Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Translate;
use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Main\Error;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization;
use Bitrix\Main\Localization\Loc;
use Bitrix\Translate;
abstract class ComponentBase
extends \CBitrixComponent
implements Translate\IErrorable
use Translate\Error;
use Translate\Warning;
const STATUS_SUCCESS = 'success';
const STATUS_DENIED = 'denied';
const STATUS_ERROR = 'error';
const TEMPLATE_ERROR = 'error';
/** @var string */
protected $path = '';
/** @var int Session tab counter. */
protected $tabId = 0;
* @return boolean
protected function checkModuleAvailability()
if (!Main\Loader::includeModule('translate'))
if ($this->isAjaxRequest())
$this->sendJsonResponse(new Error('Module "translate" is not installed.', self::STATUS_ERROR));
$this->addError(new Error('Module "translate" is not installed.', self::STATUS_ERROR));
return false;
return true;
* Checks if user has permission to view language file.
* @param \CUser $user User to check permissions.
* @return boolean
protected function hasUserPermissionView($user)
return Translate\Permission::canView($user);
* Checks if user has permission to edit language file.
* @param \CUser $user User to check permissions.
* @return boolean
protected function hasUserPermissionEdit($user)
return Translate\Permission::canEdit($user);
* Checks if user has permission to edit source language file.
* @param \CUser $user User to check permissions.
* @return boolean
protected function hasUserPermissionEditSource($user)
return Translate\Permission::canEditSource($user);
* Checks if user has permission to view language file.
* @return boolean
protected function checkPermissionView()
if (!$this->hasUserPermissionView($this->getUser()))
if ($this->isAjaxRequest())
$this->sendJsonResponse(new Error(Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_FILTER_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'), self::STATUS_DENIED));
$this->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_FILTER_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED'), self::STATUS_DENIED));
return false;
return true;
* Checks if user has permission to edit language file.
* @return boolean
protected function checkPermissionEdit()
if (!$this->hasUserPermissionEdit($this->getUser()))
if ($this->isAjaxRequest())
$this->sendJsonResponse(new Error(Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_FILTER_ERROR_WRITING_RIGHTS'), self::STATUS_DENIED));
$this->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_FILTER_ERROR_WRITING_RIGHTS'), self::STATUS_DENIED));
return false;
return true;
* Checks if user has permission to edit source language file.
* @return boolean
protected function checkPermissionEditPhp()
if (!$this->hasUserPermissionEditSource($this->getUser()))
if ($this->isAjaxRequest())
$this->sendJsonResponse(new Error(Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_FILTER_ERROR_PHP_EDIT_RIGHTS'), self::STATUS_DENIED));
$this->addError(new Error(Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_FILTER_ERROR_PHP_EDIT_RIGHTS'), self::STATUS_DENIED));
return false;
return true;
* Checks some mysql config variables.
* @return void
protected function checkModuleStepper(): void
$stepper = \Bitrix\Main\Update\Stepper::getHtml('translate', Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_INDEX_STEPPER'));
if (!empty($stepper))
$this->arResult['STEPPER'] = $stepper;
* Checks FTS if tables exists.
* @return void
protected function checkFtsTables(): void
* Checks some mysql config variables.
* @return void
protected function checkMysqlConfig(): void
$majorVersion = (int)\mb_substr(\Bitrix\Main\Application::getConnection()->getVersion()[0], 0, 1);
if ($majorVersion >= 8)
$conf = Main\Application::getConnection()->query("SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'regexp_time_limit'")->fetch();
if ($conf['Variable_name'] == 'regexp_time_limit')
if ((int)$conf['Value'] <= 0)
$this->addWarning(new Error(Loc::getMessage('TRANSLATE_MYSQL_CONFIG_ERROR_REGEXP_TIME_LIMIT'), self::STATUS_ERROR));
* @return void
protected function prepareParams()
$params =& $this->getParams();
if (empty($params['CURRENT_LANG']))
$params['CURRENT_LANG'] = Loc::getCurrentLang();
if (empty($params['LIST_PATH']))
$params['LIST_PATH'] = '/bitrix/admin/translate_list.php';
if (empty($params['EDIT_PATH']))
$params['EDIT_PATH'] = '/bitrix/admin/translate_edit.php';
if (empty($params['SHOW_SOURCE_PATH']))
$params['SHOW_SOURCE_PATH'] = '/bitrix/admin/translate_show_php.php';
if (empty($params['EDIT_SOURCE_PATH']))
$params['EDIT_SOURCE_PATH'] = '/bitrix/admin/translate_edit_php.php';
$params['SET_TITLE'] = isset($params['SET_TITLE']) ? $params['SET_TITLE'] === 'Y' : true;
$this->arResult['IS_AJAX_REQUEST'] = $this->isAjaxRequest();
$this->arResult['ALLOW_VIEW'] = $this->hasUserPermissionView($this->getUser());
$this->arResult['ALLOW_EDIT'] = $this->hasUserPermissionEdit($this->getUser());
$this->arResult['ALLOW_EDIT_SOURCE'] = $this->hasUserPermissionEditSource($this->getUser());
* Moves current language to the first position.
* @param string[] $languageList
* @param string $currentLangId
* @return string[]
protected function rearrangeLanguages($languageList, $currentLangId)
$inx = \array_search($currentLangId, $languageList, true);
if ($inx !== false)
\array_unshift($languageList, $currentLangId);
return $languageList;
* @return string[]
protected function getLanguages()
static $languagesList;
if (empty($languagesList))
$languagesList = Translate\Config::getEnabledLanguages();
return $languagesList;
* Returns list of language names from the site settings.
* @param string[] $languageIds Languages list to get name.
* @return array
protected function getLanguagesTitle($languageIds)
$titles = Translate\Config::getLanguagesTitle($languageIds);
array_walk($titles, function(&$title, $langId) { $title = "{$title} ({$langId})"; });
return $titles;
* Return languages compatible by their encoding.
* @return string[]
protected function getCompatibleLanguages()
static $languages = array();
if (empty($languages))
$currentEncoding = Localization\Translation::getCurrentEncoding();
$currentLang = Loc::getCurrentLang();
$limitEncoding = !($currentEncoding == 'utf-8' || Localization\Translation::useTranslationRepository());
$isEncodingCompatible = function ($langId) use ($limitEncoding, $currentEncoding, $currentLang)
$compatible = true;
if ($limitEncoding)
$compatible = (
$langId == $currentLang ||
Translate\Config::getCultureEncoding($langId) == $currentEncoding ||
$langId == 'en'
return $compatible;
$enabledLanguages = $this->getLanguages();
foreach ($enabledLanguages as $langId)
if ($limitEncoding && !$isEncodingCompatible($langId))
$languages[] = $langId;
return $languages;
* @return string
protected function detectTabId()
$tabId = $this->request->get('tabId');
if (!empty($tabId) && (int)$tabId > 0)
$this->tabId = (int)$tabId;
elseif ($this->isAjaxRequest())
$this->tabId = Translate\Filter::getTabId(false);
$this->tabId = Translate\Filter::getTabId();
return $this->tabId;
* @return string
protected function detectStartingPath(?string $path = ''): string
$home = Translate\Config::getDefaultPath();
$initPaths = Translate\Config::getInitPath();
if (count($initPaths) > 0)
$home = $initPaths[0];
if (!empty($path))
foreach ($initPaths as $initPath)
if (\mb_strpos($path, $initPath) === 0)
$home = $initPath;
return $home;
* Returns component calling params by reference.
* @return array
public function &getParams()
return $this->arParams;
* Returns component resulting array by reference.
* @return array
public function &getResult()
return $this->arResult;
* @return \CUser
protected function getUser()
/** @global \CUser $USER */
global $USER;
return $USER;
* @return \CMain
protected function getApplication()
/** @global \CMain $APPLICATION */
* Returns whether this is an AJAX (XMLHttpRequest) request.
* @return boolean
protected function isAjaxRequest()
($this->request->isAjaxRequest() || $this->request->get('AJAX_CALL') !== null) &&
$this->request->getRequestMethod() == 'POST';
* Sends Json response to client.
* @param array|object|Main\Error $response Response to send.
* @throws Main\ArgumentException
* @return void
protected function sendJsonResponse($response)
$answer = Main\Application::getInstance()->getContext()->getResponse();
if ($response instanceof Main\Error)
$response = array();
$response['result'] = true;
if ($this->hasErrors())
$answer->setStatus('500 Internal Server Error');
$response['status'] = self::STATUS_ERROR;
$errors = array();
foreach ($this->getErrors() as $error)
/** @var Main\Error $error */
$errors[] = array(
'message' => $error->getMessage(),
'code' => $error->getCode(),
$response['result'] = false;
$response['errors'] = $errors;
elseif (!isset($response['status']))
$response['status'] = self::STATUS_SUCCESS;
$answer->addHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-javascript; charset=UTF-8');
echo Main\Web\Json::encode($response);
* Drops saved options.
* @param string $category Group option name.
* @param string $nameMask Option name mask.
* @return void
protected function clearSavedOptions($category, $nameMask)
$res = \CUserOptions::getList(false,['CATEGORY' => $category, 'USER_ID' => $this->getUser()->getId(), 'NAME_MASK' => $nameMask]);
while ($opt = $res->fetch())
\CUserOptions::deleteOption($category, $opt['NAME']);
* Finds way to get back.
* @param string $path Path to analise.
* @return string
protected function detectPathBack($path)
static $pathBackCache = array();;
if (!isset($pathBackCache[$path]))
$pathBack = \dirname($path);
$slash = \explode('/', $pathBack);
if (\is_array($slash))
$slashTmp = $slash;
$langKey = \array_search('lang', $slash) + 1;
if ($langKey == \count($slash) - 1)
$pathBack = \implode('/', $slash);
$pathBackCache[$path] = $pathBack;
return $pathBackCache[$path];
* Get data for chain links.
* @param string $path Path to analise.
* @return array
protected function generateChainLinks($path)
static $chainCache = [];
if (!isset($chainCache[$path]))
$params =& $this->getParams();
$chain = array();
$slash = \explode('/', \dirname($path));
if (\is_array($slash))
$langKey = \array_search('lang', $slash) + 1;
$slash[$langKey] = $params['CURRENT_LANG'];
if ($langKey == \count($slash) - 1)
$i = 0;
$pathList = array();
foreach ($slash as $dir)
if ($i == 1)
$chain[] = array(
'link' => $params['LIST_PATH'].
'title' => '..'
$pathList[] = \htmlspecialcharsbx($dir);
$chain[] = array(
'link' => $params['LIST_PATH'].
'&path=/'.\implode('/', $pathList).'/',
'title' => \htmlspecialcharsbx($dir)
$chainCache[$path] = $chain;
return $chainCache[$path];
public function getTopIndexedFolders(int $depth = 2): array
static $list;
if ($list === null)
$list = [0 => ''];
$res = Index\Internals\PathIndexTable::getList([
'select' => ['ID', 'PATH'],
'filter' => [
'=INDEXED' => 'Y',
'=IS_DIR' => 'Y',
'<=DEPTH_LEVEL' => $depth,
'order' => [
'PATH' => 'ASC',
while ($row = $res->fetch())
$list[$row['ID']] = $row['PATH'];
return $list;