Your IP :
# This is a (working) example of how to write a helper routine for
# Getopt::Long to deal with specific cases.
# The basic principle is:
# - specify the option type to be string
# - specify a code reference to handle the parsing an assignment.
# This example parses time specifications in the form HH:MM:SS.mmm, where
# unneeded parts may be left out.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
# The helper routine. It will be called to handle the actual delivery
# of the option value.
# There are two parameters: the option name, and the value to be
# assigned.
# Note the use of 'die' to signal errors back to Getopt::Long.
sub parsetime {
my ($opt_name, $opt_value) = @_;
my $val = 0;
unless ( $opt_value =~ /
^ # beginning of value string
(?:(\d+):)? # hours
(?:(\d+):)? # minutes
(\d+(?:\.\d+)?) # seconds + fraction
$ # end of value string
/x ) {
die("Value \"$opt_value\" invalid for option $opt_name\n");
# Return the value.
( defined $1 ? 3600*$1 : 0) +
( defined $2 ? 60*$2 : 0) +
@ARGV = ("-time", "1:24.14") unless @ARGV;
my $time;
GetOptions("time=s" => sub { $time = &parsetime }) &&
print "time = $time seconds\n";