Your IP :

Current Path : /sbin/
Upload File :
Current File : //sbin/postgreyreport


# postgreyreport by
# bits and peices of code taken from postgrey 1.11 ( )

package postgreyreport;
use strict;
use BerkeleyDB;
use Getopt::Long 2.25 qw(:config posix_default no_ignore_case);
use Net::Server::Daemonize qw( get_uid get_gid set_uid set_gid );
use Pod::Usage;
#use Net::RBLClient;
my $VERSION='1.14.3 (20100321)';

# used in maillog processing
my $RE_revdns_ip   	= qr/ ([^\[\s]+)\[(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})\]/;	# ptr[]
my $RE_reject 		= qr/reject: /;
my $RE_triplet 		= qr/$RE_revdns_ip: 450 .+from=<([^>]+)> to=<([^>]+)>/;

my $dns; my %dns_cache; 		# used for --check_sender 
my $rbl = undef;			# Net::RBLClient object
select((select(STDOUT), $| = 1)[0]); 	# Unbuffer standard output.

# default options, override via command line
my %opt = ( 	
	user 			=> 'postgrey',
	dbdir 			=> '/var/spool/postfix/postgrey',
	delay			=> 300,
	return_string		=> 'Greylisted',	# match on this string

	check_sender		=> '',			# = mx,a,mx/24,a/24 # todo=spf - uses Net::DNS
	show_tries		=> 0,			# number of greylist attempts within --delay
	separate_by_subnet	=> '',			# if not blank output this string for every new /24
	separate_by_ip	   	=> '',			# if not blank output this string for every new IP
	single_line	   	=> 1,			# output everything on a single line? (grouping enabled if false )
	tab			=> 0,			# use tabs as separators, not spaces (only in single line mode)
	show_time		=> 0,			# show entry time in maillog
	skip_dnsbl		=> [],			# list of DNSBL servers to check and skip reporting for
	skip_clients		=> [],			# files of clients to skip reporting	
	skip_pool		=> 0,			# skip entries that appear to be a provider pool (last 2 ips in ptr)
	match_clients		=> [], 			# files of ONLY clients to report on

	v 			=> 0,			# verbose? used mainly for script debugging
	debug_db		=> 0,			# output time() values from btree db
	debug_re		=> '',			# but only for these hosts (separate by commas )

# start here 
sub main
		'help|h', 'version', 'man',
		'delay=s', 'user|u=s', 'dbdir=s', 
		'debug_db', 'debug_re=s', 'v+',
		'separate_by_subnet=s', 'separate_by_ip=s',  
		'single_line!', 'tab', 'show_time',
		'skip_dnsbl=s@','skip_clients=s@', 'match_clients=s@', 'skip_pool', 
		) or exit(1);
	if($opt{help})     { pod2usage(1) }
	if($opt{man})      { pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) }
	if ($opt{version})	{ print "postgreyreport $VERSION\n"; exit(0) }

	if (scalar(@{$opt{skip_dnsbl}}) > 0) {
		require Net::RBLClient;
		$rbl = Net::RBLClient->new ( lists => $opt{skip_dnsbl} );

	setup_debug();		 # display key/value pairs from db
	postgrey_fatal_report(); # do the work

# postgrey_fatal(): report on all fatal triplets
sub postgrey_fatal_report()
	umask 0077;							# mode 600
	my %triplets;							# hash of all triplets we will look at
	drop_priv($opt{user});						# change UID to 'postgrey'
	# convert --check_sender into hash: opt{do_checks}{VAL}
	if ($opt{check_sender})	{ 
		use Net::DNS; 
		$dns = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
		$opt{check_sender} = lc $opt{check_sender};
		foreach my $check ( split(/,/,$opt{check_sender}) ) {
			print "Enabling Check: opt{do_checks}{$check} \n" if ($opt{v});

	my $db = setup_dbm($opt{dbdir});				# connect to BerkeleyDB
	my @greyfatal = find_and_sort_fatal( \%{$db}, \%triplets );	# read STDIN and sort the fatal triplets
	# foreach: loop through (sorted) fatal triplets and display to STDOUT
	my ($last_ip,$last_subnet);					# define now

	$opt{separate_by_ip} 		=~ s|\\n|\n|g;			# do it once before the for loop
	$opt{separate_by_subnet} 	=~ s|\\n|\n|g;			# ""
	foreach my $key (@greyfatal)
		my ($ip,$sender,$recipient) = split(/\//,$key);		# separate the triplet
		my $revdns = $triplets{$key}{revdns};			# we saved revdns during maillog parse, so we dont have to look it up

		# --check_sender=mx,mx/24,a,a/24
		# dns lookups from Net::DNS are cached and only performed once per sender's @domain
		my $check_sender = '';
		if 	( $opt{do_checks}{mx} 		and check_sender_mx( $sender,$ip,'mx') 		) {
		} elsif	( $opt{do_checks}{'mx/24'} 	and check_sender_mx( $sender,$ip,'mx/24')	) {
		} elsif	( $opt{do_checks}{a} 		and check_sender_a(  $sender,$ip,'a') 		) {
		} elsif	( $opt{do_checks}{'a/24'} 	and check_sender_a(  $sender,$ip,'a/24') 	) {

		# if separate_by_ip or separate_by_subnet display configured text
		if ($last_subnet eq $triplets{$key}{subnet}) {
			print "$opt{separate_by_ip}" 			if ( ($last_ip ne $ip) and $opt{separate_by_ip}) ;
		} else  {
			if 	( $opt{separate_by_subnet}	) {
			 print    $opt{separate_by_subnet};
			} elsif ( $opt{separate_by_ip} 		) { 
			 print     $opt{separate_by_ip};

		# display output on single line or multi-line
		if ($opt{single_line})
			if ($opt{tab}) {
				printf "%s\t", $triplets{$key}{entrytime}	if($opt{show_time})	;
				printf "%s\t", $triplets{$key}{counter}  	if($opt{show_tries})	;
				printf "%s\t", $check_sender			if($opt{check_sender})	;
				printf "%s\t", $ip							;
				printf "%s\t", $revdns							;
				printf "%s\t", $sender							;
			} else {
				printf "%s ", $triplets{$key}{entrytime}	if($opt{show_time})	;
				printf "%s ", $triplets{$key}{counter}  	if($opt{show_tries})	;
				printf "%5s ", $check_sender			if($opt{check_sender})	;
				printf "%15s ", $ip							;
				printf "%s ", $revdns							;
				printf "%s ", $sender							;
			printf "%s\n", $recipient;						;
		} else 
			### multi-line
			## only output PTR - IP if its a new IP (grouping)
			printf "%-77s ", $revdns 			if($last_ip ne $ip)	;
			printf "%15s"  , $ip  				if($last_ip ne $ip)	;
			print  "\n"   					if($last_ip ne $ip)	;
			## always output the new pairs MX/A? (sender/recipient)
			# if sender was from MX or A of above IP			
			printf "%5s "  , $check_sender			if($opt{check_sender})	;
			printf "      ", $check_sender			if(! $opt{check_sender});
			# tries or blank space
			printf " %2s ", $triplets{$key}{counter}  	if($opt{show_tries})	;
			print  "    " 					if(! $opt{show_tries})	;
			# sender - recipient
			printf " %40s ", $sender						;
			printf " %40s ", $recipient						;
			print  "\n"								;
		($last_ip, $last_subnet) = ($ip, $triplets{$key}{subnet}); # save for next iteration

# find_and_sort_fatal( \%db, \%triplets )
#  read STDIN (maillog) and remember any 4xx greylisted log entries
# return array of fatal triplets (ip/sender/recipient) sorted by ip
sub find_and_sort_fatal
	my ($db, $triplets) = @_;
	# while(<>): STDIN is maillog.0, looking at reject: 4xx greylist entries and remembering all triplets
	MAILLOG: while (<>)
		next unless (/$RE_reject/o);				# only look at reject: lines
		next unless (/$opt{return_string}/o);			# only look at greylisted lines
		next unless (/$RE_triplet/o);				# extract the triplet
		my ($revdns,$ipaddr,$sender,$recipient) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
		my @ip = split(/\./, $ipaddr);
		$sender      = do_sender_substitutions($sender);		
		my ($subnet) = do_client_substitutions($ipaddr,$revdns); #
		my $key    = lc "$ipaddr/$sender/$recipient";		# postgrey key
		my $subkey = lc "$subnet/$sender/$recipient";		# subnet key

		# if we are wanting to dump first,last out of the db do it before we determine if its fatal
		if ( is_debug_host($revdns) )
			foreach my $testkey ( @{[$key,$subkey]} )
				my ($tfirst, $tlast) = split(/,/,$db->{$testkey});
				my $tdiff = $tlast - $tfirst;
				print "$testkey : $db->{$testkey} = " .$tdiff . "s \n";	

		# if --match_clients was specified on command line then move on to the next line unless a match is found
		if ( scalar(@{$opt{match_clients}}) > 0 ) {
			next unless (	find_in_array($ipaddr, $opt{MATCH_CLIENT_IPS}) or 
					find_in_array($revdns, $opt{MATCH_CLIENT_PTR})     );

		# if --skip_clients was specified on command line, skip to next line if a match is found
		next if (	find_in_array($ipaddr, $opt{SKIP_CLIENT_IPS}) or
				find_in_array($revdns, $opt{SKIP_CLIENT_PTR})	  );			

		# if --skip_pool then if last 2 ips are in ptr skip to next line
		next if ( $opt{skip_pool} and defined $ip[3] and $revdns =~ /$ip[2]/ and $revdns =~ /$ip[3]/ );
		# check the db, proceed if the triplet was fatal
		next MAILLOG unless is_fatal_triplet($db, $key, $subkey);	

		# if --skip_dnsbl then do RBL lookups (slow!)
		if ( defined $rbl ) {
			my @listed = $rbl->listed_by;
			next if ( scalar(@listed) > 0 );
		# we made it past all the filtering checks, remember the triplet as fatal

		$triplets->{$key}{counter}++;				# increase counter for this triplet
		$triplets->{$key}{revdns}=$revdns;			# save its ptr for later use
		$triplets->{$key}{ipaddr}=$ipaddr;			# save IP in easy to access form
		$triplets->{$key}{subnet}=$subnet;			# save subnet in easy to access form
		$triplets->{$key}{subkey}=$subkey;			# save key in subnet form

	die "Debugging DB active, report shutdown" if ($opt{debug_db}); # don't do anything other than spit out key pairs and stop

	my @greyfatal = keys %{ $triplets }; 				# create an array containing all triplets in form: ip/sender/recipient
	# sort fatal triplets by IP address
	@greyfatal = sort {
		    pack('C4' => $a =~
		    pack('C4' => $b =~
		  } @greyfatal;
	return @greyfatal;			

sub find_in_array($$)
	my ($var, $patterns) = @_;
	for my $w (@{$patterns}) {
		return 1 if $var =~ $w;	
	return 0;

sub is_fatal_triplet($$$)
	my ($db, $key, $subkey) = @_;
	my ($lapsed_ip, $lapsed_subnet) = (undef,undef);
	# try lookup by key
	if ( $db->{$key} =~ /,/ )
		my ($tfirst,$tlast) = split(/,/,$db->{$key});		# time_first_seen,time_last_seen
		$lapsed_ip = $tlast - $tfirst;				# difference is time lapsed
	# try subnet lookup	
	if ( $db->{$subkey} =~ /,/ )
		my ($tfirst,$tlast) = split(/,/,$db->{$subkey});		# time_first_seen,time_last_seen
		$lapsed_subnet = $tlast - $tfirst;
	if (   
	      ( defined $lapsed_ip or defined $lapsed_subnet )  
	    (!( ($lapsed_ip >= $opt{delay} ) or ($lapsed_subnet >= $opt{delay}) ) )   
		#push (@greyfatal, $key); 	# if lapsed time less than --delay, then it was a fatal triplet
		return 1;
	} elsif (( ! defined $lapsed_ip ) and ( ! defined $lapsed_subnet ))
		#push (@greyfatal, $key); 	# if neither is found in the db it must have been removed.
		return 1;
	return 0;

# check_sender_mx(sender, ip, subnet) # subnet='' or '/24'
# return true if ip is in MX list for sender domain (or /24 if specified)
# enable via --check_sender=mx or --check_sender=mx,mx/24
sub check_sender_mx($$$)
	my ($sender, $ip, $subnet) = @_;
	my ($user, $hostname) 		 = split(/\@/,$sender);
	my @iplist;

	if ( $dns_cache{$hostname}{mx} )
		@iplist = @{$dns_cache{$hostname}{mx}};	# use the cache for MX records
	} else 
		my @mxr = mx($dns, $hostname);		# no cache existed, call out to Net::DNS
		# mx records
		if ($#mxr >= 0) 
			foreach my $mxrr (@mxr) 
				# print "MX for $hostname: ". $mxrr->exchange . "\n";
				my $ipquery = $dns->search($mxrr->exchange);
				if ($ipquery) 
					foreach my $iprr ($ipquery->answer) 
						next unless ($iprr->type eq "A");
						# print " IP=" . $iprr->address . "\n";
						push (@iplist, $iprr->address);
		if ( $#iplist < 0 ) { push (@iplist, ''); }  # cache ip of all zero's so we dont keep calling net::dns if nothing is returned
		$dns_cache{$hostname}{mx} = [ @iplist ]; # cache the array IPs of the MX records into an hash location.
	$subnet =~ s/^mx//i;
	return check_sender_ip_vs_list($ip, $subnet, \@iplist);

# check_sender_a(sender, ip, subnet) # subnet='' or '/24'
# return true if ip is in A record for sender domain (or /24 if specified)
# enable via --check_sender=a or --check_sender=a,24
sub check_sender_a($$$)
	my ($sender, $ip, $subnet) = @_;
	my ($user, $hostname) 		 = split(/\@/,$sender);
	my @iplist;

	if ( $dns_cache{$hostname}{a} )
		@iplist = @{$dns_cache{$hostname}{a}};	# use the cache'd A records
	} else 
		my $ipquery = $dns->search($hostname);	# no cache existed, call out to Net::DNS
		if ($ipquery) 
			foreach my $iprr ($ipquery->answer) 
				next unless ($iprr->type eq "A");
				# print " IP=" . $iprr->address . "\n";
				push (@iplist, $iprr->address);

		if ( $#iplist < 0 ) { push (@iplist, ''); }  # cache ip of all zero's so we dont keep calling net::dns if nothing is returned
		$dns_cache{$hostname}{a} = [ @iplist ]; # cache the array IPs of the A records into an hash location.
	$subnet =~ s/^a//i;
	return check_sender_ip_vs_list($ip, $subnet, \@iplist);
# used by check_sender_mx and check_sender_a
# return true if IP is in list
# if /24 then return true if first 3 octets match
sub check_sender_ip_vs_list($$$)
	my ($client_ip, $match, $iplist) = @_;
	foreach my $ipaddr ( @{$iplist} )
		return 1 if ($client_ip eq $ipaddr);
		return 0 if (! $match eq '/24');
		$client_ip =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)/;
		my $client_classaddr = $1;
		$ipaddr =~ /^(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.)/;
		my $ipaddr_classaddr = $1;

		return 1 if ( $client_classaddr eq $ipaddr_classaddr );
	return 0

# drop_priv(username)
# code from Net::Server
sub drop_priv
	my ($user) = @_;
	### drop privileges
		if( $user ne $> ){
			# print "Setting uid to \"$user\"\n";
		set_uid( $user );
	if( $@ ){
		if( $> == 0 ){
			die $@;
		} elsif( $< == 0){
			# print "NOTICE: Effective UID changed, but Real UID is 0: $@\n";
			print $@."\n";

# setup_dbm(dbdir)
# connect to BerkeleyDB *READ_ONLY*, return reference to db hash
sub setup_dbm
	my ($dbdir) = @_;
	my %db;	

	    tie(%db, 'BerkeleyDB::Btree',
	        -Filename => "$dbdir/postgrey.db",
	        -Flags    => DB_RDONLY,
	    ) or die "ERROR: can't find database $dbdir/postgrey.db: $!\n";
	return \%db;

# from postgrey 1.14    
sub do_sender_substitutions($)
    my ($addr) = @_;

    my ($user, $domain) = split(/@/, $addr, 2);
    defined $domain or return $addr;
    # strip extension, used sometimes for mailing-list VERP
    $user =~ s/\+.*//;
    # replace numbers in VERP addresses with '#' so that
    # we don't create a new key for each mail
    $user =~ s/\b\d+\b/#/g;
    return "$user\@$domain";

# from postgrey 1.14    
sub do_client_substitutions($$)
    	my ($ip, $revdns) = @_;

	# --lookup-by-subnet:

    return ($ip, undef) if $revdns eq 'unknown';
    my @ip=split(/\./, $ip);
    return ($ip, undef) unless defined $ip[3];
    # skip if it contains the last two IP numbers in the hostname
    # (we assume it is a pool of dialup addresses of a provider)
    return ($ip, undef) if $revdns =~ /$ip[2]/ and $revdns =~ /$ip[3]/;
    return (join('.', @ip[0..2], '0'), $ip[3]);


## used code from postgrey for read_client_whitelists() to import client files
sub read_client_files()
	my @skip_client_ips;
	my @skip_client_ptr;
	my @match_client_ips;
	my @match_client_ptr;
	for my $f (@{$opt{'skip_clients'}}) {
          if(open(CLIENTS, $f)) {
            while(<CLIENTS>) {
                s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if $_ eq '' or /^#/;
                if(/^\/(\S+)\/$/) {
                    # regular expression
                    push @skip_client_ptr, qr{$1}i;
                elsif(/^\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){0,3}$/) {
                    # IP address or part of it
                    push @skip_client_ips, qr{^$_};
                # note: we had ^[^\s\/]+$ but it triggers a bug in perl 5.8.0
                elsif(/^\S+$/) {
                    push @skip_client_ptr, qr{\Q$_\E$}i;
                else {
                    warn "WARNING: $f line $.: doesn't look like a hostname\n";
	$opt{SKIP_CLIENT_PTR} = \@skip_client_ptr;
	$opt{SKIP_CLIENT_IPS} = \@skip_client_ips;

	for my $f (@{$opt{'match_clients'}}) {
          if(open(CLIENTS, $f)) {
            while(<CLIENTS>) {
                s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; next if $_ eq '' or /^#/;
                if(/^\/(\S+)\/$/) {
                    # regular expression
                    push @match_client_ptr, qr{$1}i;
                elsif(/^\d{1,3}(?:\.\d{1,3}){0,3}$/) {
                    # IP address or part of it
                    push @match_client_ips, qr{^$_};
                # note: we had ^[^\s\/]+$ but it triggers a bug in perl 5.8.0
                elsif(/^\S+$/) {
                    push @match_client_ptr, qr{\Q$_\E$}i;
                else {
                    warn "WARNING: $f line $.: doesn't look like a hostname\n";
	$opt{MATCH_CLIENT_PTR} = \@match_client_ptr;
	$opt{MATCH_CLIENT_IPS} = \@match_client_ips;

sub setup_debug()
	if ($opt{debug_db} or $opt{search_db})
		die "\nDebugging_DB Activated, but no matching RE's defined. use --debug_re also! \n  " if (! $opt{debug_re} );
		print "\nDebugging_DB Active, Displaying hosting matching REs: ";
		foreach my $RE ( split(/,/,$opt{debug_re}) )
        		print "$RE ; ";
        		push ( @{ $opt{debug_RE} }, qr/$RE/i );
		print "\n\n";

sub is_debug_host($)
	my ($host) = @_;
	foreach my $RE ( @{$opt{debug_RE}} )
		return 1 if ($host =~ /$RE/);
	return 0;

exit 0;


=head1 NAME

postgreyreport - Fatal report for Postfix Greylisting Policy Server


B<postgreyreport> [I<options>...]

 -h, --help                   display this help and exit
     --version		      display version and exit

     --user=USER              run as USER (default: postgrey)
     --dbdir=PATH             find db files in PATH (default: /var/spool/postfix/postgrey)
     --delay=N                report triplets that did not try again after N seconds (default: 300)
     --greylist-text=TXT      text to match on for greylist maillog lines

     --skip_pool	      Skip report for 'subscriber pools' ( last 2 octets of IP found in PTR name )
     --skip_dnsbl=RBL	      RBL server to query and skip reporting for any listed hosts (SLOW!!)
     --skip_clients=FILE      PTR or IP or REGEXP of clients to skip in report        
     --match_clients=FILE     *ONLY* report if fatal *AND* PTR/IP of client matches
     --show_tries	      display the number of attempts failed triplets made in first column
     --show_time	      show entry time in maillog (single line only)
     --tab		      use tabs as separators for easy cut(1)ting

     --nosingle_line	      display sender/recipients grouped by ptr - ip
     --separate_by_subnet=TXT display TXT for every new /24 (ex: "=================\n" )
     --separate_by_ip=TXT     display TXT for every new IP  (ex: "\n")
     --check_sender=LIST      one or more of: mx,mx/24,a,a/24
                              does DNS/A lookups for sender @domain and compares sending IP
                              if match displays "MX" "A" or "MX/24" or "A/24" depending on LIST
   Note that --(skip|match)_clients can be specified multiple times and there are no default files.
   Same rules apply as postgrey's --whitelist-clients, see postgrey doc for more info.

   --skip_dnsbl can also be specified multiple times to query multiple DNSBL servers.


postgreyreport opens postgrey.db as read-only; reads a maillog via STDIN, 
extracts the triplets for any Greylisted lines and looks them up in postgrey.db. 
if the difference in first and last time seen is less than --delay=N then the 
triplet is considered fatal and displayed to STDOUT

The report sorts by client IP address 

=head2 Note:

unless you are using --lookup_by_subnet or excluding all known MTA pools you will likely have 
false fatal reports for "BigISPs". A message that was tried from every IP in SMTP pool before making it
through will show up in the report for all of the attempted source IPs

=head2 USAGE

It is best to run postgreyreport against a maillog that is at least several hours old (yesterdays?) 
( you be the judge on how old is acceptable ). if you run the report against a live maillog you are
not giving legit MTA's enough time to try again and you will have lots of inaccurate information.


=item * Ex usage:

	zcat /var/log/maillog.0.gz | ./postgreyreport [options] > postgreyreport.log

	zcat /var/log/maillog.0.gz | \
	./postgreyreport --nosingle_line --check_sender=mx,a \
	# 94 "=" total, some were omitted for clarity

=item * Ex Output: ( POD wrapping will mess this up, view source )



=head1 HISTORY

B<1.14.3  20100321>

=over 4

  Some additions, Leonard den Ottolander <>
  New option: --tab   Use tabs as separator in single line mode
  New option: --show_time   Show entry time in maillog in single line mode


B<1.14.2  20040715>

=over 4

  BUGFIX: (automatic) lookup-by-subnet support was broken, fixed.
  BUGFIX: corrected a few spelling errors
  new Option: --skip_pool   Skip report for 'subscriber pools' 


B<1.14.1  20040712>

=over 4

  Changed --return-string to --greylist-text to match postgrey
  new Option: --skip_clients=FILE
  new Option: --match_clients=FILE
  new Option: --skip_dnsbl=RBL.DNS.NAME
  All 3 of the new options can be specified multiple times.
  Updated do_*_subsititions again to match postgrey


B<1.11.1 20040701>

=over 4

  missing keys from DB are considered fatal triplets and included in report
  Changed --delay testing from "greater than" to "greater than or equal to"
  Fixed --help and --man switches
  Removed setuid Notice


B<1.6.4  20040618>

=over 4

  Initial Public Version (postgrey/contrib)


=head1 AUTHOR

S<Tom Baker E<lt>tbaker@bakerfl.orgE<gt>>
