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Current Path : /usr/lib/.build-id/c8/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/.build-id/c8/51c21b0c029a468ac489ae954378146da3bb38 |
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�H�5L�������\�C��H�T$I�H�5��#������`�D$�C�C�CA�A��I��L;t$�)���1����f��H�5RL�������uFE��u�E��t��@����CE���*���f.��CA�E1�I��L;t$�����f�H�s H��uiL�{ E���r���E��t��CA�A��X����CE��t��3���H�T$I�H�5��-�����D$�����C�c�L��H�=\1���H�=
�{�����D$�����C����H�5L�������{����H�5L�����������H�5�L����������L��H�=�1���H�= 1������H�T$I�H�5Z����u;�D$�C�G���H�=@1��l�H�=�1��^��>���H�=}��H�=����-�H�=��@��AWI��AVI��AUA��ATL�%�! UH�-�! SL)�H���o�H��t1��L��L��D��A��H��H9�u�H��[]A\A]A^A_�ff.������H��H���ef:hilLm:nNOp:rsSvVbad argument to '--fl='
bad argument to '--mod='
bad argument to '--pc='
01ejectfl=%xBad value after 'fl=' option
imm=loadloejpc=mod=noflushstartstopoldUnrecognized option: %s
SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS0.66 20180628Version string: %s
No DEVICE argument given
Error trying to open %s: %s
sg_start failed: flhelpimmedmodnewpcreadonlyverboseversionUsage: sg_start [--eject] [--fl=FL] [--help] [--immed] [--load] [--loej]
[--mod=PC_MOD] [--noflush] [--pc=PC] [--readonly]
[--start] [--stop] [--verbose] [--version] DEVICE
--eject|-e stop unit then eject the medium
--fl=FL|-f FL format layer number (mmc5)
--help|-h print usage message then exit
--immed|-i device should return control after receiving cdb,
default action is to wait until action is complete
--load|-l load medium then start the unit
--loej|-L load or eject, corresponds to LOEJ bit in cdb;
load when START bit also set, else eject
--mod=PC_MOD|-m PC_MOD power condition modifier (def: 0) (sbc)
--noflush|-n no flush prior to operation that limits access (sbc)
--pc=PC|-p PC power condition: 0 (default) -> no power condition,
1 -> active, 2 -> idle, 3 -> standby, 5 -> sleep (mmc)
--readonly|-r open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
recommended if DEVICE is ATA disk
--start|-s start unit, corresponds to START bit in cdb,
default (START=1) if no other options given
--stop|-S stop unit (e.g. spin down disk)
--verbose|-v increase verbosity
--old|-O use old interface (use as first option)
--version|-V print version string then exit
Example: 'sg_start --stop /dev/sdb' stops unit
'sg_start --eject /dev/scd0' stops unit and ejects medium
Performs a SCSI START STOP UNIT command
unrecognised option code %c [0x%x]
Unexpected extra argument: %s
Usage: sg_start [0] [1] [--eject] [--fl=FL] [-i] [--imm=0|1]
[--load] [--loej] [--mod=PC_MOD] [--noflush] [--pc=PC]
[--readonly] [--start] [--stop] [-v] [-V]
0 stop unit (e.g. spin down a disk or a cd/dvd)
1 start unit (e.g. spin up a disk or a cd/dvd)
--eject stop then eject the medium
--fl=FL format layer number (mmc5)
-i return immediately (same as '--imm=1')
--imm=0|1 0->await completion(def), 1->return immediately
--load load then start the medium
--loej load the medium if '-start' option is also given
or stop unit and eject
--mod=PC_MOD power condition modifier (def: 0) (sbc)
--noflush no flush prior to operation that limits access (sbc)
--pc=PC power condition (in hex, default 0 -> no power condition)
1 -> active, 2 -> idle, 3 -> standby, 5 -> sleep (mmc)
--readonly|-r open DEVICE read-only (def: read-write)
recommended if DEVICE is ATA disk
--start start unit (same as '1'), default action
--stop stop unit (same as '0')
-v verbose (print out SCSI commands)
-N|--new use new interface
-V print version string then exit
Example: 'sg_start --stop /dev/sdb' stops unit
'sg_start --eject /dev/scd0' stops unit and ejects medium
Performs a SCSI START STOP UNIT command
Bad value after 'imm=' option
Bad value after after 'pc=' option
Bad value after 'mod=' option
too many arguments, got: %s, not expecting: %s
please, only one of 0, 1, --eject, --load, --start or --stop
Not in DEBUG mode, so '-vV' has no special action
Ambiguous to give both '--start' and '--stop'
Ambiguous to give both '--load' and '--eject'
Giving '--fl=FL' with '--stop' (or '--eject') is invalid
Giving '--fl=FL' with '--pc=PC' when PC is non-zero is invalid
START STOP UNIT command failed
Some error occurred, try again with '-v' or '-vv' for more information
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