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Z d � Z d a d a d2 Z d3 Z d/ � Z d d0 d1 � Z d S(4 s# distutils.core
The only module that needs to be imported to use the Distutils; provides
the 'setup' function (which is to be called from the setup script). Also
indirectly provides the Distribution and Command classes, although they are
really defined in distutils.dist and distutils.cmd.
s $Id$i����N( t DEBUG( t DistutilsSetupErrort DistutilsArgErrort DistutilsErrort CCompilerError( t Distribution( t Command( t
PyPIRCCommand( t Extensions� usage: %(script)s [global_opts] cmd1 [cmd1_opts] [cmd2 [cmd2_opts] ...]
or: %(script)s --help [cmd1 cmd2 ...]
or: %(script)s --help-commands
or: %(script)s cmd --help
c C s! t j j | � } t i | d 6S( Nt script( t ost patht basenamet USAGE( t script_nameR ( ( s&