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<h2 class="headline">Desoto county arrests. …
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<strong>Desoto county arrests Richard Brownlee 33/M. Odulio Escalante. 10/1/24. Every year DeSoto County law enforcement agencies arrest and detain approximately 11,360 offenders. This database is regularly updated and can be accessed by the public. Date: 1/9 Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Emily Garrott 47/F. More Info. Jonathan Montgomery 38/M. Date: 2/19 1:09 am #1 PROB VIOLATION - PROB VIOLATION #2 desoto - fl0140000. Date: 2/25 11:13 pm #1 MOVING TRAFFIC VIOL - OPERATE MOTOR VEHICLE W/O VALID LIC 1ST CONV #2 arcadia - fl0140100. Preston Hill 31/M. Abdallah Alshaikhkhalil 28/M. Darrell Caldwell 47/M. 1/10 8:27 am 13 Views. Andrea Carter 19/F. Samantha Anderson 34/F. Adalberto Olvera. View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Desoto County, Florida. Christopher Hurst Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Charlie Hall. Gender: Male. Desoto / 2025 / February / 14. Hernando, Mississippi. Jabories Brooks 29/M. Arrests for Charlie Hall. Abdalla Abuassaf 51/M. Birthdate: 11/11/1999. Larry Faulkner 61 /M. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Southaven and other local cities. 24 records this day. Charlotte. S. 2/13 10:02 pm 10 Views. Nicholas Brown 31/M. According to a news release, Ricky Pointer, age 38, was arrested at a south Memphis residence early Monday morning. Desi Brewer 30/M. 2/14 12:10 pm 37 Views. Arresting Agency: DESOTO COUNTY SHERIFF DEPARTMENT. Davina Wallace. Canisha Clark 34/F. Age: 62 Years . Angeline Carnline 40/F. Victor Roman-Cruz. Desoto / 2025 / February / 25. Clarksdale, Mississippi. Desoto / 2024 / November / 5. Kandice Allen 22/F. Its county seat is Hernando. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Arcadia and other local cities. 2/13 10:02 pm 3 Views. It is the second-most populous county in Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Thomas Baker 58/M. Tamarkus Buie 26/M. Date: 10/1/24 #1 Out of County Warrant. Jr Lombardi. Height: 6'04" Weight: 195 lbs. Eye Color: Hazel. state of Mississippi. 2/26 11:03 am 4 Views. Arron Huffman 41/M. Christopher Burnett 46/M. Desoto / 2025 / January / 13. This lists the age, gender and first three charges, select a name for more information on the arrest. Tadarious Clinton Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Tierney Bagley 41/F. 2/19 10:23 am 3 Views. This tool allows for Access detailed case information in the DeSoto County Justice Court records database. The weekly turnover rate of inmates is approximately 55%, meaning that every week more than half of these inmates are released and then replaced with new offenders being booked into jail. Quincy Arnold 25/M. Olive Branch, Mississippi. Desoto County Jail Inmate Search . Date: 1/28 8:44 am #1 sex offender registration - sex offender registration #2 desoto Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Desoto / 2025 / February / 18. Christopher Hodges 35/M. Jadyn Brand 21/M. This medium-security facility is managed by the Desoto County Sheriff's Office, which oversees the operations and ensures the safety and security of both staff and inmates. All bonding Every year DeSoto County law enforcement agencies arrest and detain 3,840 offenders, and maintain an average of 192 inmates (county-wide) in their custody on any given day. Lance Morris 52/M. Torrian Bearden 28/M. Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Cassandra Adams. Chaquita Mug Shot for Charlie Hall booked into the Desoto county jail. Ocatvious #1 criminal registration - criminal regristration - not arrest #2 desoto - fl0140000. Antonio Lockett 20/M. 2/25 11:13 pm 2 Views. Block: 700 Hemingway Cove. Nicale Artis 25/M. 21, 2024, arrests that followed a search warrant at a Horn Lake residence late last week. Tammy Carpenter-Erwin 54/F. DeSoto County Sheriff's Department. Collierville, Tennessee. Cody Cook 33/M. Charges #1 ENTICEMENT OF A The DeSoto County Jail has a monthly turnover of 40% of their inmate population, another 30% turnover every 90 days, another 20% every six months, and approximately 10% stay incarcerated between six and twelve months. 13 - 18 ( out of 71,242 ) DeSoto County Mugshots, Mississippi. Shanika Benson 32/F. Miguel Ayala 42/M. Courtney Fitzpatrick 38/M. Allen, Toni Nichole, no license, failure to move over, seat belt, $1000 Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Map Locator. Desoto County Sherriff; Desoto County Arrest Info; Some of the cities, towns, and places in Desoto County are Arcadia, Brownville, Fort Ogden, Hidden Acres, Hull, Lake Suzy, Liverpool, Nocatee, Pine Level, Southeast Arcadia DeSoto County is a county located at the tropical/humid subtropical line which means the Florida Heartland, central portion of the U. View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in DeSoto County, Mississippi. Constantly updated. Keaira Babbitt 19/F. Monesha Milam 22/F. This directory helps Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Date: 2/18 2:45 pm #1 sex offender registration - sex offender Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Inmates. The Desoto County Sheriff's Office is a crucial component of the Mississippi criminal justice system. Citizens who To search for an individual currently in our custody then please CLICK HERE. Memphis, Tennessee. Bartlett, Tennessee. Horn Lake, Mississippi. Arrest records, charges of people arrested in DeSoto County, Mississippi. Dejerrius Booker 26/M. Billy Buntin 43/M. Booking Report. Desoto / 2025 / January / 29. Manuel Donis 37/M. 2/14 12:10 pm 25 Views. Southaven, Mississippi. Lc Coleman 60/M. The weekly turnover rate of inmates is approximately 55%, Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. The DeSoto County Adult Detention Facility is located at: 3425 Industrial Drive Hernando, MS 38632. Revis Davis 33/M. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! The Desoto County Sheriff's Department maintains a list of active arrest warrants within the county. Pointer was taken into custody Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. 33 records this day. Desoto. Timothy Bell 34/M. Date: 2/13 10:02 pm #1 MOVING TRAFFIC VIOL - DRIVE W/ DL EXPIRED MORE THAN 6 MONTHS #2 desoto - fl0140000. You can also look up Arrests Warrants for DeSoto County and the entire state of Florida, as well as DeSoto Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Jacksonville, Arkansas. 1/28 1:00 pm 9 Views. Fannie Dockery 22/F. 39 records this day. Crystal Springs, Mississippi. Exzavian Roebuck Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Olive Branch, Desoto / 2025 / February / 1. Desoto / 2025 / February / 24. Use this website for informational purposes only. Date: 1/10 8:27 am #1 MOVING TRAFFIC VIOL - OPERATE MOTOR VEHICLE W/O VALID LIC 1ST CONV #2 desoto - fl0140000. 2/26 11:03 am 1 View. City: Hernando, Mississippi 38632. Laquavius Clark 33/M. Como, Mississippi. Attorney General Lynn Fitch has announced the completion of an operation conducted by Fitch’s Fentanyl Strike Force on Thursday, Nov. Marquise Brown 24/M. Date: 2/13 4:09 pm #1 Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Juwan Pettigrew 29/M. ⇓ Learn more ⇓ Show less Desoto / 2025 / January / 27. 15 records this day. Zachary Brounson 32/M. FIND A FACILITY To obtain incarceration records from the Desoto County Jail, individuals can use the online database available on the Desoto County Sheriff's Office website. 31 records this day. 21, which resulted in four arrests in DeSoto County related to the sale of a controlled Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. This department is tasked with ensuring law and order in the county, providing a range of services to keep the community safe. Desoto County Jail is located in Hernando, Mississippi, and serves as a key correctional facility within Desoto County. Jessica Craig 40/F. John Higginbotham 30/M. To search for an inmate in the DeSoto County Jail, review their criminal charges, the amount of their bond, when they can get visits, or even view their mugshot, go to the Official Jail Inmate Roster, or call the jail at 863-993-4710 for the information you are looking for. Desoto / 2025 / February / 17. David Brigance 30/M. Horn #1 criminal registration - criminal regristration - not arrest #2 desoto - fl0140000. Edwin Arellano 16/M. Hair Color: Brown. 44 records this day. For information concerning an inmate, search our online jail docket or call 662-469-8500. . Fort Worth, Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Most recent DeSoto County Mugshots, Mississippi. Stanley Durham 60/M. 1/10 9:25 am 16 Views. 27 records this day. Antonio Dowdy 31/M. Fredrick Bankston 48/M. Kevin Daughtrey. Robert Evans. Arrested on 10/02/24 for an alleged sex crime . Byhalia, Mississippi. See Johnathan 's Criminal Record. DeSoto County is a county located on the northwest border of the U. James Clark 46/M. Horn Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Jonathan Booth 35/M. Lamar, Mississippi. Current Age: 25. #1 criminal registration - criminal regristration - not arrest #2 desoto - fl0140000. 27, 2025-Shelby County authorities have announced an arrest related to a series of burglaries in the past month, dating back to Dec. The MS DeSoto County Jail inmate search and roster portal contains inmate information and details like the inmate's name, mugshot(s), booking date, criminal charge(s), race, gender, and age. William Banks 41/M. Alvin Davis 28/M. Personal Information. Adams, Leslie Gail, embezzlement, $7500. Every year DeSoto County law enforcement agencies arrest and detain 11,360 offenders, and maintain an average of 568 inmates (county-wide) in their custody on any given day. Date: 2/25 Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. 19 records this day. Desoto / 2025 / February / 27. Use the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office portal for comprehensive police records. Note this is not an exact home address, rather a location in the vicinity of the listed home Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Jameion Amos 37/M. 2/25 11:13 pm 3 Views. As of the 2010 census, the population was 161,252, making it the third-most populous county in Mississippi. Plantersville, Mississippi . Anthony Davis 25/M. 37 records this day. Gary Canto 20/M. Jail Information. Izaihya Moore 25/M. Frederick Burnside 39/M. Arrest Age:22. Sponsored Content . 2/19 1:09 am 19 Views. Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Jasmine Granados 22/F. Desoto County Sheriff’s Office Arrest Warrants Lookup. Ledaron Bell 24/M. Olive Largest Database of Desoto County Mugshots. Paul Skinner. Shannon Barber 41/F. Charlotte 149 Views Arrest Age: 61. DeSoto County is part of the Memphis, TN-MS-AR Metropolitan Statistical Area. 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