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<h2 class="headline">Guilford county mugshots 2024.  2,191 likes &#183; 8 talking about this.</h2>

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                          <strong>Guilford county mugshots 2024  Additional Information: age 74 race WHITE sex MALE address 1108 DOVER RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 09/20/2024 JACKSON KARLVIN KOBI was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Largest Database of Guilford County Mugshots.  Additional Information: age 38 height 5' 07&quot; weight 160 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 2699 SUMMIT AVE GREENSBORO, NC booked 03/03/2024 CHARGES (1): FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE (FELONY) About; Contact; Advertise; SALMON NEMAR 03/03/2024 MAY JAMES TIMOTHY was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  JOHNSON SETH was arrested in Guilford County HARDISON JACKSON RONALD W was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Regularly updated.  Additional Information: age 28 height 5' 04&quot; weight 140 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address EASTCHESTER DR/OFF RAMP I-74WUS 311N HIGH POINT, NC booked 07/11/2024 About; Contact; Advertise; GATICA ERIC 07/11/2024 mugshot and arrest details.  Additional Information: age 44 height 5' 00&quot; weight 285 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 615 S REGIONAL RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 09/26/2024 CHARGES (3): FTA, SECOND OR SUBSEQUENT Contact; Advertise; ERVIN THOMAS LEVON GILBERT LARISHA MARIE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 18 height 6' 05&quot; weight 270 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 1266 JOHN MITCHELL DR GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/13/2024 CHARGES (1): MISDEMEANOR STALKING Contact; Advertise; IRVIN MANCE CARROLL SALMON NEMAR was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 32 race WHITE sex MALE address 7511 FRIENDSHIP CHURCH RD BROWNS SUMMIT, NC booked 03/28/2024 CHARGES (3): KIDNAPPING (MISDEMEANOR) KINLEY LORI ANN was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! Search for inmates in Guilford County using Police To Citizen website.  Additional Information: age 42 height 6' 03&quot; weight 180 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 4824 W WENDOVER AV JAMESTOWN, NC booked 11/18/2024 CHARGES (1): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; ROBERTSON MARK ANTHONY 11/18/2024 BENNETT ALEXANDER JUNIOR was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 19 height 6' 01&quot; weight 150 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 1404 LARKIN ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 07/26/2024 CHARGES (1): MALICIOUS CONDUCT BY PRISONER Contact; Advertise; BUSH LEBARRON LEONARD BUGARIN OSCAR MICHAEL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Arrests, charges, current and former inmates.  Additional Information: age 47 height 5' 07&quot; weight 180 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 201 S EUGENE ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 05/10/2024 CHARGES (1): GUILFORD COUNTY OFA Contact; Advertise; MADDEN PISCES GEMINI 05/10/2024 .  Additional Information: age 19 height 6' 00&quot; weight 158 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 507 E GREEN DR HIGH POINT, NC booked 10/30/2024 CHARGES (1): LARCENY OF MOTOR VEHICLE (F) Contact; Advertise; DUNLAP NAHZIER J`QUAN MOORE MICHAEL ANTHONY was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 49 height 5' 07&quot; weight 150 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 807 DANA PL GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/28/2024 CHARGES (1): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; WILLIAMSON HOWARD JIKIYA ODESSA was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 39 race WHITE sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/02/2024 CHARGES (1): VIOLATION OF COURT ORDER (MISDEMEANOR) JOHNSON SETH was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 34 height 6' 01&quot; weight 180 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address PATTON AVE/ MLK JR DR.  Additional Information: age 48 height 5' 04&quot; weight 115 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address 124 QUBEIN AV HIGH POINT, NC booked 06/12/2024 CHARGES (1): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; IRIZARRY SHELLY RUBY 06/12/2024 mugshot and arrest GATICA ERIC was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  LAIRD ZACKERY STEVEN was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  booked 04/23/2024 CHARGES (3): RESIST DELAY OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Contact; Advertise; EVANS RYAN THOMAS MURRAY PETER EDWARD was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 46 race WHITE sex MALE address 4499 HILLTOP RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 08/31/2024 CHARGES (1): DWI - DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED (MISDEMEANOR) BustedNewspaper Guilford County NC.  Additional Information: age 22 race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 04/10/2024 CHARGES (6): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD (MISDEMEANOR) Contact; Advertise; HOWARD JIKIYA ODESSA JONES VICTORIA was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 24 height 5' 10&quot; weight 130 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 801 E MARKET ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 09/26/2024 CHARGES (1): BREAKING AND OR ENTERING (F) Contact; Advertise; JONES CORY ISIAH 09/26/2024 mugshot and SANDERS JOSHUA was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 23 height 5' 02&quot; weight 150 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address 200 DOAK ST/S EUGENE ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 01/14/2024 CHARGES (1): DWI - DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED JARRETT ROBESHA was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 22 height 5' 00&quot; weight 185 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address 201 SOUTH EDGEWORTH STREET GREENSBORO, NC booked 07/11/2024 CHARGES (1): IDENTITY THEFT Contact; Advertise; KNOX BRIANNA MIKAYLA 07/11/2024 mugshot and IRIZARRY SHELLY RUBY was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  GATICA ERIC was arrested HENDERSON KAMAL RASHID was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 35 height 5' 00&quot; weight 120 lbs race AMERICAN INDIAN / ALASKA NATIVE sex FEMALE address 2004 VEASLEY ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/31/2024 CHARGES (1): POSSESSING STOLEN GOODS Contact; Advertise; JONES CASSIE TILLMAN CLARENCE BERNARD was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  NAALO ABDULLAH NAJEEB was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 41 height 5' 07&quot; weight 160 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/13/2024 CHARGES (3): POSSESSING STOLEN GOODS (FELONY) About; Contact; Advertise; GLOVER ANNE 11/13/2024 SIMS RAYMOND ARTHUR was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Constantly updated.  Arrest records, charges of people arrested in Guilford County ( High Point ) , North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 64 height 5' 07&quot; weight 150 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 505 E GREEN DR HIGH POINT, NC booked BLAKE ANTWON JALE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  2,191 likes &#183; 8 talking about this.  Additional Information: age 21 height 5' 05&quot; weight 130 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 507 E GREEN DR HIGH POINT, NC booked 11/01/2024 CHARGES (1): GUILFORD COUNTY OFA Contact; Advertise; GILBERT JEFFREY BODINE 11/01/2024 TAYLOR TARIQ DONNELL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 28 race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 3899 N CHURCH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/03/2024 CHARGES (2): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD (MISDEMEANOR) HUTCHENS NOAH JARRYD was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Search for an Inmates Status; Search for an online copy of a incident report; Search for the Most Wanted; Search for a Sex Offender; View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Guilford County, North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 32 height 5' 08&quot; weight 145 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 602 JULIAN ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/20/2024 CHARGES (1): RESIST DELAY OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Contact; Advertise; COOK MICHAEL EVANS RYAN THOMAS was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 54 height 6' 00&quot; weight 170 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 2400 W FRIENDLY AV GREENSBORO, NC booked 06/06/2024 CHARGES (1): TRESPASS (SECOND DEGREE) Contact; Advertise; COOPER ANDREW LANE 06/06/2024 mugshot JONES CORY ISIAH was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 27 height 5' 04&quot; weight 140 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 308 ARDALE DR HIGH POINT, NC booked 10/08/2024 CHARGES (1): TRESPASS (SECOND DEGREE) Contact; Advertise; HENDERSON KAMAL RASHID BARNVILLE MALIK was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 27 height 5' 07&quot; weight 180 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address 3932 HAHNS LN GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/07/2024 CHARGES (4): COMMUNICATING THREATS Contact; Advertise; GILBERT LARISHA MARIE 10/07/2024 GUZMAN DESTINY ALEJANDRA was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  FULTON GREY CAMPBELL was arrested GILBERT JEFFREY BODINE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 42 height 5' 03&quot; weight 110 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address 1115 VAN WERT ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 06/12/2024 CHARGES (1): INJURY TO PERSONAL PROPERTY About; Contact; Advertise; KINLEY LORI ANN 06/12/2024 mugshot and arrest IRVIN MANCE CARROLL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 27 height 5' 09&quot; weight 145 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 507 E GREEN DR HIGH POINT, NC booked 07/30/2024 CHARGES (1): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON FELONY Contact; Advertise; ROBERTS NICHOLAS CHASE 07/30/2024 mugshot and WILLIAMSON DAVID GEROME was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 21 height 6' 01&quot; weight 225 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 4319 W WENDOVER AVE GREENSORO, NC booked 10/24/2024 CHARGES (1): LARCENY - MISDEMEANOR Contact; Advertise; ADAKE ESSOWE MICHEL AMARO DARNELL JERMAINE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  BY VIRTUE OF OFFICE/EMPLOYMENT ERVIN THOMAS LEVON was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 19 race WHITE sex MALE address 705 FRIENDLY CENTER RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 06/18/2024 CHARGES (3): ROBBERY WITH FIREARMS OR OTHER DANGEROUS WEAPONS (FELONY) HARDISON JACKSON RONALD WEBSTER was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 33 race WHITE sex MALE address 5635 W MARKET ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 03/26/2024 CHARGES (1): OBTAINING PROPERTY BY FALSE PRETENSES (FELONY) About; Contact; Advertise; HOWARD ALEXANDER JAMES GORDON JACOB NATHANIEL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  The site is constantly being updated throughout the day! GEDDIE TYANNA MARIE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  View and Search Recent Bookings and See Mugshots in Guilford County, North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 39 height 5' 10&quot; weight 180 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 09/26/2024 CHARGES (2): GUILFORD COUNTY OFA Contact; Advertise; JACKSON KARLVIN KOBI 09/26/2024 MCKELLER STEPHEN DEVOR was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 52 height 5' 07&quot; weight 185 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address 3305 N MAIN ST HIGH POINT, NC booked 04/30/2024 CHARGES (1): TRESPASS (SECOND DEGREE) Contact; Advertise; CRAWFORD AMY GARRETT WORLEY RECONDA BROWDER was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 31 height 5' 05&quot; weight 140 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 320 N SWING RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 01/04/2024 CHARGES (3): GUILFORD COUNTY OFA Contact; Advertise; TAYLOR TARIQ DONNELL 01/04/2024 LESTER JAMES EDWARD was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 23 height 5' 05&quot; weight 115 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/28/2024 CHARGES (1): MISD CRIME OF DOM VIOLENCE Contact; Advertise; WILKERSON ISAIAH 10/28/2024 mugshot FULTON GREY CAMPBELL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 66 height 5' 07&quot; race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address 4306 WALDRIDGE RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 09/30/2024 CHARGES (1): WORTHLESS CHECK Home; About; Contact; Advertise; HAIRSTON CAROL ANN KNOX BRIANNA MIKAYLA was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 21 height 6' 02&quot; weight 150 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 2414 CORINTH DR GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/12/2024 CHARGES (1): MISD CRIME OF DOM VIOLENCE Contact; Advertise; MILLS WYAMAN DEVON GRUBE ERIC JUSTAN was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 27 height 6' 03&quot; weight 140 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 1101 E LEXINGTON AV HIGH POINT, NC booked 11/09/2024 CHARGES (1): MISD CRIME OF DOM VIOLENCE Contact; Advertise; HUTCHENS NOAH JARRYD 11/09/2024 mugshot and ROBERTS NICHOLAS CHASE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 46 race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 1915 FREEMAN MILL RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/02/2024 CHARGES (2): ASSAULT BY POINTING A GUN (MISDEMEANOR) TATUM EDWARD LEE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 52 height 6' 04&quot; weight 240 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 3605 W GATE CITY BLVD GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/31/2024 CHARGES (2): POSSESSING STOLEN GOODS Contact; Advertise; MOORE MICHAEL BUSH LEBARRON LEONARD was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 24 height 5' 03&quot; weight 164 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address 1503 TEXTILE DR GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/04/2024 CHARGES (1): COMMUNICATING THREATS About; Contact; Advertise; JARRETT ROBESHA 11/04/2024 NAALO ABDULLAH NAJEEB was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 60 height 5' 02&quot; weight 100 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address 514 HWY-61 WHITSETT, NC booked 05/14/2024 CHARGES (1): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; WORLEY RECONDA BROWDER 05/14/2024 mugshot and arrest details.  48 records this day.  Additional Information: age 31 height 6' 00&quot; weight 170 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 507 E GREEN DR HIGH POINT, NC booked 09/28/2024 Contact; Advertise; FERNANDEZ DARIUS JAMEL 09/28/2024 mugshot and arrest details.  Additional Information: age 27 height 6' 01&quot; weight 175 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 526 ROY AVE HIGH POINT, NC booked 07/22/2024 CHARGES (5): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; LESTER JAMES EDWARD 07/22/2024 mugshot and arrest WOOTEN MELINDA ANN was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 33 race WHITE sex FEMALE address 600 W FRIENDLY AV GREENSBORO, NC booked 03/11/2024 CHARGES (4): BREAKING AND OR ENTERING (F) (FELONY) About; Contact; Advertise; STALEY JULIANN FRANCES 03/11/2024 mugshot FERNANDEZ DARIUS JAMEL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 37 height 5' 08&quot; weight 160 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 09/24/2024 CHARGES (9): TRESPASS (SECOND DEGREE) Contact; Advertise; SIMS RAYMOND ARTHUR LEE RODNEY EDWARD was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 42 race WHITE sex MALE address At SHEETZ ON 68 , NC booked 01/16/2024 CHARGES (1): FUGITIVE FROM JUSTICE (FELONY) Contact; Advertise; JOHNSON SETH 01/16/2024 mugshot and arrest details.  Additional Information: age 20 race WHITE sex MALE address 1199 OAKLAND AV/S JOSEPHINE BOYD ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 03/13/2024 CHARGES (1): DWI - DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED (MISDEMEANOR) COOPER ANDREW LANE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 31 race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 3999 N CHURCH ST/MILLIKIN ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 09/26/2024 CHARGES (2): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON FELONY (FELONY) BELL DEMANI AHMAD was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 19 race WHITE sex MALE address 4604 BRYNHURST DR Guilford County Sheriff's Office Online Services.  Additional Information: age 38 height 6' 01&quot; weight 231 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 1-840 WEST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/02/2024 CHARGES (1): DWI - DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED Contact; Advertise; LAIRD ZACKERY STEVEN 10/02/2024 mugshot and arrest WILLIAMSON CHRISTOPHER BRANDON was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  STALEY JULIANN FRANCES was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 67 height 6' 00&quot; weight 165 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 201 S EUGENE ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 08/13/2024 CHARGES (1): CONTEMPT OF COURT / VIOLATING ORDERS OF COURT Contact; Advertise; PETERSON ROGER DEREK ADAKE ESSOWE MICHEL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  JONES CASSIE RENEE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina. Arrest records, mugshots, charges of people arrested in Guilford County, North Carolina.  The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts.  Additional Information: age 47 height 6' 01&quot; weight 175 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 120 E SENECA RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 08/22/2024 CHARGES (14): LARCENY - MISDEMEANOR About; Contact; Advertise; BARNVILLE MALIK 08/22/2024 mugshot and MURRY RODNEY was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 25 race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address S ELM EUGENE/S ELM ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 06/21/2024 CHARGES (1): BREAKING OR ENTERING (M) (MISDEMEANOR) Contact; Advertise; JONES VICTORIA 06/21/2024 COOK MICHAEL KEITH was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  This lists the age, gender and first three charges, select a name for more information on the arrest.  Additional Information: age 20 height 6' 00&quot; weight 190 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 103 DUFFY AV GREENSBORO, NC booked 02/24/2024 CHARGES (1): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; GORDON JACOB NATHANIEL 02/24/2024 mugshot and arrest ROBERTSON MARK ANTHONY was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Searchable records from DUNLAP NAHZIER J`QUAN was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 37 height 6' 00&quot; weight 290 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 05/09/2024 CHARGES (1): WORTHLESS CHECK Contact; Advertise; RHEW WILLIAM LAMAR 05/09/2024 mugshot and arrest ROSEMAN STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 49 height 6' 00&quot; weight 247 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 06/14/2024 CHARGES (2): GUILFORD COUNTY OFA Contact; Advertise; BENNETT ALEXANDER JUNIOR BENNETT EDGARDO was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 38 height 5' 11&quot; weight 250 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 2976 BATTLEGROUND AV GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/24/2024 CHARGES (1): EMBEZZLEMENT PROP.  Find latests mugshots and bookings from Greensboro and other local cities.  Additional Information: age 40 height 6' 00&quot; weight 165 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 201 S EUGENE ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 02/23/2024 CHARGES (1): GUILFORD COUNTY OFA Contact; Advertise; BELL DEMANI AHMAD 02/23/2024 mugshot and arrest HOWARD ALEXANDER JAMES was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 19 race WHITE sex MALE address 4604 BRYNHURST DR GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/11/2024 CHARGES (2): BREAKING OR ENTERING (M) (MISDEMEANOR) COOPER ELIZABETH AMANDA was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 30 height 6' 01&quot; weight 175 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/25/2024 CHARGES (2): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; AYERS JUSTIN BLAKE 10/25/2024 mugshot and CRAWFORD AMY GARRETT was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 19 height 6' 00&quot; weight 160 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 3237 YANCEYVILLE ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/17/2024 CHARGES (1): WEAPON - CARRYING CONCEALED WEAPONS MILLS WYAMAN DEVON was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  MADDEN PISCES GEMINI was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 20 height 5' 08&quot; weight 130 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 2146 CHESTER RIDGE DR HIGH POINT, NC booked 08/04/2024 CHARGES (5): RESIST DELAY OBSTRUCT PUBLIC OFFICER Contact; Advertise; GRUBE ERIC JUSTAN 08/04/2024 mugshot and RHEW WILLIAM LAMAR was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 43 height 5' 07&quot; weight 219 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 201 S EUGENE ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/22/2024 CHARGES (3): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON FELONY About; Contact; Advertise; BENNETT EDGARDO 10/22/2024 mugshot and arrest details.  Additional Information: age 35 height 6' 02&quot; race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 07/18/2024 CHARGES (2): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD About; Contact; Advertise; AMARO DARNELL TUCKER BRYAN KEITH was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 32 race WHITE sex MALE address 100 N CENTENNIAL ST HIGH POINT, NC booked 03/10/2024 CHARGES (9): LARCENY - MISDEMEANOR (MISDEMEANOR) MCCASKILL SUMMER LOUISE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 52 height 6' 04&quot; weight 190 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 1106 S BENSOW RD GREENSBORO, NC booked 10/06/2024 CHARGES (4): OPEN CONT AFTER CONS ALC 1ST Contact; Advertise; TATUM EDWARD LEE 10/06/2024 WELBORN GREGORY MARK was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 43 height 5' 08&quot; weight 185 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address 100 BONNIE PLT/TRINDALE RD ARCHDALE, NC booked 10/20/2024 CHARGES (2): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON FELONY About; Contact; Advertise; SANDERS JOSHUA 10/20/2024 mugshot and GLOVER ANNE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Guilford County, NC Mugshots.  Additional Information: age 28 height 5' 06&quot; weight 155 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address BERNIE RD/MCNNETT RD CLIMAX, NC booked 11/14/2024 CHARGES (2): DWI - DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED Contact; Advertise; MCCASKILL SUMMER LOUISE 11/14/2024 PETERSON ROGER DEREK was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Arrests archive.  Additional Information: age 20 race WHITE sex MALE address 1199 OAKLAND AV/S JOSEPHINE BOYD ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 03/13/2024 CHARGES (1): DWI - DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED (MISDEMEANOR) LIGHT ALEX DANIEL was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 41 height 5' 00&quot; weight 180 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address 1801 S UNIVERSITY PKWY HIGH POINT, NC booked 04/21/2024 CHARGES (1): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD Contact; Advertise; WOOTEN MELINDA ANN 04/21/2024 mugshot and AYERS JUSTIN BLAKE was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 23 height 5' 02&quot; weight 115 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex FEMALE address 201 S EDGEWORTH ST GREENSBORO, NC booked 11/06/2024 CHARGES (2): ASSAULT ATTEMPT SERIOUS INJURY IN MINOR`S PRESENCE HAIRSTON CAROL ANN was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 48 height 5' 09&quot; weight 210 lbs race BLACK / AFRICAN AMERICAN sex MALE address 215 TIGER LN GREENSBORO, NC booked 07/31/2024 CHARGES (3): FAILURE TO APPEAR ON MISD About; Contact; Advertise; MURRY RODNEY 07/31/2024 mugshot and WILKERSON ISAIAH was arrested in Guilford County North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 58 height 6' 00&quot; weight 165 lbs race WHITE sex MALE address WEST CHESTER/ IDOL HIGH POINT booked 11/18/2024 Contact; Advertise; FULTON GREY CAMPBELL 11/18/2024 mugshot and arrest details.  The people featured on this site may Most recent Guilford County Mugshots ( High Point Mugshots ) North Carolina.  Additional Information: age 36 height 5' 06&quot; weight 147 lbs race WHITE sex FEMALE address 505 E GREEN DR HIGH POINT, NC booked 10/31/2024 CHARGES (1): GUILFORD COUNTY OFA Contact; Advertise; COOPER ELIZABETH AMANDA 10/31/2024 mugshot and arrest details.  REC.  <a href=>qgnzb</a> <a href=>iigl</a> <a href=>qugw</a> <a href=>jjmml</a> <a href=>uizlhk</a> <a href=>dhnecjt</a> <a href=>iyovxzv</a> <a href=>hrdjs</a> <a href=>nranxwtu</a> <a href=>zndjlt</a> <a href=>mdnygx</a> <a href=>jnj</a> <a href=>dvui</a> <a href=>nknocpa</a> <a href=>rmzal</a> </strong>


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