Your IP :
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright: (c) 2012, Michael DeHaan <>
# Copyright: (c) 2018, Ansible Project
# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
# ansible.cli needs to be imported first, to ensure the source bin/* scripts run that code first
from ansible.cli import CLI
import datetime
import os
import platform
import random
import shlex
import shutil
import socket
import sys
import time
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible import context
from ansible.cli.arguments import option_helpers as opt_help
from ansible.errors import AnsibleOptionsError
from ansible.module_utils.common.text.converters import to_native, to_text
from ansible.plugins.loader import module_loader
from ansible.utils.cmd_functions import run_cmd
from ansible.utils.display import Display
display = Display()
class PullCLI(CLI):
''' Used to pull a remote copy of ansible on each managed node,
each set to run via cron and update playbook source via a source repository.
This inverts the default *push* architecture of ansible into a *pull* architecture,
which has near-limitless scaling potential.
None of the CLI tools are designed to run concurrently with themselves,
you should use an external scheduler and/or locking to ensure there are no clashing operations.
The setup playbook can be tuned to change the cron frequency, logging locations, and parameters to ansible-pull.
This is useful both for extreme scale-out as well as periodic remediation.
Usage of the 'fetch' module to retrieve logs from ansible-pull runs would be an
excellent way to gather and analyze remote logs from ansible-pull.
name = 'ansible-pull'
DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK = 'local.yml'
REPO_CHOICES = ('git', 'subversion', 'hg', 'bzr')
1: 'File does not exist',
2: 'File is not readable',
ARGUMENTS = {'playbook.yml': 'The name of one the YAML format files to run as an Ansible playbook.'
'This can be a relative path within the checkout. By default, Ansible will'
"look for a playbook based on the host's fully-qualified domain name,"
'on the host hostname and finally a playbook named *local.yml*.', }
def _get_inv_cli():
inv_opts = ''
if context.CLIARGS.get('inventory', False):
for inv in context.CLIARGS['inventory']:
if isinstance(inv, list):
inv_opts += " -i '%s' " % ','.join(inv)
elif ',' in inv or os.path.exists(inv):
inv_opts += ' -i %s ' % inv
return inv_opts
def init_parser(self):
''' create an options parser for bin/ansible '''
super(PullCLI, self).init_parser(
usage='%prog -U <repository> [options] [<playbook.yml>]',
desc="pulls playbooks from a VCS repo and executes them on target host")
# Do not add check_options as there's a conflict with --checkout/-C
self.parser.add_argument('args', help='Playbook(s)', metavar='playbook.yml', nargs='*')
# options unique to pull
self.parser.add_argument('--purge', default=False, action='store_true', help='purge checkout after playbook run')
self.parser.add_argument('-o', '--only-if-changed', dest='ifchanged', default=False, action='store_true',
help='only run the playbook if the repository has been updated')
self.parser.add_argument('-s', '--sleep', dest='sleep', default=None,
help='sleep for random interval (between 0 and n number of seconds) before starting. '
'This is a useful way to disperse git requests')
self.parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', dest='force', default=False, action='store_true',
help='run the playbook even if the repository could not be updated')
self.parser.add_argument('-d', '--directory', dest='dest', default=None, type=opt_help.unfrack_path(),
help='path to the directory to which Ansible will checkout the repository.')
self.parser.add_argument('-U', '--url', dest='url', default=None, help='URL of the playbook repository')
self.parser.add_argument('--full', dest='fullclone', action='store_true', help='Do a full clone, instead of a shallow one.')
self.parser.add_argument('-C', '--checkout', dest='checkout',
help='branch/tag/commit to checkout. Defaults to behavior of repository module.')
self.parser.add_argument('--accept-host-key', default=False, dest='accept_host_key', action='store_true',
help='adds the hostkey for the repo url if not already added')
self.parser.add_argument('-m', '--module-name', dest='module_name', default=self.DEFAULT_REPO_TYPE,
help='Repository module name, which ansible will use to check out the repo. Choices are %s. Default is %s.'
self.parser.add_argument('--verify-commit', dest='verify', default=False, action='store_true',
help='verify GPG signature of checked out commit, if it fails abort running the playbook. '
'This needs the corresponding VCS module to support such an operation')
self.parser.add_argument('--clean', dest='clean', default=False, action='store_true',
help='modified files in the working repository will be discarded')
self.parser.add_argument('--track-subs', dest='tracksubs', default=False, action='store_true',
help='submodules will track the latest changes. This is equivalent to specifying the --remote flag to git submodule update')
# add a subset of the check_opts flag group manually, as the full set's
# shortcodes conflict with above --checkout/-C
self.parser.add_argument("--check", default=False, dest='check', action='store_true',
help="don't make any changes; instead, try to predict some of the changes that may occur")
self.parser.add_argument("--diff", default=C.DIFF_ALWAYS, dest='diff', action='store_true',
help="when changing (small) files and templates, show the differences in those files; works great with --check")
def post_process_args(self, options):
options = super(PullCLI, self).post_process_args(options)
if not options.dest:
hostname = socket.getfqdn()
# use a hostname dependent directory, in case of $HOME on nfs
options.dest = os.path.join(C.ANSIBLE_HOME, 'pull', hostname)
if os.path.exists(options.dest) and not os.path.isdir(options.dest):
raise AnsibleOptionsError("%s is not a valid or accessible directory." % options.dest)
if options.sleep:
secs = random.randint(0, int(options.sleep))
options.sleep = secs
except ValueError:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("%s is not a number." % options.sleep)
if not options.url:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("URL for repository not specified, use -h for help")
if options.module_name not in self.REPO_CHOICES:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Unsupported repo module %s, choices are %s" % (options.module_name, ','.join(self.REPO_CHOICES)))
display.verbosity = options.verbosity
return options
def run(self):
''' use Runner lib to do SSH things '''
super(PullCLI, self).run()
# log command line
now =
display.display(now.strftime("Starting Ansible Pull at %F %T"))
display.display(' '.join(sys.argv))
# Build Checkout command
# Now construct the ansible command
node = platform.node()
host = socket.getfqdn()
hostnames = ','.join(set([host, node, host.split('.')[0], node.split('.')[0]]))
if hostnames:
limit_opts = 'localhost,%s,' % hostnames
limit_opts = 'localhost,'
base_opts = '-c local '
if context.CLIARGS['verbosity'] > 0:
base_opts += ' -%s' % ''.join(["v" for x in range(0, context.CLIARGS['verbosity'])])
# Attempt to use the inventory passed in as an argument
# It might not yet have been downloaded so use localhost as default
inv_opts = self._get_inv_cli()
if not inv_opts:
inv_opts = " -i localhost, "
# avoid interpreter discovery since we already know which interpreter to use on localhost
inv_opts += '-e %s ' % shlex.quote('ansible_python_interpreter=%s' % sys.executable)
# SCM specific options
if context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'git':
repo_opts = "name=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'], context.CLIARGS['dest'])
if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
repo_opts += ' version=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']
if context.CLIARGS['accept_host_key']:
repo_opts += ' accept_hostkey=yes'
if context.CLIARGS['private_key_file']:
repo_opts += ' key_file=%s' % context.CLIARGS['private_key_file']
if context.CLIARGS['verify']:
repo_opts += ' verify_commit=yes'
if context.CLIARGS['tracksubs']:
repo_opts += ' track_submodules=yes'
if not context.CLIARGS['fullclone']:
repo_opts += ' depth=1'
elif context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'subversion':
repo_opts = "repo=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'], context.CLIARGS['dest'])
if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
repo_opts += ' revision=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']
if not context.CLIARGS['fullclone']:
repo_opts += ' export=yes'
elif context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'hg':
repo_opts = "repo=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'], context.CLIARGS['dest'])
if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
repo_opts += ' revision=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']
elif context.CLIARGS['module_name'] == 'bzr':
repo_opts = "name=%s dest=%s" % (context.CLIARGS['url'], context.CLIARGS['dest'])
if context.CLIARGS['checkout']:
repo_opts += ' version=%s' % context.CLIARGS['checkout']
raise AnsibleOptionsError('Unsupported (%s) SCM module for pull, choices are: %s'
% (context.CLIARGS['module_name'],
# options common to all supported SCMS
if context.CLIARGS['clean']:
repo_opts += ' force=yes'
path = module_loader.find_plugin(context.CLIARGS['module_name'])
if path is None:
raise AnsibleOptionsError(("module '%s' not found.\n" % context.CLIARGS['module_name']))
bin_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]))
# hardcode local and inventory/host as this is just meant to fetch the repo
cmd = '%s/ansible %s %s -m %s -a "%s" all -l "%s"' % (bin_path, inv_opts, base_opts,
repo_opts, limit_opts)
for ev in context.CLIARGS['extra_vars']:
cmd += ' -e %s' % shlex.quote(ev)
# Nap?
if context.CLIARGS['sleep']:
display.display("Sleeping for %d seconds..." % context.CLIARGS['sleep'])
# RUN the Checkout command
display.debug("running ansible with VCS module to checkout repo")
display.vvvv('EXEC: %s' % cmd)
rc, b_out, b_err = run_cmd(cmd, live=True)
if rc != 0:
if context.CLIARGS['force']:
display.warning("Unable to update repository. Continuing with (forced) run of playbook.")
return rc
elif context.CLIARGS['ifchanged'] and b'"changed": true' not in b_out:
display.display("Repository has not changed, quitting.")
return 0
playbook = self.select_playbook(context.CLIARGS['dest'])
if playbook is None:
raise AnsibleOptionsError("Could not find a playbook to run.")
# Build playbook command
cmd = '%s/ansible-playbook %s %s' % (bin_path, base_opts, playbook)
if context.CLIARGS['vault_password_files']:
for vault_password_file in context.CLIARGS['vault_password_files']:
cmd += " --vault-password-file=%s" % vault_password_file
if context.CLIARGS['vault_ids']:
for vault_id in context.CLIARGS['vault_ids']:
cmd += " --vault-id=%s" % vault_id
if context.CLIARGS['become_password_file']:
cmd += " --become-password-file=%s" % context.CLIARGS['become_password_file']
if context.CLIARGS['connection_password_file']:
cmd += " --connection-password-file=%s" % context.CLIARGS['connection_password_file']
for ev in context.CLIARGS['extra_vars']:
cmd += ' -e %s' % shlex.quote(ev)
if context.CLIARGS['become_ask_pass']:
cmd += ' --ask-become-pass'
if context.CLIARGS['skip_tags']:
cmd += ' --skip-tags "%s"' % to_native(u','.join(context.CLIARGS['skip_tags']))
if context.CLIARGS['tags']:
cmd += ' -t "%s"' % to_native(u','.join(context.CLIARGS['tags']))
if context.CLIARGS['subset']:
cmd += ' -l "%s"' % context.CLIARGS['subset']
cmd += ' -l "%s"' % limit_opts
if context.CLIARGS['check']:
cmd += ' -C'
if context.CLIARGS['diff']:
cmd += ' -D'
# redo inventory options as new files might exist now
inv_opts = self._get_inv_cli()
if inv_opts:
cmd += inv_opts
display.debug("running ansible-playbook to do actual work")
display.debug('EXEC: %s' % cmd)
rc, b_out, b_err = run_cmd(cmd, live=True)
if context.CLIARGS['purge']:
display.debug("removing: %s" % context.CLIARGS['dest'])
except Exception as e:
display.error(u"Failed to remove %s: %s" % (context.CLIARGS['dest'], to_text(e)))
return rc
def try_playbook(path):
if not os.path.exists(path):
return 1
if not os.access(path, os.R_OK):
return 2
return 0
def select_playbook(path):
playbook = None
errors = []
if context.CLIARGS['args'] and context.CLIARGS['args'][0] is not None:
playbooks = []
for book in context.CLIARGS['args']:
book_path = os.path.join(path, book)
rc = PullCLI.try_playbook(book_path)
if rc != 0:
errors.append("%s: %s" % (book_path, PullCLI.PLAYBOOK_ERRORS[rc]))
if 0 < len(errors):
elif len(playbooks) == len(context.CLIARGS['args']):
playbook = " ".join(playbooks)
return playbook
fqdn = socket.getfqdn()
hostpb = os.path.join(path, fqdn + '.yml')
shorthostpb = os.path.join(path, fqdn.split('.')[0] + '.yml')
localpb = os.path.join(path, PullCLI.DEFAULT_PLAYBOOK)
for pb in [hostpb, shorthostpb, localpb]:
rc = PullCLI.try_playbook(pb)
if rc == 0:
playbook = pb
errors.append("%s: %s" % (pb, PullCLI.PLAYBOOK_ERRORS[rc]))
if playbook is None:
return playbook
def main(args=None):
if __name__ == '__main__':