Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\Composite;
* This class shares static methods between Responder and other composite classes.
* Methods of this class can't call Bitrix API at all.
* @alias \CHTMLPagesCache
* @package Bitrix\Main\Composite
class Helper
private static $options = array();
private static $isAjaxRequest = null;
private static $ajaxRandom = null;
* Returns Request URI
* @return string
public static function getRequestUri()
if (self::isSpaMode())
return ($options["SPA_REQUEST_URI"] ?? "/");
return ($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] ?? '');
* Returns HTTP hostname
* @param string $host
* @return string
public static function getHttpHost($host = null)
return preg_replace("/:(80|443)$/", "", $host === null ? ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] ?? '') : $host);
* Returns valid domains from the composite options
* @return array
public static function getDomains()
$options = self::getOptions();
$domains = array();
if (isset($options["DOMAINS"]) && is_array($options["DOMAINS"]))
$domains = array_values($options["DOMAINS"]);
return array_map(array(__CLASS__, "getHttpHost"), $domains);
public static function getSpaPostfixByUri($requestUri)
$options = self::getOptions();
$requestUri = ($p = mb_strpos($requestUri, "?")) === false? $requestUri : mb_substr($requestUri, 0, $p);
if (isset($options["SPA_MAP"]) && is_array($options["SPA_MAP"]))
foreach ($options["SPA_MAP"] as $mask => $postfix)
if (preg_match($mask, $requestUri))
return $postfix;
return null;
public static function getSpaPostfix()
$options = self::getOptions();
if (isset($options["SPA_MAP"]) && is_array($options["SPA_MAP"]))
return array_values($options["SPA_MAP"]);
return array();
public static function getRealPrivateKey($privateKey = null, $postfix = null)
if (self::isSpaMode())
$postfix = $postfix === null ? self::getSpaPostfixByUri($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) : $postfix;
if ($postfix !== null)
$privateKey .= $postfix;
return $privateKey;
public static function getUserPrivateKey()
$options = self::getOptions();
if (isset($options["COOKIE_PK"]) && array_key_exists($options["COOKIE_PK"], $_COOKIE))
return $_COOKIE[$options["COOKIE_PK"]];
return null;
public static function setUserPrivateKey($prefix, $expire = 0)
$options = self::getOptions();
if (isset($options["COOKIE_PK"]) && $options["COOKIE_PK"] <> '')
setcookie($options["COOKIE_PK"], $prefix, $expire, "/", false, false, true);
public static function deleteUserPrivateKey()
$options = self::getOptions();
if (isset($options["COOKIE_PK"]) && $options["COOKIE_PK"] <> '')
setcookie($options["COOKIE_PK"], "", 0, "/");
* Returns true if the current request was initiated by Ajax.
* @return bool
public static function isAjaxRequest()
if (self::$isAjaxRequest === null)
self::$isAjaxRequest =
(isset($_SERVER["HTTP_BX_ACTION_TYPE"]) && $_SERVER["HTTP_BX_ACTION_TYPE"] === "get_dynamic") ||
(defined("actionType") && constant("actionType") === "get_dynamic");
return self::$isAjaxRequest;
public static function isAppCacheRequest()
(defined("CACHE_MODE") && constant("CACHE_MODE") === "APPCACHE");
public static function isCompositeRequest()
(defined("CACHE_MODE") && constant("CACHE_MODE") === "HTMLCACHE");
* Returns true if the current request URI has bitrix folder
* @return bool
public static function isBitrixFolder()
$folders = array(BX_ROOT, BX_PERSONAL_ROOT);
$requestUri = "/".ltrim($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/");
foreach ($folders as $folder)
$folder = rtrim($folder, "/")."/";
if (strncmp($requestUri, $folder, mb_strlen($folder)) == 0)
return true;
return false;
public static function isSpaMode()
$options = self::getOptions();
return isset($options["SPA_MODE"]) && $options["SPA_MODE"] === "Y";
* Decodes a gzip compressed string
* @param $data
* @return string
public static function gzdecode($data)
if (function_exists("gzdecode"))
return gzdecode($data);
$data = substr($data, 10, -8);
if ($data !== "")
$data = gzinflate($data);
return $data;
* Returns bxrand value
* @return string|false
public static function getAjaxRandom()
if (self::$ajaxRandom === null)
self::$ajaxRandom = self::removeRandParam();
return self::$ajaxRandom;
* Removes bxrand parameter from the current request and returns its value
* @return string|false
public static function removeRandParam()
if (!array_key_exists("bxrand", $_GET) || !preg_match("/^[0-9]+$/", $_GET["bxrand"]))
return false;
self::$ajaxRandom = $_GET["bxrand"];
if (isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]))
$_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] = preg_replace(
if (isset($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]))
$_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] = preg_replace("/[?&]?bxrand=[0-9]+/", "", $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"]);
if (isset($GLOBALS["QUERY_STRING"]))
return self::$ajaxRandom;
* Converts URI to a cache key (file path)
* / => /index.html
* /index.php => /index.html
* /aa/bb/ => /aa/bb/index.html
* /aa/bb/index.php => /aa/bb/index.html
* /?a=b&b=c => /index@a=b&b=c.html
* @param string $uri
* @param string $host
* @param string $privateKey
* @return string
public static function convertUriToPath($uri, $host = null, $privateKey = null)
$uri = "/".trim($uri, "/");
$parts = explode("?", $uri, 2);
$uriPath = $parts[0];
$uriPath = preg_replace("~/index\\.(php|html)$~i", "", $uriPath);
$uriPath = rtrim(str_replace("..", "__", $uriPath), "/");
$uriPath .= "/index";
$queryString = isset($parts[1]) ? self::removeIgnoredParams($parts[1]) : "";
$queryString = str_replace(".", "_", $queryString);
$host = self::getHttpHost($host);
if ($host <> '')
$host = "/".$host;
$host = preg_replace("/:(\\d+)\$/", "-\\1", $host);
$privateKey = preg_replace("~[^a-z0-9/_]~i", "", (string)$privateKey);
if ($privateKey <> '')
$privateKey = "/".trim($privateKey, "/");
$cacheKey = $host.$uriPath."@".$queryString.$privateKey.".html";
return str_replace(array("?", "*"), "_", $cacheKey);
public static function removeIgnoredParams($queryString)
if (!is_string($queryString) || $queryString === "")
return "";
$params = array();
parse_str($queryString, $params);
$options = self::getOptions();
$ignoredParams = isset($options["~IGNORED_PARAMETERS"]) && is_array($options["~IGNORED_PARAMETERS"])
? $options["~IGNORED_PARAMETERS"] : array();
if (empty($ignoredParams) || empty($params))
return $queryString;
foreach ($params as $key => $value)
foreach ($ignoredParams as $ignoredParam)
if (strcasecmp($ignoredParam, $key) == 0)
return http_build_query($params, "", "&");
* Return true if html cache is on
* @return bool
public static function isOn()
return file_exists(self::getEnabledFilePath());
* Return true if composite mode is enabled
* @return bool
public static function isCompositeEnabled()
return self::isOn();
public static function getEnabledFilePath()
return $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/html_pages/.enabled";
public static function getConfigFilePath()
return $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/html_pages/.config.php";
public static function getSizeFilePath()
return $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"].BX_PERSONAL_ROOT."/html_pages/.size";
* Saves cache options
* @param array $arOptions
* @return void
public static function setOptions($arOptions = array())
$arOptions = array_merge(self::getOptions(), $arOptions);
$fileName = self::getConfigFilePath();
$tempFileName = $fileName.md5(mt_rand()).".tmp";
$fh = fopen($tempFileName, "wb");
if ($fh !== false)
$content = "<?\n\$arHTMLPagesOptions = array(\n";
foreach ($arOptions as $key => $value)
if (is_integer($key))
$phpKey = $key;
$phpKey = "\"".self::escapePHPString($key)."\"";
if (is_array($value))
$content .= "\t".$phpKey." => array(\n";
foreach ($value as $key2 => $val)
if (is_integer($key2))
$phpKey2 = $key2;
$phpKey2 = "\"".self::escapePHPString($key2)."\"";
$content .= "\t\t".$phpKey2." => \"".self::escapePHPString($val)."\",\n";
$content .= "\t),\n";
$content .= "\t".$phpKey." => \"".self::escapePHPString($value)."\",\n";
$content .= ");\n?>";
$written = fwrite($fh, $content);
$len = strlen($content);
if ($written === $len)
if (file_exists($fileName))
rename($tempFileName, $fileName);
@chmod($fileName, defined("BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS") ? BX_FILE_PERMISSIONS : 0664);
if (file_exists($tempFileName))
self::$options = array();
public static function makeDirPath($path)
$path = str_replace(array("\\", "//"), "/", $path);
//remove file name
if (mb_substr($path, -1) != "/")
$p = mb_strrpos($path, "/");
$path = mb_substr($path, 0, $p);
$path = rtrim($path, "/");
if ($path == "")
//current folder always exists
return true;
if (!file_exists($path))
return mkdir($path, defined("BX_DIR_PERMISSIONS") ? BX_DIR_PERMISSIONS : 0755, true);
return is_dir($path);
public static function escapePHPString($str)
$from = array("\\", "\$", "\"");
$to = array("\\\\", "\\\$", "\\\"");
return str_replace($from, $to, $str);
* Returns an array with cache options.
* @return array
public static function getOptions()
if (!empty(self::$options))
return self::$options;
$arHTMLPagesOptions = array();
$fileName = self::getConfigFilePath();
if (file_exists($fileName))
$compile = !empty(array_diff(self::getCompiledOptions(), array_keys($arHTMLPagesOptions)));
$arHTMLPagesOptions = $arHTMLPagesOptions + self::getDefaultOptions();
if ($compile)
if (isset($arHTMLPagesOptions["AUTO_COMPOSITE"]) && $arHTMLPagesOptions["AUTO_COMPOSITE"] === "Y")
$arHTMLPagesOptions["FRAME_MODE"] = "Y";
$arHTMLPagesOptions["AUTO_UPDATE"] = "Y";
self::$options = $arHTMLPagesOptions;
return self::$options;
public static function resetOptions()
private static function getDefaultOptions()
return array(
"INCLUDE_MASK" => "/*",
"EXCLUDE_MASK" => "/bitrix/*; /404.php; ",
"FILE_QUOTA" => 100,
"BANNER_BGCOLOR" => "#E94524",
"BANNER_STYLE" => "white",
"STORAGE" => "files",
"utm_source; utm_medium; utm_campaign; utm_content; fb_action_ids; ".
"utm_term; yclid; gclid; _openstat; from; ".
"referrer1; r1; referrer2; r2; referrer3; r3; ",
"EXCLUDE_PARAMS" => "ncc; ",
private static function getCompiledOptions()
return array(
public static function compileOptions(&$arOptions)
$arOptions["~INCLUDE_MASK"] = array();
$inc = str_replace(
array("\\", ".", "?", "*", "'"),
array("/", "\\.", ".", ".*?", "\\'"),
$arIncTmp = explode(";", $inc);
foreach ($arIncTmp as $mask)
$mask = trim($mask);
if ($mask <> '')
$arOptions["~INCLUDE_MASK"][] = "'^".$mask."$'";
$arOptions["~EXCLUDE_MASK"] = array();
$exc = str_replace(
array("\\", ".", "?", "*", "'"),
array("/", "\\.", ".", ".*?", "\\'"),
$arExcTmp = explode(";", $exc);
foreach ($arExcTmp as $mask)
$mask = trim($mask);
if ($mask <> '')
$arOptions["~EXCLUDE_MASK"][] = "'^".$mask."$'";
if (intval($arOptions["FILE_QUOTA"]) > 0)
$arOptions["~FILE_QUOTA"] = doubleval($arOptions["FILE_QUOTA"]) * 1024.0 * 1024.0;
$arOptions["~FILE_QUOTA"] = 0.0;
$arOptions["INDEX_ONLY"] = isset($arOptions["NO_PARAMETERS"]) && ($arOptions["NO_PARAMETERS"] === "Y");
$arOptions["~GET"] = array();
$onlyParams = explode(";", $arOptions["ONLY_PARAMETERS"]);
foreach ($onlyParams as $str)
$str = trim($str);
if ($str <> '')
$arOptions["~GET"][] = $str;
$arOptions["~IGNORED_PARAMETERS"] = array();
$ignoredParams = explode(";", $arOptions["IGNORED_PARAMETERS"]);
foreach ($ignoredParams as $str)
$str = trim($str);
if ($str <> '')
$arOptions["~IGNORED_PARAMETERS"][] = $str;
$arOptions["~EXCLUDE_PARAMS"] = array();
$excludeParams = explode(";", $arOptions["EXCLUDE_PARAMS"]);
foreach ($excludeParams as $str)
$str = trim($str);
if ($str <> '')
$arOptions["~EXCLUDE_PARAMS"][] = $str;
if (defined("BX_STARTED"))
$arOptions["COMPRESS"] = false;
$arOptions["STORE_PASSWORD"] = \COption::GetOptionString("main", "store_password", "Y");
$cookie_prefix = \COption::GetOptionString('main', 'cookie_name', 'BITRIX_SM');
$arOptions["COOKIE_LOGIN"] = $cookie_prefix.'_LOGIN';
$arOptions["COOKIE_PASS"] = $cookie_prefix.'_UIDH';
$arOptions["COOKIE_NCC"] = $cookie_prefix.'_NCC';
$arOptions["COOKIE_CC"] = $cookie_prefix.'_CC';
$arOptions["COOKIE_PK"] = $cookie_prefix.'_PK';
* Returns the number of bytes of file cache. If file .size doesn't exist returns false
* @return bool|float
public static function getCacheFileSize()
$result = false;
$fileName = self::getSizeFilePath();
if (file_exists($fileName) && ($contents = file_get_contents($fileName)) !== false)
$result = doubleval($contents);
return $result;
public static function updateCacheFileSize($bytes = 0.0)
$options = self::getOptions();
if ($options["WRITE_STATISTIC"] === "N")
$fileName = self::getSizeFilePath();
if (($handle = @fopen($fileName, "c+")) === false)
if (@flock($handle, LOCK_EX))
$cacheSize = $bytes === false ? 0 : doubleval(fgets($handle)) + doubleval($bytes);
$cacheSize = $cacheSize > 0 ? $cacheSize : 0;
fseek($handle, 0);
ftruncate($handle, 0);
fwrite($handle, $cacheSize);
flock($handle, LOCK_UN);
* Returns array with cache statistics data.
* Returns an empty array in case of disabled html cache.
* @return array
public static function readStatistic()
$result = false;
$fileName = self::getEnabledFilePath();
if (file_exists($fileName) && ($contents = file_get_contents($fileName)) !== false)
$fileValues = explode(",", $contents);
$result = array(
"HITS" => intval($fileValues[0]),
"MISSES" => intval($fileValues[1]),
"QUOTA" => intval($fileValues[2]),
"POSTS" => intval($fileValues[3]),
"FILE_SIZE" => doubleval($fileValues[4]),
return $result;
* Updates cache usage statistics.
* Each of parameters is added to appropriate existing stats.
* @param integer|false $hits Number of cache hits.
* @param integer|false $writings Number of cache writing.
* @param integer|false $quota Quota change in bytes.
* @param integer|false $posts Number of POST requests.
* @param float|false $files File size in bytes.
* @return void
public static function writeStatistic($hits = 0, $writings = 0, $quota = 0, $posts = 0, $files = 0.0)
$options = self::getOptions();
if ($options["WRITE_STATISTIC"] === "N")
$fileName = self::getEnabledFilePath();
if (!file_exists($fileName) || ($fp = @fopen($fileName, "r+")) === false)
if (@flock($fp, LOCK_EX))
$fileValues = explode(",", fgets($fp));
$cacheSize = (isset($fileValues[4]) ? doubleval($fileValues[4]) + doubleval($files) : doubleval($files));
$newFileValues = array(
$hits === false ? 0 : (isset($fileValues[0]) ? intval($fileValues[0]) + $hits : $hits),
$writings === false ? 0 : (isset($fileValues[1]) ? intval($fileValues[1]) + $writings : $writings),
$quota === false ? 0 : (isset($fileValues[2]) ? intval($fileValues[2]) + $quota : $quota),
$posts === false ? 0 : (isset($fileValues[3]) ? intval($fileValues[3]) + $posts : $posts),
$files === false ? 0 : ($cacheSize > 0 ? $cacheSize : 0),
fseek($fp, 0);
ftruncate($fp, 0);
fwrite($fp, implode(",", $newFileValues));
flock($fp, LOCK_UN);
* Checks disk quota.
* Returns true if quota is not exceeded.
* @param int $requiredFreeSpace
* @return bool
public static function checkQuota($requiredFreeSpace = 0)
$compositeOptions = self::getOptions();
$cacheQuota = doubleval($compositeOptions["~FILE_QUOTA"]);
$cacheSize = self::getCacheFileSize();
$cacheSize = $cacheSize !== false ? $cacheSize : 0.0;
return ($cacheSize + doubleval($requiredFreeSpace)) < $cacheQuota;
* Updates disk quota and cache statistic
* @param float $bytes positive or negative value
public static function updateQuota($bytes)
if ($bytes == 0.0)
//This method exists because of SiteUpdate features.
//When you reinstall updates (main 17.1.0 with previous ones).
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments)
if (mb_strtoupper($name) === mb_strtoupper("OnUserLogin"))
elseif (mb_strtoupper($name) === mb_strtoupper("OnUserLogout"))
* @param $url
* @return mixed|string
public static function getDomainName($url)
$url = filter_var($url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$url = trim($url, " \t\n\r\0\x0B/\\");
$components = parse_url($url);
if (isset($components["host"]) && !empty($components["host"]))
return $components["host"];
elseif (isset($components["path"]) && !empty($components["path"]))
return $components["path"];
return $url;
//region Deprecated Methods
* @deprecated
* use Engine::install and Engine::uninstall
* @param $status
* @param bool $setDefaults
public static function setEnabled($status, $setDefaults = true)
if ($status)
* @deprecated
* use
* $page = \Bitrix\Main\Composite\Page::getInstance();
* $page->deleteAll();
public static function cleanAll()
$bytes = Data\FileStorage::deleteRecursive("/");
if (class_exists("cdiskquota"))
\CDiskQuota::updateDiskQuota("file", $bytes, "delete");
if (!class_exists("CHTMLPagesCache", false))
class_alias("Bitrix\\Main\\Composite\\Helper", "CHTMLPagesCache");