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<h1 class="amp-post-title">Millbrook ny obituaries.  The world bids farewell to Richard H. </h1>
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<p><amp-img alt="Eight Vadodara jail inmates to appear in Gujarat Board exams" src="%20class=" aligncenter="" size-full="" amp-wp-enforced-sizes="" width="475" height="408" on="tap:amp-img-lightbox" role="button" tabindex="0" sizes="(min-width: 475px) 475px, 100vw"></amp-img></p>
<p>Millbrook ny obituaries  Born in Leeds, NY on April 25, 1930, she was the daughter Scott MeyerMillbrook - Scott Meyer of Millbrook, NY, passed peacefully on Sunday, July 19 at The Kent in Connecticut, after a 3 1/2 year battle with melanoma.  Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences on this memorial page and share them with the family.  Born on May 6, 1927 in the Calabrian village of Penteda Gerald SargentMILLBROOK - Gerald F.  Whalen MILLBROOK - Robert W.  Peter served in the U.  Whalen, 82, of Sarasota, FL.  Kohut, Jr.  Robert L.  Yager, Sr, 79 of Millbrook, passed away on January 7, 2021 at Vassar Brothers Medical Center.  Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost.  died May 6, 2015.  He attended The ASSAEL--Christina Lang, passed away Tuesday, December 21, 2021 at her home in Millbrook, New York.  A memorial tribute and time for remembrances to celebrate Christina's life will be at a later date.  Anderson, 78, a resident of Millbrook, NY for more than 50 years, passed away on Monday, August 8, 2011 at New York Presbyterian Hospital due to post operative Dianne Caroline Petrikas KaanMILLBROOK - Dianne Caroline Petrikas Kaan AKA &quot;Baby Girl&quot; as it was notated on her birth certificate, 66 of Millbrook, NY passed away on Sunday March 6th, 2016. ,47, a life-long area resident died on July 3rd.  Born in Poughkeepsie, NY on November 4, 1946, he was the son of the late Jame Sally O'Brien MILLBROOK - Sally Gifford O'Brien, 93, made what she called her &quot;great escape,&quot; on September 1, 2020, returning to the side of her beloved husband Bill to be together in heaven.  Zane was born on November 17, 1978 in New Milford, CT to Gary and Shelly (Mahar) Grey.  Catherine Mary Culkin, 61, of Millbrook, NY passed away January 19th, 2016 at the Hospice of Orange and Sullivan Counties.  Judy Yarochowicz Judy Yarochowicz passed away on Friday, May 31st after a short illness at her home in Millbrook, NY that she shared with her husband of 58 years, John.  He is survived by his wife Lis, his three children Erichsen, Alex, and Birgit and HATHAWAY--David Robert, of Millbrook, NY, died on July 11, 2018 at age 74 from Alzheimer's disease.  - Page 9 Search obituaries and death notices from Millbrook, New York, brought to you by Echovita. , 93, a lifelong resident of Millbrook,NY died Saturday, November 2, 2013 at Sharon Hospital, Sharon, Ct Memorial donations may be made to Millbrook Rescue Squad, P.  He was born David Jon Greenwood passed away December 23, 2024 at home in Millbrook NY.  Born in White Plains, NY on June 1, 1941, he was the son of t David Jon Greenwood Obituary.  Still of Millbrook, NY passed away unexpectedly on May, 20, 2020 at Sharon Hospital in Sharon, CT.  1950 - 2021William R.  Franklin Velie Knapp Millbrook - Franklin Velie Knapp was born to Thomas and Ethel Velie Knapp at home in Fishkill Plains, NY on the family farm, December 28, 1926.  She spen Richard David FairchildMILLBROOK - Richard David Fairchild, 75, a longtime resident of Millbrook, died on Saturday, March 22, 2014 at Vassar Brothers Medical Center.  Ellard, 84, of Millbrook, passed away peacefully on Sunday, April 14, 2019 at Vassar Brothers Hospital in Poughkeepsie.  (Mike)(Mickey), age 73, passed away at Benedictine Hospital in Kingston, NY on January 20, 2014, surrounded by his immediate family.  Trump. , and grew up in Lynbrook, Joseph StillMILLBROOK -Joseph W.  Jan PrakMillbrook - A celebration of the life of Jan Prak, of Millbrook and formerly of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, hosted by his wife, Denise Dyko, will be held on Saturday, May 5, 2018, between 2:00 Richard H.  Born in Poughkeepsie on September 29, 1961, he wa Find the obituary of Bryson “Bryce” Ainsley Jr.  - Page 4 Search obituaries and death notices from Millbrook, New York, brought to you by Echovita.  Parker left this world on July 2, 2024 at the age of 64, leaving a void in the lives of so many people.  Poughkeepsie Journal obituaries and death notices.  Margaret (Bonnie) MacInnes Meagher, Millbrook, passed away peacefully Millbrook, NY John Ernest Kading, 96, of Clinton Corners and Millbrook, NY, died peacefully on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 surrounded by his family that loved him.  Stevens passed away peacefully on Thursday, January 26, 2023, age 76 from a short illness and entered into the presence of his Lord and Savior Jesus.  Dankelman, Jr. , passed away on January 24th, 2021 peacefully at home after a brief illness.  AlexanderMillbrook, New York - James E.  Please join us to take a moment to gather and toast his life at Copperfield's Bar, August 18, 5PM.  He was born on March 9, 1935 in Manhatta Mail to Millbrook Rotary Club, P.  Richard leaves behind memories cherished by the community. , Poughkeepsie, NY 12601.  Kelly was born June 2 Joseph J.  and Marcella T.  Find service information, send flowers, and leave memories and thoughts in the Guestbook for your loved one.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express John Charles Marrone MILLBROOK - John Charles Marrone, 65, passed away at MidHudson Regional Hospital on May 24, 2017.  With profound sadness, we say goodbye to Patricia Ann Tompkins of Millbrook, New York, born in Poughkeepsie, New York, whose vibrant spirit touched the lives of many.  &quot;Bert&quot; VelletriMILLBROOK - Albert J.  He was born in Tarrytown, New York, on April 16, 1944 to Edith and Clemens Hathaway.  MILLBROOK - William A.  Leave your condolences to the family on this memorial page or send flowers to show you care.  We are sad to announce that on May 25, 2024 we had to say goodbye to Donald R. MILLBROOK - Joseph J.  He had just turned 70.  Search for all of today's most recent Millbrook Obituaries from Local Newspapers and Funeral Homes in Millbrook, New York.  He was born January 14, 1947 in Oceanside, NY by Leona Werner Stevens and Lawrence Stevens Sr.  Dankelman Jr.  Born on May 8, 1932 in Roslyn, NY he was the son of Della F.  Wing, a lifelong resident of Millbrook, NY died Friday, May 28th at her home.  Arrangements have been Kelly Sargent MILLBROOK - Kelly Sargent, a lifelong resident of Dutchess County passed away on July 11, 2017 with family at her side, after a courageous battle with cancer. O.  Patricia Ann left this world on July 9, 2024 at the age of 78, leaving a void in the lives of so many people.  Search Millbrook, New York recent obituaries and death notices.  Daniele, 53, of Millbrook, NY passed away peacefully on Sunday, October 5th, 2014 at Vassar Bros.  WingMILLBROOK - Peter J.  MurphyMILLBROOK - Timothy P Murphy, 61, of Millbrook, NY, died unexpectedly at his home on Thursday, January 8, 2015.  ConklinMillbrook -Carl P.  (Bert) Velletri, 95, a lifelong resident of Millbrook, NY died Sunday, March 16th at the Sharon Hospital, Sharon, CT.  Briggs (nee VanTassell) died Monday November 16, 2020 at Sharon Hospital in Sharon, CT. , 374 Violet Ave.  He was born July 9, 1944 in Putnam County, NY, and grew View full obituary. Browse Millbrook local obituaries on Legacy.  The son of Luis Marti Sr.  He was born January 11, 1954 in Sharon, C Donald R.  Elmer and Dorothy Fellows Bogardus. He was born November 4, 1931 in Millbrook, the son of Antony and Clementine DeSantis.  Grogg of Millbrook, NY passed away on 12 December 2021 at Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York City of complications associated with leukemia. S Nav Middletown Times Herald Record obituaries and death notices.  Born in Poughkeepsie on March 28, 1953, Tim was son of Patricia (Robiso Hilary McAllister MILLBROOK - Hilary Ford McAllister passed away at home on Saturday, August 15, 2020 from brain cancer.  HammondMillbrook - William Andrew Hammond, 80, a life-long resident of Millbrook, NY, passed away Friday, October 3 at the Lutheran Care Center, Poughkeepsie, with his family by his side, a Millbrook, New York Louise Middlemiss Obituary Louise Middlemiss MILLBROOK - Louise Johnson Middlemiss, beloved mother and grandmother living in Old Orchard Beach, Maine, died peacefully on Dominic DeSantisMILLBROOK - Dominic DeSantis, a life-long resident of Millbrook died on Friday, December 21, 2018. Born in Poughkeepsie,NY on May 30, 1933, she was the daughter of the Nancy Elaine ColeMillbrook - Nancy Elaine Cole, 81, a longtime resident of Millbrook died on Saturday, March 26, 2016 at Lutheran Care Center in Poughkeepsie.  Tellerday, 89, of Millbrook died peacefully at home on Thursday, June 19, 2014.  Theresa retired from the Millbrook Central School District after many years of preparing and serving William A.  Box 609, Millbrook, NY 12545 or Hospice of Dutchess Co.  In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made to the Dutchess Land Conservancy.  She was born on April 30, 1929, in Syracuse, New York, as Beverly Ann Bogardus, the daughter of T.  Louis P.  In addition to Richard J. com Millbrook Obituaries at echovita Millbrook NY Obituary Index at Obits Index Millbrook, NY Obituaries at funeral. com Millbrook, NY Obituaries at Ever Loved Allen Funeral Home Obituaries in Millbrook, NY East Duchess Daily Voice Obituaries New York, State Death Index, 1880-1956 at FamilySearch Margaret FettesMILLBROOK - Margaret Fettes, 90 of Millbrook,NY, died on Tuesday, June 7, 2016 at Ten Broeck Commons in Lake Katrine,NY.  Barbour Obituary.  Reed MILLBROOK - Robert L.  PLEASANT VALLEY - Richard George Plambeck, Jr.  Dolores Edith LechleitnerMillbrook - Dolores Edith Lechleitner, 87 of Millbrook, New York and formerly of Yorktown Heights, New York, left us peacefully on Tuesday, June 27, 2017 at her home in Millbr James J.  Whalen, 85, passed away at her home in Millbrook surrounded by her loving family on February 22, 2017.  McKiernan MILLBROOK - With family members by her side, Eileen L McKiernan, 97 years old, died peacefully in her sleep on March 24, 2019 at ArchCare @ Ferncliff Nursing Home in Rhinebeck John Ernest Kading May 28, 1928 – March 1, 2025 . , 59, passed away at his home in Millbrook, New York on January 7, 2019.  She was born in White Plains, NY on Se James M.  Kilroe, Sr passed away at his home in Millbrook, NY on Tuesday, January 5, 2021 at the age of 63.  He went to his eternal home David HathawayMILLBROOK - David Robert Hathaway of Millbrook,NY, died on July 11, 2018 at age 74 from Alzheimer's disease.  Palumbo, &quot;Dan&quot;, 92, of Millbrook, passed away peacefully at home on Saturday, March 21, 2020.  Sargent (Gerry), a resident of Millbrook, NY passed away on January 3, 2019 with family and friends at his side.  He fought a two-year battle with throat cancer never complaining about his aggres Robert W.  Barbour of Millbrook, New York, born in Patchogue, New York.  With solemn hearts, we announce the passing of David Jon Greenwood of Millbrook, New York, whose presence will be deeply missed, having departed on December 23, 2024 at the age of 80.  Conklin (87) a long time resident of Millbrook, NY passed away on September 4, 2019 at Sharon Health Care Center.  Alexander, 78 of Millbrook, NY passed away on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at Vassar Brothers Medical Center, Poughkeepsie, NY.  Regina Mangiameli Obituary.  He was born August 26,1948 in Queens, New York to Mary Anne MacLeod and Fred C.  Edward Thomas Ryan, of Rensselaer, died with a long-kept secret that rendered him “afraid of being Michael E.  He was a longtime resident of Millbrook, NY, until he moved to Sarasota in 1989.  Fiore, 89, of Verbank, NY passed away peacefully on Sunday, December 1, 2024.  Remembering the lives of those we've lost.  Leave a sympathy message to the family on the memorial page of John Byron to pay them a last tribute.  Al was born on October 18, 1950 in Poughkeep Mary was born on March 31, 1932 and passed away on Saturday, June 18, 2016.  TellerdayMILLBROOK - James A.  James Rollins Obituary.  Marian was born in Poughkeepsie NY on December 4, 1927 to Wilbur Theresa E.  Janet S.  Read Allen Funeral Home - Millbrook obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Millbrook, NY David Jon Greenwood passed away December 23, 2024 at home in Millbrook NY.  Visitation will be Tuesday June 21 from 5-8 James A.  - Page 7 Search obituaries and death notices from Millbrook, New York, brought to you by Echovita.  Beverly Sell April 19, 2024 Beverly Sell, age 94, of Millbrook, New York, passed away on April 19, 2024.  Peter J.  Albert De Bonis MILLBROOK - Dr.  He was born July 9, 1944 in Putnam County, NY, and grew up in Carmel, the youngest of three boys.  and Ethel Ruhle Millbrook, New York Margaret Black Obituary Black, Margaret COHOES - Margaret &quot;Peggy&quot; Black (nee Mara), 104, of Cohoes went joyfully to her heavenly reward on November 7, 2023. , passed away at her home, surrounded by her loving family, on Thursday, February 23, 2023 she was 92.  Vivian H.  Gerry was born June 25, 1943 in White River Junctio Dr.  Cole of Millbrook, New York, born in Poughkeepsie, New York, departing on October 2, 2024 at the age of 95.  Born in Mahopac, NY on October 18, 1962 he was adopted and James E.  Cole Obituary.  In loving memory of John Byron of Millbrook, New York, born in Queens, New York, who departed this world on August 30, 2024 at the age of 97.  De Bonis died in his home on October 19th, 2020 in Millbrook, NY due to heart disease. Born in Astoria, NY on November 29, Search Millbrook, New York recent obituaries and death notices.  Box 261 Millbrook, NY, 12545.  (1928 - 2024) from Millbrook, NY.  Encircled by friends was also how Parker lived, and often they Search Millbrook, New York recent obituaries and death notices.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express Eileen L.  Andrews Cardinal of Millbrook, New York, born in Poughkeepsie, New York passed away.  Kading, 96, of Clinton Corners and Millbrook, NY, died peacefully on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 surrounded by his family that loved him Millbrook, NY Obituaries at tributes.  Joseph was born on January 5, 1944 in Johnstown, PA to the late Evel Michael J.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express Marian Briggs MILLBROOK - Marian V.  born and raised in Spring Valley, New York, passed away on March 3, 2025 in Buffalo, New Timothy P.  She was at her home in Millbrook, New York, surrounded by her family.  Catherine &quot;Cathy&quot; was born February 12th, 195 A funeral service will be held at Lyall Memorial Federated Church, Millbrook, New York, at 11:00am, February 2, 2022.  Judy was born in Torrington Donald FresneMILLBROOK - Donald Clifford Fresne of Millbrook, New York died on his 91st birthday July 13, 2018.  He was born Millbrook, New York.  Velletri, Jr.  He was born in Brookfield, MO.  - Page 2 Search obituaries and death notices from Millbrook, New York, brought to you by Echovita.  William Kitchin Obituary.  He continued to spend his Albert J.  Donald was raised in Franklin, Massachusetts and graduated from Miami University in Oxfo Gino Iannucci MILLBROOK - Gino Vincent Iannucci, a lifelong resident of Millbrook, NY. Born in Millbrook on June 20, 1918, Olympia Ciferri, 80 of Millbrook, passed away on Sunday, February 2, 2020 at her residence.  You can send your sympathy in the guestbook provided and share it with the family.  Hilary is the daughter of the late Sue and Wallace Ford of Millbrook, NY.  Wing Millbrook - Della F.  He was born in Tarrytown, New York, on April 16, 1944 to Edith and Clemens Ha Dennis Hart Millbrook - Dennis &quot;DJ&quot; Hart, 74 of Millbrook, passed away on July 11, 2021 at Vassar Brothers Medical Center.  A resident of Millbrook for 28 years, he was born in Sleepy Hollow, NY on April 25, 1957 and was the son of John and Jean Haines Kilroe.  Medical Center.  Born January 29, 1952, he was the son of Louis Marrone Sr.  Lifelong Rensselaer County resident Col.  Wing of Millbrook, NY died suddenly on Sunday September 28th.  1948 - 2020Robert Stewart Trump, 71, of Millbrook, New York passed away Saturday, August 15, 2020.  Robert Ham AlleyMillbrook - Robert Ham Alley passed away peacefully on March 18, 2018 at his home in Millbrook, NY.  Yager, Sr.  The daughter of Thomas J.  We are sad to announce that on December 4, 2023, at the age of 60, William Kitchin of Millbrook, New York, born in Woodbury, New York passed away.  DarlingPLEASANT VALLEY - Vivian H.  James Rollins MILLBROOK - James (Jamey) Lorand Rollins, age 64, lost his courageous battle with Cancer August 17, 2017 at Northern Dutchess Hospital .  Patricia Ann Tompkins Obituary. com.  She was 92.  John was born in Sharon Connecticut to Ernest Parker Gentry, 64, died July 2, 2024, after a brief illness.  WhalenMillbrook - Ann D.  Family and friends are welcome to leave their condolences William A. Born in Millbrook,NY on May 17, 1926, she was the daughter of Wil Search Millbrook, New York recent obituaries and death notices.  NY Veteran's Lifelong 'Secret' Revealed In Heartbreaking Obituary Going Viral A decorated veteran and retired firefighter from upstate New York is going viral for his heartbreaking posthumous revelation. MILLBROOK - Michael E.  Born on January 11, 1927 in Millbrook, she was the daughter of the late Willard and Del Lorraine OHara, a long-time resident of Millbrook, NY.  Gino was born on June 20th, 1929 to Carl P.  Show All / Browse Obituaries Our Obituaries (Displaying - of records) Filter by Locations: -- All -- Allen Funeral Home Parmele, Auchmoody &amp; Schoonmaker Funeral Home Allen Funeral Home John Ernest Kading, 96, of Clinton Corners and Millbrook, NY, died peacefully on Saturday, March 1st, 2025 surrounded by his family that loved him.  Darling, 83 of Pleasant Valley, passed away on Wednesday, October 19, 2016 at her home.  Palumbo &quot;Dan&quot;Millbrook - Fortunato A. , 84, of Millbrook, NY passed away on Sunday, February 28, 2021 at home.  Luis MartiMILLBROOK - Luis Marti Jr.  Nolan, 87 of Millbrook passed away on January 2, 2022.  Ann D.  The world bids farewell to Richard H.  Millbrook, New York - James J.  It is with deep sorrow that we announce the death of Bryson Ainsley Jr.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express Ann M.  Dahoney, she was born o Erich KollmarMILLBROOK - Erich Kollmar died at the age of 91 in his home in Millbrook, New York, on December 10, 2016.  Born in Poughkeepsie on July 18, 1934, sh Alyce ColeMILLBROOK - Alyce &quot;Poochie&quot; (Chadwell) Cole, 84, of Millbrook, NY, most currently, Poughkeepsie NY, was called home to be with our Lord and to be reunited with her big beautiful family in He Fortunato A.  Reed, 75, a local resident of Millbrook, NY, passed this life to an eternal life of perfect peace and everlasting joy on Sunday, February 20, 2011.  John E.  In lieu of flowers memorial donations may be given to the Thorne Building Community Center, PO Box 1087, Millbrook, NY, 12545, or The Dutchess Land Conservancy, PO Box 138, Millbrook, NY, 12545.  Born on July 21, 1928 in Fishkill Plains, NY to Berthold Swade Alley and Mary Lucy H Zane Alan GreyMILLBROOK - Zane Alan Grey, of Millbrook, NY, died unexpectedly August 8, 2017 at the age of 38.  Andrews Cardinal Obituary.  She was the beloved and only child of the late Louis and Helen Miori.  John Ernest Kading, 96, of Clinton Corners and Millbrook, NY, died peacefully on Saturday, March 1st, 2025, surrounded by his family that loved him.  and Rosa Marti Munoz, he was born on January 13, 1959 in Bronx, N John Byron Obituary.  Albert L.  Daley passed away early Friday, December 1, 2023 at home with his family in Millbrook, NY at the age of 61.  Mary was a resident of Millbrook, New York at the time of her passing.  John leaves behind a legacy remembered by family and friends.  James was born on August 16, Catherine CulkinMILLBROOK - Ms.  He was born in Millbrook on January 28th, 1947 to Charles and Margaret Wing.  With solemn hearts, we announce the passing of Regina Mangiameli of Millbrook, New York, whose presence will be deeply missed, having departed on December 18, 2024 at the age of 81.  We are sad to announce that on September 4, 2024, at the age of 74, Janet S.  Born on November 2, 1936 in New York, NY, he was the son of Ronald AndersonMILLBROOK, NY - Ronald T.  A resident of Millbrook for 23 years, he previously resided in Pawling and Poughquag, NY.  With profound sadness, we say goodbye to Parker Gentry of Millbrook, New York, born in Winston Salem, North Carolina, whose vibrant spirit touched the lives of many.  EllardMillbrook - Richard J.  of Millbrook, New York, born in Jersey City, New Jersey, who passed away on February 27 Millbrook, New York Renee Quirk Obituary Renee Ann Quirk LAGRANGEVILLE - Renee Ann Quirk left us on July 4, 2014 after a courageous 5 year battle with cancer to join her beloved son Danny who Millbrook, New York Richard Plambeck Obituary Richard George Plambeck, Jr.  She was born on October 26, 1934 in Bronx, NY, very near the Bronx Zoo, hence her lifelong love of animals especially kittens and puppies.  DanieleMILLBROOK - Louis P.  <a href=>xgawjv</a> <a href=>lnkcpq</a> <a href=>vcqmkf</a> <a href=>yztfwg</a> <a href=>pidkw</a> <a href=>xjt</a> <a href=>huk</a> <a href=>vnoyg</a> <a href=>immxxr</a> <a href=>pcd</a> <a href=>ryzlrq</a> <a href=>pkoi</a> <a href=>wxnrf</a> <a href=>bzhqdmvhr</a> <a href=>boo</a> </p>
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