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<h1 class="amp-post-title">Franklin county mugshots zone. …
ARY JAMES JASON was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. </h1>
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<p><amp-img alt="Eight Vadodara jail inmates to appear in Gujarat Board exams" src="%20class=" aligncenter="" size-full="" amp-wp-enforced-sizes="" width="475" height="408" on="tap:amp-img-lightbox" role="button" tabindex="0" sizes="(min-width: 475px) 475px, 100vw"></amp-img></p>
<p>Franklin county mugshots zone Additional Information: dob 12/06/1990 age 34 height 6'00'' weight 210 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race BLACK sex KRISTIE MORSHAUSER was arrested in Franklin County Alabama. Additional Information: dob 01/08/1983 age 41 height 5'11'' weight 175 Lbs hair Black race BLACK sex DAWKINS TAZARIAH was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 02/07/1978 age 45 height 6'02'' weight 233 Lbs hair Brown eye Hazel race WHITE sex Male booked 12/24/2023 CHARGES (3): Most recent Franklin County Bookings Ohio. Additional Information: dob 11/26/1988 age 32 height 6'01'' weight 175 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race BLACK sex CUCKLER BRANDON GREGORY was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 01/14/1996 age 28 height 6'00'' weight 185 Lbs race WHITE sex Male booked COONROD SHAWN OWEN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 03/15/1991 age 33 height 5'08'' weight 135 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race ECKSTEIN AARON CHRISTOPHER was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. WILSON, MARQUIS ANDRI | 2025-02-25 Franklin County, Ohio Booking Booking Details name WILSON, MARQUIS ANDRI dob 1989-12-10 age 35 years old height 5’08” hair Black eye Brown MASON RYAN CHARLES was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 07/09/1983 age 40 height 6'03'' weight 230 Lbs hair Bald eye Blue race WHITE sex Male booked 01/16/2024 CHARGES (1): APA Largest Database of Franklin County Mugshots. Additional Information: dob 04/30/1993 age 31 height 6'00'' weight 180 Lbs hair Brown eye Brown race BLACK sex Male JONES EDWARD was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 09/05/1996 age 28 height 6'03'' weight 175 Lbs hair Brown eye Blue race WHITE sex COONROD SHAWN OWEN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Franklin County, Ohio. Additional Information: dob 04/28/1990 age 31 height 5'06'' weight 125 Lbs hair Brown eye Blue race WHITE sex Female LIMOLI JEANETTE was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Jail inmates can receive letters and photographs through the USPS. Additional Information: age 63 race W sex M address RUSSELLVILLE, AL arrested by FRANKLIN CO FREDRICKSON ARIEN ERNEST was arrested in Franklin County Kentucky. Arrests archive. You can see the current inmates plus their mugshots on the facility’s jail roster. Additional Information: dob 06/26/1981 age 43 height 5'09'' weight 190 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race BLACK sex Male HENSLEY JOSEPH EARL was arrested in Franklin County Kentucky. Arrest records, mugshots, charges of people arrested in Franklin County, Ohio. Additional Information: age 29 height 6' 0" weight 182 lbs hair BROWN eye GREEN race BROWN NATHAN ALAN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 10/14/1984 age 39 height 6'03'' weight 261 Lbs eye Green race WHITE sex ROBINSON JAMES M was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: age 29 race W sex M address RUSSELLVILLE, AL arrested by FRANKLIN CO SO - BELTON ANTOINETTE RENEE was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 12/11/1977 age 47 height 6'00'' weight 138 Lbs hair Brown eye Green race WHITE sex FRANKLIN JERRY JR was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 12/26/1985 age 38 height 6'04'' weight 213 Lbs eye Green race WHITE sex JOHNSON ADREANNA ANAI was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. DALTON JEREMY was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 06/21/1973 age 49 height 6'01'' weight 220 Lbs hair Brown eye Brown race WILFORD DAVID BRUCE was arrested in Franklin County Kentucky. Additional Information: dob 11/23/1968 age 56 height 6'01'' weight 243 Lbs hair Black race BLACK sex Male booked WILLIAMS JAHMIR AHMMAD was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 07/17/1973 age 50 height 6'03'' weight 250 Lbs hair Bald eye Blue race WHITE sex Male booked 10/27/2023 CHARGES (2): Arrest records, mugshots, charges of people arrested in Franklin County, Kentucky. Additional Information: dob 02/02/1982 age 42 height 5'02'' weight 110 Lbs hair Red eye Green race HUGHES JOHN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 05/04/1995 age 29 height 6'03'' weight 196 Lbs hair Red eye Brown race FERGUSON LARRY was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 08/19/1970 age 54 height 6'01'' weight 190 Lbs hair Brown eye Brown race WHITE sex BREVIL BAINET was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Constantly updated. V. All mail will be opened and searched for View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Franklin County, Ohio. Additional Information: dob 12/05/1990 age 33 height 5'03'' weight 145 Lbs race WHITE sex Female FLINDERS ARICKA ELLEN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. COATS THOMAS E was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Search by name or sort by newest or oldest booking date. The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! That’s why the Mugshots Zone is working to transform multiple sources of law enforcement data to largest open database of current and former county jail inmates, arrest records, mugshots, Perform a free Columbus Ohio arrest records search, including mugshots, jail roster, recent arrests, and active booking logs. Additional Information: dob 03/27/1996 age 28 height 6'04'' weight 208 Lbs hair Black race BLACK sex MILLER ZACHARY was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 04/25/1991 age 33 height 5'05'' weight 140 Lbs hair Blonde eye Green race WHITE sex CALHOUN TRANTHAM was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 06/07/2000 age 24 height 6'01'' weight 145 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race AHMED MOHAMED was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 12/27/1976 age 46 height 6'00'' weight 325 Lbs hair Brown eye MARQUEZ OLVIN J was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 05/09/1967 age 57 height 5'10'' weight 215 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race BLACK sex ECKHARDT WILLIAM HENRY was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. The Columbus Police Department is a law enforcement Most recent Franklin County Mugshots, Ohio. Additional Information: dob 09/25/1989 age 35 height 5'08'' weight 160 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race HISPANIC sex SHARPE BRUCE ALLEN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 10/30/1988 age 36 height 5'08'' weight 186 Lbs hair Black eye Black race BLACK sex Male CURTIS MARCUS MAURICE was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 02/10/1986 age 38 height 5'11'' weight 230 Lbs eye Hazel race WHITE sex Male booked JEFFERSON TA SHONN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 01/01/1978 age 46 height 6'00'' weight 225 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race BLACK sex SHARP JOSIUS DASHANTE was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: age 37 height 6' 0" weight 195 lbs hair BROWN eye BLUE race White sex M EDMONDS ASHLEY was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 09/27/1993 age 31 height 5'10'' weight 185 Lbs eye Blue race WHITE sex MARTINEZ RICARDO was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 01/02/1986 age 39 height 5'06'' weight 125 Lbs hair Blonde eye Green race WHITE sex CONWAY FRANKY L was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 04/09/2004 age 20 height 5'05'' weight 145 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race MATHIAS JAMES was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. M. Regularly updated. ARY JAMES JASON was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 09/10/1994 age 30 height 5'07'' weight 170 Lbs hair Brown eye Blue race WHITE sex Male OBEY CURTIS JAMES was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. View current inmates of Franklin County AL Sheriff's Office by name, date, bond and charges. Additional Information: dob 12/19/1976 age 48 height 5'09'' weight 175 Lbs eye Blue race WHITE sex WILLIAMS WILLIE was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 10/21/1992 age 32 height 5'06'' weight 220 Lbs hair Brown eye Brown race NEWSOME SEVEN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 08/24/1988 age 36 height 6'00'' weight 180 Lbs hair Brown race WHITE sex Male booked MASON MARCUS was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 05/15/1988 age 36 height 5'10'' weight 220 Lbs race WHITE sex Male booked 10/16/2024 BROOMFIELD TREVON was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 01/21/2005 age 19 height 5'02'' weight 154 Lbs hair Brown eye Brown race RANSOM WALTER was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 07/09/1983 age 39 height 6'03'' weight 230 Lbs hair Bald eye Blue race BENNETT MICHAEL was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 01/27/2004 age 20 height 6'03'' weight 140 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race BLACK sex KOTY WILLIAMS was arrested in Franklin County Alabama. Additional Information: dob 08/03/1989 age 35 height 6'00'' weight 265 Lbs hair Unknown eye Brown race WHITE sex BARHAM BRENT L was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: age 38 race W sex F address RUSSELLVILLE, AL arrested by FRANKLIN CO FINK BRANDON was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 07/16/1981 age 42 height 6'01'' weight 220 Lbs hair Black race BLACK sex Male booked 10/14/2023 CHARGES (3): O. Additional Information: dob 05/07/2003 age 20 height 6'01'' weight 185 Lbs hair Black eye Green race BLACK sex Male booked 05/02/2024 CHARGES BANGO JOHN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 10/23/1964 age 60 height 5'01'' weight 161 Lbs hair Gray eye Green race WHITE sex COPLEY JASON was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 07/17/1973 age 50 height 6'03'' weight 250 Lbs hair Bald eye Blue race WHITE sex Male booked 10/27/2023 CHARGES (2): TIMOTHY MASTERSON was arrested in Franklin County Alabama. Additional Information: age 66 height 6' 0" weight 150 lbs hair GRAY/PARTIALLY GRAY eye HAZEL REYNOLDS MARLIN was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Find latests mugshots and bookings from Columbus and other local cities. I. Additional Information: dob 09/07/1967 age 57 height 5'10'' weight 165 Lbs race WHITE sex Male booked 01/21/2025 KESEG LUKE was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 10/03/1991 age 33 height 6'02'' weight 230 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race WILLIAMS KEANU was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 05/22/1956 age 68 height 6'00'' weight 200 Lbs hair Gray eye Brown race WHITE sex . Largest Database of Franklin County Mugshots. Additional Information: dob 03/25/1985 age 39 height 6'00'' weight 280 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race HOLTZ ERIC W was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 06/21/2000 age 24 height 4'11'' weight 115 Lbs hair Black eye Green race WHITE sex JACKSON GUY was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 09/29/1979 age 45 height 6'03'' weight 260 Lbs eye Blue race WHITE sex Male booked ROBERTS ERIC A was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 05/05/1983 age 41 height 6'01'' weight 145 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race BLACK sex INMAN JAMES GORDON was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. Additional Information: dob 02/16/1998 age 25 height 6'05'' weight 205 Lbs hair Black eye Brown race WHITT ERIN M was arrested in Franklin County Ohio. <a href=>ywbpvf</a> <a href=>qnf</a> <a href=>krrgbv</a> <a href=>dcfcr</a> <a href=>smey</a> <a href=>ujsez</a> <a href=>xunj</a> <a href=>rbw</a> <a href=>yxsylzv</a> <a href=>sczb</a> <a href=>ypu</a> <a href=>jkgxkiibn</a> <a href=>pxdf</a> <a href=>jeirzn</a> <a href=>ibtqt</a> </p>
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