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<title>ProFTPD: Configuring FTP over SSH</title>
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<center><h2><b><i>ProFTPD: Configuring FTP over SSH</i></b></h2></center>
<i><b>IMPORTANT NOTICE</b>: the original instructions listed on this page,
based on <a href=""></a> were
incorrect, and did <b>not</b> lead to the proper encryption of the FTP control
channel. Many, many thanks to Michael Jochimsen for pointing out the
incorrect use of ssh port forwarding!</i><br>
The File Transfer Protocol is an old protocol, and like many of the older
protocols it was developed in a time when security was not of such a paramount
concern. One aspect of FTP that reflects this is the transmission of
passwords, used to prove to the server that the client is who they say they
are, "in the clear", unencrypted, visible to any packet sniffer.
Protocols like SSH, and its <code>scp</code> program, are replacing FTP
as a means to securely transfer files among hosts.
However, many people still prefer to use their standard FTP clients. What
would be easiest would be a way to allow such clients to function while
transparently providing the encryption necessary for today's networks. Can
this be done? Yes - after a fashion. This document aims to describe how
to tunnel FTP over an SSH channel, providing for secure transmission of
the user's password.
<b>Client Configuration</b><br>
The trick to encrypting the password is to make use of ssh's local port
forwarding capability. It works by creating a sort of proxy on the local host
that listens to some high-numbered port. Any traffic sent to that port
is encrypted, and forwarded to the configured remote address and port.
(<b>Note</b>: the prior instructions' flaw was that the local port forwarding
request was sent to localhost, rather than to the remote server, which
effectively set up the encrypted channel between localhost and itself).
Here's how to set up a local port forward:
$ ssh -L<i>local-port</i>:<i>remote-addr</i>:<i>remote-port</i> <i>user</i>@<i>host</i>
This says to listen on port <i>local-port</i> on localhost, and to send that
encrypted traffic to <i>host</i>'s <i>remote-addr</i> at port
<i>remote-port</i>. To use this trick to secure an FTP session (to be
specific, the control channel, through which passwords are transmitted, will
be encrypted; the data channel will not), it would look like:
$ ssh -f -L3000:ftpserver:21 ftpserver 'exec sleep 10' && ftp localhost 3000
Note that the choice of <i>local-port</i> is arbitrary. Using port
<code>3000</code> is not a requirement. This trick also requires that
the ftp client use passive mode data transfers, so make sure to use a client
that understands FTP passive mode.
<b>Remember that only the control connection is encrypted, not the data
connection: any data you transfer (<i>e.g.</i> directory listings, files
uploaded or downloaded) are still sent "in the clear".</b> Your
password (and the other FTP commands sent by the client) is not.
<b>Server Configuration</b><br>
The server side of the connection needs some configuration to make the ssh
tunneling work as well. First, the client need a valid account on the remote
host is necessary in order to support the ssh tunnel. A valid shell is not
strictly necessary for these ssh tunnels, though; something like:
sleep 10
would suffice. This would prevent the FTP users from logging in, yet give them
enough time to establish a port forwarded ssh connection. With this sort
of quasi-shell (although, strictly speaking, there are better, more restrictive
shells than this example, as it could be escaped from), one can ssh over any
$ ssh -l test -f -L3000:ftpserver:21 ftpserver true && ftp localhost 3000
You'll also need to use the
<a href="../modules/mod_core.html#AllowForeignAddress"><code>AllowForeignAddress</code></a> configuration directive in your
configuration file:
AllowForeignAddress on
or <code>proftpd</code> will reject the passive transfer connections and log:
SECURITY VIOLATION: Passive connection from {host} rejected
Note that the use of the server host's DNS name, or its IP address, in the
setting up of the ssh tunnel assumes that the routing of traffic to the
host's own IP address will be short-circuited in the kernel and thus not
actually be transmitted on the wire. On modern kernels this is a fair
assumption, but may not always be the case. For the truly paranoid, use
of <code>localhost</code> or <code></code> as the <i>remote-addr</i>
parameter in the ssh tunnel command would cause traffic on <i>host</i> to
be sent over its loopback address, and not over the network. However, this
will prevent data transfers from working altogether. The author has a
patch for scenarios like this; if interested, please contact him directly via
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