Your IP :
# Launch update process for all config files found in a particular directory.
# See COPYING.TXT file about AWStats GNU General Public License.
# Defines
my $REVISION = '20140126';
my $VERSION="1.0 (build $REVISION)";
# Default value of DIRCONFIG
my $DIRCONFIG = "/etc/awstats";
my $Debug=0;
my $Awstats='';
my $AwstatsDir='';
my $AwstatsProg='';
my $LastLine='';
# Functions
# Function: Write error message and exit
# Parameters: $message
# Input: None
# Output: None
# Return: None
sub error {
print STDERR "Error: $_[0].\n";
exit 1;
# Function: Write debug message and exit
# Parameters: $string $level
# Input: %HTMLOutput $Debug=required level $DEBUGFORCED=required level forced
# Output: None
# Return: None
sub debug {
my $level = $_[1] || 1;
if ($Debug >= $level) {
my $debugstring = $_[0];
if ($ENV{"GATEWAY_INTERFACE"}) { $debugstring =~ s/^ /   /; $debugstring .= "<br />"; }
print localtime(time)." - DEBUG $level - $debugstring\n";
# Change default value if options are used
my $helpfound=0;my $nowfound=0;
my %confexcluded=();
for (0..@ARGV-1) {
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*h/i) { $helpfound=1; last; }
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*awstatsprog=(.*)/i) { $Awstats="$1"; next; }
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*configdir=(.*)/i) { $DIRCONFIG="$1"; next; }
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*excludeconf=(.*)/i) {
#try to get the different files to exclude
@conftoexclude = split(/,/, $1);
foreach (@conftoexclude) {
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*debug=(\d+)/i) { $Debug=$1; next; }
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^-*lastline=(\d+)/i) { $LastLine=$1; next; }
if ($ARGV[$_] =~ /^now/i) { $nowfound=1; next; }
# Show usage help
my $DIR; my $PROG; my $Extension;
($DIR=$0) =~ s/([^\/\\]*)$//; ($PROG=$1) =~ s/\.([^\.]*)$//; $Extension=$1;
if (!$nowfound || $helpfound || ! @ARGV) {
print "----- $PROG $VERSION (c) Laurent Destailleur -----\n";
print "awstats_updateall launches update process for all AWStats config files (except\n";
print "awstats.model.conf) found in a particular directory, so you can easily setup a\n";
print "cron/scheduler job. The scanned directory is by default $DIRCONFIG.\n";
print "\n";
print "Usage: $PROG.$Extension now [options]\n";
print "\n";
print "Where options are:\n";
print " -awstatsprog=pathtoawstatspl\n";
print " -configdir=directorytoscan\n";
print " -excludeconf=conftoexclude[,conftoexclude2,...] (Note: awstats.model.conf is always excluded)\n";
print "\n";
exit 0;
debug("Scan directory $DIRCONFIG");
# Scan directory $DIRCONFIG
opendir(DIR, $DIRCONFIG) || error("Can't scan directory $DIRCONFIG");
my @filesindir = grep { /^awstats\.(.*)conf$/ } sort readdir(DIR);
debug("List of files found :".join(",",@filesindir));
# Build file list
my @files=();
foreach my $file (@filesindir) {
if ($confexcluded{$file}) { next; } # Should be useless
if ($file =~ /^awstats\.(.*)conf$/) {
my $conf=$1; $conf =~ s/\.$//;
if ($conf eq 'model') { next; }
if ($confexcluded{$conf}) { next; }
push @files, $file;
debug("List of files qualified :".join(",",@files));
# Run update process for each config file found
if (@files) {
# Check if AWSTATS prog is found
my $AwstatsFound=0;
if (-s "$Awstats") { $AwstatsFound=1; }
elsif (-s "/usr/share/awstats/wwwroot/cgi-bin/") {
if (! $AwstatsFound) {
error("Can't find AWStats program ('$Awstats').\nUse -awstatsprog option to solve this");
exit 1;
# Define AwstatsDir and AwstatsProg
($AwstatsDir=$Awstats) =~ s/([^\/\\]+)$//; $AwstatsProg=$1;
$AwstatsDir||='.'; $AwstatsDir =~ s/([^\/\\])[\\\/]+$/$1/;
foreach (@files) {
if ($_ =~ /^awstats\.(.*)conf$/) {
my $domain = $1||"default"; $domain =~ s/\.$//;
# Define command line
my $command="\"$AwstatsDir/$AwstatsProg\" -update -config=$domain";
$command.=" -configdir=\"$DIRCONFIG\"";
if ($LastLine)
$command.=" -lastline=$LastLine";
# Run command line
print "Running '$command' to update config $domain\n";
my $output = `$command 2>&1`;
print "$output\n";
} else {
print "No AWStats config file found in $DIRCONFIG\n";
0; # Do not remove this line