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<title>ProFTPD module mod_ban</title>
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<h2><b>ProFTPD module <code>mod_ban</code></b></h2>
The <code>mod_ban</code> module is designed to add dynamic "ban"
lists to <code>proftpd</code>. A ban prevents the banned user, host, or
class from logging in to the server; it <b>does not</b> prevent the banned
user, host, or class from <i>connecting</i> to the server.
<b><code>mod_ban</code> is not a firewall</b>. The module also provides
automatic bans that are triggered based on configurable criteria.
This module is contained in the <code>mod_ban.c</code> file for
ProFTPD 1.2.<i>x</i>/1.3.<i>x</i>, and is not compiled by default.
Installation instructions are discussed <a href="#Installation">here</a>.
Detailed documentation on <code>mod_ban</code> usage can be found
<a href="#Usage">here</a>.
The most current version of <code>mod_ban</code> is distributed with the
proftpd source.
Please contact TJ Saunders <tj <i>at</i>> with any
questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding this module.
<li><a href="#BanCache">BanCache</a>
<li><a href="#BanCacheOptions">BanCacheOptions</a>
<li><a href="#BanControlsACLs">BanControlsACLs</a>
<li><a href="#BanEngine">BanEngine</a>
<li><a href="#BanLog">BanLog</a>
<li><a href="#BanMessage">BanMessage</a>
<li><a href="#BanOnEvent">BanOnEvent</a>
<li><a href="#BanTable">BanTable</a>
<h2>Control Actions</h2>
<li><a href="#ban"><code>ban</code></a>
<li><a href="#permit"><code>permit</code></a>
<h3><a name="BanCache">BanCache</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanCache <em>driver</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code><VirtualHost></code>, <code><Global></code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.3.4rc2 and later
<h3><a name="BanCacheOptions">BanCacheOptions</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanCacheOptions <em>opt1 ... optN</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config, <code><VirtualHost></code>, <code><Global></code><br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.3.4rc2 and later
The <code>BanCacheOptions</code> directive is used to configure various optional
caching behavior of <code>mod_ban</code>. <b>Note</b>: all of the configured
<code>BanCacheOptions</code> parameters <b>must</b> appear on the same line in
the configuration; only the first <code>BanCacheOptions</code> directive that
appears in the configuration is used.
BanCacheOptions UseJSON
The currently implemented options are:
This option tells <code>mod_ban</code> to ignore cached entries unless
they <b>match</b> the IP address/port of the server handling the FTP
session. There might be other servers adding their own entries to
a common cache, for example; it is for these situations that the
<code>MatchServer</code> option should be used, to avoid false positives.
This option tells <code>mod_ban</code> to store the ban rules in the
cache as JSON-formatted data. This makes it possible for other tools
to discover/display the cached ban rules.
<b>Note</b> that this option first appeared in
<h3><a name="BanControlsACLs">BanControlsACLs</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanControlsACLs <em>actions|"all" "allow"|"deny" "user"|"group" list</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later
The <code>BanControlsACLs</code> directive configures access lists of
<em>users</em> or <em>groups</em> who are allowed (or denied) the ability to
use the <em>actions</em> implemented by <code>mod_ban</code>. The default
behavior is to deny everyone unless an ACL allowing access has been explicitly
If "allow" is used, then <em>list</em>, a comma-delimited list
of <em>users</em> or <em>groups</em>, can use the given <em>actions</em>; all
others are denied. If "deny" is used, then the <em>list</em> of
<em>users</em> or <em>groups</em> cannot use <em>actions</em> all others are
allowed. Multiple <code>BanControlsACLs</code> directives may be used to
configure ACLs for different control actions, and for both users and groups.
The <em>actions</em> provided by <code>mod_ban</code> are "ban"
and "permit".
# Allow only user root to ban and permit users
BanControlsACLs all allow user root
<h3><a name="BanEngine">BanEngine</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanEngine <em>on|off</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> off<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later
The <code>BanEngine</code> directive enables or disables the banning of
sessions by <code>mod_ban</code>. If it is set to <em>off</em> this module
does no banning. Use this directive to disable the module instead of
commenting out all <code>mod_ban</code> directives.
<h3><a name="BanLog">BanLog</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanLog <em>path|"none"</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later
The <code>BanLog</code> directive is used to specify a log file for
<code>mod_ban</code> reporting and debugging. The <em>path</em> parameter
must be the full path to the file to use for logging. Note that this path must
<b>not</b> be to a world-writeable directory and, unless
<code>AllowLogSymlinks</code> is explicitly set to <em>on</em>
(generally a bad idea), the path must <b>not</b> be a symbolic link.
If <em>path</em> is "none", no logging will be done at all.
<h3><a name="BanMessage">BanMessage</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanMessage <em>mesg</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later
The <code>BanMessage</code> directive configures a message that will be
sent to clients that have been banned. This message may contain the
following variables:
<li><code>%a</code>: client IP address
<li><code>%c</code>: client class (if none, will be empty)
<li><code>%u</code>: USER name (if none, will be empty)
BanMessage "Host %a has been banned"
<h3><a name="BanOnEvent">BanOnEvent</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanOnEvent <em>event freq expires [mesg]</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later
The <code>BanOnEvent</code> directive is used to configure a "rule"
that is triggered whenever the named <em>event</em> occurs. The currently
supported events are:
<table border=1 summary="Ban Events">
<td><b>Class/Host/User Ban</b></td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Class ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>User ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>User ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
<td>Host ban</td>
An event is generated whenever one of these limits is reached by a client.
The <em>freq</em> parameter should be formatted as:
where <i>N</i> is the number of occurrences, and <code>hh:mm:ss</code>
specifies a number of hours, minutes, and seconds. This parameter says
that if <i>N</i> occurrences of <em>event</em> happen within the given
time interval, then a ban is automatically added. The IP address of
the connecting client is banned when the following event rules are
triggered: <code>AnonRejectPasswords</code>, <code>BadProtocol</code>,
<code>MaxCommandRate</code>, <code>MaxClientsPerHost</code>,
<code>MaxConnectionsPerHost</code>, <code>MaxLoginAttempts</code>,
<code>TimeoutIdle</code>, <code>TimeoutNoTransfer</code>, and
<code>UnhandledCommand</code>. The class of the connected client, if any, is
banned when a rule for <code>MaxClientsPerClass</code> is triggered. Rules for
<code>MaxClientsPerUser</code> and <code>MaxHostsPerUser</code> will cause
the connected username to be banned.
The <em>duration</em> should be formatted as:
and specifies the numbers of hours, minutes, and seconds that the automatic
ban generated a <code>BanOnEvent</code> rule lasts. Unlike bans added via the
<a href="#ban">ban</a> <code>ftpdctl</code> control action, automatic bans do
<b>not</b> have infinite lifetimes.
An optional message, to be displayed to banned clients, can be configured.
If no such optional message is configured using the <code>BanOnEvent</code>
directive, then any <code>BanMessage</code> message will be displayed.
For example:
# Configure a rule to automatically ban scripts looking for anonymous
# servers to which they can upload
BanOnEvent AnonRejectPasswords 1/01:00:00 99:99:99
# Ban clients which connect too frequently. This rule bans clients
# which connect more than 5 times within one minute. Include a special
# message just for them.
BanOnEvent ClientConnectRate 5/00:01:00 04:00:00 "Stop connecting frequently"
See also: <a href="#BanMessage"><code>BanMessage</code></a>
<h3><a name="BanTable">BanTable</a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> BanTable <em>path</em><br>
<strong>Default:</strong> None<br>
<strong>Context:</strong> server config<br>
<strong>Module:</strong> mod_ban<br>
<strong>Compatibility:</strong> 1.2.10rc1 and later
The <code>BanTable</code> directive configures a <em>path</em> to a file
that <code>mod_ban</code> uses for handling its ban data. The given
<em>path</em> must be an absolute path. <b>Note</b>: this directive is
<b>required</b> for <code>mod_ban</code> to function. It is recommended
that this file <b>not</b> be on an NFS mounted partition.
Note that ban data <b>is not</b> kept across daemon stop/starts. That is,
once <code>proftpd</code> is shutdown, all current ban data is lost.
<h2>Control Actions</h2>
<h3><a name="ban"><code>ban</code></a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ftpdctl ban <em>class|host|info|user [-s address#port] name1 [name2 ...]</em><br>
<strong>Purpose:</strong> Add a ban or display ban information<br>
The <code>ban</code> action is used to add bans to the <code>mod_ban</code>
lists. For example, to ban a user:
ftpdctl ban user dave
This will create a ban rule for user 'dave' for <i>all</i> virtual servers in
your <code>proftpd.conf</code>. If you want to create such a ban rule, but
only for one specific <code><VirtualHost></code>, use the <code>-s</code>
command-line option, <i>e.g.</i>:
ftpdctl ban user -s dave
This example will create the user 'dave' ban rule for the
<code><VirtualHost></code> handling IP address, port 21.
The <code>-s</code> command-line option applies to <em>host</em> and
<em>class</em> bans as well.
To ban specific hosts, you can use either IP addresses or DNS names:
ftpdctl ban host
ftpdctl ban host
Banning a class works the same way:
ftpdctl ban class anonftp
The <em>info</em> parameter is used to view information on current bans.
Example listing:
# ftpdctl ban info
ftpdctl: Banned Hosts:
Or, if you wish to see more information, use the <code>-v</code> option:
# ftpdctl ban info -v
ftpdctl: Banned Hosts:
ftpdctl: Reason: MaxLoginAttempts autoban at Wed May 19 14:59:25 2004
ftpdctl: Expires: Wed May 19 14:59:55 2004 (in 24 seconds)
ftpdctl: <VirtualHost> <i>ServerName</i> (
It is also possible to see the state of ban event rules, using the
<code>-e</code> option:
# ftpdctl ban info -e
ftpdctl: No bans
ftpdctl: Ban Event Entries:
ftpdctl: Event: MaxLoginAttempts
ftpdctl: Source:
ftpdctl: Occurrences: 1/2
ftpdctl: Entry Expires: 589 seconds
This shows that no bans are currently in effect, and that a
<code>BanOnEvent</code> has been configured for the
<code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> event. That event has occurred once, and
will need to happen one more time within 589 seconds in order for an
automatic ban to be added.
See also: <a href="#permit"><code>permit</code></a>
<h3><a name="permit"><code>permit</code></a></h3>
<strong>Syntax:</strong> ftpdctl permit <em>class|host|user [-s address#port] name1 [name2 ...]</em><br>
<strong>Purpose:</strong> Permit banned clients to connect<br>
The <code>permit</code> action is used to remove a ban for users, hosts,
and classes:
# ftpdctl permit user dave
# ftpdctl permit user -s dave
# ftpdctl permit host
# ftpdctl permit class anonftp
See also: <a href="#ban"><code>ban</code></a>
<h2><a name="Installation">Installation</a></h2>
The <code>mod_ban</code> module is distributed with ProFTPD. Simply follow
the normal steps for using third-party modules in ProFTPD, making sure to
include the <code>--enable-ctrls</code> configure option, which
<code>mod_ban</code> requires:
$ ./configure --enable-ctrls --with-modules=mod_ban
To build <code>mod_ban</code> as a DSO module:
$ ./configure --enable-ctrls --enable-dso --with-shared=mod_ban
Then follow the usual steps:
$ make
$ make install
For those with an existing ProFTPD installation, you can use the
<code>prxs</code> tool to add <code>mod_ban</code>, as a DSO module, to
your existing server:
$ prxs -c -i -d mod_ban.c
<h2><a name="Usage">Usage</a></h2>
The <code>mod_ban</code> module implements its bans by checking if a client
is banned, either by <i>host</i> or by <i>class</i>, when that client
<i>connects to the server</i>. Banned clients are immediately disconnected.
Banned <i>users</i> are checked after the client has sent the <code>USER</code>
and <code>PASS</code> commands; if that user has been banned, the client is
immediately disconnected.
Here is an example <code>mod_ban</code> configuration, demonstrating how
to configure an automatic ban for <code>MaxLoginAttempts</code>:
MaxLoginAttempts 1
<IfModule mod_ban.c>
BanEngine on
BanLog /var/log/proftpd/ban.log
BanTable /var/data/proftpd/
# If the same client reaches the MaxLoginAttempts limit 2 times
# within 10 minutes, automatically add a ban for that client that
# will expire after one hour.
BanOnEvent MaxLoginAttempts 2/00:10:00 01:00:00
# Allow the FTP admin to manually add/remove bans
BanControlsACLs all allow user ftpadm
By default, the <code>mod_ban</code> module allocate size for 512 bans.
In practice, this has seemed to work well. However, if you need to allocate
space for more bans, you will need to recompile proftpd, and use the
<code>CFLAGS</code> environment variable like so:
./configure CFLAGS="-DBAN_LIST_MAXSZ=<em>1024</em>" ...
or whatever your necessary ban list size is.
The <code>mod_ban</code> module supports <a href="../howto/Tracing.html">trace logging</a>, via the module-specific log channels:
Thus for trace logging, to aid in debugging, you would use the following in
your <code>proftpd.conf</code>:
TraceLog /path/to/ftpd/trace.log
Trace ban:20
This trace logging can generate large files; it is intended for debugging use
only, and should be removed from any production configuration.
<p><a name="FAQ"></a>
<b>Frequently Asked Questions</b><br>
<font color=red>Question</font>: Why does <code>mod_ban</code> not store ban
data across daemon stop/starts?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: The <code>mod_ban</code> module was not
designed to add yet another ACL mechanism to <code>proftpd</code>. For
persistent access control, there is the <code><Limit LOGIN></code>
section, the <code>mod_wrap</code> module, the <code>/etc/ftpusers</code>
file, and various other mechanisms. The purpose of <code>mod_ban</code>
is to provide dynamic, short-lived bans.
<font color=red>Question</font>: What about having <code>proftpd</code> delay
sending responses to clients, say by 30 seconds or so?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: This is a bad idea. It would allow
malicious clients, who <i>knew</i> they were banned, to tie up your
<code>proftpd</code> processes, since those processes would be taking up
space, waiting before sending responses back to the client. This makes it
possible for those clients to use the delaying as a Denial of Service attack,
eventually tying up your available system resources with waiting
<code>proftpd</code> processes.
<p><a name="BanMaxLoginAttempts">
<font color=red>Question</font>: I have the following, taken from
the example config above, configured for <code>mod_ban</code>, but it does not
appear to be working. Why not?<br>
# If the same client reaches the MaxLoginAttempts limit 2 times
# within 10 minutes, automatically add a ban for that client that
# will expire after one hour.
BanOnEvent MaxLoginAttempts 2/00:10:00 01:00:00
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: The most common reason is that the
<code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> directive does not function the way that many
assume it does.
The above <code>BanOnEvent</code> rule says that the same client (<i>i.e.</i>
source IP address) which reaches the <code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> limit
2 times within 10 minutes will be banned. If you test by connecting to
<code>proftpd</code>, trying a bad password once, disconnecting, then
connecting again and trying the same bad password again, you will <b>not</b>
be hitting the <code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> limit. Remember that the
<code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> directive configures a limit to the number
of bad login attempts <i>for the same connection</i>; it does <b>not</b>
configure limit on the number of bad login attempts across multiple
The default <code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> value for <code>proftpd</code>
is 3. Which means that simply connecting, trying a bad login attempt once,
then disconnecting, will not trigger the <code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> limit.
This is why the example configuration given above explicitly configures
the <code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> limit to be lower:
MaxLoginAttempts 1
in order to make <code>mod_ban</code> behave the way that most administrators
assume it will. If you have not explicitly configured
<code>MaxLoginAttempts</code> lower, then this is probably why your
<code>BanOnEvent</code> rule is not taking effect as you expect.
<font color=red>Question</font>: It looks like the <code>BanTable</code> file
I configured is untouched:
-rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp 0 2007-01-13 23:18 ban.table
Does this mean that something is wrong, or that <code>mod_ban</code> is not
using that file?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: A <code>BanTable</code> file <i>is</i> needed,
just not in an obvious way. The <code>mod_ban</code> module stores its ban
information in a SysV shared memory segment. The configured
<code>BanTable</code> file is used <i>a)</i> to generate a unique name/ID for
the shared memory segment to use (and to see if a segment for that name/ID
already exists), and <i>b)</i> for locking, as when multiple sessions are
trying to update the shared memory segment at the same time. But
<code>mod_ban</code> does not write any data into that file itself, and hence
the last-modified-time of the file, and the file size, does not change much.
<p><a name="BanWhitelist">
<font color=red>Question</font>: How can I configure a whitelist of IP
addresses, to be excluded from the effects of <code>mod_ban</code>?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: This can be done using a combination of
<a href="../howto/Classes.html">Classes</a> and the <a href="mod_ifsession.html"><code>mod_ifsession</code></a> module. For example:
<Class whitelist>
From ...
<IfClass whitelist>
# Turn the mod_ban module off for whitelisted clients
BanEngine off
<IfClass !whitelist>
# Make sure the mod_ban module is on for clients that are not whitelisted
BanEngine on
Note that it is <b>important</b> to have <i>both</i>
<code><IfClass></code> sections in your configuration.
<p><a name="BanRootLogins">
<font color=red>Question</font>: I would like to ban clients which try to
login as root. How would I do this?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: You would use the
<a href="#BanOnEvent"><code>BanOnEvent</code></a> directive, with an
<em>event name</em> of "mod_auth.root-login", thus:
# Ban clients which try to login as root. This bans clients which
# try root logins twice within 10 minutes, banning them for 6 hours.
BanOnEvent mod_auth.root-login 2/00:10:00 06:00:00
<font size=2><b><i>
© Copyright 2004-2017 TJ Saunders<br>
All Rights Reserved<br>