Your IP :
namespace Bitrix\Translate\IO;
use Bitrix\Main;
use Bitrix\Translate;
class CsvFile
extends Translate\IO\File
// fields type with delimiter,
public const FIELDS_TYPE_FIXED_WIDTH = 'F';
// fields type fixed width
public const ERROR_32K_FIELD_LENGTH = '32k_field_length';
* fields type
* @var string
protected $fieldsType = self::FIELDS_TYPE_WITH_DELIMITER;
// field delimiter
public const DELIMITER_TAB = "\t";
public const DELIMITER_ZPT = ',';
public const DELIMITER_SPS = ' ';
public const DELIMITER_TZP = ';';
* field delimiter
* @var string
protected $fieldDelimiter = self::DELIMITER_TZP;
// UTF-8 Byte-Order Mark
public const BOM_TYPE_UTF8 = "\xEF\xBB\xBF";
* UTF Byte-Order Mark.
* @var string
protected $bomMark = self::BOM_TYPE_UTF8;
* First bites is file are the Byte-Order Mark.
* @var bool
protected $hasBom = false;
public const LINE_DELIMITER_WIN = "\r\n";
public const LINE_DELIMITER_UNIX = "\r";
* line delimiter
* @var string
protected $rowDelimiter = self::LINE_DELIMITER_WIN;
* array of delimiters positions in fixed width case
* @var array
protected $widthMap = [];
* The first row is columns titles.
* @var bool
protected $firstHeader = false;
* File length.
* @var string
private $fileSize;
* Current file position for fetch.
* @var int
private $currentPosition = 0;
/** @var string */
private $buffer = '';
/** @var int */
private $bufferPosition = 0;
/** @var int */
private $bufferSize = 0;
* Opens file for reading.
* @return bool
public function openLoad(): bool
if ($this->isExists())
$this->fileSize = $this->getSize();
return $this->isExists() && $this->isReadable();
* Opens file for writing.
* @param string $mode File writing mode.
* @see \Bitrix\Main\IO\FileStreamOpenMode
* @return bool
public function openWrite(string $mode = Main\IO\FileStreamOpenMode::WRITE): bool
if (\is_resource($this->filePointer))
if ($mode === Main\IO\FileStreamOpenMode::WRITE)
$this->fileSize = 0;
if ($this->hasBom)
$this->fileSize = $this->write($this->bomMark);
$this->fileSize = $this->getSize();
return true;
return false;
* Sets UTF Byte-Order Mark.
* @param string $mark BOM mark.
* @return self
public function setUtf8Bom(string $mark = self::BOM_TYPE_UTF8): self
$this->bomMark = $mark;
return $this;
* Tells true if UTF Byte-Order Mark exists in the file.
* @return bool
public function hasUtf8Bom(): bool
return $this->hasBom;
* Sets if UTF-8 Byte-Order Mark exists.
* @param bool $exists Flag value to setup.
* @return self
public function prefaceWithUtf8Bom(bool $exists = true): self
$this->hasBom = $exists;
return $this;
* Measures byte length of the string.
* @param string $data
* @return int
protected function getStringByteLength(string $data): int
return \mb_strlen($data, '8bit');
* Check UTF-8 Byte-Order Mark
* @return bool
public function checkUtf8Bom(): bool
$bom = $this->read($this->getStringByteLength($this->bomMark));
if($bom === $this->bomMark)
$this->hasBom = true;
if ($this->hasBom)
return $this->hasBom;
* Set fields type.
* @param string $fieldsType Type.
* @return self
public function setFieldsType(string $fieldsType = self::FIELDS_TYPE_WITH_DELIMITER): self
$this->fieldsType =
return $this;
* Sets up delimiter character.
* @param string $fieldDelimiter Char.
* @return self
public function setFieldDelimiter(string $fieldDelimiter = self::DELIMITER_TZP): self
$this->fieldDelimiter = (\mb_strlen($fieldDelimiter) > 1 ? \mb_substr($fieldDelimiter, 0, 1) : $fieldDelimiter);
return $this;
* Sets up row delimiter character.
* @param string $rowDelimiter Char.
* @return self
public function setRowDelimiter(string $rowDelimiter = self::LINE_DELIMITER_WIN): self
$this->rowDelimiter = $rowDelimiter;
return $this;
* Sets first row as a header.
* @param bool $firstHeader Flag.
* @return self
public function setFirstHeader(bool $firstHeader = false): self
$this->firstHeader = $firstHeader;
return $this;
* Tells true if first row is a header.
* @return bool
public function getFirstHeader(): bool
return $this->firstHeader;
* Sets up fields widths.
* @param int[] $mapFields Fields widths.
* @return self
public function setWidthMap(array $mapFields): self
$this->widthMap = [];
for ($i = 0, $n = \count($mapFields); $i < $n; $i++)
$this->widthMap[$i] = (int)$mapFields[$i];
return $this;
* Fetches data row as delimited columns.
* @return array|null
protected function fetchDelimiter(): ?array
$isInside = false;
$str = '';
$result = [];
while ($this->currentPosition <= $this->fileSize)
$ch = $this->buffer[$this->bufferPosition];
if ($ch === "\r" || $ch === "\n")
if (!$isInside)
while ($this->currentPosition <= $this->fileSize)
$ch = $this->buffer[$this->bufferPosition];
if ($ch !== "\r" && $ch !== "\n")
if ($this->firstHeader)
$this->firstHeader = false;
$result = [];
$str = '';
$result[] = $str;
return $result;
elseif ($ch === "\"")
if (!$isInside)
$isInside = true;
if ($this->buffer[$this->bufferPosition] !== "\"")
$isInside = false;
elseif ($ch === $this->fieldDelimiter)
if (!$isInside)
$result[] = $str;
$str = '';
//inline "call"
$this->currentPosition ++;
$this->bufferPosition ++;
if ($this->bufferPosition >= $this->bufferSize)
$this->buffer = $this->read(1024 * 1024);
$this->bufferSize = $this->getStringByteLength($this->buffer);
$this->bufferPosition = 0;
$str .= $ch;
if ($str !== '')
$result[] = $str;
if ($result === [])
$result = null;
return $result;
* Fetches data row as fixed width columns.
* @return array|null
protected function fetchWidth(): ?array
$str = '';
$ind = 1;
$jnd = 0;
$result = [];
while ($this->currentPosition <= $this->fileSize)
$ch = $this->buffer[$this->bufferPosition];
if ($ch === "\r" || $ch === "\n")
while ($this->currentPosition <= $this->fileSize)
$ch = $this->buffer[$this->bufferPosition];
if ($ch !== "\r" && $ch !== "\n")
if ($this->firstHeader)
$this->firstHeader = false;
$result = [];
$ind = 1;
$str = '';
$result[] = $str;
return $result;
if ($ind === $this->widthMap[$jnd])
$result[] = $str. $ch;
$str = '';
$ind ++;
$jnd ++;
//inline "call"
$this->currentPosition ++;
$this->bufferPosition ++;
if($this->bufferPosition >= $this->bufferSize)
$this->buffer = $this->read( 1024 * 1024);
$this->bufferSize = $this->getStringByteLength($this->buffer);
$this->bufferPosition = 0;
$ind ++;
$str .= $ch;
if ($str !== '')
$result[] = $str;
if ($result === [])
$result = null;
return $result;
* Fetch data row.
* @return array|null
public function fetch(): ?array
if ($this->fieldsType === self::FIELDS_TYPE_WITH_DELIMITER)
if ($this->fieldDelimiter === '')
return null;
return $this->fetchDelimiter();
if (empty($this->widthMap))
return null;
return $this->fetchWidth();
* Moves reading position and reads file into buffer.
* @return void
protected function incrementCurrentPosition(): void
$this->currentPosition ++;
$this->bufferPosition ++;
if ($this->bufferPosition >= $this->bufferSize)
$this->buffer = $this->read( 1024 * 1024);
$this->bufferSize = $this->getStringByteLength($this->buffer);
$this->bufferPosition = 0;
* Moves reading position to the first byte.
* @return void
public function moveFirst(): void
* Returns reading position.
* @return int
public function getPos(): int
return $this->currentPosition;
* Sets new reading position.
* @param int $position Reading position.
* @return void
public function setPos(int $position = 0): void
if ($position <= $this->fileSize)
$this->currentPosition = $position;
$this->currentPosition = $this->fileSize;
$pos = $this->currentPosition;
$pos += 3;
$this->buffer = $this->read(1024 * 1024);
$this->bufferSize = $this->getStringByteLength($this->buffer);
$this->bufferPosition = 0;
* Writes data fields into file as row.
* @param array $fields Data field.
* @return bool
public function put(array $fields): bool
$length = false;
$throw32KWarning = false;
if ($this->fieldsType == self::FIELDS_TYPE_WITH_DELIMITER)
$content = '';
for ($i = 0, $n = \count($fields); $i < $n; $i++)
if ($i>0)
$content .= $this->fieldDelimiter;
//$pos1 = strpos($fields[$i], $this->fieldDelimiter);
//$pos2 = $pos1 || strpos($fields[$i], "\"");
//$pos3 = $pos2 || strpos($fields[$i], "\n");
//$pos4 = $pos3 || strpos($fields[$i], "\r");
//if ($pos1 !== false || $pos2 !== false || $pos3 !== false || $pos4 !== false)
if ($fields[$i] === null)
$fields[$i] = '';
elseif (\preg_match("#[\"\n\r]+#".\BX_UTF_PCRE_MODIFIER, $fields[$i]))
$fields[$i] = \str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $fields[$i]);
//$fields[$i] = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $fields[$i]);
$content .= "\"";
$content .= $fields[$i];
$content .= "\"";
// ms excel las limitation with total number of characters that a cell can contain 32767 characters
if ($throw32KWarning !== true && $this->getStringByteLength($fields[$i]) > 32767)
$throw32KWarning = true;
if ($content !== '')
$content .= $this->rowDelimiter;
$length = $this->write($content);
if ($length !== false)
$this->fileSize += $length;
// todo: $this->fieldsType == self::FIELDS_TYPE_FIXED_WIDTH
if ($throw32KWarning)
if (!$this->hasError(self::ERROR_32K_FIELD_LENGTH))
$this->addError(new Main\Error(
'Excel has limit when the total number of characters that a cell can contain is 32767 characters.',
return ($length !== false);