Your IP :
# apt_pipelining (configure Acquire::http::Pipeline-Depth)
# Default: disables HTTP pipelining. Certain web servers, such
# as S3 do not pipeline properly (LP: #948461).
# Valid options:
# False/default: Disables pipelining for APT
# None/Unchanged: Use OS default
# Number: Set pipelining to some number (not recommended)
apt_pipelining: False
## apt config via system_info:
# under the 'system_info', you can customize cloud-init's interaction
# with apt.
# system_info:
# apt_get_command: [command, argument, argument]
# apt_get_upgrade_subcommand: dist-upgrade
# apt_get_command:
# To specify a different 'apt-get' command, set 'apt_get_command'.
# This must be a list, and the subcommand (update, upgrade) is appended to it.
# default is:
# ['apt-get', '--option=Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold',
# '--option=Dpkg::options::=--force-unsafe-io', '--assume-yes', '--quiet']
# apt_get_upgrade_subcommand: "dist-upgrade"
# Specify a different subcommand for 'upgrade. The default is 'dist-upgrade'.
# This is the subcommand that is invoked for package_upgrade.
# apt_get_wrapper:
# command: eatmydata
# enabled: [True, False, "auto"]
# Install additional packages on first boot
# Default: none
# if packages are specified, then package_update will be set to true
packages: ['pastebinit']
# The apt config consists of two major "areas".
# On one hand there is the global configuration for the apt feature.
# On one hand (down in this file) there is the source dictionary which allows
# to define various entries to be considered by apt.
# Section 1: global apt configuration
# The following examples number the top keys to ease identification in
# discussions.
# 1.1 preserve_sources_list
# Preserves the existing /etc/apt/sources.list
# Default: false - do overwrite sources_list. If set to true then any
# "mirrors" configuration will have no effect.
# Set to true to avoid affecting sources.list. In that case only
# "extra" source specifications will be written into
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
preserve_sources_list: true
# 1.2 disable_suites
# This is an empty list by default, so nothing is disabled.
# If given, those suites are removed from sources.list after all other
# modifications have been made.
# Suites are even disabled if no other modification was made,
# but not if is preserve_sources_list is active.
# There is a special alias "$RELEASE" as in the sources that will be replace
# by the matching release.
# To ease configuration and improve readability the following common ubuntu
# suites will be automatically mapped to their full definition.
# updates => $RELEASE-updates
# backports => $RELEASE-backports
# security => $RELEASE-security
# proposed => $RELEASE-proposed
# release => $RELEASE
# There is no harm in specifying a suite to be disabled that is not found in
# the source.list file (just a no-op then)
# Note: Lines don't get deleted, but disabled by being converted to a comment.
# The following example disables all usual defaults except $RELEASE-security.
# On top it disables a custom suite called "mysuite"
disable_suites: [$RELEASE-updates, backports, $RELEASE, mysuite]
# 1.3 primary/security archives
# Default: none - instead it is auto select based on cloud metadata
# so if neither "uri" nor "search", nor "search_dns" is set (the default)
# then use the mirror provided by the DataSource found.
# In EC2, that means using <region>
# define a custom (e.g. localized) mirror that will be used in sources.list
# and any custom sources entries for deb / deb-src lines.
# One can set primary and security mirror to different uri's
# the child elements to the keys primary and secondary are equivalent
# arches is list of architectures the following config applies to
# the special keyword "default" applies to any architecture not explicitly
# listed.
- arches: [amd64, i386, default]
# uri is just defining the target as-is
# via search one can define lists that are tried one by one.
# The first with a working DNS resolution (or if it is an IP) will be
# picked. That way one can keep one configuration for multiple
# subenvironments that select the working one.
# if no mirror is provided by uri or search but 'search_dns' is
# true, then search for dns names '<distro>-mirror' in each of
# - fqdn of this host per cloud metadata
# - localdomain
# - no domain (which would search domains listed in /etc/resolv.conf)
# If there is a dns entry for <distro>-mirror, then it is assumed that
# there is a distro mirror at http://<distro>-mirror.<domain>/<distro>
# That gives the cloud provider the opportunity to set mirrors of a distro
# up and expose them only by creating dns entries.
# if none of that is found, then the default distro mirror is used
search_dns: true
# If multiple of a category are given
# 1. uri
# 2. search
# 3. search_dns
# the first defining a valid mirror wins (in the order as defined here,
# not the order as listed in the config).
# Additionally, if the repository requires a custom signing key, it can be
# specified via the same fields as for custom sources:
# 'keyid': providing a key to import via shortid or fingerprint
# 'key': providing a raw PGP key
# 'keyserver': specify an alternate keyserver to pull keys from that
# were specified by keyid
- arches: [s390x, arm64]
# as above, allowing to have one config for different per arch mirrors
# security is optional, if not defined it is set to the same value as primary
- uri:
arches: [default]
# If search_dns is set for security the searched pattern is:
# <distro>-security-mirror
# if no mirrors are specified at all, or all lookups fail it will try
# to get them from the cloud datasource and if those neither provide one fall
# back to:
# primary:
# security:
# 1.4 sources_list
# Provide a custom template for rendering sources.list
# without one provided cloud-init uses builtin templates for
# ubuntu and debian.
# Within these sources.list templates you can use the following replacement
# variables (all have sane Ubuntu defaults, but mirrors can be overwritten
# as needed (see above)):
sources_list: | # written by cloud-init custom template
deb $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricted
deb-src $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricted
deb $PRIMARY $RELEASE universe restricted
deb $SECURITY $RELEASE-security multiverse
# 1.5 conf
# Any apt config string that will be made available to apt
# see the APT.CONF(5) man page for details what can be specified
conf: | # APT config
Get {
Assume-Yes "true";
Fix-Broken "true";
# 1.6 (http_|ftp_|https_)proxy
# Proxies are the most common apt.conf option, so that for simplified use
# there is a shortcut for those. Those get automatically translated into the
# correct Acquire::*::Proxy statements.
# note: proxy actually being a short synonym to http_proxy
proxy: http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/
http_proxy: http://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/
ftp_proxy: ftp://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/
https_proxy: https://[[user][:pass]@]host[:port]/
# 1.7 add_apt_repo_match
# 'source' entries in apt-sources that match this python regex
# expression will be passed to add-apt-repository
# The following example is also the builtin default if nothing is specified
add_apt_repo_match: '^[\w-]+:\w'
# Section 2: source list entries
# This is a dictionary (unlike most block/net which are lists)
# The key of each source entry is the filename and will be prepended by
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ if it doesn't start with a '/'.
# If it doesn't end with .list it will be appended so that apt picks up its
# configuration.
# Whenever there is no content to be written into such a file, the key is
# not used as filename - yet it can still be used as index for merging
# configuration.
# The values inside the entries consist of the following optional entries:
# 'source': a sources.list entry (some variable replacements apply)
# 'keyid': providing a key to import via shortid or fingerprint
# 'key': providing a raw PGP key
# 'keyserver': specify an alternate keyserver to pull keys from that
# were specified by keyid
# This allows merging between multiple input files than a list like:
# cloud-config1
# sources:
# s1: {'key': 'key1', 'source': 'source1'}
# cloud-config2
# sources:
# s2: {'key': 'key2'}
# s1: {'keyserver': 'foo'}
# This would be merged to
# sources:
# s1:
# keyserver: foo
# key: key1
# source: source1
# s2:
# key: key2
# The following examples number the subfeatures per sources entry to ease
# identification in discussions.
# 2.1 source
# Creates a file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for the sources list entry
# based on the key: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/curtin-dev-ppa.list"
source: "deb bionic main"
# 2.2 keyid
# Importing a gpg key for a given key id. Used keyserver defaults to
keyid: F430BBA5 # GPG key ID published on a key server
# 2.3 PPA shortcut
# Setup correct apt sources.list line and Auto-Import the signing key
# from LP
# See for more information
# this requires 'add-apt-repository'. This will create a file in
# /etc/apt/sources.list.d automatically, therefore the key here is
# ignored as filename in those cases.
source: "ppa:curtin-dev/test-archive" # Quote the string
# 2.4 replacement variables
# sources can use $MIRROR, $PRIMARY, $SECURITY, $RELEASE and $KEY_FILE
# replacement variables.
# They will be replaced with the default or specified mirrors and the
# running release.
# The entry below would be possibly turned into:
# source: deb bionic multiverse
source: deb [signed-by=$KEY_FILE] $MIRROR $RELEASE multiverse
keyid: F430BBA5
# this would have the same end effect as 'ppa:curtin-dev/test-archive'
source: "deb bionic main"
keyid: F430BBA5 # GPG key ID published on the key server
filename: curtin-dev-ppa.list
# 2.5 key only
# this would only import the key without adding a ppa or other source spec
# since this doesn't generate a source.list file the filename key is ignored
keyid: F430BBA5 # GPG key ID published on a key server
# 2.6 key id alternatives
# Keyid's can also be specified via their long fingerprints
keyid: B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230 6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77
# 2.7 alternative keyservers
# One can also specify alternative keyservers to fetch keys from.
keyid: B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230 6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77
# 2.8 signed-by
# One can specify [signed-by=$KEY_FILE] in the source definition, which
# will make the key be installed in the directory /etc/cloud-init.gpg.d/
# and the $KEY_FILE replacement variable will be replaced with the path
# to the specified key. If $KEY_FILE is used, but no key is specified,
# apt update will (rightfully) fail due to an invalid value.
source: deb [signed-by=$KEY_FILE] $MIRROR $RELEASE multiverse
keyid: B59D 5F15 97A5 04B7 E230 6DCA 0620 BBCF 0368 3F77
# 2.9 raw key
# The apt signing key can also be specified by providing a pgp public key
# block. Providing the PGP key this way is the most robust method for
# specifying a key, as it removes dependency on a remote key server.
# As with keyid's this can be specified with or without some actual source
# content.
key: | # The value needs to start with -----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
Version: SKS 1.0.10