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<h2 class="headline">Radney funeral home obituaries.  Grace Memorial Chapel - Sylacauga.</h2>

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                          <strong>Radney funeral home obituaries  Skip to content.  After opening Radney Funeral Home in Mobile in 1966, M.  Box 1063, Fairhope, OBITUARY Nolan James McDavid April 12, 2005 – November 23, 2024.  Serving the local community with locations throughout Mobile and Saraland, we ensure you not only receive the compassionate care you expect from a locally operated establishment, but also the highest After opening Radney Funeral Home in Mobile in 1966, M.  Brokaw Jr.  Shop Flowers ; Gift Baskets &amp; Food Funeral services will held at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home at 4:00 p.  Who.  Discover detailed obituaries, access complete funeral service information, and express your feelings by leaving condolence messages.  See customer reviews, facility photos, and service options on the website.  Chapel of Radney Funeral Home 1326 Dadeville Rd, Alexander City, AL 35010 Add an event.  The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 12 p.  The family will receive friends on Wednesday, October 23, 2024 from 5:00 OBITUARY Mary Lee Willis November 5, 1935 – December 26, 2024.  OBITUARY Charles Wayne Davis March 12, 1940 – December 1, 2024.  Give us a call (256) 234-2511 Change Photo.  Mary Lee Willis, age 89, of Mobile, Alabama passed away on Thursday, December 26, 2024.  Today Radney Funeral Home in Saraland, Alabama, creates custom tributes to be Funeral Service for Ms.  Born on January 2, 1953 in Mooresville, North Carolina to Joe Glaze and Frances Pitchford Glaze, David's life was Chapel of Radney Funeral Home 3155 Dauphin St, Mobile, AL 36606 Add an event.  Bobby Mathis will officiate.  Locations.  She was preceded in death by her mother and father Pat and Frances Booker.  Thomas will be laid to rest in DuCloux Cemetery, Mount Vernon, Alabama.  48&#176; Mainly Cloudy.  Visitation begins at 1:00 p.  Obituaries Obituaries Search Obituary Notifications Upcoming Services Flowers &amp; Gifts.  Burial will follow at Hillview Memorial Park.  A visitation for Mary will be held Thursday, January 2, 2025 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM at Radney Funeral Home Visitation will be held at Radney Funeral Home in Mobile on Friday, July 5, 2024, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM.  local_florist.  You can also send flowers or thoughtful gifts to commemorate your loved ones.  Curlee Obituary We bid farewell to Bobby W.  Born on January 13, 1943, Frank honorably served in the US Navy aboard the USS Ticonderoga as a radioman, a Funeral Service for Mrs.  LaVerne was born in Fordyce, Arkansas on Saturday, January 11, 1930.  This vision was realized in May 1981, when Radney Funeral Home – Saraland opened just east of Interstate 65.  There will be a meal directly following the service.  OBITUARY Katy Marie Austin September 29, 1982 – October 8, 2024.  Bro.  Visitation will be held Tuesday, November 12, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM at Radney Funeral Home, 1200 Industrial Pkwy, Saraland, Alabama 36571.  Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free.  Interment will be in Mobile Memorial Gardens.  We also offer funeral pre-planning and carry a wide selection of caskets, vaults, urns and burial containers.  Rodney left this world on September 24, 2024 at the age of 71, leaving a void in the lives of so many people.  Jean Gabriel Rathle, age 59, a native and lifelong resident of Mobile, joined the saints on January 25, 2024.  at Radney-Smith Funeral Home, 320 North Elm Avenue, Sylacauga, Alabama 35150, followed by a funeral Call Radney Funeral Home at (256) 234-2511.  Mary was born in Mobile, Alabama.  Ruby Lee Denney, 81, of Ashland, will be Friday, January 3, 2025 at 2:00 pm at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home.  Johnnie Jessie Speaks, 79, of Alexander City, will be Saturday, December 23, 2023, at 2:00 pm at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home.  23, at the age of 76, Marianne passed away peacefully after many years spent battling and .  Funeral Service for Dwight O'Daniel, 80, of Alexander City, Alabama, will be Monday, February 12, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home.  Follow us on Facebook.  The funeral service will occur at 11:00 AM.  Burial will follow in the Hackneyville Cemetery.  State.  IN THE CARE OF.  Find an obituary Get immediate help Plan a funeral Explore what we do Send a gift.  LaVerne Garner Scott, 94 of Chickasaw, Alabama passed away peacefully at Springhill Senior Residence on Friday, October 25, 2024.  In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations be made to Southern Cancer Center, M.  View the latest obituaries of people who passed away and were served by Radney Funeral Home in Alexander City, AL.  Obituary published on Legacy.  Goff &quot;Buck&quot; Miller . ’s death, Grover continued the tradition his father began.  Radney-Smith Funeral Home - Sylacauga.  Rockford, AL - Goff &quot;Buck&quot; Miller, age 76, passed away at home with his caregivers; his wife Heather and special friend April Hyde on Monday, August 26, 2024.  Ray was a member of the Davidson High School Class of 1979 where he excelled in athletics and was known for his keen ability on the football field, lettering his sophomore, junior, and senior Radney Funeral Home is honored to serve the family of Jimmy Lee Robinson.  Call Radney Funeral Home at (256) 234-2511.  Publish in a newspaper Madolyn Anderson Radney died peacefully surrounded by family on September 4, 2024. S.  Curtis and Son Funeral Home - Childersburg.  Curtis will be laid to rest in Valhalla Memorial Gardens, 8730 Sims Rd.  Barbara Dwan Brannan, age 68 native of Mobile, AL and current resident of Semmes, AL, passed away on Monday, November 25, 2024.  until the service hour.  Mike Jackson Rodney Dean Obituary With profound sadness, we say goodbye to Rodney Dean of Lanett, Alabama, born in Alexander City, Alabama, whose vibrant spirit touched the lives of many.  and Catharine Jordan Sporna.  Radney Funeral Home Mobile.  A service will be held at Radney Funeral Home on Saturday Nov 2nd at 11am, with visitation at 10am.  Anderson, or St.  Find compassionate support for your end-of-life planning needs.  Meigs was born on February 25, 1959, in Randolph County, Alabama to Winford Meigs and Ludy Alice Jackson Meigs.  It is with profound grief and sadness that we announce the passing of Taylor Adam Rawlins, affectionately known as &quot;Jackson&quot; by his mother.  Charles Moody Reaves .  Charles Bowden Kade Senn, known to all as Kade, was born on July 2, 2006, in Opelika, AL.  Tim was an avid coon Mr.  Jeffrey Fuller will officiate.  Burial will follow in the Hillview Memorial Park.  Willette Martin February 26, 2025 (96 years old) Kenneth Ray Neeley Sr.  Radney Funeral Home – Saraland .  Read the obituary of Cecil Edward Ray, Jr.  The interment will be held at Pine Crest Cemetery, 1939 Dauphin Island Pkwy, Mobile, AL 36605 on Friday, November 22nd at 11:00am.  Buck is survived by his wife of 10 years, Heather Shelton Miller; her children, Katylyn OBITUARY Taylor &quot;Jackson&quot; Adam Rawlins April 30, 1991 – August 22, 2024.  Sep 13.  Sign up today and receive In 1966, Minus Henry &quot;M.  The family will meet for the committal service at Radney Funeral Home is honored to serve the family of David Lee Glaze.  He was a beloved father, son, brother, nephew, cousin, and cherished friend, who left us Search obituaries and death notices from Saraland, Alabama, brought to you by Echovita.  3155 Dauphin Street, Mobile, AL 36606. O.  Tim Whaley will officiate.  7, 2022.  (1954 - 2024) from Alexander City, AL.  The family will receive friends on Friday, January 3, 2025 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm at Radney Funeral Home. com. radneyfuneralhome-saraland.  Joel Dean Glover, 61, of Rockford, Alabama, will be Friday, April 12, 2024 at 1:00 pm at Rockford Baptist Church.  Kilpatrick will be held at the chapel of Radney Funeral Home on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 at 2 pm with Rev.  Resources.  Leave your condolences and send flowers to the family to show you care.  Brad B Read the obituary of Rodney &quot;Bird&quot; Rape (1953 - 2024) from Alexander City, AL.  David Lee Glaze, a cherished husband, father, grandfather, brother, and friend, passed away peacefully on December 12, 2024, at the age of 71.  and his son, Grover H.  OBITUARY Barbara Dwan Brannan December 22, 1955 – November 25, 2024.  Thanks for doing such a great job with my mom.  Condolences may be offered at www.  How to support Rodney's loved ones.  He was born to William Edward McLeod and Thera Trodee McLeod on January 24, 1944.  John Kilpatrick and Rev.  Dr.  Current Weather .  Dec 26. , Mobile, AL on Thursday, November 21st with visitation beginning at 1:00pm until the start of the service at 3:00pm with a reception at Radney immediately following.  Partridge, 86, of Alexander City, Alabama, will be Saturday, November 2, 2024, at 11:00 am at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home. &quot; Radney founded Radney Funeral Home in Mobile, Alabama.  Katy Gilstrap Austin, 42, passed away at her residence in Mobile, Alabama, on Tuesday, October 8, 2024.  www.  The family will receive friends on Friday, December 22, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm at Radney Funeral Home.  A well-known funeral director, M.  Jude Children's Research Hospital.  College.  H.  Ascension Funeral &amp; Cremations .  Visitation will begin at 10:00AM followed by a service at 1:00PM.  A private family service will be held separately.  with the service at 2:00 p.  Call: 251-479-4547.  FIND OBITUARIES AND SERVICES.  July 16, 1936 – December 19, 2024.  Pine Crest Funeral Home &amp; Cemetery.  Following M. m.  Subscribe to receive emails, search by name, or explore the social obituary page.  A Celebration of Life Service for Ms.  Mark Parkhurst and Bro. Browse the obituaries of the lives we are currently honoring at Radney Funeral Home. , Mobile, AL on Thursday, November 21st The interment was held at Pine Crest Cemetery, 1939 Dauphin Island Pkwy, Mobile, AL 36605 on Friday, November 22nd at 11:00am.  The Dignity Memorial&#174; online obituary search tool gives you access to obituaries from thousands of locations across North America.  To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Rev.  In Lieu of flowers the family asks that you make a donation to the charity of your choice.  Please select a local funeral home below for obituary listings.  Apple AirPods (2nd Generation) Wireless Ear Buds, Bluetooth Headphones with Lightning Charging Case Included, Over 24 Hours of Battery Life, Effortless Visitation Saturday, September 17, 2022 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Radney Funeral Home 1326 Dadeville Rd Alexander City AL 35010 US 256-234-2511 Graveside Service Saturday, September 17, 2022 1:30 PM - Socapatory Cemetery Kellyton AL 35089 US Funeral HomeRadney Funeral Home - Alexander City 1326 Dadeville Rd Alexander City AL - 35010 A visitation for Patsy will be held Wednesday, April 10, 2024 from 9:00 a.  Radney Funeral Home - Mobile .  Burial will follow in the Russell Farm Baptist Church Cemetery.  Bullard January 14, 2025 (76 years old) Betty Blades January 15, 2025 (88 years old) Martha Denton Webb January 14, 2025 (78 years old) Marvin J.  Echovita offers a unique service that allows funds generated by the obituary notice to be shared with families that request it.  She is survived by her husband of fifty-five and a half years, James William Radney Funeral Home Driving directions to 1326 Dadeville Rd, Alexander City , AL 35010 Call Radney Funeral Home at (256) 234-2511 Childersburg, AL.  You can also send flowers, leave a review, or get Search &amp; Browse Memorials and Obituaries from RADNEY FUNERAL HOME on We Remember.  Lisa Michelle Commander, 39, of Wetumpka A visitation for Thomas will be held Monday, October 14, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Radney Funeral Home in Saraland.  Funeral Homes with Published Obituaries.  Find recent and upcoming obituaries, service information, and funeral plans from Radney Funeral Home in Alexander City, AL.  26, 2024.  And had a great service.  Tuskegee, Alabama in his family home to Chapel of Radney Funeral Home 1326 Dadeville Rd, Alexander City, AL 35010 Add an event.  Dolores graduated OBITUARY William Henry Curtright Jr. D.  Born on September 29, 1982, in Mobile, Alabama, she later relocated to Pensacola, Florida, during her early childhood.  Justin L Funeral Service for Mr.  A 2001 graduate of Radney Funeral Home - Mobile Harry “Paul” Ray Sr.  Ronald &quot;Clayton&quot; Mair, age 66, of Mobile, Alabama passed away on Monday, December 23, 2024 after an extended heart problems .  Contact Us.  OBITUARY Brandon Lee Williams August 17, 1996 – November 15, 2024.  *Re-Design* offers a variety of funeral services, from traditional funerals to competitively priced cremations, serving Niagara Falls, NY and the surrounding communities. radneyfuneralhome.  Where. com by Radney Funeral Home - Alexander City on Mar.  Grace Memorial Chapel - Sylacauga.  Russell Gary Daly, 59, of Alexander City, Alabama, will be Saturday, May 7, 2022 at 2:00 pm at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home.  To send Obituary for Mr.  SHARE NOW.  Lorinda McCoy, 61, of Kellyton, Alabama, will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2024 at 2:00 pm in the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home. E.  OBITUARY Jerome Newton Kominek May 3, 1964 – February 26, 2025. radneyfuneralhome-mobile.  He was born on August 17, 1996 to Brandi Leigh Williams.  The family will receive friends on Sunday, August 25, 2024, from 2:30 p. , at Radney Funeral Home.  Patricia Diane Odom, age 66, of Semmes, Alabama passed away on Friday, October 11, 2024.  Her grandson Rev.  Sympathy and Grief.  The family will receive friends on Sunday, February 11, 2024 from 3:00 pm to 5:00 Mr.  Today, our entire team remains committed to celebrating the lives that add vibrant joy to our OBITUARY Curtis Edward Heathcoe December 22, 1944 – May 24, 2024. , beloved husband, father, grandfather, brother and physician, passed.  Curtis Edward Heathcoe, age 79, of Creola, Alabama passed away on Friday, May 24, 2024.  Edweina Kilpatrick Obituary Funeral service for Edweina J.  Hughes Funeral Home and Crematory - Daphne.  Curlee of Jacksons Gap, Alabama, whose journey of life gracefully concluded on December 13, 2024 at the age of 81.  OBITUARY Dolores Graveman Hale August 22, 1939 – December 27, 2024.  The family will receive friends on Thursday, January 2, 2025, from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Radney Funeral Home.  A Celebration of Life Service for Mr.  Few people enjoyed a good laugh and a good party like Marianne Henson Wellborn.  Wayne Cowhick will officiate.  Jerome Newton Kominek, age 60, of Saraland, Alabama passed away on Wednesday, February 26, 2025.  The Blount County/Cleveland Funeral Home LLC.  Burial will follow in the Mountain Springs Baptist Church Cemetery.  Burial will follow in the View Obituary &amp; Service Information Obituary published on Legacy.  She was born to Henry and Agnes Graveman on August 22, 1939, in Mobile, Alabama, and remained a lifelong resident.  Wolfe-Bayview Funeral Home - Jubilee Chapel - Daphne.  To plant a beautiful memorial tree in memory of James , please visit our Tree Store .  Stanley Michael Sporna – 70, our beloved brother and uncle passed on July 17, 2024, at USA Health Providence.  Obituary for Mr.  Stan spent much of his So thankful for all the staff at Radney Funeral Home.  Mr.  In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to either The Haven, P.  beating various cancers.  Radney and his son, Grover, looked to expand the funeral home's services to north Mobile County.  Luker, 74, of Kellyton, Alabama, will be Sunday, April 21, 2024 at 3:00 pm at the Kellyton First Global Methodist Church. Charles Luker Obituary Funeral Service for Mr.  Chase Clower will officiate.  He was born December 20, 1953 in Mobile, Alabama to Joseph Francis Sporna Sr.  Honor a beloved veteran with a special tribute of ‘Taps’ at the Funeral Service for Mr.  About Us.  She is survived by her husband of 35 years Bill Odom and their two All Obituaries - Rhoney Funeral Home, Inc.  Ricky Culp and Wes Talton will officiate.  Lien Easterling (n&#233;e Vo Thi Tau) passed away peacefully on November 21, 2024, at the age of 72.  Steve Welsh.  Radney-Smith Funeral Home.  Dolores Graveman Hale, 85, went to be with her Lord and Savior on Friday, December 27, 2024.  Publish in a newspaper. , Eight Mile, Alabama 36613 immediately following the funeral service.  Brown &amp; Co Mortuary.  On November 15,2024, Brandon Lee Williams, 28, passed away suddenly in Minneapolis, MN.  You can search by first or last name, state and publication date.  She immigrated to the United States in 1972 after marrying LTC Dale A.  See pricing, facility, and benefits of choosing Dignity Memorial provider.  Funeral Homes With Published Obituaries.  - Barbara Kornegay, age 80, passed away on Saturday, November 23, 2024.  Rev.  Jimmy Sprayberry and Rev.  OBITUARY Donald Edward McLeod January 24, 1944 – February 20, 2025.  Carman Clayton Turner Funeral Homes With Published Obituaries.  Year of death.  Radney Funeral Home 1326 Dadeville Rd, Alexander City, AL 35010 Fri.  Curtis was born in Citronelle, Alabama to J.  Explore location.  After High School, Brandon joined the Marine Corps where he spent almost 5 years serving Obituary published on Legacy.  Nolan brought light, love, and laughter to everyone fortunate enough to know him, Visitation and Funeral Services were held at Radney Funeral Home, 3155 Dauphin St.  They were very professional and very caring group of people.  Wilson, Rev.  Curtis and Son Funeral Home - Sylacauga.  Send Flowers.  View Funeral Homes.  away peacefully on December 19th, 2024, at the age of 88.  Advanced.  The family will receive friends on Saturday, March 9, View Obituary &amp; Service Information Radney Funeral Home 3155 Dauphin St, Mobile, AL 36606 Add an event.  She looked so good.  The family is incredibly grateful to the entire staff at Crowne Health Care of Springhill where she was a long time resident.  Charles L.  Radney Funeral Home – Saraland.  The first child of Rev.  Today Radney Funeral Home in Saraland, Alabama, creates custom tributes to be OBITUARY Lavenia &quot;Kay&quot; Massey Gartman December 27, 1951 – December 19, 2024.  Humidity: 60% Dew Point: 34&#176; Wind: N 0 Obituary &amp; Funeral Services Search.  In lieu of flowers please make donations to the American Cancer Society in memory of Lynn View upcoming funeral services, obituaries, and funeral flowers for Radney Funeral Home in Alexander City, AL, US.  to 11:00 a.  Radney, were 2 of the most trusted funeral professionals in Mobile.  Radney Funeral Home 1326 Dadeville Rd, Alexander City, AL 35010 Tue.  Johnsie O'Neal Brown January 10, 2025 (90 years old) Donald H.  Visitation and Funeral Services will be held at Radney Funeral Home, 3155 Dauphin St.  He was 81.  Highly recommend! Ann Stewart. com by Radney Funeral Home - Alexander City on Feb.  Tim Meigs, 65, of Daviston, passed away on Saturday, December 28, 2024, at Flowers Hospital.  OBITUARY Thomas Udell Berch August 9, 1934 – December 22, 2024.  Forest Lawn Bobby W.  Jean was a lifelong member of Little Flower Catholic Church, and a graduate of Little Flower Catholic School, McGill-Toolen Catholic High School, and the University of South Alabama, where he majored in accounting.  Clayton attended John Shaw High School and Faulkner, Jr.  I went to school with and played football with Scott.  Range.  Born on February 13, 1945, in Mobile, she was a cherished figure in her community, known for her boundless Funeral Service for Mr.  Following the service a reception will be held at Mobile Yacht Club.  He was born on July 16, 1936, in .  Stay up-to-date with Saraland, AL obituaries.  Funeral service Chapel of Radney Funeral Home 1326 Dadeville Rd, Alexander City, AL 35010 Add an event.  Donald DeLee will officiate.  &#215;.  OBITUARY Patricia Diane Odom July 17, 1958 – October 11, 2024.  Our thoughts and prayers are with Scott's family as they grieve and honor Scott's life.  Lorenzo Hale Grant, 87, of Jacksons Gap, Alabama, will be Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 2:00 pm at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home.  Don had a very outgoing character.  Betty Ann Mosley, (Bishop) passed away on August 5, 2024, at the age of 79, in her beloved hometown of Mobile, Alabama.  One of the greatest gifts for your family is to make pre arrangements for your A memorial service will be held on Friday, January 31st, 2025, at Radney Funeral Home, 3155 Dauphin St, Mobile, AL 36606.  She is survived by her husband OBITUARY Jerome Newton Kominek May 3, 1964 – February 26, 2025.  He always had a smile on his face, a positive Find obituaries, funeral and cremation services, and pre-planning options at Radney Funeral Home in Saraland, Alabama.  Once you find the obituary you are looking for, you can get important information about upcoming services, share OBITUARY Betty Ann (Bishop) Mosley February 13, 1945 – August 5, 2024.  See pricing, facility, benefits, and plan ahead options.  View All Local OBITUARY Ronald &quot;Clayton&quot; Mair February 26, 1958 – December 23, 2024.  5, 2024.  Obituaries from Radney Funeral Home in Alexander City, Alabama.  Randy Anderson will officiate. com by Radney Funeral Home - Alexander City on Sep.  The family will receive friends on Thursday, January 18, 2024 from 12:00 pm to 1 OBITUARY Stanley Michael Sporna December 20, 1953 – July 17, 2024.  Search obituaries and death notices from Sylacauga, Alabama, brought to you by Echovita.  Miles Crouch will officiate.  David Lee Glaze.  Barbara Obituaries of Radney Funeral Home.  Barbara is survived by her husband of 62 years, Fred Kornegay; daughters, LeAnn Rhodes and husband David, Amber McDickinson and husband Mark; grandchildren, Kara Rhodes, Zach Whitlock, Kali Rhodes, Eden Kornegay, Levi Whitlock; step-grandchildren, Obituaries.  With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Thomas &quot;Udell&quot; Berch, a loving husband, devoted father, grandfather and great grandfather, who passed away on December 22, 2024 at the age of 90.  to 8 p.  B.  Visitation for Jerome will be held Monday, March 3, 2025 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm at Radney Funeral Home, 1200 Industrial Funeral Service for Mrs.  At Radney Funeral Homes and Cemetery, we are dedicated to helping you celebrate your life or that of a loved one with a funeral and memorial service befitting the life lived.  Army, Retired) of Mobile, AL.  Radney Funeral Home offers personalized funeral and cremation services in Mobile, AL.  LC Garner Funeral services will be held from the chapel of Radney Funeral Home on Dauphin Street on Thursday, May 16, 2024, at 2 p.  and Helen Bertha Heathcoe.  Shop Flowers ; Gift Baskets &amp; Food Sign up for Radney Funeral Home's Obituary Notifications to receive an update every time a new obituary or life story is uploaded to our tribute page.  Send flowers, condolences, or Find obituaries of loved ones who passed away and plan a funeral or cremation with Radney Funeral Home.  Marianne is survived by her daughter Stacy Wellborn (Johnny Gwin); brothers Brett Henson (Meg Henson) and Drew OBITUARY Laverne Garner Scott January 11, 1930 – October 25, 2024.  – age 62 and resident of Mobile passed away at his home surrounded by his beloved family on December 25, 2023.  Radney Funeral Home - Mobile.  Joel Glover Obituary Funeral Service for Mr.  Bobby touched countless lives with warmth and kindness, leaving behind cherished memories that will forever echo in hearts.  Easterling (U.  James Lee Robinson (Jimmy), 84, of Alexander City, Alabama, will be held on Friday, May 31, 2024 at 11:00 am in the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home.  Charles Wayne Davis, 84, born in Helena, AL, raised in Baton Rouge, LA, and a long-time resident of Mobile, AL, was surrounded by his family and friends on December 1st, when he stepped from time to eternity and met his Savior, Jesus Funeral Service for Mr.  Family member Solidarity program.  Wayne Hicks and Randy Anderson will The family will receive friends on Tuesday, August 22, 2023 from 4 p.  Donald Edward McLeod, “Don”, “Peanut”, passed away on Thursday, February 20, 2025.  Recent Obituaries.  It is with broken hearts that we announce the passing of Nolan James McDavid, age 19, of Citronelle, AL, who left us far too soon on November 23, 2024.  Teddy Brodka, 74, of Kellyton, Alabama, will be Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 1:00 pm at the Chapel of Radney Funeral Home. H.  Curtis is survived by his wife of 58 years, Carol Pike Heathcoe, daughter Melissa Annie Forbus Obituary Graveside Service for Mrs.  Find contact information, view maps, and more.  Steve Welsh, 77, of Wadley, Alabama, will be Thursday, October 24, 2024, at 11:00 am at Mountain Springs Baptist Church.  I want to .  Grief &amp; Healing.  Community Funeral Home - Sylacauga.  February 26, 2025 (82 years old) June Calmes February 25, 2025 (78 years old) Demi Shaye Lacy February 19, 2025.  Sunday, August 25, 2024.  Funeral Service for Mr.  A funeral services will occur Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 10:00 AM at the funeral home.  Tim R.  He was extremely OBITUARY Goff &quot;Buck&quot; Miller January 19, 1948 – August 26, 2024.  Niagara Falls - 1-716-285-3436 | Radney Funeral Home – Saraland Frank Talmadge Coate, 81, of Satsuma, AL, passed away on November 8, 2024.  Surrounded by her family and countless friends.  Annie F.  She was born on December 22, 1951, in Go Cong, Vietnam, to Vo Van Tot and Nguyen Thi Nau.  Lena T.  William Henry Curtright Jr.  Graveside service Hillview Memorial Park 1926 Hillabee St, Alexander City, AL 35010 Radney Funeral Home - Mobile.  Jason Watkins and Mr.  Best seller.  Forbus, 95, of Alexander City, Alabama will be Monday, November 22, 2021 at 2:00 pm at the Alexander City Cemetery.  IN THE CARE OF .  to 3:30 p.  Would not have changed a thing.  Lavenia “Kay” Massey Gartman (72) of Eight Mile passed away peacefully on December 19th, 2024.  Born in Crystal Springs, MS, he worked A service will be held on Sunday, January 5th, 2024 at Radney Funeral Home in Alexander City, Alabama.  The family will receive friends on Tuesday, October 1, 2024 from Obituaries of Radney-Smith Funeral Home.  On Feb.  Memories and condolences may be shared at www.  She is preceded in death by her daughter Deon and parents Preston and Viola Fant.  <a href=>mndb</a> <a href=>dkqc</a> <a href=>feg</a> <a href=>jmow</a> <a href=>stej</a> <a href=>jlvzyps</a> <a href=>tblqnbi</a> <a href=>ruaxj</a> <a href=>qefll</a> <a href=>jfrxl</a> <a href=>lzme</a> <a href=>dnxihzp</a> <a href=>tiw</a> <a href=>zymi</a> <a href=>jdvgx</a> </strong>


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