Your IP :
# Copyrights 1995-2018 by [Mark Overmeer].
# For other contributors see ChangeLog.
# See the manual pages for details on the licensing terms.
# Pod stripped from pm file by OODoc 2.02.
# This code is part of the bundle MailTools. Meta-POD processed with
# OODoc into POD and HTML manual-pages. See for Copyright.
# Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
package Mail::Cap;
use vars '$VERSION';
$VERSION = '2.20';
use strict;
sub Version { our $VERSION }
our $useCache = 1; # don't evaluate tests every time
my @path;
if($^O eq "MacOS")
{ @path = split /\,/, $ENV{MAILCAPS} || "$ENV{HOME}mailcap";
{ @path = split /\:/
, ( $ENV{MAILCAPS} || (defined $ENV{HOME} ? "$ENV{HOME}/.mailcap:" : '')
. '/etc/mailcap:/usr/etc/mailcap:/usr/local/etc/mailcap'
); # this path is specified under RFC1524 appendix A
sub new
{ my $class = shift;
unshift @_, 'filename' if @_ % 2;
my %args = @_;
my $take_all = $args{take} && uc $args{take} eq 'ALL';
my $self = bless {_count => 0}, $class;
if defined $args{filename} && -r $args{filename};
if(!defined $args{filename} || $take_all)
{ foreach my $fname (@path)
{ -r $fname or next;
last unless $take_all;
{ # Set up default mailcap
$self->{'audio/*'} = [{'view' => "showaudio %s"}];
$self->{'image/*'} = [{'view' => "xv %s"}];
$self->{'message/rfc822'} = [{'view' => "xterm -e metamail %s"}];
sub _process_file
{ my $self = shift;
my $file = shift or return;
local *MAILCAP;
open MAILCAP, $file
or return;
$self->{_file} = $file;
local $_;
{ next if /^\s*#/; # comment
next if /^\s*$/; # blank line
$_ .= <MAILCAP> # continuation line
while s/(^|[^\\])((?:\\\\)*)\\\s*$/$1$2/;
s/\0//g; # ensure no NULs in the line
s/(^|[^\\]);/$1\0/g; # make field separator NUL
my ($type, $view, @parts) = split /\s*\0\s*/;
$type .= "/*" if $type !~ m[/];
$view =~ s/\\;/;/g;
$view =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
my %field = (view => $view);
foreach (@parts)
{ my($key, $val) = split /\s*\=\s*/, $_, 2;
if(defined $val)
{ $val =~ s/\\;/;/g;
$val =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$field{$key} = $val;
{ $field{$key} = 1;
if(my $test = $field{test})
{ unless ($test =~ /\%/)
{ # No parameters in test, can perform it right away
system $test;
next if $?;
# record this entry
unless(exists $self->{$type})
{ $self->{$type} = [];
push @{$self->{$type}}, \%field;
close MAILCAP;
sub view { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->viewCmd(@_)) }
sub compose { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->composeCmd(@_)) }
sub edit { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->editCmd(@_)) }
sub print { my $self = shift; $self->_run($self->printCmd(@_)) }
sub _run($)
{ my ($self, $cmd) = @_;
defined $cmd or return 0;
system $cmd;
sub viewCmd { shift->_createCommand(view => @_) }
sub composeCmd { shift->_createCommand(compose => @_) }
sub editCmd { shift->_createCommand(edit => @_) }
sub printCmd { shift->_createCommand(print => @_) }
sub _createCommand($$$)
{ my ($self, $method, $type, $file) = @_;
my $entry = $self->getEntry($type, $file);
$entry && exists $entry->{$method}
or return undef;
$self->expandPercentMacros($entry->{$method}, $type, $file);
sub makeName($$)
{ my ($self, $type, $basename) = @_;
my $template = $self->nametemplate($type)
or return $basename;
$template =~ s/%s/$basename/g;
sub field($$)
{ my($self, $type, $field) = @_;
my $entry = $self->getEntry($type);
sub description { shift->field(shift, 'description'); }
sub textualnewlines { shift->field(shift, 'textualnewlines'); }
sub x11_bitmap { shift->field(shift, 'x11-bitmap'); }
sub nametemplate { shift->field(shift, 'nametemplate'); }
sub getEntry
{ my($self, $origtype, $file) = @_;
return $self->{_cache}{$origtype}
if $useCache && exists $self->{_cache}{$origtype};
my ($fulltype, @params) = split /\s*;\s*/, $origtype;
my ($type, $subtype) = split m[/], $fulltype, 2;
$subtype ||= '';
my $entry;
foreach (@{$self->{"$type/$subtype"}}, @{$self->{"$type/*"}})
{ if(exists $_->{'test'})
{ # must run test to see if it applies
my $test = $self->expandPercentMacros($_->{'test'},
$origtype, $file);
system $test;
next if $?;
$entry = { %$_ }; # make copy
$self->{_cache}{$origtype} = $entry if $useCache;
sub expandPercentMacros
{ my ($self, $text, $type, $file) = @_;
defined $type or return $text;
defined $file or $file = "";
my ($fulltype, @params) = split /\s*;\s*/, $type;
($type, my $subtype) = split m[/], $fulltype, 2;
my %params;
foreach (@params)
{ my($key, $val) = split /\s*=\s*/, $_, 2;
$params{$key} = $val;
$text =~ s/\\%/\0/g; # hide all escaped %'s
$text =~ s/%t/$fulltype/g; # expand %t
$text =~ s/%s/$file/g; # expand %s
{ # expand %{field}
local $^W = 0; # avoid warnings when expanding %params
$text =~ s/%\{\s*(.*?)\s*\}/$params{$1}/g;
$text =~ s/\0/%/g;
# This following procedures can be useful for debugging purposes
sub dumpEntry
{ my($hash, $prefix) = @_;
defined $prefix or $prefix = "";
print "$prefix$_ = $hash->{$_}\n"
for sort keys %$hash;
sub dump
{ my $self = shift;
foreach (keys %$self)
{ next if /^_/;
print "$_\n";
foreach (@{$self->{$_}})
{ dumpEntry($_, "\t");
print "\n";
if(exists $self->{_cache})
{ print "Cached types\n";
print "\t$_\n"
for keys %{$self->{_cache}};