get absolute home dir from relative path in LDAP, use something like:
'user_attrs = .., homeDirectory=home=/var/mail/%$'
* SQL dictionary (quota, expire plugin) configuration file is different than
in v1.1. See 'doc/dovecot-dict-sql-example.conf' or <Quota.Dict.txt> for the
new format.
* When creating files or directories to mailboxes, Dovecot now uses the
mailbox directory's permissions and GID for them. Previous versions simply
used 0600 mode always, so you should check the directories' permissions to
make sure they're strict enough. For backwards compatibility
'dovecot-shared' file's permissions still override these with Maildir.
* system_user <userdb extra field> [UserDatabase.ExtraFields.txt] was renamed
to system_groups_user to better describe its functionality.
* Renamed 'ssl_disable=yes' to 'ssl=no'.
* Renamed 'auth_ntlm_use_winbind' to 'auth_use_winbind', which also determines
if GSS-SPNEGO is handled by GSSAPI or winbind.
* Removed 'login_greeting_capability'. The capabilities are now always sent
(LEMONADE [] requires this and it's not
that much extra traffic).
* Removed 'auth_worker_max_request_count'. It was useful only with PAM, so it
can now be specified in 'passdb pam { args = max_requests=n } '. The default
is 100.
* Removed 'umask'. It wasn't really used anywhere anymore.
* The global ACL file overrides per-mailbox ACL file.
* You should consider <migrating from CMU Sieve to Pigeonhole>
[Pigeonhole.Sieve.Configuration.txt] (see the link for instructions).
<ManageSieve> [Pigeonhole.ManageSieve.txt]:
* The 'sieve=' and 'sieve_storage=' settings need to be placed in the ' plugin
{}' section now and 'sieve_storage=' needs to be renamed to 'sieve_dir='.
This removes the duplication of these values with respect to the <Sieve
Plugin> [Pigeonhole.Sieve.txt] for <Deliver> [LDA.txt]. So, since you are
using the Sieve plugin, these settings should already be there and all that
needs to be done is remove the 'sieve=' and 'sieve_storage=' settings from
the ' protocol managesieve {} ' section.
(This file was created from the wiki on 2019-06-19 12:42)