Your IP :
// Copyright 2021 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstddef>
#include <string_view>
#include "v8-data.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-function-callback.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-local-handle.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-memory-span.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8-object.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
#include "v8config.h" // NOLINT(build/include_directory)
namespace v8 {
class CFunction;
class FunctionTemplate;
class ObjectTemplate;
class Signature;
// --- Templates ---
F(ArrayProto_entries, array_entries_iterator) \
F(ArrayProto_forEach, array_for_each_iterator) \
F(ArrayProto_keys, array_keys_iterator) \
F(ArrayProto_values, array_values_iterator) \
F(ArrayPrototype, initial_array_prototype) \
F(AsyncIteratorPrototype, initial_async_iterator_prototype) \
F(ErrorPrototype, initial_error_prototype) \
F(IteratorPrototype, initial_iterator_prototype) \
F(MapIteratorPrototype, initial_map_iterator_prototype) \
F(ObjProto_valueOf, object_value_of_function) \
F(SetIteratorPrototype, initial_set_iterator_prototype)
enum Intrinsic {
#define V8_DECL_INTRINSIC(name, iname) k##name,
* The superclass of object and function templates.
class V8_EXPORT Template : public Data {
* Adds a property to each instance created by this template.
* The property must be defined either as a primitive value, or a template.
void Set(Local<Name> name, Local<Data> value,
PropertyAttribute attributes = None);
void SetPrivate(Local<Private> name, Local<Data> value,
PropertyAttribute attributes = None);
V8_INLINE void Set(Isolate* isolate, const char* name, Local<Data> value,
PropertyAttribute attributes = None);
void SetAccessorProperty(
Local<Name> name,
Local<FunctionTemplate> getter = Local<FunctionTemplate>(),
Local<FunctionTemplate> setter = Local<FunctionTemplate>(),
PropertyAttribute attribute = None);
* Whenever the property with the given name is accessed on objects
* created from this Template the getter and setter callbacks
* are called instead of getting and setting the property directly
* on the JavaScript object.
* \param name The name of the property for which an accessor is added.
* \param getter The callback to invoke when getting the property.
* \param setter The callback to invoke when setting the property.
* \param data A piece of data that will be passed to the getter and setter
* callbacks whenever they are invoked.
* \param attribute The attributes of the property for which an accessor
* is added.
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use SetNativeDataProperty without AccessControl instead")
void SetNativeDataProperty(
Local<String> name, AccessorGetterCallback getter,
AccessorSetterCallback setter, Local<Value> data,
PropertyAttribute attribute, AccessControl settings,
SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use SetNativeDataProperty without AccessControl instead")
void SetNativeDataProperty(
Local<Name> name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter,
AccessorNameSetterCallback setter, Local<Value> data,
PropertyAttribute attribute, AccessControl settings,
SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use SetNativeDataProperty with Local<Name> instead")
void SetNativeDataProperty(
Local<String> name, AccessorGetterCallback getter,
AccessorSetterCallback setter = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(), PropertyAttribute attribute = None,
SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
void SetNativeDataProperty(
Local<Name> name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter,
AccessorNameSetterCallback setter = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(), PropertyAttribute attribute = None,
SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
* Like SetNativeDataProperty, but V8 will replace the native data property
* with a real data property on first access.
void SetLazyDataProperty(
Local<Name> name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(), PropertyAttribute attribute = None,
SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
* During template instantiation, sets the value with the intrinsic property
* from the correct context.
void SetIntrinsicDataProperty(Local<Name> name, Intrinsic intrinsic,
PropertyAttribute attribute = None);
friend class ObjectTemplate;
friend class FunctionTemplate;
* Interceptor callbacks use this value to indicate whether the request was
* intercepted or not.
enum class Intercepted : uint8_t { kNo = 0, kYes = 1 };
* Interceptor for get requests on an object.
* If the interceptor handles the request (i.e. the property should not be
* looked up beyond the interceptor) it should
* - (optionally) use info.GetReturnValue().Set()` to set the return value
* (by default the result is set to v8::Undefined),
* - return `Intercepted::kYes`.
* If the interceptor does not handle the request it must return
* `Intercepted::kNo` and it must not produce side effects.
* \param property The name of the property for which the request was
* intercepted.
* \param info Information about the intercepted request, such as
* isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in `'use strict'` mode.
* See `PropertyCallbackInfo`.
* \code
* Intercepted GetterCallback(
* Local<Name> name, const v8::PropertyCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& info) {
* if (!IsKnownProperty(info.GetIsolate(), name)) return Intercepted::kNo;
* info.GetReturnValue().Set(v8_num(42));
* return Intercepted::kYes;
* }
* v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> templ =
* v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate);
* templ->InstanceTemplate()->SetHandler(
* v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(GetterCallback));
* LocalContext env;
* env->Global()
* ->Set(env.local(), v8_str("obj"), templ->GetFunction(env.local())
* .ToLocalChecked()
* ->NewInstance(env.local())
* .ToLocalChecked())
* .FromJust();
* v8::Local<v8::Value> result = CompileRun("obj.a = 17; obj.a");
* CHECK(v8_num(42)->Equals(env.local(), result).FromJust());
* \endcode
* See also `ObjectTemplate::SetHandler`.
using NamedPropertyGetterCallback = Intercepted (*)(
Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
// Use `info.GetReturnValue().Set()` to set the return value of the
// intercepted get request. If the property does not exist the callback should
// not set the result and must not produce side effects.
using GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback =
void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
* Interceptor for set requests on an object.
* If the interceptor handles the request (i.e. the property should not be
* looked up beyond the interceptor) it should return `Intercepted::kYes`.
* If the interceptor does not handle the request it must return
* `Intercepted::kNo` and it must not produce side effects.
* \param property The name of the property for which the request was
* intercepted.
* \param value The value which the property will have if the request
* is not intercepted.
* \param info Information about the intercepted request, such as
* isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in `'use strict'` mode.
* See `PropertyCallbackInfo`.
* See also `ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.`
using NamedPropertySetterCallback =
Intercepted (*)(Local<Name> property, Local<Value> value,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
// Use `info.GetReturnValue()` to indicate whether the request was intercepted
// or not. If the setter successfully intercepts the request, i.e., if the
// request should not be further executed, call
// `info.GetReturnValue().Set(value)`. If the setter did not intercept the
// request, i.e., if the request should be handled as if no interceptor is
// present, do not not call `Set()` and do not produce side effects.
using GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback =
void (*)(Local<Name> property, Local<Value> value,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
* Intercepts all requests that query the attributes of the
* property, e.g., getOwnPropertyDescriptor(), propertyIsEnumerable(), and
* defineProperty().
* If the interceptor handles the request (i.e. the property should not be
* looked up beyond the interceptor) it should
* - use `info.GetReturnValue().Set()` to set to an Integer value encoding
* a `v8::PropertyAttribute` bits,
* - return `Intercepted::kYes`.
* If the interceptor does not handle the request it must return
* `Intercepted::kNo` and it must not produce side effects.
* \param property The name of the property for which the request was
* intercepted.
* \param info Information about the intercepted request, such as
* isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in `'use strict'` mode.
* See `PropertyCallbackInfo`.
* \note Some functions query the property attributes internally, even though
* they do not return the attributes. For example, `hasOwnProperty()` can
* trigger this interceptor depending on the state of the object.
* See also `ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.`
using NamedPropertyQueryCallback = Intercepted (*)(
Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Integer>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
// Use `info.GetReturnValue().Set(value)` to set the property attributes. The
// value is an integer encoding a `v8::PropertyAttribute`. If the property does
// not exist the callback should not set the result and must not produce side
// effects.
using GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback =
void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Integer>& info);
* Interceptor for delete requests on an object.
* If the interceptor handles the request (i.e. the property should not be
* looked up beyond the interceptor) it should
* - use `info.GetReturnValue().Set()` to set to a Boolean value indicating
* whether the property deletion was successful or not,
* - return `Intercepted::kYes`.
* If the interceptor does not handle the request it must return
* `Intercepted::kNo` and it must not produce side effects.
* \param property The name of the property for which the request was
* intercepted.
* \param info Information about the intercepted request, such as
* isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in `'use strict'` mode.
* See `PropertyCallbackInfo`.
* \note If you need to mimic the behavior of `delete`, i.e., throw in strict
* mode instead of returning false, use `info.ShouldThrowOnError()` to determine
* if you are in strict mode.
* See also `ObjectTemplate::SetHandler.`
using NamedPropertyDeleterCallback = Intercepted (*)(
Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Boolean>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
// Use `info.GetReturnValue()` to indicate whether the request was intercepted
// or not. If the deleter successfully intercepts the request, i.e., if the
// request should not be further executed, call
// `info.GetReturnValue().Set(value)` with a boolean `value`. The `value` is
// used as the return value of `delete`. If the deleter does not intercept the
// request then it should not set the result and must not produce side effects.
using GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback =
void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Boolean>& info);
* Returns an array containing the names of the properties the named
* property getter intercepts.
* Note: The values in the array must be of type v8::Name.
using NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback =
void (*)(const PropertyCallbackInfo<Array>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
// This is just a renaming of the typedef.
using GenericNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback = NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback;
* Interceptor for defineProperty requests on an object.
* If the interceptor handles the request (i.e. the property should not be
* looked up beyond the interceptor) it should return `Intercepted::kYes`.
* If the interceptor does not handle the request it must return
* `Intercepted::kNo` and it must not produce side effects.
* \param property The name of the property for which the request was
* intercepted.
* \param desc The property descriptor which is used to define the
* property if the request is not intercepted.
* \param info Information about the intercepted request, such as
* isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in `'use strict'` mode.
* See `PropertyCallbackInfo`.
* See also `ObjectTemplate::SetHandler`.
using NamedPropertyDefinerCallback =
Intercepted (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyDescriptor& desc,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
// Use `info.GetReturnValue()` to indicate whether the request was intercepted
// or not. If the definer successfully intercepts the request, i.e., if the
// request should not be further executed, call
// `info.GetReturnValue().Set(value)`. If the definer did not intercept the
// request, i.e., if the request should be handled as if no interceptor is
// present, do not not call `Set()` and do not produce side effects.
using GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback =
void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyDescriptor& desc,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
* Interceptor for getOwnPropertyDescriptor requests on an object.
* If the interceptor handles the request (i.e. the property should not be
* looked up beyond the interceptor) it should
* - use `info.GetReturnValue().Set()` to set the return value which must be
* object that can be converted to a PropertyDescriptor (for example,
* a value returned by `v8::Object::getOwnPropertyDescriptor`),
* - return `Intercepted::kYes`.
* If the interceptor does not handle the request it must return
* `Intercepted::kNo` and it must not produce side effects.
* \param property The name of the property for which the request was
* intercepted.
* \info Information about the intercepted request, such as
* isolate, receiver, return value, or whether running in `'use strict'` mode.
* See `PropertyCallbackInfo`.
* \note If GetOwnPropertyDescriptor is intercepted, it will
* always return true, i.e., indicate that the property was found.
* See also `ObjectTemplate::SetHandler`.
using NamedPropertyDescriptorCallback = Intercepted (*)(
Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
// Use `info.GetReturnValue().Set()` to set the return value of the
// intercepted request. The return value must be an object that
// can be converted to a PropertyDescriptor, e.g., a `v8::Value` returned from
// `v8::Object::getOwnPropertyDescriptor`.
using GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback =
void (*)(Local<Name> property, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
// TODO(ishell): Rename IndexedPropertyXxxCallbackV2 back to
// IndexedPropertyXxxCallback once the old IndexedPropertyXxxCallback is
// removed.
* See `v8::GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback`.
using IndexedPropertyGetterCallbackV2 =
Intercepted (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
using IndexedPropertyGetterCallback =
void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
* See `v8::GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback`.
using IndexedPropertySetterCallbackV2 = Intercepted (*)(
uint32_t index, Local<Value> value, const PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
using IndexedPropertySetterCallback =
void (*)(uint32_t index, Local<Value> value,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
* See `v8::GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback`.
using IndexedPropertyQueryCallbackV2 =
Intercepted (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Integer>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
using IndexedPropertyQueryCallback =
void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Integer>& info);
* See `v8::GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback`.
using IndexedPropertyDeleterCallbackV2 =
Intercepted (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Boolean>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
using IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback =
void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Boolean>& info);
* Returns an array containing the indices of the properties the indexed
* property getter intercepts.
* Note: The values in the array must be uint32_t.
using IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback =
void (*)(const PropertyCallbackInfo<Array>& info);
* See `v8::GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback`.
using IndexedPropertyDefinerCallbackV2 =
Intercepted (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyDescriptor& desc,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<void>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
using IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback =
void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyDescriptor& desc,
const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
* See `v8::GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback`.
using IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallbackV2 =
Intercepted (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
using IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback =
void (*)(uint32_t index, const PropertyCallbackInfo<Value>& info);
* Returns true if the given context should be allowed to access the given
* object.
using AccessCheckCallback = bool (*)(Local<Context> accessing_context,
Local<Object> accessed_object,
Local<Value> data);
enum class ConstructorBehavior { kThrow, kAllow };
* A FunctionTemplate is used to create functions at runtime. There
* can only be one function created from a FunctionTemplate in a
* context. The lifetime of the created function is equal to the
* lifetime of the context. So in case the embedder needs to create
* temporary functions that can be collected using Scripts is
* preferred.
* Any modification of a FunctionTemplate after first instantiation will trigger
* a crash.
* A FunctionTemplate can have properties, these properties are added to the
* function object when it is created.
* A FunctionTemplate has a corresponding instance template which is
* used to create object instances when the function is used as a
* constructor. Properties added to the instance template are added to
* each object instance.
* A FunctionTemplate can have a prototype template. The prototype template
* is used to create the prototype object of the function.
* The following example shows how to use a FunctionTemplate:
* \code
* v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> t = v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate);
* t->Set(isolate, "func_property", v8::Number::New(isolate, 1));
* v8::Local<v8::Template> proto_t = t->PrototypeTemplate();
* proto_t->Set(isolate,
* "proto_method",
* v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, InvokeCallback));
* proto_t->Set(isolate, "proto_const", v8::Number::New(isolate, 2));
* v8::Local<v8::ObjectTemplate> instance_t = t->InstanceTemplate();
* instance_t->SetAccessor(
String::NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, "instance_accessor"),
* InstanceAccessorCallback);
* instance_t->SetHandler(
* NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(PropertyHandlerCallback));
* instance_t->Set(String::NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, "instance_property"),
* Number::New(isolate, 3));
* v8::Local<v8::Function> function = t->GetFunction();
* v8::Local<v8::Object> instance = function->NewInstance();
* \endcode
* Let's use "function" as the JS variable name of the function object
* and "instance" for the instance object created above. The function
* and the instance will have the following properties:
* \code
* func_property in function == true;
* function.func_property == 1;
* function.prototype.proto_method() invokes 'InvokeCallback'
* function.prototype.proto_const == 2;
* instance instanceof function == true;
* instance.instance_accessor calls 'InstanceAccessorCallback'
* instance.instance_property == 3;
* \endcode
* A FunctionTemplate can inherit from another one by calling the
* FunctionTemplate::Inherit method. The following graph illustrates
* the semantics of inheritance:
* \code
* FunctionTemplate Parent -> Parent() . prototype -> { }
* ^ ^
* | Inherit(Parent) | .__proto__
* | |
* FunctionTemplate Child -> Child() . prototype -> { }
* \endcode
* A FunctionTemplate 'Child' inherits from 'Parent', the prototype
* object of the Child() function has __proto__ pointing to the
* Parent() function's prototype object. An instance of the Child
* function has all properties on Parent's instance templates.
* Let Parent be the FunctionTemplate initialized in the previous
* section and create a Child FunctionTemplate by:
* \code
* Local<FunctionTemplate> parent = t;
* Local<FunctionTemplate> child = FunctionTemplate::New();
* child->Inherit(parent);
* Local<Function> child_function = child->GetFunction();
* Local<Object> child_instance = child_function->NewInstance();
* \endcode
* The Child function and Child instance will have the following
* properties:
* \code
* child_func.prototype.__proto__ == function.prototype;
* child_instance.instance_accessor calls 'InstanceAccessorCallback'
* child_instance.instance_property == 3;
* \endcode
* The additional 'c_function' parameter refers to a fast API call, which
* must not trigger GC or JavaScript execution, or call into V8 in other
* ways. For more information how to define them, see
* include/v8-fast-api-calls.h. Please note that this feature is still
* experimental.
class V8_EXPORT FunctionTemplate : public Template {
/** Creates a function template.*/
static Local<FunctionTemplate> New(
Isolate* isolate, FunctionCallback callback = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
Local<Signature> signature = Local<Signature>(), int length = 0,
ConstructorBehavior behavior = ConstructorBehavior::kAllow,
SideEffectType side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
const CFunction* c_function = nullptr, uint16_t instance_type = 0,
uint16_t allowed_receiver_instance_type_range_start = 0,
uint16_t allowed_receiver_instance_type_range_end = 0);
/** Creates a function template for multiple overloaded fast API calls.*/
static Local<FunctionTemplate> NewWithCFunctionOverloads(
Isolate* isolate, FunctionCallback callback = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
Local<Signature> signature = Local<Signature>(), int length = 0,
ConstructorBehavior behavior = ConstructorBehavior::kAllow,
SideEffectType side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
const MemorySpan<const CFunction>& c_function_overloads = {});
* Creates a function template backed/cached by a private property.
static Local<FunctionTemplate> NewWithCache(
Isolate* isolate, FunctionCallback callback,
Local<Private> cache_property, Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
Local<Signature> signature = Local<Signature>(), int length = 0,
SideEffectType side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
/** Returns the unique function instance in the current execution context.*/
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<Function> GetFunction(
Local<Context> context);
* Similar to Context::NewRemoteContext, this creates an instance that
* isn't backed by an actual object.
* The InstanceTemplate of this FunctionTemplate must have access checks with
* handlers installed.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<Object> NewRemoteInstance();
* Set the call-handler callback for a FunctionTemplate. This
* callback is called whenever the function created from this
* FunctionTemplate is called. The 'c_function' represents a fast
* API call, see the comment above the class declaration.
void SetCallHandler(
FunctionCallback callback, Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
SideEffectType side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
const MemorySpan<const CFunction>& c_function_overloads = {});
/** Set the predefined length property for the FunctionTemplate. */
void SetLength(int length);
/** Get the InstanceTemplate. */
Local<ObjectTemplate> InstanceTemplate();
* Causes the function template to inherit from a parent function template.
* This means the function's prototype.__proto__ is set to the parent
* function's prototype.
void Inherit(Local<FunctionTemplate> parent);
* A PrototypeTemplate is the template used to create the prototype object
* of the function created by this template.
Local<ObjectTemplate> PrototypeTemplate();
* A PrototypeProviderTemplate is another function template whose prototype
* property is used for this template. This is mutually exclusive with setting
* a prototype template indirectly by calling PrototypeTemplate() or using
* Inherit().
void SetPrototypeProviderTemplate(Local<FunctionTemplate> prototype_provider);
* Set the class name of the FunctionTemplate. This is used for
* printing objects created with the function created from the
* FunctionTemplate as its constructor.
void SetClassName(Local<String> name);
* When set to true, no access check will be performed on the receiver of a
* function call. Currently defaults to true, but this is subject to change.
void SetAcceptAnyReceiver(bool value);
* Sets the ReadOnly flag in the attributes of the 'prototype' property
* of functions created from this FunctionTemplate to true.
void ReadOnlyPrototype();
* Removes the prototype property from functions created from this
* FunctionTemplate.
void RemovePrototype();
* Returns true if the given object is an instance of this function
* template.
bool HasInstance(Local<Value> object);
* Returns true if the given value is an API object that was constructed by an
* instance of this function template (without checking for inheriting
* function templates).
* This is an experimental feature and may still change significantly.
bool IsLeafTemplateForApiObject(v8::Local<v8::Value> value) const;
V8_INLINE static FunctionTemplate* Cast(Data* data);
static void CheckCast(Data* that);
friend class Context;
friend class ObjectTemplate;
* Configuration flags for v8::NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration or
* v8::IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration.
enum class PropertyHandlerFlags {
* None.
kNone = 0,
* Will not call into interceptor for properties on the receiver or prototype
* chain, i.e., only call into interceptor for properties that do not exist.
* Currently only valid for named interceptors.
kNonMasking = 1,
* Will not call into interceptor for symbol lookup. Only meaningful for
* named interceptors.
kOnlyInterceptStrings = 1 << 1,
* The getter, query, enumerator callbacks do not produce side effects.
kHasNoSideEffect = 1 << 2,
* This flag is used to distinguish which callbacks were provided -
* GenericNamedPropertyXXXCallback (old signature) or
* NamedPropertyXXXCallback (new signature).
* DO NOT use this flag, it'll be removed once embedders migrate to new
* callbacks signatures.
kInternalNewCallbacksSignatures = 1 << 10,
struct NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration {
static constexpr PropertyHandlerFlags WithNewSignatureFlag(
PropertyHandlerFlags flags) {
return static_cast<PropertyHandlerFlags>(
static_cast<int>(flags) |
NamedPropertyGetterCallback getter, //
NamedPropertySetterCallback setter, //
NamedPropertyQueryCallback query, //
NamedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter, //
NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator, //
NamedPropertyDefinerCallback definer, //
NamedPropertyDescriptorCallback descriptor, //
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(WithNewSignatureFlag(flags)) {}
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback getter,
GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback setter,
GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback query,
GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter,
GenericNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator,
GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback definer,
GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback descriptor,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(flags) {}
explicit NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(
NamedPropertyGetterCallback getter,
NamedPropertySetterCallback setter = nullptr,
NamedPropertyQueryCallback query = nullptr,
NamedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter = nullptr,
NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(WithNewSignatureFlag(flags)) {}
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
explicit NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(
GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback getter,
GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback setter = nullptr,
GenericNamedPropertyQueryCallback query = nullptr,
GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter = nullptr,
GenericNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(flags) {}
NamedPropertyGetterCallback getter, //
NamedPropertySetterCallback setter, //
NamedPropertyDescriptorCallback descriptor, //
NamedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter, //
NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator, //
NamedPropertyDefinerCallback definer, //
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(WithNewSignatureFlag(flags)) {}
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
GenericNamedPropertyGetterCallback getter,
GenericNamedPropertySetterCallback setter,
GenericNamedPropertyDescriptorCallback descriptor,
GenericNamedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter,
GenericNamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator,
GenericNamedPropertyDefinerCallback definer,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(flags) {}
void* getter; // [Generic]NamedPropertyGetterCallback
void* setter; // [Generic]NamedPropertySetterCallback
void* query; // [Generic]NamedPropertyQueryCallback
void* deleter; // [Generic]NamedPropertyDeleterCallback
NamedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator;
void* definer; // [Generic]NamedPropertyDefinerCallback
void* descriptor; // [Generic]NamedPropertyDescriptorCallback
Local<Value> data;
PropertyHandlerFlags flags;
struct IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration {
static constexpr PropertyHandlerFlags WithNewSignatureFlag(
PropertyHandlerFlags flags) {
return static_cast<PropertyHandlerFlags>(
static_cast<int>(flags) |
IndexedPropertyGetterCallbackV2 getter, //
IndexedPropertySetterCallbackV2 setter, //
IndexedPropertyQueryCallbackV2 query, //
IndexedPropertyDeleterCallbackV2 deleter, //
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator, //
IndexedPropertyDefinerCallbackV2 definer, //
IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallbackV2 descriptor, //
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(WithNewSignatureFlag(flags)) {}
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
IndexedPropertyGetterCallback getter, //
IndexedPropertySetterCallback setter, //
IndexedPropertyQueryCallback query, //
IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter, //
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator, //
IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback definer, //
IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback descriptor, //
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(flags) {}
explicit IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(
IndexedPropertyGetterCallbackV2 getter = nullptr,
IndexedPropertySetterCallbackV2 setter = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyQueryCallbackV2 query = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyDeleterCallbackV2 deleter = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(WithNewSignatureFlag(flags)) {}
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
explicit IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(
IndexedPropertyGetterCallback getter,
IndexedPropertySetterCallback setter = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyQueryCallback query = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(flags) {}
IndexedPropertyGetterCallbackV2 getter,
IndexedPropertySetterCallbackV2 setter,
IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallbackV2 descriptor,
IndexedPropertyDeleterCallbackV2 deleter,
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator,
IndexedPropertyDefinerCallbackV2 definer,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(WithNewSignatureFlag(flags)) {}
// This variant will be deprecated soon.
IndexedPropertyGetterCallback getter,
IndexedPropertySetterCallback setter,
IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback descriptor,
IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter,
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator,
IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback definer,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(),
PropertyHandlerFlags flags = PropertyHandlerFlags::kNone)
: getter(reinterpret_cast<void*>(getter)),
flags(flags) {}
void* getter; // IndexedPropertyGetterCallback[V2]
void* setter; // IndexedPropertySetterCallback[V2]
void* query; // IndexedPropertyQueryCallback[V2]
void* deleter; // IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback[V2]
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator;
void* definer; // IndexedPropertyDefinerCallback[V2]
void* descriptor; // IndexedPropertyDescriptorCallback[V2]
Local<Value> data;
PropertyHandlerFlags flags;
* An ObjectTemplate is used to create objects at runtime.
* Properties added to an ObjectTemplate are added to each object
* created from the ObjectTemplate.
class V8_EXPORT ObjectTemplate : public Template {
/** Creates an ObjectTemplate. */
static Local<ObjectTemplate> New(
Isolate* isolate,
Local<FunctionTemplate> constructor = Local<FunctionTemplate>());
* Creates a new instance of this template.
* \param context The context in which the instance is created.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT MaybeLocal<Object> NewInstance(Local<Context> context);
* Sets an accessor on the object template.
* Whenever the property with the given name is accessed on objects
* created from this ObjectTemplate the getter and setter callbacks
* are called instead of getting and setting the property directly
* on the JavaScript object.
* \param name The name of the property for which an accessor is added.
* \param getter The callback to invoke when getting the property.
* \param setter The callback to invoke when setting the property.
* \param data A piece of data that will be passed to the getter and setter
* callbacks whenever they are invoked.
* \param attribute The attributes of the property for which an accessor
* is added.
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use SetAccessor with Local<Name> instead")
void SetAccessor(
Local<String> name, AccessorGetterCallback getter,
AccessorSetterCallback setter = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(), PropertyAttribute attribute = None,
SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
void SetAccessor(
Local<Name> name, AccessorNameGetterCallback getter,
AccessorNameSetterCallback setter = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>(), PropertyAttribute attribute = None,
SideEffectType getter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect,
SideEffectType setter_side_effect_type = SideEffectType::kHasSideEffect);
* Sets a named property handler on the object template.
* Whenever a property whose name is a string or a symbol is accessed on
* objects created from this object template, the provided callback is
* invoked instead of accessing the property directly on the JavaScript
* object.
* @param configuration The NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration that defines the
* callbacks to invoke when accessing a property.
void SetHandler(const NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration& configuration);
* Sets an indexed property handler on the object template.
* Whenever an indexed property is accessed on objects created from
* this object template, the provided callback is invoked instead of
* accessing the property directly on the JavaScript object.
* \param getter The callback to invoke when getting a property.
* \param setter The callback to invoke when setting a property.
* \param query The callback to invoke to check if an object has a property.
* \param deleter The callback to invoke when deleting a property.
* \param enumerator The callback to invoke to enumerate all the indexed
* properties of an object.
* \param data A piece of data that will be passed to the callbacks
* whenever they are invoked.
V8_DEPRECATE_SOON("Use SetHandler instead")
void SetIndexedPropertyHandler(
IndexedPropertyGetterCallback getter,
IndexedPropertySetterCallback setter = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyQueryCallback query = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyDeleterCallback deleter = nullptr,
IndexedPropertyEnumeratorCallback enumerator = nullptr,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>()) {
SetHandler(IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration(getter, setter, query,
deleter, enumerator, data));
* Sets an indexed property handler on the object template.
* Whenever an indexed property is accessed on objects created from
* this object template, the provided callback is invoked instead of
* accessing the property directly on the JavaScript object.
* @param configuration The IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration that defines
* the callbacks to invoke when accessing a property.
void SetHandler(const IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration& configuration);
* Sets the callback to be used when calling instances created from
* this template as a function. If no callback is set, instances
* behave like normal JavaScript objects that cannot be called as a
* function.
void SetCallAsFunctionHandler(FunctionCallback callback,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>());
* Mark object instances of the template as undetectable.
* In many ways, undetectable objects behave as though they are not
* there. They behave like 'undefined' in conditionals and when
* printed. However, properties can be accessed and called as on
* normal objects.
void MarkAsUndetectable();
* Sets access check callback on the object template and enables access
* checks.
* When accessing properties on instances of this object template,
* the access check callback will be called to determine whether or
* not to allow cross-context access to the properties.
void SetAccessCheckCallback(AccessCheckCallback callback,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>());
* Like SetAccessCheckCallback but invokes an interceptor on failed access
* checks instead of looking up all-can-read properties. You can only use
* either this method or SetAccessCheckCallback, but not both at the same
* time.
void SetAccessCheckCallbackAndHandler(
AccessCheckCallback callback,
const NamedPropertyHandlerConfiguration& named_handler,
const IndexedPropertyHandlerConfiguration& indexed_handler,
Local<Value> data = Local<Value>());
* Gets the number of internal fields for objects generated from
* this template.
int InternalFieldCount() const;
* Sets the number of internal fields for objects generated from
* this template.
void SetInternalFieldCount(int value);
* Returns true if the object will be an immutable prototype exotic object.
bool IsImmutableProto() const;
* Makes the ObjectTemplate for an immutable prototype exotic object, with an
* immutable __proto__.
void SetImmutableProto();
* Support for TC39 "dynamic code brand checks" proposal.
* This API allows to mark (& query) objects as "code like", which causes
* them to be treated like Strings in the context of eval and function
* constructor.
* Reference:
void SetCodeLike();
bool IsCodeLike() const;
V8_INLINE static ObjectTemplate* Cast(Data* data);
static void CheckCast(Data* that);
friend class FunctionTemplate;
* A template to create dictionary objects at runtime.
class V8_EXPORT DictionaryTemplate final {
/** Creates a new template. Also declares data properties that can be passed
* on instantiation of the template. Properties can only be declared on
* construction and are then immutable. The values are passed on creating the
* object via `NewInstance()`.
* \param names the keys that can be passed on instantiation.
static Local<DictionaryTemplate> New(
Isolate* isolate, MemorySpan<const std::string_view> names);
* Creates a new instance of this template.
* \param context The context used to create the dictionary object.
* \param property_values Values of properties that were declared using
* `DeclareDataProperties()`. The span only passes values and expectes the
* order to match the declaration. Non-existent properties are signaled via
* empty `MaybeLocal`s.
V8_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT Local<Object> NewInstance(
Local<Context> context, MemorySpan<MaybeLocal<Value>> property_values);
V8_INLINE static DictionaryTemplate* Cast(Data* data);
static void CheckCast(Data* that);
* A Signature specifies which receiver is valid for a function.
* A receiver matches a given signature if the receiver (or any of its
* hidden prototypes) was created from the signature's FunctionTemplate, or
* from a FunctionTemplate that inherits directly or indirectly from the
* signature's FunctionTemplate.
class V8_EXPORT Signature : public Data {
static Local<Signature> New(
Isolate* isolate,
Local<FunctionTemplate> receiver = Local<FunctionTemplate>());
V8_INLINE static Signature* Cast(Data* data);
static void CheckCast(Data* that);
// --- Implementation ---
void Template::Set(Isolate* isolate, const char* name, Local<Data> value,
PropertyAttribute attributes) {
Set(String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, name, NewStringType::kInternalized)
value, attributes);
FunctionTemplate* FunctionTemplate::Cast(Data* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<FunctionTemplate*>(data);
ObjectTemplate* ObjectTemplate::Cast(Data* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<ObjectTemplate*>(data);
DictionaryTemplate* DictionaryTemplate::Cast(Data* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<DictionaryTemplate*>(data);
Signature* Signature::Cast(Data* data) {
return reinterpret_cast<Signature*>(data);
} // namespace v8