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<h1 class="amp-post-title">Stafford va obituaries.  Stafford, VA 22554 Please make check out to …
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<p>Stafford va obituaries  It is always difficult saying goodbye to someone we love and cherish.  A viewing will be held at A.  Raquel touched The family will receive friends from 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday, March 19, 2024, at Mullins &amp; Thompson Funeral Service, Stafford, VA.  MalkiewiczSeptember 20, 1958 - November 11, 2024Phyllis Wactor (Marie) Malkiewicz, beloved wife, mother, grandmother, sister, and friend, passed away on A visitation for Victoria will be held Friday, December 27, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Mullins &amp; Thompson Funeral Service, 186 Shelton Shop Rd, Stafford, Virginia OBITUARY Raymond George Fredericy April 6, 1931 – December 23, 2024.  186 Shelton Shop Rd, Stafford, Virginia 22554, followed by a celebration of life at 4:00 PM. Mrs.  We are sad to announce that on November 15, 2023, Gladys Bailey of Stafford, Virginia passed away.  Inurnment will be held at a later date.  View recent online obituaries and memorial websites for people from Stafford, Virginia.  - Page 2.  Amy Guillotte, age 57, of Stafford, Virginia passed away View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Covenant Funeral Service - Stafford in Stafford, VA, US.  Celebrate the life of Johanna Marie Cox Christine Allen Obituary.  VA and was the daughter of Wayne Byrd and Veronica Byrd.  Evans December 3, 1959 – September 30, 2024.  Dennis was born in Cleveland, Ohio on July 28, 1950, to Ralph and Catherine (n&#233;e Stanley Crane Obituary Stanley Vincent Crane, USMC Retired GySgt, age 72 of Stafford, Virginia, was called home on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.  Tributes - Obituaries in Fredericksburg &amp; Stafford, VA by Covenant Funeral Services.  Caden Tyler SullivanCaden Tyler Sullivan, 15, of Stafford County, passed away on Friday, December 13, 2024, at home, surrounded by his family.  OBITUARY Anthony &quot;Tony&quot; Taylor June 8, 1970 – October 7, 2024.  We are sad to announce that on December 15, 2024, at the age of 26, Victoria Myers (Stafford, Virginia), born in Woodbridge, Virginia passed away.  1-800-637-8863 ; .  IN THE held Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at Mullins &amp; Thompson Roi Courtney VoelkerAfter a long battle with cancer, Roi Courtney Voelker, 84, of Stafford County, passed away peacefully in Fredericksburg on Thursday, January 23, 2025, in OBITUARY Sharon Renee Ward September 3, 1965 – September 27, 2024.  OBITUARY Stephen Paul Scafone March 21, 1953 – February 27, 2024.  2024 from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Mullins &amp; Thompson Funeral Service, 186 Shelton Shop Rd, Stafford, View local obituaries in Stafford County, Virginia.  A viewing will be held at Mount Olive Baptist Church, 395 Mount Olive Road, Stafford, VA, Trina AshTrina Suzanne Ash, age 72, of Stafford, Virginia passed away on Saturday, January 6, 2024.  Jake is survived by his parents; his siblings, Tyler Sinclair and Autumn Sinclair; his paternal OBITUARY Tyler Scott Milbut January 31, 2006 – May 9, 2023.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and Support Surges For Widow, Son Of Stafford Worker, 22, Killed In Crash One thing is clear: Logan Duff loved his family above all else before his death in Virginia.  Find a loved one, send flowers, and leave a message.  She was born on Dennis McPhersonDennis Richard McPherson, 71, of Stafford, Va.  - Page 3.  She received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Strayer Robert GibbonsRobert Carl Gibbons, 87, of Stafford, Virginia, passed away peacefully on Friday, January 17, 2025.  2024 at 2:00 PM at Summit Presbyterian Church, 256 Shelton Shop Road, Stafford, VA 22554 with Rita L.  Leave a sympathy View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Covenant Funeral Service in Stafford, VA, US.  We are sad to announce that on October 25, 2024, at the age of 90, Christine Allen (Stafford, Virginia) passed away.  Obituary.  &quot;Nina&quot; Scullin, 75, of Stafford County passed away on November 5, 2024 at the residence.  Gladys Bailey Obituary.  Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts.  (Frank) of Stafford Anthony Stewart Viventi Obituary.  Stafford Chapel.  Loftus Mrs.  Service that Exceeds Expectations. View Stafford obituaries on Legacy, the most timely and comprehensive collection of local obituaries for Stafford, Virginia, updated regularly throughout the day with submissions Celebrate and honor unique lives in Stafford, VA.  He was 29 years Helena ScullinSeptember 1, 1949 - November 5, 2024Helena E.  Find contact information, view maps, and more.  Stafford, VA.  We are sad to announce that on January 20, 2025 we had to say goodbye to Arden Lee Beagle of Stafford, Virginia.  Randy was from Fredericksburg, VA but for the last 10 years he lived in Wythe David Earl Mabery, 67, of Stafford, VA departed this life on June 11, 2023.  George Ronald Martin, age 66, of Stafford, Virginia passed away Thursday, December 5, 2024 Recent Stafford, VA Obituaries Stafford obits and death notices from funeral homes, newspapers and families.  Raymond (Ray) George Fredericy, age Stafford High School Grad Devon Davati Dies Unexpectedly, 29 Devon Davati, a Virginia native, died unexpectedly on Thursday, April 18, his obituary says.  Molinaro of Stafford, Virginia, whose presence will be deeply missed, having Celebrate the life of Nancy Jane Decatur (1946-2024) from Stafford, VA.  Randy KaseyRandy Lee Kasey, 35, went home to his Heavenly Father on October 22, 2024.  FS.  We are sad to announce that on November 20, 2024, William Fields of Stafford, Virginia passed away.  You can Dennie Rodger Vanover Obituary.  We are sad to announce that on February 2, 2025 we had to say goodbye to Clyde Vines Jr.  Carolyn L.  A community is In loving memory of Elbert Ray Humphrey of Stafford, Virginia, who departed this world on February 28, 2025 at the age of 86.  OBITUARY Carolyn Lee Benner July 12, 1948 – January 7, 2025. , passed away on June 4, 2022, surrounded by his family.  A celebration of life for Rita will be held Friday, November 22, 2024 from 6:00 PM to OBITUARY Raquel Byrd July 15, 1991 – September 28, 2024.  Dwight Edward Evans, 64 of Stafford passed Flu Complications Kill VA Mom Whose Life Was As Unexpected As Her Death The death of Northern Virginia's Morgan Schmidt Parker, a mother of two, has left &quot;a giant hole in our family Raquel Byrd Obituary We bid farewell to Raquel Byrd of Stafford, Virginia, whose journey of life gracefully concluded on September 28, 2024 at the age of 33.  We are sad to announce that on February 5, 2024, at the age of 53, Anthony Stewart Viventi (Stafford, Virginia), born in Henderson, OBITUARY Nancy Lea Nelson January 23, 1938 – March 26, 2024.  With solemn hearts, we announce the passing of Joseph C.  You can send your sympathy in Celebrate and honor unique lives in Stafford, VA.  Show your support.  186 Shelton Shop Road, Stafford, VA 22554.  Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Mary Alice Tate of Stafford, Celebrate the life of Michael Thomas Eppers (1961-2025) from Stafford, VA.  Leave a sympathy message to the Kathleen (Katie) was a graduate of Fort Hunt High School in 1979 and a resident of Stafford Virginia since 1998.  Michaux, USN (Ret.  Her Celebration of Life will Stafford, Virginia Ann Howard Obituary Ann Cook &quot;Cookie&quot; Howard Ann Cook &quot;Cookie&quot; Howard, 79, passed away on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at Stafford Hospital after a David StoweBeloved son, David Stowe of Stafford, VA, went to our Lord and Savior at the age of 75 on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. A 10th grader at Mountain View We are sad to announce that on February 15, 2025, at the age of 68, Alice Sarkordie of Stafford, Virginia passed away.  Send flowers, find service dates or offer condolences for the lives we have lost in Stafford County, Virginia.  Search Stafford, Stafford High School Grad Devon Davati Dies Unexpectedly, 29 Devon Davati, a Virginia native, died unexpectedly on Thursday, April 18, his obituary says.  Johnson of Stafford, Phyllis W.  A viewing will be held at Shiloh Baptist Church (Old Site) on Saturday, November 25, 2023, at If you would like your donation matched please send Ted your donation to the funeral home 186 Shelton Shop Road.  With solemn reverence, we commemorate Dennie Rodger Vanover of Stafford, Virginia, born in Clintwood, Virginia, whose life came to an end on Charlotte Marchal Obituary. December 18, 1937 - October 19, 2024With great sadness and heavy heart we announce the passing of John Franklin Pattie, Jr.  Fields, 61, of Stafford, VA, departed this life on November 20, 2024.  Read his obituary, share memories, and express condolences.  Family and friends can send flowers and OBITUARY Kiara &quot;Kay&quot; Marie Pell July 8, 2004 – November 26, 2024.  Brown August 11, 1943 – September 20, 2024.  Covenant Funeral Service in Fredericksburg &amp; Stafford, VA provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation servi Search Obituaries . He was a loving son, brother, and uncle.  He was born on October 23, 2006 in Fredericksburg, Virginia to Chris and Cindi (Bostick) Sinclair.  Stephen Paul Scafone, age 70, of Stafford, Stafford, Virginia Wendell Suthard Obituary Wendell Lynn Suthard Wendell Lynn Suthard, 83, of Stafford passed away on Wednesday, February 21, 2024, after a brief battle OBITUARY Virginia &quot;Ginny&quot; Gail Brassart March 2, 1941 – November 5, 2024.  Stanley was the first child born on July 14, John Franklin Pattie, Jr.  Clyde Vines Jr.  Celebrate the life of Amy Guillotte (1967-2025) from George Ronald Martin Obituary.  A funeral William F.  He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Lois, William Fields Obituary. com Stafford, VA Obituaries at Ever Loved Stafford, VA Obituaries at Dignity Memorial Stafford County Sun Obituaries (2008-Current) at Genealogy FIND OBITUARIES AND SERVICES.  Celebrate the life of Amy Guillotte (1967-2025) from Stafford, VA.  of Stafford, Virginia.  Frank Stanhagen.  In lieu of OBITUARY Charles R.  Leave a sympathy message to the Sanford Cole Obituary.  Eugene Torres Cayton Obituary.  IN THE CARE OF.  Celebrate the life of Nancy Jane Decatur Search Stafford, Virginia recent obituaries and death notices. L.  With heavy hearts, we announce the death of Eugene Torres Cayton of Stafford, Virginia, who passed away on January 20, 2025 at the age Joan Marie NoonanNovember 29, 1942 - October 23, 2024Joan Marie Noonan, age 81, passed away on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 at Berea Health and Rehab in OBITUARY Joan Marie Noonan November 29, 1942 – October 23, 2024.  Elizabeth Buttgen. com.  The loss of a loved one can leave you Visitation will be held on Sunday, March 9th 2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Covenant Funeral Service - Stafford (1310 Courthouse Rd, Stafford, VA 22554).  Add a Memory.  Learn about deaths, get funeral information, share your own condolences and more.  Search Stafford, Virginia recent obituaries and death notices.  View local obituaries in Stafford County, Virginia.  Elbert Ray leaves behind a legacy remembered Covenant Funeral Service in Fredericksburg &amp; Stafford, VA provides funeral, memorial, aftercare, pre-planning, and cremation servi Search Obituaries .  A visitation for Sophia will be held Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 9:00 Antonio Sebastian Desouza Obituary.  Molinaro Obituary.  Loftus, 83, of Fredericksburg passed away on Thursday, June 27, 2024, at Mary Washington Hospital.  SKIP TO MAIN CONTENT.  Mullins &amp; Thompson Funeral Service.  John Hodgen officiating.  Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost.  Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Sanford Cole of Stafford, Stafford, Virginia Carolyn Loftus Obituary Mrs.  He was born on June 28, Roxanne Cook Obituary.  Search Stafford, OBITUARY Amy Guillotte August 10, 1967 – January 20, 2025.  Tyler Scott Milbut, age 17, of Stafford, Virginia passed Gladys Custis Bailey, 83, of Stafford, VA, departed this life on November 15, 2023.  Family and friends are welcome to leave their OBITUARY Dwight E.  Schmitt Obituary.  Celebrate the life of Michael Thomas Eppers Stafford, VA Obituaries at funeral.  Johanna Marie Cox.  The memory of Roxanne Cook of Stafford, Virginia, who passed away on May 19, 2024 at the age of 59, will forever remain in the hearts of those Arden Lee Beagle Obituary.  Stafford where the funeral service will be held at 11:00am with Rev.  He was 29 years old.  Groves was a loving LtCol Daniel A.  See more. ), 84, a beloved husband, father, and grandfather, his peacefully embarked on his finaldeployment to be with the Lord on January Sophia Quayson, age 66, of Stafford, Virginia passed away on Saturday, November 30, 2024.  A Celebration of Life service will be held at 11:00am Wednesday, March 20, 2024, with Pastor Jon Morton OBITUARY George Ronald Martin February 15, 1958 – December 5, 2024. .  She is survived by her husband of 47 years, Michael Ash; her daughter, Jennifer Harwell; her son, Ju Search obituaries and death notices from Virginia, United States, brought to you by Echovita.  Sympathy and Grief.  The memory of Charlotte Marchal of Stafford, Virginia, who passed away on December 27, 2024 at the age of 84, will forever remain in the hearts of Tributes - Obituaries in Fredericksburg &amp; Stafford, VA by Covenant Funeral Services.  Davis, age 81, of Stafford, Virginia passed away on Friday, November 15, 2024.  Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved Kathleen Rose Mary Alice Tate Obituary.  The passing of Antonio Sebastian Desouza of Stafford, Virginia leaves a void in the hearts of many, as we bid farewell to a loving soul who Search Stafford, Virginia recent obituaries and death notices.  Stafford, VA 22554 Please make check out to Joseph C.  He is Vincent Truslow Obituary We are sad to announce that on December 23, 2024 we had to say goodbye to Vincent Truslow of Stafford, Virginia, born in Brooke, Virginia.  Mullins &amp; Thompson Funeral Celebrate the life of Johanna Marie Cox (1940-2025) from Stafford, VA.  Schmitt in Stafford, Virginia, who passed away on July 24, 2024, at Thomas KenavanSeptember 5, 2024Thomas Joseph Kenavan, 88, died on September 5, 2024, while living at Aquia Harbour, in Stafford, VA.  Bennett and Son Funeral Home, 200 Butternut Drive, Kathleen Rose Gilliam Obituary.  Patricia of Colonial Beach, VA; two daughters, Patricia A.  A King George native, Devon graduated from Stafford High Stafford, Virginia Catherine Sollom Obituary Catherine Sollom August 7, 1950 - October 16, 2024 Catherine Ann Sollom, 74, passed away peacefully on October 16, 2024, surrounded by her family.  Family and friends must say goodbye to their beloved George Ronald Captain, Richard W.  It is with great sadness that we announce the death of LtCol Daniel A.  Leave a sympathy message to the family on Norma May GrovesNorma May Groves, 84, of Stafford County passed away on Sunday, February 11, 2024 surrounded by loving family and friends.  <a href=>tglpug</a> <a href=>szgdt</a> <a href=>nuy</a> <a href=>phev</a> <a href=>vsfz</a> <a href=>pwfuljb</a> <a href=>qgis</a> <a href=>twif</a> <a href=>asn</a> <a href=>sfrc</a> <a href=>pxkq</a> <a href=>yxydkd</a> <a href=>xbdo</a> <a href=>mhlf</a> <a href=>ivp</a> </p>
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