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namespace Bitrix\Main\Data;

use Bitrix\Main\Config;
use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\Data\LocalStorage;

abstract class CacheEngine implements CacheEngineInterface, LocalStorage\Storage\CacheEngineInterface
	const BX_BASE_LIST = '|bx_base_list|';
	const BX_DIR_LIST = '|bx_dir_list|';

	/** @var \Redis|\Memcache|\Memcached|null self::$engine */
	protected static $engine = null;
	protected static array $locks = [];
	protected static bool $isConnected = false;
	protected static array $baseDirVersion = [];
	protected static array $initDirVersion = [];

	protected static array $listKeys = [];

	protected string $sid = 'BX';
	protected bool $useLock = false;
	protected int $ttlMultiplier = 1;
	protected int $ttlOld = 2;
	protected bool $old = false;
	protected bool $fullClean = false;

	abstract public function getConnectionName(): string;
	abstract public static function getConnectionClass();

	abstract public function set($key, $ttl, $value);
	abstract public function get($key);
	abstract public function del($key);

	abstract public function setNotExists($key, $ttl , $value);
	abstract public function addToSet($key, $value);
	abstract public function getSet($key) : array;
	abstract public function delFromSet($key, $member);

	abstract public function deleteBySet($key, $prefix = '');

	 * CacheEngine constructor.
	 * @param array $options Cache options.
	public function __construct(array $options = [])
		static $config = [];
		if (self::$engine == null)
			if (empty($config))
				$config = $this->configure($options);


	protected function connect($config)
		$connectionPool = Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool();
		$connectionPool->setConnectionParameters($this->getConnectionName(), $config);

		/** @var RedisConnection|MemcacheConnection|MemcachedConnection $engineConnection */
		$engineConnection = $connectionPool->getConnection($this->getConnectionName());
		self::$engine = $engineConnection->getResource();
		self::$isConnected = $engineConnection->isConnected();

	protected function configure($options = []) : array
		$config = [];
		$cacheConfig = Config\Configuration::getValue('cache');

		if (!$cacheConfig || !is_array($cacheConfig))
			return $config;

		if (isset($options['type']))
			$type = $options['type'];
			if (is_array($cacheConfig['type']) && is_set($cacheConfig['type']['extension']))
				$type = $cacheConfig['type']['extension'];
				$type = $cacheConfig['type'];

		$config['type'] = $type;
		$config['className'] = static::getConnectionClass();

		if (!isset($config['servers']) || !is_array($config['servers']))
			$config['servers'] = [];

		if (isset($cacheConfig[$type]) && is_array($cacheConfig[$type]) && !empty($cacheConfig[$type]['host']))
			$config['servers'][] = [
				'host' => $cacheConfig[$type]['host'],
				'port' => (int) ($cacheConfig[$type]['port'] ?? 0)

		// Settings from .settings.php
		if (isset($cacheConfig['servers']) && is_array($cacheConfig['servers']))
			$config['servers'] = array_merge($config['servers'], $cacheConfig['servers']);

		// Setting from cluster config
		if (isset($options['servers']) && is_array($options['servers']))
			$config['servers'] = array_merge($config['servers'], $options['servers']);

		if (isset($cacheConfig['use_lock']))
			$this->useLock = (bool) $cacheConfig['use_lock'];

		if (isset($cacheConfig['sid']) && ($cacheConfig['sid'] != ''))
			$this->sid = $cacheConfig['sid'];

		// Only redis
		if (isset($cacheConfig['serializer']))
			$config['serializer'] = (int) $cacheConfig['serializer'];

		$config['persistent'] = true;
		if (isset($cacheConfig['persistent']) && $cacheConfig['persistent'] == 0)
			$config['persistent'] = false;

		if (isset($cacheConfig['actual_data']))
			$this->useLock = !$cacheConfig['actual_data'];

		if (!$this->useLock)
			$this->ttlMultiplier = 1;

		if (isset($cacheConfig['ttl_multiplier']) && $this->useLock)
			$this->ttlMultiplier = (int) $cacheConfig['ttl_multiplier'];
			if ($this->ttlMultiplier < 1)
				$this->ttlMultiplier = 1;

		if (isset($cacheConfig['full_clean']))
			$this->fullClean = (bool) $cacheConfig['full_clean'];

		return $config;

	 * Tries to put non-blocking exclusive lock on the cache entry.
	 * Returns true on success.
	 * @param string $key Calculated cache key.
	 * @param integer $ttl Expiration period in seconds.
	 * @return boolean
	protected function lock(string $key = '', int $ttl = 0) : bool
		if ($key == '')
			return false;

		$key .= '~';
		if (isset(self::$locks[$key]))
			return true;
			if ($this->setNotExists($key, $ttl, $this->ttlOld))
				self::$locks[$key] = true;
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Releases the lock obtained by lock method.
	 * @param string $key Calculated cache key.
	 * @param integer $ttl Expiration period in seconds.
	 * @return void
	protected function unlock(string $key = '', int $ttl = 0) : void
		if ($key != '')
			$key .= '~';

			if ($ttl > 0)
				$this->set($key, $ttl, 1);


	 * Closes opened connection.
	 * @return void
	function close() : void
		if (self::$engine != null)
			self::$engine = null;

	 * Returns true if cache can be read or written.
	 * @return bool
	public function isAvailable()
		return self::$isConnected;

	 * Returns true if cache has been expired.
	 * Stub function always returns true.
	 * @param string $path Absolute physical path.
	 * @return boolean
	public function isCacheExpired($path)
		return false;

	protected function getPartition($key) : string
		return '|' . substr(sha1($key), 0, 2) . '|';

	protected function getInitDirKey($baseDir, $initDir = false) : string
		return $this->sid . '|' . $this->getBaseDirVersion($baseDir) . '|init_dir|' . sha1($initDir);

	 * Return InitDirVersion
	 * @param bool|string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache).
	 * @param bool|string $initDir Directory within base.
	 * @param bool $generateNew Create new value if cache empty.
	 * @return string
	protected function getInitDirVersion($baseDir, $initDir = false, $generateNew = true) : string
		$key = $this->getInitDirKey($baseDir, $initDir);

		if (!array_key_exists($key, static::$initDirVersion))
			static::$initDirVersion[$key] = $this->get($key);

		if (
			static::$initDirVersion[$key] === false
			|| (static::$initDirVersion[$key] == '' && $generateNew)
			if ($generateNew)
				static::$initDirVersion[$key] = sha1(mt_rand() . '|' . microtime());
				$this->set($key, 0, static::$initDirVersion[$key]);
				static::$initDirVersion[$key] = '';

		return static::$initDirVersion[$key];

	 * Return BaseDirVersion
	 * @param bool|string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache).
	 * @return string
	protected function getBaseDirVersion($baseDir) : string
		$baseDirHash = sha1($baseDir);
		$key = $this->sid . '|base_dir|' . $baseDirHash;

		if (!isset(static::$baseDirVersion[$key]))
			static::$baseDirVersion[$key] = $this->get($key);

		if (static::$baseDirVersion[$key] === false)
			static::$baseDirVersion[$key] = sha1($baseDirHash . '|' . mt_rand() . '|' . microtime());
			$this->set($key, 0, static::$baseDirVersion[$key]);

		return static::$baseDirVersion[$key];

	 * Reads cache from the memcache. Returns true if key value exists, not expired, and successfully read.
	 * @param mixed &$vars Cached result.
	 * @param string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache).
	 * @param string $initDir Directory within base.
	 * @param string $filename File name.
	 * @param integer $ttl Expiration period in seconds.
	 * @return boolean
	public function read(&$vars, $baseDir, $initDir, $filename, $ttl)
		$initDirVersion = $this->getInitDirVersion($baseDir, $initDir, false);

		if ($initDirVersion == '')
			return false;

		$key = $this->sid . '|' . sha1($this->getBaseDirVersion($baseDir) . '|' . $initDirVersion) . '|' .$filename;

		if ($this->useLock)
			$cachedData = $this->get($key);

			if (!is_array($cachedData))
				$cachedData = $this->get($key . '|old');
				if (is_array($cachedData))
					$this->old = true;

			if (!is_array($cachedData))
				return false;

			if ($this->lock($key, $ttl))
				if ($this->old || $cachedData['datecreate'] < (time() - $ttl))
					return false;

			$vars = $cachedData['content'];
			$vars = $this->get($key);

		return $vars !== false;

	 * Puts cache into the memcache.
	 * @param mixed $vars Cached result.
	 * @param string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache).
	 * @param string $initDir Directory within base.
	 * @param string $filename File name.
	 * @param integer $ttl Expiration period in seconds.
	 * @return void
	public function write($vars, $baseDir, $initDir, $filename, $ttl)
		$baseDirVersion = $this->getBaseDirVersion($baseDir);
		$initDirVersion = $this->getInitDirVersion($baseDir, $initDir);

		$dir = sha1($baseDirVersion . '|' . $initDirVersion);
		$key = $this->sid. '|' . $dir . '|' . $filename;
		$exp = $this->ttlMultiplier * (int) $ttl;

		if ($this->useLock)
			$this->set($key, $exp, ['datecreate' => time(), 'content' => $vars]);
			$this->del($key . '|old');
			$this->unlock($key, $ttl);
			$this->set($key, $exp, $vars);

		$initListKey = $this->sid . '|' . $dir . self::BX_DIR_LIST;

		$initPartition = $this->getPartition($filename);
		$initListKeyPartition = $initListKey . $initPartition;

		$this->addToSet($initListKeyPartition, $filename);
		$this->addToSet($initListKey, $initPartition);

		if ($this->fullClean)
			$baseListKey = $this->sid . '|' . $baseDirVersion . self::BX_BASE_LIST;
			$baseListKeyPartition = $this->getPartition($initListKeyPartition);
			$this->addToSet($baseListKey . $baseListKeyPartition, $initListKeyPartition);
			$this->addToSet($baseListKey, $baseListKeyPartition);

	 * Cleans (removes) cache directory or file.
	 * @param string $baseDir Base cache directory (usually /bitrix/cache).
	 * @param string $initDir Directory within base.
	 * @param string $filename File name.
	 * @return void
	public function clean($baseDir, $initDir = false, $filename = false)
		if (!self::isAvailable())

		$baseDirVersion = $this->getBaseDirVersion($baseDir);
		$initDirVersion = $this->getInitDirVersion($baseDir, $initDir);

		$dir = sha1($baseDirVersion . '|' . $initDirVersion);
		$initListKey = $this->sid . '|' .$dir . self::BX_DIR_LIST;

		if ($this->fullClean)
			$baseListKey = $this->sid . '|' .$baseDirVersion . self::BX_BASE_LIST;

		if ($filename <> '')
			$key = $this->sid . '|' .$dir . '|' . $filename;
			$this->delFromSet($initListKey . $this->getPartition($filename), $filename);

			if ($this->useLock && $cachedData = $this->get($key))
				$this->set($key . '|old', $this->ttlOld, $cachedData);

			if ($this->useLock)
		elseif ($initDir != '')
			$keyPrefix = $this->sid . '|' .$dir . '|';
			$initDirKey = $this->getInitDirKey($baseDir, $initDir);

			$partitionKeys = $this->getSet($initListKey);
			foreach ($partitionKeys as $partition)
				$delKey = $initListKey . $partition;
				$this->deleteBySet($delKey, $keyPrefix);
				if ($this->fullClean)
					$this->delFromSet($baseListKey . $this->getPartition($delKey), $delKey);
			$baseDirKey = $this->sid . '|base_dir|' . sha1 ($baseDir);

			if ($this->fullClean)
				$keyPrefix = $this->sid . '|' .$dir . '|';
				$partitionKeys = $this->getSet($baseListKey);

				foreach ($partitionKeys as $partition)
					$baseListKeyPartition = $baseListKey . $partition;
					$keys = $this->getSet($baseListKeyPartition);

					foreach ($keys as $initKey)
						$this->deleteBySet($initKey, $keyPrefix);



