Your IP :
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "v8-data.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-internal.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-local-handle.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-value.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
namespace v8 {
class Context;
class Isolate;
class String;
namespace internal {
class ExternalString;
class ScopedExternalStringLock;
class StringForwardingTable;
} // namespace internal
* The superclass of primitive values. See ECMA-262 4.3.2.
class V8_EXPORT Primitive : public Value {};
* A primitive boolean value (ECMA-262, 4.3.14). Either the true
* or false value.
class V8_EXPORT Boolean : public Primitive {
bool Value() const;
V8_INLINE static Boolean* Cast(v8::Data* data) {
return static_cast<Boolean*>(data);
V8_INLINE static Local<Boolean> New(Isolate* isolate, bool value);
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
* An array to hold Primitive values. This is used by the embedder to
* pass host defined options to the ScriptOptions during compilation.
* This is passed back to the embedder as part of
* HostImportModuleDynamicallyCallback for module loading.
class V8_EXPORT PrimitiveArray : public Data {
static Local<PrimitiveArray> New(Isolate* isolate, int length);
int Length() const;
void Set(Isolate* isolate, int index, Local<Primitive> item);
Local<Primitive> Get(Isolate* isolate, int index);
V8_INLINE static PrimitiveArray* Cast(Data* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<PrimitiveArray*>(data);
static void CheckCast(Data* obj);
* A superclass for symbols and strings.
class V8_EXPORT Name : public Primitive {
* Returns the identity hash for this object. The current implementation
* uses an inline property on the object to store the identity hash.
* The return value will never be 0. Also, it is not guaranteed to be
* unique.
int GetIdentityHash();
V8_INLINE static Name* Cast(Data* data) {
return static_cast<Name*>(data);
static void CheckCast(Data* that);
* A flag describing different modes of string creation.
* Aside from performance implications there are no differences between the two
* creation modes.
enum class NewStringType {
* Create a new string, always allocating new storage memory.
* Acts as a hint that the string should be created in the
* old generation heap space and be deduplicated if an identical string
* already exists.
* A JavaScript string value (ECMA-262, 4.3.17).
class V8_EXPORT String : public Name {
static constexpr int kMaxLength =
internal::kApiSystemPointerSize == 4 ? (1 << 28) - 16 : (1 << 29) - 24;
enum Encoding {
* Returns the number of characters (UTF-16 code units) in this string.
int Length() const;
* Returns the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoded
* representation of this string.
int Utf8Length(Isolate* isolate) const;
* Returns whether this string is known to contain only one byte data,
* i.e. ISO-8859-1 code points.
* Does not read the string.
* False negatives are possible.
bool IsOneByte() const;
* Returns whether this string contain only one byte data,
* i.e. ISO-8859-1 code points.
* Will read the entire string in some cases.
bool ContainsOnlyOneByte() const;
* Write the contents of the string to an external buffer.
* If no arguments are given, expects the buffer to be large
* enough to hold the entire string and NULL terminator. Copies
* the contents of the string and the NULL terminator into the
* buffer.
* WriteUtf8 will not write partial UTF-8 sequences, preferring to stop
* before the end of the buffer.
* Copies up to length characters into the output buffer.
* Only null-terminates if there is enough space in the buffer.
* \param buffer The buffer into which the string will be copied.
* \param start The starting position within the string at which
* copying begins.
* \param length The number of characters to copy from the string. For
* WriteUtf8 the number of bytes in the buffer.
* \param nchars_ref The number of characters written, can be NULL.
* \param options Various options that might affect performance of this or
* subsequent operations.
* \return The number of characters copied to the buffer excluding the null
* terminator. For WriteUtf8: The number of bytes copied to the buffer
* including the null terminator (if written).
enum WriteOptions {
// Used by WriteUtf8 to replace orphan surrogate code units with the
// unicode replacement character. Needs to be set to guarantee valid UTF-8
// output.
// 16-bit character codes.
int Write(Isolate* isolate, uint16_t* buffer, int start = 0, int length = -1,
int options = NO_OPTIONS) const;
// One byte characters.
int WriteOneByte(Isolate* isolate, uint8_t* buffer, int start = 0,
int length = -1, int options = NO_OPTIONS) const;
// UTF-8 encoded characters.
int WriteUtf8(Isolate* isolate, char* buffer, int length = -1,
int* nchars_ref = nullptr, int options = NO_OPTIONS) const;
* A zero length string.
V8_INLINE static Local<String> Empty(Isolate* isolate);
* Returns true if the string is external.
bool IsExternal() const;
* Returns true if the string is both external and two-byte.
bool IsExternalTwoByte() const;
* Returns true if the string is both external and one-byte.
bool IsExternalOneByte() const;
class V8_EXPORT ExternalStringResourceBase {
virtual ~ExternalStringResourceBase() = default;
* If a string is cacheable, the value returned by
* ExternalStringResource::data() may be cached, otherwise it is not
* expected to be stable beyond the current top-level task.
virtual bool IsCacheable() const { return true; }
// Disallow copying and assigning.
ExternalStringResourceBase(const ExternalStringResourceBase&) = delete;
void operator=(const ExternalStringResourceBase&) = delete;
ExternalStringResourceBase() = default;
* Internally V8 will call this Dispose method when the external string
* resource is no longer needed. The default implementation will use the
* delete operator. This method can be overridden in subclasses to
* control how allocated external string resources are disposed.
virtual void Dispose() { delete this; }
* For a non-cacheable string, the value returned by
* |ExternalStringResource::data()| has to be stable between |Lock()| and
* |Unlock()|, that is the string must behave as is |IsCacheable()| returned
* true.
* These two functions must be thread-safe, and can be called from anywhere.
* They also must handle lock depth, in the sense that each can be called
* several times, from different threads, and unlocking should only happen
* when the balance of Lock() and Unlock() calls is 0.
virtual void Lock() const {}
* Unlocks the string.
virtual void Unlock() const {}
friend class internal::ExternalString;
friend class v8::String;
friend class internal::StringForwardingTable;
friend class internal::ScopedExternalStringLock;
* An ExternalStringResource is a wrapper around a two-byte string
* buffer that resides outside V8's heap. Implement an
* ExternalStringResource to manage the life cycle of the underlying
* buffer. Note that the string data must be immutable.
class V8_EXPORT ExternalStringResource : public ExternalStringResourceBase {
* Override the destructor to manage the life cycle of the underlying
* buffer.
~ExternalStringResource() override = default;
* The string data from the underlying buffer. If the resource is cacheable
* then data() must return the same value for all invocations.
virtual const uint16_t* data() const = 0;
* The length of the string. That is, the number of two-byte characters.
virtual size_t length() const = 0;
* Returns the cached data from the underlying buffer. This method can be
* called only for cacheable resources (i.e. IsCacheable() == true) and only
* after UpdateDataCache() was called.
const uint16_t* cached_data() const {
return cached_data_;
* Update {cached_data_} with the data from the underlying buffer. This can
* be called only for cacheable resources.
void UpdateDataCache();
ExternalStringResource() = default;
void CheckCachedDataInvariants() const;
const uint16_t* cached_data_ = nullptr;
* An ExternalOneByteStringResource is a wrapper around an one-byte
* string buffer that resides outside V8's heap. Implement an
* ExternalOneByteStringResource to manage the life cycle of the
* underlying buffer. Note that the string data must be immutable
* and that the data must be Latin-1 and not UTF-8, which would require
* special treatment internally in the engine and do not allow efficient
* indexing. Use String::New or convert to 16 bit data for non-Latin1.
class V8_EXPORT ExternalOneByteStringResource
: public ExternalStringResourceBase {
* Override the destructor to manage the life cycle of the underlying
* buffer.
~ExternalOneByteStringResource() override = default;
* The string data from the underlying buffer. If the resource is cacheable
* then data() must return the same value for all invocations.
virtual const char* data() const = 0;
/** The number of Latin-1 characters in the string.*/
virtual size_t length() const = 0;
* Returns the cached data from the underlying buffer. If the resource is
* uncacheable or if UpdateDataCache() was not called before, it has
* undefined behaviour.
const char* cached_data() const {
return cached_data_;
* Update {cached_data_} with the data from the underlying buffer. This can
* be called only for cacheable resources.
void UpdateDataCache();
ExternalOneByteStringResource() = default;
void CheckCachedDataInvariants() const;
const char* cached_data_ = nullptr;
* If the string is an external string, return the ExternalStringResourceBase
* regardless of the encoding, otherwise return NULL. The encoding of the
* string is returned in encoding_out.
V8_INLINE ExternalStringResourceBase* GetExternalStringResourceBase(
Encoding* encoding_out) const;
* Get the ExternalStringResource for an external string. Returns
* NULL if IsExternal() doesn't return true.
V8_INLINE ExternalStringResource* GetExternalStringResource() const;
* Get the ExternalOneByteStringResource for an external one-byte string.
* Returns NULL if IsExternalOneByte() doesn't return true.
const ExternalOneByteStringResource* GetExternalOneByteStringResource() const;
V8_INLINE static String* Cast(v8::Data* data) {
return static_cast<String*>(data);
* Allocates a new string from a UTF-8 literal. This is equivalent to calling
* String::NewFromUtf(isolate, "...").ToLocalChecked(), but without the check
* overhead.
* When called on a string literal containing '\0', the inferred length is the
* length of the input array minus 1 (for the final '\0') and not the value
* returned by strlen.
template <int N>
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Local<String> NewFromUtf8Literal(
Isolate* isolate, const char (&literal)[N],
NewStringType type = NewStringType::kNormal) {
static_assert(N <= kMaxLength, "String is too long");
return NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, literal, type, N - 1);
/** Allocates a new string from UTF-8 data. Only returns an empty value when
* length > kMaxLength. **/
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<String> NewFromUtf8(
Isolate* isolate, const char* data,
NewStringType type = NewStringType::kNormal, int length = -1);
/** Allocates a new string from Latin-1 data. Only returns an empty value
* when length > kMaxLength. **/
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<String> NewFromOneByte(
Isolate* isolate, const uint8_t* data,
NewStringType type = NewStringType::kNormal, int length = -1);
/** Allocates a new string from UTF-16 data. Only returns an empty value when
* length > kMaxLength. **/
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<String> NewFromTwoByte(
Isolate* isolate, const uint16_t* data,
NewStringType type = NewStringType::kNormal, int length = -1);
* Creates a new string by concatenating the left and the right strings
* passed in as parameters.
static Local<String> Concat(Isolate* isolate, Local<String> left,
Local<String> right);
* Creates a new external string using the data defined in the given
* resource. When the external string is no longer live on V8's heap the
* resource will be disposed by calling its Dispose method. The caller of
* this function should not otherwise delete or modify the resource. Neither
* should the underlying buffer be deallocated or modified except through the
* destructor of the external string resource.
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<String> NewExternalTwoByte(
Isolate* isolate, ExternalStringResource* resource);
* Associate an external string resource with this string by transforming it
* in place so that existing references to this string in the JavaScript heap
* will use the external string resource. The external string resource's
* character contents need to be equivalent to this string.
* Returns true if the string has been changed to be an external string.
* The string is not modified if the operation fails. See NewExternal for
* information on the lifetime of the resource.
bool MakeExternal(ExternalStringResource* resource);
* Creates a new external string using the one-byte data defined in the given
* resource. When the external string is no longer live on V8's heap the
* resource will be disposed by calling its Dispose method. The caller of
* this function should not otherwise delete or modify the resource. Neither
* should the underlying buffer be deallocated or modified except through the
* destructor of the external string resource.
static V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<String> NewExternalOneByte(
Isolate* isolate, ExternalOneByteStringResource* resource);
* Associate an external string resource with this string by transforming it
* in place so that existing references to this string in the JavaScript heap
* will use the external string resource. The external string resource's
* character contents need to be equivalent to this string.
* Returns true if the string has been changed to be an external string.
* The string is not modified if the operation fails. See NewExternal for
* information on the lifetime of the resource.
bool MakeExternal(ExternalOneByteStringResource* resource);
* Returns true if this string can be made external, given the encoding for
* the external string resource.
bool CanMakeExternal(Encoding encoding) const;
* Returns true if the strings values are equal. Same as JS ==/===.
bool StringEquals(Local<String> str) const;
* Converts an object to a UTF-8-encoded character array. Useful if
* you want to print the object. If conversion to a string fails
* (e.g. due to an exception in the toString() method of the object)
* then the length() method returns 0 and the * operator returns
class V8_EXPORT Utf8Value {
Utf8Value(Isolate* isolate, Local<v8::Value> obj);
char* operator*() { return str_; }
const char* operator*() const { return str_; }
int length() const { return length_; }
// Disallow copying and assigning.
Utf8Value(const Utf8Value&) = delete;
void operator=(const Utf8Value&) = delete;
char* str_;
int length_;
* Converts an object to a two-byte (UTF-16-encoded) string.
* If conversion to a string fails (eg. due to an exception in the toString()
* method of the object) then the length() method returns 0 and the * operator
* returns NULL.
class V8_EXPORT Value {
Value(Isolate* isolate, Local<v8::Value> obj);
uint16_t* operator*() { return str_; }
const uint16_t* operator*() const { return str_; }
int length() const { return length_; }
// Disallow copying and assigning.
Value(const Value&) = delete;
void operator=(const Value&) = delete;
uint16_t* str_;
int length_;
void VerifyExternalStringResourceBase(ExternalStringResourceBase* v,
Encoding encoding) const;
void VerifyExternalStringResource(ExternalStringResource* val) const;
ExternalStringResource* GetExternalStringResourceSlow() const;
ExternalStringResourceBase* GetExternalStringResourceBaseSlow(
String::Encoding* encoding_out) const;
static Local<v8::String> NewFromUtf8Literal(Isolate* isolate,
const char* literal,
NewStringType type, int length);
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
// Zero-length string specialization (templated string size includes
// terminator).
template <>
inline V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Local<String> String::NewFromUtf8Literal(
Isolate* isolate, const char (&literal)[1], NewStringType type) {
return String::Empty(isolate);
* Interface for iterating through all external resources in the heap.
class V8_EXPORT ExternalResourceVisitor {
virtual ~ExternalResourceVisitor() = default;
virtual void VisitExternalString(Local<String> string) {}
* A JavaScript symbol (ECMA-262 edition 6)
class V8_EXPORT Symbol : public Name {
* Returns the description string of the symbol, or undefined if none.
Local<Value> Description(Isolate* isolate) const;
* Create a symbol. If description is not empty, it will be used as the
* description.
static Local<Symbol> New(Isolate* isolate,
Local<String> description = Local<String>());
* Access global symbol registry.
* Note that symbols created this way are never collected, so
* they should only be used for statically fixed properties.
* Also, there is only one global name space for the descriptions used as
* keys.
* To minimize the potential for clashes, use qualified names as keys.
static Local<Symbol> For(Isolate* isolate, Local<String> description);
* Retrieve a global symbol. Similar to |For|, but using a separate
* registry that is not accessible by (and cannot clash with) JavaScript code.
static Local<Symbol> ForApi(Isolate* isolate, Local<String> description);
// Well-known symbols
static Local<Symbol> GetAsyncIterator(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetHasInstance(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetIsConcatSpreadable(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetIterator(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetMatch(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetReplace(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetSearch(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetSplit(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetToPrimitive(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetToStringTag(Isolate* isolate);
static Local<Symbol> GetUnscopables(Isolate* isolate);
V8_INLINE static Symbol* Cast(Data* data) {
return static_cast<Symbol*>(data);
static void CheckCast(Data* that);
* A JavaScript numeric value (either Number or BigInt).
class V8_EXPORT Numeric : public Primitive {
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
* A JavaScript number value (ECMA-262, 4.3.20)
class V8_EXPORT Number : public Numeric {
double Value() const;
static Local<Number> New(Isolate* isolate, double value);
V8_INLINE static Number* Cast(v8::Data* data) {
return static_cast<Number*>(data);
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
* A JavaScript value representing a signed integer.
class V8_EXPORT Integer : public Number {
static Local<Integer> New(Isolate* isolate, int32_t value);
static Local<Integer> NewFromUnsigned(Isolate* isolate, uint32_t value);
int64_t Value() const;
V8_INLINE static Integer* Cast(v8::Data* data) {
return static_cast<Integer*>(data);
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
* A JavaScript value representing a 32-bit signed integer.
class V8_EXPORT Int32 : public Integer {
int32_t Value() const;
V8_INLINE static Int32* Cast(v8::Data* data) {
return static_cast<Int32*>(data);
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
* A JavaScript value representing a 32-bit unsigned integer.
class V8_EXPORT Uint32 : public Integer {
uint32_t Value() const;
V8_INLINE static Uint32* Cast(v8::Data* data) {
return static_cast<Uint32*>(data);
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
* A JavaScript BigInt value (
class V8_EXPORT BigInt : public Numeric {
static Local<BigInt> New(Isolate* isolate, int64_t value);
static Local<BigInt> NewFromUnsigned(Isolate* isolate, uint64_t value);
* Creates a new BigInt object using a specified sign bit and a
* specified list of digits/words.
* The resulting number is calculated as:
* (-1)^sign_bit * (words[0] * (2^64)^0 + words[1] * (2^64)^1 + ...)
static MaybeLocal<BigInt> NewFromWords(Local<Context> context, int sign_bit,
int word_count, const uint64_t* words);
* Returns the value of this BigInt as an unsigned 64-bit integer.
* If `lossless` is provided, it will reflect whether the return value was
* truncated or wrapped around. In particular, it is set to `false` if this
* BigInt is negative.
uint64_t Uint64Value(bool* lossless = nullptr) const;
* Returns the value of this BigInt as a signed 64-bit integer.
* If `lossless` is provided, it will reflect whether this BigInt was
* truncated or not.
int64_t Int64Value(bool* lossless = nullptr) const;
* Returns the number of 64-bit words needed to store the result of
* ToWordsArray().
int WordCount() const;
* Writes the contents of this BigInt to a specified memory location.
* `sign_bit` must be provided and will be set to 1 if this BigInt is
* negative.
* `*word_count` has to be initialized to the length of the `words` array.
* Upon return, it will be set to the actual number of words that would
* be needed to store this BigInt (i.e. the return value of `WordCount()`).
void ToWordsArray(int* sign_bit, int* word_count, uint64_t* words) const;
V8_INLINE static BigInt* Cast(v8::Data* data) {
return static_cast<BigInt*>(data);
static void CheckCast(v8::Data* that);
Local<String> String::Empty(Isolate* isolate) {
using S = internal::Address;
using I = internal::Internals;
S* slot = I::GetRootSlot(isolate, I::kEmptyStringRootIndex);
return Local<String>::FromSlot(slot);
String::ExternalStringResource* String::GetExternalStringResource() const {
using A = internal::Address;
using I = internal::Internals;
A obj = internal::ValueHelper::ValueAsAddress(this);
ExternalStringResource* result;
if (I::IsExternalTwoByteString(I::GetInstanceType(obj))) {
Isolate* isolate = I::GetIsolateForSandbox(obj);
A value = I::ReadExternalPointerField<internal::kExternalStringResourceTag>(
isolate, obj, I::kStringResourceOffset);
result = reinterpret_cast<String::ExternalStringResource*>(value);
} else {
result = GetExternalStringResourceSlow();
return result;
String::ExternalStringResourceBase* String::GetExternalStringResourceBase(
String::Encoding* encoding_out) const {
using A = internal::Address;
using I = internal::Internals;
A obj = internal::ValueHelper::ValueAsAddress(this);
int type = I::GetInstanceType(obj) & I::kStringRepresentationAndEncodingMask;
*encoding_out = static_cast<Encoding>(type & I::kStringEncodingMask);
ExternalStringResourceBase* resource;
if (type == I::kExternalOneByteRepresentationTag ||
type == I::kExternalTwoByteRepresentationTag) {
Isolate* isolate = I::GetIsolateForSandbox(obj);
A value = I::ReadExternalPointerField<internal::kExternalStringResourceTag>(
isolate, obj, I::kStringResourceOffset);
resource = reinterpret_cast<ExternalStringResourceBase*>(value);
} else {
resource = GetExternalStringResourceBaseSlow(encoding_out);
VerifyExternalStringResourceBase(resource, *encoding_out);
return resource;
// --- Statics ---
V8_INLINE Local<Primitive> Undefined(Isolate* isolate) {
using S = internal::Address;
using I = internal::Internals;
S* slot = I::GetRootSlot(isolate, I::kUndefinedValueRootIndex);
return Local<Primitive>::FromSlot(slot);
V8_INLINE Local<Primitive> Null(Isolate* isolate) {
using S = internal::Address;
using I = internal::Internals;
S* slot = I::GetRootSlot(isolate, I::kNullValueRootIndex);
return Local<Primitive>::FromSlot(slot);
V8_INLINE Local<Boolean> True(Isolate* isolate) {
using S = internal::Address;
using I = internal::Internals;
S* slot = I::GetRootSlot(isolate, I::kTrueValueRootIndex);
return Local<Boolean>::FromSlot(slot);
V8_INLINE Local<Boolean> False(Isolate* isolate) {
using S = internal::Address;
using I = internal::Internals;
S* slot = I::GetRootSlot(isolate, I::kFalseValueRootIndex);
return Local<Boolean>::FromSlot(slot);
Local<Boolean> Boolean::New(Isolate* isolate, bool value) {
return value ? True(isolate) : False(isolate);
} // namespace v8