Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Landing\Transfer\Import;
use Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page\Copyright;
use Bitrix\Landing\Hook\Page\B24button;
use Bitrix\Landing\Rights;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Site as SiteCore;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Landing as LandingCore;
use Bitrix\Landing\Site\Type;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Transfer\AppConfiguration;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Block;
use \Bitrix\Landing\File;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Hook;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Template;
use \Bitrix\Landing\TemplateRef;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Manager;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Syspage;
use \Bitrix\Landing\Internals\BlockTable;
use \Bitrix\Rest\Marketplace;
use \Bitrix\Rest\Configuration;
use \Bitrix\Main\Event;
use \Bitrix\Main\ORM\Data\AddResult;
use \Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use \Bitrix\Main\ModuleManager;
* Import site from rest
class Site
* Returns export url for the site.
* @param string $type Site type.
* @return string
public static function getUrl(string $type): string
if (!\Bitrix\Main\Loader::includeModule('rest'))
return '';
return Marketplace\Url::getConfigurationImportManifestUrl(
AppConfiguration::PREFIX_CODE . strtolower($type)
* Returns prepare manifest settings for export.
* @param Event $event Event instance.
* @return array|null
public static function getInitManifest(Event $event): ?array
return [
'NEXT' => false
* Import site data.
* @param array $data Site data.
* @param Configuration\Structure $structure Instance for getting files.
* @return AddResult
protected static function importSite(array $data, Configuration\Structure $structure): AddResult
$code = isset($data['CODE']) ? $data['CODE'] : null;
// clear old keys
$notAllowedKeys = [
foreach ($notAllowedKeys as $key)
if (isset($data[$key]))
// if site path are exist, create random one
if ($code)
$check = SiteCore::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'=CODE' => $code
if ($check->fetch())
$code = null;
if (!$code)
$code = strtolower(\randString(10));
$data['CODE'] = $code;
$data['ACTIVE'] = 'Y';
// files
$files = [];
foreach (Hook::HOOKS_CODES_FILES as $hookCode)
if (
isset($data['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS'][$hookCode]) &&
$data['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS'][$hookCode] > 0
$unpackFile = $structure->getUnpackFile($data['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS'][$hookCode]);
if ($unpackFile)
$files[] = $data['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS'][$hookCode] = AppConfiguration::saveFile(
$res = SiteCore::add($data);
// save files to site
if ($files && $res->isSuccess())
foreach ($files as $fileId)
File::addToSite($res->getId(), $fileId);
return $res;
* Process one export step.
* @param Event $event Event instance.
* @return array|null
public static function nextStep(Event $event): ?array
$code = $event->getParameter('CODE');
$content = $event->getParameter('CONTENT');
$ratio = $event->getParameter('RATIO');
$contextUser = $event->getParameter('CONTEXT_USER');
$userId = $event->getParameter('USER_ID');
$additional = $event->getParameter('ADDITIONAL_OPTION');
$structure = new Configuration\Structure($contextUser);
$return = [
'RATIO' => isset($ratio[$code]) ? $ratio[$code] : [],
if (!isset($content['~DATA']))
return null;
if ($userId)
// if all import - add page in current site
$isPageImport = $return['RATIO']['IS_PAGE_IMPORT'] ?? false;
// if only current step add page
$isPageStep = false;
// if replace landing, not import
$isReplaceLanding = $additional && (int)($additional['replaceLid'] ?? 0) > 0;
if (isset($ratio[$code]['SITE_ID']) && (int)$ratio[$code]['SITE_ID'] > 0)
$isPageStep = true;
elseif (
$additional && (int)$additional['siteId'] > 0
$return['RATIO']['SITE_ID'] = (int)$additional['siteId'];
$isPageImport = $return['RATIO']['IS_PAGE_IMPORT'] ?? true;
if ($isReplaceLanding)
$return['RATIO']['REPLACE_ID'] = (int)$additional['replaceLid'];
// common ratio params
$data = self::prepareData($content['~DATA']);
$data = self::prepareAdditionalFields($data, $additional);
if ($isReplaceLanding && !$isPageStep)
if (!isset($return['RATIO']['SPECIAL_PAGES']))
$return['RATIO']['SPECIAL_PAGES'] = [
'LANDING_ID_INDEX' => isset($data['LANDING_ID_INDEX']) ? (int)$data['LANDING_ID_INDEX'] : 0,
'LANDING_ID_404' => isset($data['LANDING_ID_404']) ? (int)$data['LANDING_ID_404'] : 0,
'LANDING_ID_503' => isset($data['LANDING_ID_503']) ? (int)$data['LANDING_ID_503'] : 0
$return['RATIO']['IS_PAGE_IMPORT'] = $isPageImport;
$return['RATIO']['TYPE'] = $data['TYPE'];
// site import
if (!$isPageImport && !$isPageStep && !$isReplaceLanding)
$res = self::importSite($data, $structure);
if ($res->isSuccess())
$return['RATIO']['BLOCKS'] = [];
$return['RATIO']['BLOCKS_PENDING'] = [];
$return['RATIO']['LANDINGS'] = [];
$return['RATIO']['TEMPLATES'] = [];
$return['RATIO']['TEMPLATE_LINKING'] = [];
$return['RATIO']['SITE_ID'] = $res->getId();
$return['RATIO']['FOLDERS_NEW'] = $data['FOLDERS_NEW'] ?? [];
$return['RATIO']['SYS_PAGES'] = $data['SYS_PAGES'];
if (isset($data['TEMPLATES']) && is_array($data['TEMPLATES']))
$return['RATIO']['TEMPLATES'] = $data['TEMPLATES'];
if (isset($data['TPL_ID']) && $data['TPL_ID'])
$return['RATIO']['TEMPLATE_LINKING'][-1 * $res->getId()] = [
'TPL_ID' => (int) $data['TPL_ID'],
'TEMPLATE_REF' => isset($data['TEMPLATE_REF'])
? (array) $data['TEMPLATE_REF']
: []
return $return;
$return['ERROR_EXCEPTION'] = $res->getErrorMessages();
return $return;
// something went wrong, site was not created
if (!isset($return['RATIO']['SITE_ID']))
return $return;
// skip import site step if import page in existing site
if (!isset($data['SITE_ID']))
return $return;
// not site imports
if (isset($return['RATIO']['REPLACE_ID']) && $return['RATIO']['REPLACE_ID'] > 0)
return Landing::replaceLanding($event);
return Landing::importLanding($event);
* Prepare site data, set some fields to default values
* @param array $data
* @return array
protected static function prepareData(array $data): array
if (!isset($data['TYPE']))
$data['TYPE'] = 'PAGE';
$data['LANG'] = Manager::getZone();
return $data;
* Prepare hooks and settings by additional fields
* @param array $data - base params
* @param array|null $additional - additional data
* @return array
protected static function prepareAdditionalFields(array $data, ?array $additional): array
if ($additional)
if (isset($additional['theme']) && $additional['theme'])
$color = $additional['theme'];
if ($color[0] !== '#')
$color = '#' . $color;
if (isset($additional['title']) && $additional['title'])
$data['TITLE'] = $additional['title'];
//default widget value
$buttons = B24button::getButtons();
$buttonKeys = array_keys($buttons);
if (!empty($buttonKeys))
$data['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS']['B24BUTTON_CODE'] = $buttonKeys[0];
//default site boost
//default powered by b24
$data['ADDITIONAL_FIELDS']['COPYRIGHT_CODE'] = Copyright::getRandomPhraseId();
//default cookie
if (in_array(Manager::getZone(), ['es', 'de', 'fr', 'it', 'pl', 'uk']))
return $data;
* Sets replace array to the pending blocks.
* @param array $pendingIds Pending block ids.
* @param array $replace Array for future linking.
* @return void
protected static function linkingPendingBlocks(array $pendingIds, array $replace): void
$replaceEncoded = base64_encode(serialize($replace));
$res = BlockTable::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'ID' => $pendingIds
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$blockInstance = new Block($row['ID']);
if ($blockInstance->exist())
'REPLACE' => $replaceEncoded
* Updates added pages on new folder ids.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @param array $folderMapIds References between old and new folders.
* @return void
protected static function updateFolderIds(int $siteId, array $folderMapIds): void
$res = LandingCore::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $siteId,
'FOLDER_ID' => array_keys($folderMapIds)
while ($row = $res->fetch())
if (isset($folderMapIds[$row['FOLDER_ID']]))
LandingCore::update($row['ID'], [
'FOLDER_ID' => $folderMapIds[$row['FOLDER_ID']]
* Add folders and move pages to the folders.
* @param int $siteId Site id.
* @param array $foldersNew Folders' array to add.
* @param array $landingMapIds Landing's map from old to new ids.
* @return void
protected static function addFolders(int $siteId, array $foldersNew, array $landingMapIds): void
if (!$foldersNew)
$folderMapIds = [];
foreach ($foldersNew as $folderId => $folder)
$indexId = null;
if (!$folder['PARENT_ID'])
if ($folder['INDEX_ID'] ?? null)
$indexId = $landingMapIds[$folder['INDEX_ID']] ?? null;
$res = SiteCore::addFolder($siteId, $folder);
if ($res->isSuccess())
if ($indexId)
$resLanding = LandingCore::update($indexId, [
'FOLDER_ID' => $res->getId()
if ($resLanding->isSuccess())
\Bitrix\Landing\Folder::update($res->getId(), [
'INDEX_ID' => $indexId
$folderMapIds[$folderId] = $res->getId();
$newFolders = SiteCore::getFolders($siteId);
foreach ($newFolders as $folder)
if ($folderMapIds[$folder['PARENT_ID']] ?? null)
\Bitrix\Landing\Folder::update($folder['ID'], [
'PARENT_ID' => $folderMapIds[$folder['PARENT_ID']]
self::updateFolderIds($siteId, $folderMapIds);
* Final step.
* @param Event $event
* @return array
public static function onFinish(Event $event): array
$ratio = $event->getParameter('RATIO');
$userId = $event->getParameter('USER_ID');
if ($userId)
if (isset($ratio['LANDING']))
$siteType = $ratio['LANDING']['TYPE'];
$siteId = $ratio['LANDING']['SITE_ID'];
$blocks = $ratio['LANDING']['BLOCKS'];
$landings = $ratio['LANDING']['LANDINGS'];
$blocksPending = $ratio['LANDING']['BLOCKS_PENDING'];
$foldersRef = $ratio['LANDING']['FOLDERS_REF'];
$templatesOld = $ratio['LANDING']['TEMPLATES'];
$templateLinking = $ratio['LANDING']['TEMPLATE_LINKING'];
$specialPages = $ratio['LANDING']['SPECIAL_PAGES'];
$sysPages = $ratio['LANDING']['SYS_PAGES'];
$foldersNew = $ratio['LANDING']['FOLDERS_NEW'];
$additional = $event->getParameter('ADDITIONAL_OPTION') ?? [];
// if import just page in existing site
$isPageImport = false;
$isReplaceLanding = isset($additional['replaceLid']) && (int)$additional['replaceLid'] > 0;
if (
(isset($additional['siteId']) && (int)$additional['siteId'] > 0)
|| $isReplaceLanding
$isPageImport = true;
// index page for multipage, or just once - for sigle page import
$mainPageId = null;
if (!empty($landings))
if ($isPageImport)
$mainPageId = reset($landings);
elseif (
&& $specialPages
&& $specialPages['LANDING_ID_INDEX']
&& $landings[$specialPages['LANDING_ID_INDEX']]
$mainPageId = $landings[$specialPages['LANDING_ID_INDEX']];
if ($blocksPending)
self::linkingPendingBlocks($blocksPending, [
'block' => $blocks,
'landing' => $landings
// replace links in blocks content
if ($blocks)
$replace = [];
$blocks = array_reverse($blocks, true);
$landings = array_reverse($landings, true);
foreach ($blocks as $oldId => $newId)
$replace['/#block' . $oldId . '([^\d]{1})/'] = '#block' . $newId . '$1';
foreach ($landings as $oldId => $newId)
$replace['/#landing' . $oldId . '([^\d]{1})/'] = '#landing' . $newId . '$1';
$res = BlockTable::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'ID' => array_values($blocks),
'!ID' => $blocksPending
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$count = 0;
$row['CONTENT'] = preg_replace(
if ($count)
BlockTable::update($row['ID'], [
'CONTENT' => $row['CONTENT']
if (!$isPageImport)
// move pages to the folders if needed (backward compatibility)
if ($foldersRef)
$res = LandingCore::getList([
'select' => [
'filter' => [
'SITE_ID' => $siteId,
'FOLDER_ID' => array_keys($foldersRef),
while ($row = $res->fetch())
LandingCore::update($row['ID'], [
'FOLDER_ID' => $foldersRef[$row['FOLDER_ID']],
// add folders and move pages (new format)
self::addFolders($siteId, $foldersNew, $landings);
// gets actual layouts
$templatesNew = [];
$templatesRefs = [];
$res = Template::getList([
'select' => [
'ID', 'XML_ID',
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$templatesNew[$row['XML_ID']] = $row['ID'];
foreach ($templatesOld as $oldId => $oldXmlId)
if (is_string($oldXmlId) && isset($templatesNew[$oldXmlId]))
$templatesRefs[$oldId] = $templatesNew[$oldXmlId];
// set layouts to site and landings
foreach ($templateLinking as $entityId => $templateItem)
$tplId = $templateItem['TPL_ID'];
$tplRefs = [];
if (isset($templatesRefs[$tplId]))
$tplId = $templatesRefs[$tplId];
foreach ($templateItem['TEMPLATE_REF'] as $areaId => $landingId)
if (intval($landingId) && isset($landings[$landingId]))
$tplRefs[$areaId] = $landings[$landingId];
if ($entityId < 0)
SiteCore::update(-1 * $entityId, [
'TPL_ID' => $tplId,
TemplateRef::setForSite(-1 * $entityId, $tplRefs);
LandingCore::update($entityId, [
'TPL_ID' => $tplId,
TemplateRef::setForLanding($entityId, $tplRefs);
// replace special pages in site (503, 404)
if ($specialPages && $siteId)
foreach ($specialPages as $code => $id)
$specialPages[$code] = isset($landings[$id]) ? $landings[$id] : 0;
SiteCore::update($siteId, $specialPages);
// system pages
if (is_array($sysPages) && $siteId)
foreach ($sysPages as $sysPage)
if (isset($landings[$sysPage['LANDING_ID']]))
Syspage::set($siteId, $sysPage['TYPE'], $landings[$sysPage['LANDING_ID']]);
//set default additional fields for page
if ($mainPageId && !$isReplaceLanding)
self::setAdditionalPageFields($mainPageId, $additional);
// link for "go to site" button
$linkAttrs = [
'class' => 'ui-btn ui-btn-md ui-btn-success ui-btn-round',
'data-is-site' => 'Y',
'data-site-id' => $siteId,
'href' => '#' . $siteId,
'target' => '_top'
if ($mainPageId)
$linkAttrs['data-is-landing'] = 'Y';
$linkAttrs['data-landing-id'] = $mainPageId;
$linkText = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_IMPORT_FINISH_GOTO_SITE');
if ($siteType === 'KNOWLEDGE')
$linkAttrs['href'] = \Bitrix\Landing\Site::getPublicUrl($siteId);
elseif ($siteType === 'PAGE' && empty($additional))
$linkText = Loc::getMessage('LANDING_IMPORT_FINISH_GOTO_PAGE');
$url = Manager::getOption('tmp_last_show_url', '');
if ($url === '' && ModuleManager::isModuleInstalled('bitrix24'))
$linkAttrs['href'] = '/sites/';
elseif ($url !== '')
$linkAttrs['href'] = str_replace(
if ($isReplaceLanding)
$linkAttrs['data-replace-lid'] = (int)$additional['replaceLid'];
$domList = [
'TAG' => 'a',
'DATA' => [
'attrs' => $linkAttrs,
'text' => $linkText,
if (mb_strpos($linkAttrs['href'], '#') !== 0)
$domList[] = [
'TAG' => 'script',
'DATA' => [
'html' => "top.window.location.href='" . $linkAttrs['href'] . "'",
$isNewAnalytic = false;
if (
&& array_key_exists('st_category', $additional)
&& array_key_exists('st_event', $additional)
$isNewAnalytic = true;
$analyticData = [
'category' => $additional['st_category'],
'event' => $additional['st_event'],
if (array_key_exists('st_section', $additional))
$analyticData['c_section'] = $additional['st_section'];
if (array_key_exists('st_element', $additional))
$analyticData['c_element'] = $additional['st_element'];
if (array_key_exists('app_code', $additional))
$analyticData['params'] = [
'appCode' => $additional['app_code'],
$script = "if (typeof BX.Landing.Metrika !== 'undefined') {";
$script .= "const metrika = new BX.Landing.Metrika(true);";
$script .= "metrika.sendData(" . \CUtil::PhpToJSObject($analyticData) . ")";
$script .= "}";
$domList[] = [
'TAG' => 'script',
'DATA' => [
'html' => $script,
return [
'CREATE_DOM_LIST' => $domList,
'id' => $siteId,
'publicUrl' => \Bitrix\Landing\Site::getPublicUrl($siteId),
'imageUrl' => Manager::getUrlFromFile(\Bitrix\Landing\Site::getPreview($siteId)),
// tmp param - del when all analytic will be new
'isNewAnalytic' => $isNewAnalytic ? 'Y' : 'N',
return [];
protected static function setAdditionalPageFields($landingId, array $additional): void
$additionalFields = [];
// set Title and Description to mainpage
if (!empty($additional))
if (isset($additional['title']))
$additionalFields['METAMAIN_TITLE'] = $additional['title'];
$additionalFields['METAOG_TITLE'] = $additional['title'];
LandingCore::update($landingId, [
'TITLE' => $additional['title']
if (isset($additional['description']))
$additionalFields['METAMAIN_DESCRIPTION'] = $additional['description'];
$additionalFields['METAOG_DESCRIPTION'] = $additional['description'];
LandingCore::saveAdditionalFields($landingId, $additionalFields);