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namespace Bitrix\Main\DB;

use Bitrix\Main\Diag;

 * Class MysqliConnection
 * @method \mysqli getResource()
 * @property \mysqli $resource
class MysqliConnection extends MysqlCommonConnection
	public function __construct(array $configuration)


	 * SqlHelper

	protected function createSqlHelper()
		return new MysqliSqlHelper($this);

	 * Connection and disconnection

	 * Establishes a connection to the database.
	 * Includes php_interface/after_connect_d7.php on success.
	 * Throws exception on failure.
	 * @return void
	 * @throws ConnectionException
	protected function connectInternal()
		if ($this->isConnected)

		$host = $this->host;
		$port = 0;
		if (($pos = strpos($host, ":")) !== false)
			$port = intval(substr($host, $pos + 1));
			$host = substr($host, 0, $pos);
		if (($this->options & self::PERSISTENT) != 0)
			$host = "p:".$host;

		$connection = \mysqli_init();
		if (!$connection)
			throw new ConnectionException('Mysql init failed');

		if (!empty($this->initCommand))
			if (!$connection->options(MYSQLI_INIT_COMMAND, $this->initCommand))
				throw new ConnectionException('Setting mysql init command failed');

		if ($port > 0)
			$success = $connection->real_connect($host, $this->login, $this->password, $this->database, $port);
			$success = $connection->real_connect($host, $this->login, $this->password, $this->database);

		if (!$success)
			throw new ConnectionException(
				'Mysql connect error ['.$this->host.']',
				sprintf('(%s) %s', $connection->connect_errno, $connection->connect_error)

		$this->resource = $connection;
		$this->isConnected = true;

		if (isset($this->configuration['charset']))

		// nosql memcached driver
		if (isset($this->configuration['memcache']))
			if (function_exists('mysqlnd_memcache_set'))
				$memcached = \Bitrix\Main\Application::getInstance()->getConnectionPool()->getConnection($this->configuration['memcache']);
				mysqlnd_memcache_set($this->resource, $memcached->getResource());


	 * Disconnects from the database.
	 * Does nothing if there was no connection established.
	 * @return void
	protected function disconnectInternal()
		if ($this->isConnected)
			$this->isConnected = false;

	 * Query

	 * @inheritDoc
	protected function queryInternal($sql, array $binds = null, Diag\SqlTrackerQuery $trackerQuery = null)

		$trackerQuery?->startQuery($sql, $binds);

		$result = $this->resource->query($sql);


		$this->lastQueryResult = $result;

		if (!$result)
			throw new SqlQueryException('Mysql query error', $this->getErrorMessage(), $sql);

		return $result;

	 * @inheritDoc
	protected function createResult($result, Diag\SqlTrackerQuery $trackerQuery = null)
		return new MysqliResult($result, $this, $trackerQuery);

	 * @inheritDoc
	public function getInsertedId()
		return $this->getResource()->insert_id;

	 * @inheritDoc
	public function getAffectedRowsCount()
		return $this->getResource()->affected_rows;

	 * Type, version, cache, etc.

	 * @inheritDoc
	public function getVersion()
		if ($this->version == null)
			$version = trim($this->getResource()->server_info);

			preg_match("#[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+#", $version, $ar);
			$this->version = $ar[0];

		return array($this->version, null);

	 * @inheritDoc
	public function getErrorMessage()
		return sprintf("(%s) %s", $this->resource->errno, $this->resource->error);

	 * Selects the default database for database queries.
	 * @param string $database Database name.
	 * @return bool
	public function selectDatabase($database)
		return $this->resource->select_db($database);

	protected function configureReportLevel(): void
		// back to default before PHP 8.1