Your IP :
The following list is not up to date:
See also various .pm files.
* Copy on write (helps for $x = -$x; cases etc) (seems to make it slower :/
* run config() and die_on_nan() tests under
* finish upgrading and downgrading
* ! bround()/bfround(): some bugs may lurk in there
* accuracy() & precision() maybe not finished (bnorm() in every op, testcases)
* do not reduce numbers in new(), rather do it in anything that outputs it
like bsstr(), bstr(), mantissa(), exponent() and parts(). Reducing the
number after each op is slow with a binary core math lib like BitVect.
* add bfract() that returns just the fractional part?
* tests for frsft() and flsft() with $n != 2
* blog() is still quite slow for non-integer results. See if we can reuse the
integer calculation somehow
* finish broot() by using different algorithm
* finish 'upgrade'
* remove rounding overhead when no rounding is done, e.g. no $object has A nor
P and neither of bround(), bround(), accuracy() or precision() was called
* bround() is only used by MBF for -$scale = -$len, anyway. POD is wrong for
this, too
* overload of cos()/sin()/exp()/atan2() is too DWIM (should return BigInt or
BigFloat, not scalar) - also document it
* +5 % 0 or -5 % 0 == NaN (should it be something else?)
* certain shortcuts returning bzero(), bone() etc may not set the requested
rounding parameters, so that $x->foo($y,$a,$p,$r) may return $x without a
set $a or $p, thus failing later on:
use Test;
BEGIN { plan tests => 1; }
use Math::BigInt;
$x = Math::BigInt->bone();
$x->bsqrt(3,0,'odd'); # $x = 0, but _a is not 3!
ok ($x + '12345','12300'); # fails (12346 instead of 12300)
The shortcuts in code that return $x->bzero() or similar things need to
do $x->bzero($a,$p); and this needs tests.
Update: Should now work for most things. Check for completeness.
Given the fact that we are be able to plug-in a much faster core-lib, the
following are pretty much ultra-low-priority:
* look at div() for more speed (I have the hunch that the general _div()
routine does way too much work for normal div (e.g. when we don't need
the reminder). A simplified version could take care of this.
* alternative mul() method using shifts
* implement in Calc (and GMP etc) to calculate band(), bior(), bxor() for
negative inputs (_signed_or() etc)
* _root() doesn't scale too well
Please send me test-reports, your experiences with this and your ideas - I love
to hear about my work!