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<title>ProFTPD: Logging</title>
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<center><h2><b><i>ProFTPD: Logging</i></b></h2></center>
Logging the activity of the server is an integral part of effective server
administration. ProFTPD provides several different and flexing logging
mechanisms. When examining the different logging mechanisms, have in
mind the intended use of the logged data, the volume of data being logged,
any post-processing that may need to be done, <i>etc</i>. Log files are more
useful when they contain a complete record of server activity. It is often
easier to simply post-process the log files to remove requests that you do not
want to consider.
<b>Security Warning</b><br>
Anyone who can write to the directory where ProFTPD is writing a log file can
almost certainly gain access to the UID that the server is started under, which
is normally <code>root</code>. <b>Do not</b> give people write access to the
directory where the logs are stored without being aware of the consequences:
if the logs directory is writable (by a non-<code>root</code> user), someone
could replace a log file with a symlink to some other system file, and then
<code>root</code> might overwrite that file with arbitrary data. If the log
files themselves are writable (by a non-<code>root</code> user), then someone
may be able to overwrite the log itself with bogus data.
When opening log files, <code>proftpd</code> will by default log a warning if
the file being opened for logging is in a directory that does not exist, or
is world-writable. The log file will <b>not</b> be written in world-writable
directories; there are no exceptions. (If you have configured log files in
your <code>proftpd.conf</code> that are not appearing, check for the warnings
about world-writable directories.) The <code>proftpd</code> process will also,
by default, log a warning if the file given is a symlink; this symlink check
can be configured via the <a href="../modules/mod_log.html#AllowLogSymlinks"><code>AllowLogSymlinks</code></a> directive.
In addition, log files may contain information supplied directly by the client,
without escaping. Therefore, it is possible for malicious clients to insert
control-characters in the log files, so care must be taken in dealing with
raw logs.
<p><a name="Syslog"></a>
<b>Unix <code>syslog</code> Logging</b><br>
By default, <code>proftpd</code> will log via <code>syslog(3)</code>, using
the <code>daemon</code> facility (<code>auth</code> for some logging),
at various levels: <code>err</code>, <code>notice</code>, <code>warn</code>,
<code>info</code>, and <code>debug</code> (debugging is done at this syslog
level). The location of the server's log files in this case is determined by
your <code>/etc/syslog.conf</code> configuration.
You can fine-tune your <code>proftpd</code>'s syslog-based logging via the
<a href="../modules/mod_core.html#SyslogFacility"><code>SyslogFacility</code></a> and <a href="../modules/mod_core.html#SyslogLevel"><code>SyslogLevel</code></a> directives. See the <a href="LogLevels.html">log level</a> documentation for
more details on these settings.
<p><a name="LogFiles"></a>
<b>Log Files</b><br>
There are three main types of logs that a <code>proftpd</code> daemon can
generate: <code>TransferLog</code>, <code>SystemLog</code>, and
<p><a name="TransferLog"></a>
A <a href="../modules/mod_core.html#TransferLog"><code>TransferLog</code></a>
is the most common log kept, recording file transfers. It is written in the
<code>xferlog(5)</code> format, described here, <b>and</b> in the
<code>xferlog(5)</code> man page.
Each entry in the <code>TransferLog</code> is a single line of space-delimited
<table border=1 summary="TransferLog Fields">
<td> <b>Field</b></td>
<td> <b>Values</b></td>
<td> <b>Description</b></td>
<td> <em>current-time</em></td>
<td> DDD MMM dd hh:mm:ss YYYY</td>
<td> Current <b>local</b> time at the time of transfer</td>
<td> <em>transfer-time</em></td>
<td> Seconds</td>
<td> Total time in <b>seconds</b> for the transfer</td>
<td> <em>remote-host</em></td>
<td> String</td>
<td> Remote client DNS name (or IP address)</td>
<td> <em>file-size</em></td>
<td> Bytes</td>
<td> Number of bytes transferred</td>
<td> <em>filename</em></td>
<td> String</td>
<td> Name of the transferred file</td>
<td> <em>transfer-type</em></td>
<td> Flags</td>
<td> Indicates whether the transfer was an ASCII (<code>"a"</code>) or
binary (<code>"b"</code>) transfer</td>
<td> <em>special-action-flag</em></td>
<td> Flags</td>
<td> One or more single character indicating any special action taken: "C" (compressed), "U" (uncompressed), "T" (tarred), "_" (no action)</td>
<td> <em>direction</em></td>
<td> Flags</td>
<td> Direction of the transfer: "o" (outgoing, <i>i.e.</i> download), "i" (incoming, <i>i.e.</i> upload), "d" (deleted)</td>
<td> <em>access-mode</em></td>
<td> Flags</td>
<td> Method by which the user is logged in: "a" (anonymous), "g" (guest), "r" (real user)</td>
<td> <em>username</em></td>
<td> String</td>
<td> Authenticated username</td>
<td> <em>service-name</em></td>
<td> String</td>
<td> Name of the service used: "ftp", "sftp", "scp", <i>etc</i></td>
<td> <em>authentication-method</em></td>
<td> Flags</td>
<td> Method of authentication used: "0" (none), "1" (<a href="">RFC 1413</a>)</td>
<td> <em>authenticated-user-id</em></td>
<td> Flags</td>
<td> Name of user provided by RFC 1413 lookup, otherwise "*"</td>
<td> <em>completion-status</em></td>
<td> Flags</td>
<td> Single character indicating the status of the transfer: "c" (complete), "i" (incomplete)</td>
<b>History of the <code>xferlog(5)</code> Format</b><br>
This xferlog(5) format seems a bit odd, right? To understand this, it helps
to keep in mind the history of this format. The xferlog(5) format
<b>predates</b> ProFTPD. The ProFTPD Project copied this format from
<a href="">wu-ftpd</a>, which
was <em>the</em> popular FTP server at that time. There were already existing
tools/scripts which knew how to parse that format, so ProFTPD used it. Since
then, <code>wu-ftpd</code> has waned in maintenance and popularity; other
FTP servers (<i>e.g.</i> <code>pure-ftpd</code>, <code>vsftpd</code>, but
<b>not</b> the built-in <code>ftpd</code> on FreeBSD) have since then picked
up the <code>xferlog(5)</code> format from ProFTPD. Thus this log format has
a 20+ year history, and keeps going.
This history helps explain certain fields in the <code>xferlog(5)</code>
format, such as the <em>authentication-method</em> and
<em>authenticated-user-id</em> fields. These fields were more relevant in
the past, when the RFC 1413 Identd protocol was more widespread in use. Now,
<b>very</b> few sites run <code>identd</code> servers; these fields in the
log format are thus archaic. Thus in almost all ProFTPD-generated
<code>TransferLog</code> entries, <em>authentication-method</em> will be "0",
and <em>authenticated-user-id</em> will be "*".
Likewise, the <em>special-action-flags</em> field mentions "compressed" and
"uncompressed" files; these flags specifically refer to the
<a href=""><code>compress</code></a>
Unix program, which used the ".Z" file extension. This compression utility
has been superceded with <i>e.g.</i> <code>gzip</code>, <code>bzip2</code>,
and others these days. Thus the <em>special-action-flags</em> field in
ProFTPD-generated <code>TransferLog</code> entries is almost always "_".
<p><a name="SystemLog"></a>
If the site administrator wants to have <code>proftpd</code> log its messages
to a file rather than going through <code>syslogd</code>, the
<a href="../modules/mod_log.html#SystemLog"><code>SystemLog</code></a>
configuration directive is the one to use. There is only one such file kept
for the entire daemon. See the
<a href="../modules/mod_log.html#ServerLog"><code>ServerLog</code></a>
directive for keeping a similar log on a per-vhost basis. Note that the
<a href="../modules/mod_core.html#DebugLevel"><code>DebugLevel</code></a>
directive only applies to <code>SystemLog</code> files; it does not materially
affect the syslog-based logging messages.
<p><a name="ExtendedLog"></a>
The <a href="../modules/mod_log.html#ExtendedLog"><code>ExtendedLog</code></a>
directive is used to create log files of a very flexible and configurable
format, and to have granular control over what is logged, and when. The format
of an <code>ExtendedLog</code> is described using the
<a href="../modules/mod_log.html#LogFormat">LogFormat</a> directive.
Multiple <code>ExtendedLogs</code> can be configured, each with a different
<!-- Add note/chunk about FTP response codes, from RFC959, for ExtendedLog? -->
<p><a name="SyslogVSFileLog"></a>
<b>Use of <code>syslog</code> versus file logging</b><br>
Most sites will choose to have <code>proftpd</code> log via syslog (which is
the default) or to a file (via the <code>SystemLog</code> directive). In
either case, there is the question of logging <i>verbosity</i>, <i>i.e.</i>
which messages to log. This verbosity is determined by the
<a href="../modules/mod_core.html#SyslogLevel"><code>SyslogLevel</code></a>
directive. ProFTPD will log everything by default, meaning that the default
<code>SyslogLevel</code> is effectively <code>debug</code>. If, however, you
have your <code>proftpd</code> configured to log via syslog, then you
<i>should</i> also check your <code>/etc/syslog.conf</code> file, to see what
additional filtering of log messages is being applied by syslog. For example,
if <code>/etc/syslog.conf</code> contained something like:
# Log anything (except mail) of level info or higher.
*.info;mail.none;authpriv.none;cron.none /var/log/messages
then ProFTPD's log messages below the <code>info</code> level would be filtered
out <b>by syslog</b>. When you are using syslog logging, the
<code>SyslogLevel</code> configuration directive applies only to the proftpd
logging, and does not control the additional syslog filtering.
For finer-grained control of the <code>debug</code> level log messages, ProFTPD
internally implements different levels for its <code>debug</code> log messages.
Currently ProFTPD has level 1 through level 10 <code>debug</code> messages.
The <a href="../modules/mod_core.html#DebugLevel"><code>DebugLevel</code></a>
directive is used control the verbosity/filtering of these messages. Since
these different debug levels are purely a ProFTPD convention, the
<code>DebugLevel</code> directive has no effect on syslog logging. Also, if
your <code>SyslogLevel</code> configuration uses a level higher than
<code>debug</code>, then the <code>DebugLevel</code> configuration will have
no effect — your <code>debug</code> level messages are already filtered
out by the <code>SyslogLevel</code> filtering.
The last point to mention is that the
<a href="../modules/mod_core.html#SyslogFacility"><code>SyslogFacility</code></a> directive only applies to syslog logging; it has no effect on file logging.
<p><a name="LogAnalysis"></a>
<b>Log Analysis</b><br>
There are a variety of log analyzers available; these are just a few:
<li>Webalizer: <a href=""></a>
<li>HTTP-analyze: <a href=""></a>
<li>Analog: <a href=""></a>
<li>Report Magic: <a href=""></a>
<li>FTPWeblog: <a href=""></a>
<p><a name="LogRotation"></a>
<b>Log Rotation</b><br>
On even a moderately busy server, the quantity of information stored in the log
files is very large. It will consequently be necessary to periodically rotate
the log files by moving or deleting the existing logs. This cannot be done
while the server is running, because the daemon will continue writing to the
old log file as long as it holds the file open. Instead, the server must be
<a href="Stopping.html">restarted</a> after the log files are moved or deleted
so that it will open new log files.
Another way to perform log rotation is using <a href="#FIFOs">FIFOs</a> as
discussed in the next section.
<p><a name="FIFOs"></a>
<b>FIFOs (<i>a.k.a.</i> named pipes)</b><br>
ProFTPD is capable of writing log files to FIFOs, from which another
process can read. Use of this capability dramatically increases the
flexibility of logging, without adding code to the main server. In order to
write logs to a pipe, simply create the FIFO at the desired path
(<code>man mkfifo(1)</code>), and use that path in the logging configuration
One important use of piped logs is to allow log rotation without having to
restart the server. One such popular flexible log rotation program is
<a href="">cronolog</a>;
however, at present cronolog requires a small patch to enable it to read
from a FIFO (by default, cronolog reads data from stdin). Please contact
the author of this article for details concerning the patch.
Here's an example of FIFO-based logging script, based on one posted by Michael
use strict;
use File::Basename qw(basename);
use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);
my $program = basename($0);
my $fifo = '/var/log/proftpd-log.fifo';
my $syslog_facility = 'daemon';
my $syslog_level = 'info';
open(FIFO, "< $fifo") or die "$program: unable to open $fifo: $!\n";
setlogsock 'unix';
openlog($program, 'pid', $syslog_facility);
syslog($syslog_level, $_) while (<FIFO>);
exit 0;
More complex filtering can be added to such scripts.
If using FIFOs, there are some caveats to keep in mind. If you use in
<code>init.d</code> script to start <code>standalone</code> daemons, you can
add commands to start the FIFO logging programs first, before the daemon.
For <code>inetd</code>-run servers, consider wrapping up the necessary
commands for starting a FIFO reader and the server into a simple shell
script, or simply run the FIFO-reading program from an <code>init.d</code>
script, and save the overhead of starting that process, in addition to the
<code>proftpd</code> process, for each FTP session.
FIFO-based log readers are a very powerful tool, but they should not be
used where a simpler solution like off-line post-processing is available.
<b>Note</b>: In ProFTPD 1.3.3, the code was changed to use nonblocking
<code>open(2)</code> system calls when opening log files. This was done to
prevent a <code>proftpd</code> process from blocking indefinitely
(<i>i.e.</i> "hanging") if the log file was a FIFO, and there was no FIFO
reader process running when the log file was opened. However, some sites
<i>do</i> want this blocking open behavior, as their FIFO reader processes
may be temporarily busy. To get the pre-1.3.3 blocking behavior, you will
need to compile proftpd using the <code>--disable-nonblocking-log-open</code>
configure option.
<p><a name="SQLLogging"></a>
<b>SQL Logging</b><br>
The <code>mod_sql</code> module also enables some powerful and complex
logging capabilities...
<p><a name="TraceLogging"></a>
<b>Trace Logging</b><br>
ProFTPD also supports a much more verbose form of logging called "trace
logging". This form of logging is covered in greater detail
<a href="Tracing.html">here</a>.
<p><a name="PidFile"></a>
<b>Pid File</b><br>
On startup, <code>proftpd</code> saves the process ID of the parent daemon
process to the file <code>var/proftpd/</code>. This filename can be
changed with the <a href="../modules/mod_core.html#PidFile"><code>PidFile</code></a> directive. The process ID (<i>aka</i> PID) is for use by the administrator
in restarting and terminating the daemon by sending signals to the parent
process. For more information see the <a href="Stopping.html">stopping and
starting</a> page.
<b>Scoreboard File</b><br>
The last type of "logging" is done via the scoreboard file. The
scoreboard is binary-formatted file the server uses to store information
about each session; it is this file that is read by <code>ftptop</code>,
<code>ftpwho</code> and <code>ftpcount</code>. The location for the
scoreboard file is determined by the
<a href="../modules/mod_core.html#ScoreboardFile"><code>ScoreboardFile</code></a> directive.
<p><a name="FAQ"></a>
<b>Frequently Asked Questions</b><br>
<font color=red>Question</font>: How can I direct the <code>TransferLog</code>
logging to syslog?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: It is not currently possible to configure
proftpd to log <code>TransferLog</code> data to syslog. <b>However</b>, you
<i>can</i> configure an <code>ExtendedLog</code> which logs to syslog, and
which uses a <code>LogFormat</code> to log the data you wish. For example:
LogFormat xfer "%h %l %u %t\"%r\" %s %b"
ExtendedLog syslog:notice xfer
tells proftpd to log that <code>LogFormat</code> via syslog at the "notice"
syslog level.
<font color=red>Question</font>: I have <code>SystemLog</code> in my
<code>proftpd.conf</code>, and when I use the <code>SyslogLevel</code> directive
to try to filter the messages which <code>proftpd</code> logs to my
<code>SystemLog</code>, it doesn't work. Why not?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: When ProFTPD is configured to log everything
to a file via the <code>SystemLog</code> directive, it will do just that:
log <i>everything</i>, without any filtering, regardless of any
<code>SyslogLevel</code> directive. <b>However</b>, this changed in
ProFTPD 1.3.4rc1: in that release, the <code>SyslogLevel</code> directive was
made to apply to file-based logging as well.
<font color=red>Question</font>: I configured my <code>ExtendedLog</code>
directive (or <code>SystemLog</code>, or other logs) to point to a FIFO.
The FIFO path exists. But when I try to start <code>proftpd</code>, it
fails to start with this error:
unable to open ExtendedLog '/path/to/extlog.fifo': No such device or address
Shouldn't this work?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: The "No such device or address" error occurs
when you configure <code>proftpd</code> to log to a FIFO, <b>and</b> the
FIFO reader process has not yet been started. In times past,
<code>proftpd</code> would wait indefinitely on startup, waiting for the FIFO
reader process to start; now, <code>proftpd</code> tries to open the FIFO
in a nonblocking mode, so that it can fail immediately if there is no process
on the other end of the FIFO.
The "fix" is to make sure that any FIFO reader processes are started
<i>before</i> starting <code>proftpd</code>.
<font color=red>Question</font>: How can I configure <code>proftpd</code> so
that <b>nothing</b> is logged for certain clients/IP addresses?<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: Using a combination of <a href="Classes.html">classes</a> and the <a href="../contrib/mod_ifsession.html"><code>mod_ifsession</code></a> module, this can be done using a configuration like this:
<Class invisible>
<IfClass invisible>
# Disable all logging of these clients
SystemLog none
ExtendedLog /path/to/ext.log NONE
TransferLog none
<font color=red>Question</font>: How can I configure <code>proftpd</code> so
that it does <em>no logging at all</em>? I have a very small embedded system
for development/testing, and so do not need or want the logging.<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: To do this, you will need to disable much
of the builtin, default logging that <code>proftpd</code> does, <i>e.g.</i>:
# Discard the normal logging
SystemLog none
# Disable xferlog(5) logging
TransferLog none
# Disable logging to b/u/wtmp files
WtmpLog off
In addition, you may need to go through your <code>proftpd.conf</code> file
(as well as any <code>Include</code> config files), and remove all
<code>ExtendedLog</code> and <code>TraceLog</code> directives. Also remove
any per-module <code><i>*</i>Log</code> directives like <code>BanLog</code>,
<code>SFTPLog</code>, <code>SQLLogFile</code>, <code>TLSLog</code>, <i>etc</i>.
You might be tempted to symlink the log files configured to
<code>/dev/null</code>, rather than changing the <code>proftpd.conf</code>.
This approach can work, <b><i>if you also use the <code>AllowLogSymlinks</code> directive</i></b>, <i>i.e.</i>:
# Allow proftpd to write logs to symlinks; note that this is insecure,
# as the symlinks might be changed to point to other files such that
# proftpd will overwrite them.
AllowLogSymlinks on
<font color=red>Question</font>: I see:
wtmp /var/log/wtmp: No such file or directory
in my logs. What is <code>WtmpLog</code> logging? The description in the
documentation is quite vague.<br>
<font color=blue>Answer</font>: The <code>wtmp</code> logging support is
<b>not</b> specific to <code>proftpd</code>, and instead is a more general Unix
facility; this is why the ProFTPD documentation does not cover it in great
detail. To learn more about <code>wtmp</code> (or any of its other
incarnations: <code>wtmpx</code>, <code>utmp</code>, <code>utmpx</code>),
please find their related man pages.
Now to make the "No such file or directory" log message go away, simply tell
<code>proftpd</code> to stop trying to use <code>wtmp</code> logging by using
the <a href="../modules/mod_auth.html#WtmpLog"><code>WtmpLog</code></a>
WtmpLog off
in your <code>proftpd.conf</code>.
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