Your IP :
# SpamAssassin rules file: phrase tests
# Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with
# the next update. Use @@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@/ instead.
# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details.
# Note: body tests are run with long lines, so be sure to limit the
# size of searches; use /.{0,30}/ instead of /.*/ to avoid huge
# search times.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
require_version 3.004006
# new way to phrase unsubscribe link
body REMOVE_BEFORE_LINK m{(?:no thanks|not interested|unsubscribe here).{0,5}http://}i
describe REMOVE_BEFORE_LINK Removal phrase right before a link
# CLICK rules
# note HTML_LINK_CLICK* rules in HTML parser section
describe GUARANTEED_100_PERCENT One hundred percent guaranteed
body DEAR_FRIEND /^\s*Dear Friend\b/i
describe DEAR_FRIEND Dear Friend? That's not very dear!
body DEAR_SOMETHING /\bDear (?:IT\W|Internet|candidate|sirs?|madam|investor|travell?er|car shopper|web)\b/i
describe DEAR_SOMETHING Contains 'Dear (something)'
describe BILLION_DOLLARS Talks about lots of money
body EXCUSE_4 /To Be Removed,? Please/i
describe EXCUSE_4 Claims you can be removed from the list
# strange pattern because otherwise it matches the std. majordomo line
# pls note the comment above. DO NOT just put "to" in the first group!
body EXCUSE_REMOVE /to be removed from.{0,20}(?:mailings|offers)/i
describe EXCUSE_REMOVE Talks about how to be removed from mailings
body STRONG_BUY /strong buy/i
describe STRONG_BUY Tells you about a strong buy
body STOCK_ALERT /\bstock alert/i
describe STOCK_ALERT Offers a alert about a stock
body NOT_ADVISOR /not a registered investment advisor/i
describe NOT_ADVISOR Not registered investment advisor
body PREST_NON_ACCREDITED /prestigi?ous\b.{0,20}\bnon-accredited\b.{0,20}\buniversities/i
describe PREST_NON_ACCREDITED 'Prestigious Non-Accredited Universities'
body BODY_ENHANCEMENT /\b(?:enlarge|increase|grow|lengthen|larger\b|bigger\b|longer\b|thicker\b|\binches\b).{0,50}\b(?:penis|male organ|pee[ -]?pee|dick|sc?hlong|wh?anger|breast(?!\s+cancer))/i
describe BODY_ENHANCEMENT Information on growing body parts
body BODY_ENHANCEMENT2 /\b(?:penis|male organ|pee[ -]?pee|dick|sc?hlong|wh?anger|breast(?!\s+cancer)).{0,50}\b(?:enlarge|increase|grow|lengthen|larger\b|bigger\b|longer\b|thicker\b|\binches\b|size)/i
describe BODY_ENHANCEMENT2 Information on getting larger body parts
body IMPOTENCE /\b(?:impotence (?:problem|cure|solution)|Premature Ejaculation|erectile dysfunction)/i
describe IMPOTENCE Impotence cure
#MOVED TO - kmcgrail 2015-05-14
#body NA_DOLLARS /\b(?:\d{1,3})?Million\b.{0,40}\b(?:Canadian Dollar?s?|US\$|U\.? ?S\.? Dollar)/i
#describe NA_DOLLARS Talks about a million North American dollars
#body US_DOLLARS_3 /(?:\$|usd).?\d{1,3}[,.]\d{3}[,.]\d{3}(?:[,.]\d\d)?/i
#describe US_DOLLARS_3 Mentions millions of $ ($NN,NNN,NNN.NN)
#body MILLION_USD /Million\b.{0,40}\b(?:United States? Dollars?|USD)/i
#describe MILLION_USD Talks about millions of dollars
body __URG_BIZ /urgent.{0,16}(?:assistance|business|buy|confidential|notice|proposal|reply|request|response)/i
describe URG_BIZ Contains urgent matter
body MONEY_BACK /money back guarantee/i
describe MONEY_BACK Money back guarantee
body FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT /free.{0,12}(?:(?:instant|express|online|no.?obligation).{0,4})+.{0,32}\bquote/i
describe FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT Free express or no-obligation quote
body BAD_CREDIT /\b((?:bad|poor|eliminate|repair|(?:re)?establish|damag).{0,10} (?:credit|debt)|no credit (?:check|histor|need))/i
describe BAD_CREDIT Eliminate Bad Credit
body REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME /\brefinance your(?: current)? (?:home|house)\b/i
describe REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME Home refinancing
body REFINANCE_NOW /time to refinance|refinanc\w{1,3}\b.{0,16}\bnow\b/i
describe REFINANCE_NOW Home refinancing
body NO_MEDICAL /\bno medical exam/i
describe NO_MEDICAL No Medical Exams
# seems like we vastly reduce FPs on this one with a small change or two
body DIET_1 /\b(?:(?:without|no) (?:exercis(?:e(?! price)|ing)|dieting)|weight.?loss|(?:extra|lose|lost|losing).{0,10}(?:pounds|weight|inches|lbs)|burn.{1,10}fat)\b/i
describe DIET_1 Lose Weight Spam
body FIN_FREE /\bfinancial(?:ly)? (?:free|independen)/i
describe FIN_FREE Freedom of a financial nature
body FORWARD_LOOKING /\bcontains forward-looking statements\b/i
describe FORWARD_LOOKING Stock Disclaimer Statement
body ONE_TIME /\bone\W+time (?:charge|investment|offer|promotion)/i
describe ONE_TIME One Time Rip Off
body JOIN_MILLIONS /\bjoin (?:millions|thousands)\b/i
describe JOIN_MILLIONS Join Millions of Americans
body MARKETING_PARTNERS /\b(?:marketing|network) partner|\bpartner (?:web)?site/i
describe MARKETING_PARTNERS Claims you registered with a partner
body LOW_PRICE /\blow.{0,4} (?-i:P)rice/i
describe LOW_PRICE Lowest Price
body UNCLAIMED_MONEY /\bunclaimed\s(?:assets?|accounts?|mon(?:ey|ies)|balance|funds?|prizes?|rewards?|payments?|deposits?)\b/i
describe UNCLAIMED_MONEY People just leave money laying around
body OBSCURED_EMAIL /\w+\^\S+\(\w{2,4}\b/
describe OBSCURED_EMAIL Message seems to contain rot13ed address
body BANG_OPRAH /\boprah!/i
describe BANG_OPRAH Talks about Oprah with an exclamation!
#adding boundary checks:
body ACT_NOW_CAPS /\bA(?i:ct) N(?i:ow)\b/
describe ACT_NOW_CAPS Talks about 'acting now' with capitals
body MORE_SEX /increased?.{0,9}(?:sex|stamina)/i
describe MORE_SEX Talks about a bigger drive for sex
# explicitly capped at 1.0 score because of FP potential
body BANG_GUAR /\bguaranteed?\!/i
describe BANG_GUAR Something is emphatically guaranteed
body __RUDE_HTML_1 /Get a capable html e-mailer/i
body __RUDE_HTML_2 /not support the display of HTML. Please view this message in a different/i
body __RUDE_HTML_3 /This message contains an HTML formatted message but your email client does/i
body __RUDE_HTML_4 /Your mailer do not support HTML messages. Switch to a better mailer/i
describe RUDE_HTML Spammer message says you need an HTML mailer
body INVESTMENT_ADVICE /\binvestment advice/i
describe INVESTMENT_ADVICE Message mentions investment advice
body MALE_ENHANCE /male enhancement/i
describe MALE_ENHANCE Message talks about enhancing men
body PRICES_ARE_AFFORDABLE /\baffordable .{0,10}prices\b/i
describe PRICES_ARE_AFFORDABLE Message says that prices aren't too expensive
body REPLICA_WATCH /\breplica.{1,20}rolex/i
describe REPLICA_WATCH Message talks about a replica watch
body EM_ROLEX /[^\s\w.]rolex/i
describe EM_ROLEX Message puts emphasis on the watch manufacturer