Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Main\Text;
use Bitrix\Main\Application;
use Bitrix\Main\Config\Configuration;
class Encoding
* Converts data from a source encoding to a target encoding.
* @param string|array|\SplFixedArray $data The data to convert. From main 16.0.10 data can be an array.
* @param string $charsetFrom The source encoding.
* @param string $charsetTo The target encoding.
* @return string|array|\SplFixedArray|bool Returns converted data or false on error.
public static function convertEncoding($data, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo)
$charsetFrom = static::resolveAlias($charsetFrom);
$charsetTo = static::resolveAlias($charsetTo);
if ((string)$charsetFrom == '' || (string)$charsetTo == '')
// incorrect encoding
return $data;
if (strcasecmp($charsetFrom, $charsetTo) == 0)
// no need to convert
return $data;
// mb_encoding_aliases emits an E_WARNING level error if encoding is unknown
if (@mb_encoding_aliases($charsetFrom) === false || @mb_encoding_aliases($charsetTo) === false)
// unknown encoding
return $data;
catch(\ValueError $e)
return $data;
return self::convert($data, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo);
protected static function resolveAlias($alias)
static $map = array(
'csksc56011987' => 'euc-kr',
'ks_c_5601-1987' => 'euc-kr',
'ks_c_5601-1989' => 'euc-kr',
'ksc5601' => 'euc-kr',
'ksc_5601' => 'euc-kr',
'windows-1257' => 'ISO-8859-13',
$alias = strtolower(trim($alias));
return $map[$alias];
return $alias;
protected static function convert($data, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo)
if (is_array($data) || $data instanceof \SplFixedArray)
//let's do a recursion
if ($data instanceof \SplFixedArray)
$result = clone $data;
$result = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value)
$newKey = self::convert($key, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo);
$newValue = self::convert($value, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo);
$result[$newKey] = $newValue;
return $result;
elseif (is_string($data))
if ($data == '')
return '';
return static::convertByMbstring($data, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo);
return $data;
* @deprecated Deprecated in main 16.0.10. Use Encoding::convertEncoding().
* @param $data
* @param $charsetFrom
* @param $charsetTo
* @return string|array|\SplFixedArray|bool
public static function convertEncodingArray($data, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo)
return self::convertEncoding($data, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo);
* @param string $string
* @return bool|string
public static function convertEncodingToCurrent($string)
$isUtf8String = self::detectUtf8($string);
$isUtf8Config = Application::isUtfMode();
$from = '';
$to = '';
if ($isUtf8Config && !$isUtf8String)
$from = static::getCurrentEncoding();
$to = 'UTF-8';
elseif (!$isUtf8Config && $isUtf8String)
$from = 'UTF-8';
$to = static::getCurrentEncoding();
if ($from !== $to)
$string = self::convertEncoding($string, $from, $to);
return $string;
* @param string $string
* @return bool|string
public static function convertToUtf($string)
if (self::detectUtf8($string))
return $string;
$from = '';
$to = '';
if (!Application::isUtfMode())
$from = static::getCurrentEncoding();
$to = 'UTF-8';
if ($from !== $to)
$string = self::convertEncoding($string, $from, $to);
return $string;
protected static function getCurrentEncoding(): string
$currentCharset = null;
$context = Application::getInstance()->getContext();
if ($context != null)
$culture = $context->getCulture();
if ($culture != null)
$currentCharset = $culture->getCharset();
if ($currentCharset == null)
$currentCharset = Configuration::getValue("default_charset");
if ($currentCharset == null)
$currentCharset = "Windows-1251";
return $currentCharset;
* @param string $string
* @param bool $replaceHex
* @return bool
public static function detectUtf8($string, $replaceHex = true)
if ($replaceHex)
$string = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) {
return chr(hexdec($match[2]));
return (bool)preg_match('//u', $string);
protected static function convertByMbstring($data, $charsetFrom, $charsetTo)
//For UTF-16 we have to detect the order of bytes
//Default for mbstring extension is Big endian
//Little endian have to pointed explicitly
if (strtoupper($charsetFrom) == "UTF-16")
$ch = substr($data, 0, 1);
if ($ch == "\xFF" && substr($data, 1, 1) == "\xFE")
//If Little endian found - cutoff BOF bytes and point mbstring to this fact explicitly
$res = mb_convert_encoding(substr($data, 2), $charsetTo, "UTF-16LE");
elseif ($ch == "\xFE" && substr($data, 1, 1) == "\xFF")
//If it is Big endian, just remove BOF bytes
$res = mb_convert_encoding(substr($data, 2), $charsetTo, $charsetFrom);
//Otherwise, assime Little endian without BOF
$res = mb_convert_encoding($data, $charsetTo, "UTF-16LE");
$res = mb_convert_encoding($data, $charsetTo, $charsetFrom);
return $res;