Your IP :
This parrot is dead. It has ceased to be. It's gone to meet it's Maker!
The Dead Parrot Sketch, Monty Python's Flying Circus
Do s/parrot/package/gi and you know the status of this distribution. The
current version 1.60 has been provided to fix a number of bugs and integrate a
bunch of useful enhancements, which were mostly provided as patches, thanks to
the contributers. Pod::Parser is supposed to be deprecated in the Perl core
distribution with 5.17.x, removed from the core in 5.19.x and continue its
humble existence on CPAN only.
But: There is Pod::Simple, which provides a much better and robust parser,
as well as Unicode support and a lot of other useful things. When thinking
POD, please (start to) think Pod::Simple!
Some of the other modules bundled here may appear soon in other distributions,
as soon as they are ported away from Pod::Parser. In 1.60 this happened to
Pod::Checker and Pod::Usage.